FBI just seized the cell phone of House Freedom Caucus chair, Scott Perry, pursuant to a search warrant this afternoon....FBI just getting warmed up.

It is simply amazing how little you know.
Go fuck yourself...

I am a retired Law Enforcement Officer. What just occurred was illegal.

There are now two possible outcomes. 1. They will indict Trump, but this has already been debunked. they have nothing or they would have already arrested him. The only other option (2.) is the Impeachment and removal of both Garland at the DOJ and Wray at the FBI for this gross misconduct. And then criminal indictments for the abuse of authority. This goes all the way to Biden as he knew what was being planned. If you don't think so, you are an ignorant fool.

People high up in the FBI chain are pissed that they were misused by the DOJ and Biden... There are already whistleblowers telling us that they had NO PROBABLE CAUSE... This thing is blowing up...
It's obvious that the lifetime bureaucrats are scared to death of Trump being re-elected.
You assholes decided your guy won and you don't have to listen to any evidence to the contrary.
WHAT evidence to the contrary? There's NONE. You loudmouth magaturd assholes have zero. Your grievances are meaningless and are thus maligned. Your tribe lost. Stop selling the stolen election horseshit. No one outside your cult is buying. I fart in your general direction.
Go fuck yourself...

I am a retired Law Enforcement Officer. What just occurred was illegal.

There are now two possible outcomes. 1. They will indict Trump, but this has already been debunked. they have nothing or they would have already arrested him. The only other option (2.) is the Impeachment and removal of both Garland at the DOJ and Wray at the FBI for this gross misconduct. And then criminal indictments for the abuse of authority. This goes all the way to Biden as he knew what was being planned. If you don't think so, you are an ignorant fool.

People high up in the FBI chain are pissed that they were misused by the DOJ and Biden... There are already whistleblowers telling us that they had NO PROBABLE CAUSE... This thing is blowing up...
Okay, internet cop.

How was the search warrant illegal?

Second, you options are just stupid.

Third, the WH did not direct this investigation and had no knowledge of the raid before it happened.

And lastly, just stop with the wingnut internet bullshit. Whistleblowers? Hilarious.
the criminal corrupted politicians who are our government officials
Let's just call a halt to the above corrosive uninformed conspiracy nonsense. It damages America. It damages our local governments.

Posters such as 'beagle9' above contribute to the internet/social media zeitgeist that harms us.
THLEY are the problem.

He thinks he is merely expressing his rightful opinion.
But it is an uninformed opinion propelled by corrosive partisan extremism.

MY local 'politicians' are, by and large, good people. I know my mayor well. He is a responsible civil servant. My township clerk is a woman with an extreme sense of responsibility towards her duties and the people she serves. I know my township supervisor and my county board well. I have cooperatively worked with them and am confident they are honest well-meaning people who take their positions seriously.

For some to exhibit QAnon jackassery by claiming all politicians are corrupt says more about those who shrill such vitriol than it does the actual civil servants they wish to slander.

Rob Blogoyovich...another one.
We can do better than that. Blogo was years ago.

Michael Madigan was one of the most power Democrats in Illinois. He was charged with racketeering and soliciting bribes this year by federal prosecutors.
Good lord, the slavish devotion to the orange roughy is just downright embarrassing.
Have you people all lost your friggin minds? :auiqs.jpg:

Good lord, the slavish devotion to the orange roughy is just downright embarrassing.
Have you people all lost your friggin minds? :auiqs.jpg:
You do realize that you just made fun of yourself right, by showing TDS and proving leftists are the ones always "ALWAYS" obsessed with skin color. Why do you hate the Ginger gene that Scottish have?
But the items being searched for and where they will search ARE on the warrant provided to the subject (Trump). For some reason he has decided not to say what was being searched for

See above. If it's stupid stuff...he could make himself look good.


Since from all accounts it is about some papers/files, that is all it will say, but probably generically. Since they seem to have grabbed boxes willy nilly it seems to have been a general search for papers/files. That is all anyone has at best. All the rest is unseen by Trump or his attorney(s).
The warrant has to state what they are looking for and where they will search.

For some reason the Trump folks aren't releasing that info.
Garland has crossed the Rubicon. He may as well go for the jugglar.....trump. Show him as the Traitor that he is.
Where were you when antifa and blm were rioting for weeks on end, including nighty attempts on a Federal Courthouse?

Where were you when they attempted to storm the White House in June 2020?

Where were you when they ordered rioters to disperse from Lafayette Square and then forcibly moved them as the officers were having rocks and bottles of frozen water thrown at them?

Go fuck yourself...

I am a retired Law Enforcement Officer. What just occurred was illegal.

There are now two possible outcomes. 1. They will indict Trump, but this has already been debunked. they have nothing or they would have already arrested him. The only other option (2.) is the Impeachment and removal of both Garland at the DOJ and Wray at the FBI for this gross misconduct. And then criminal indictments for the abuse of authority. This goes all the way to Biden as he knew what was being planned. If you don't think so, you are an ignorant fool.

People high up in the FBI chain are pissed that they were misused by the DOJ and Biden... There are already whistleblowers telling us that they had NO PROBABLE CAUSE... This thing is blowing up...
Okay, 'retired LEO': Of course you know you need probable cause to obtain a search warrant in the first place, right?
Okay, internet cop.

How was the search warrant illegal?

Second, you options are just stupid.

Third, the WH did not direct this investigation and had no knowledge of the raid before it happened.

And lastly, just stop with the wingnut internet bullshit. Whistleblowers? Hilarious.
And you believed Joe had no knowledge of Hunter's busineas dealings, but ironically that's what this is all about, Joe is tied to the Hunter Investigation, this is obstruction of Justice.
Under 18 U.S.C. § 241
Since from all accounts it is about some papers/files, that is all it will say, but probably generically. Since they seem to have grabbed boxes willy nilly it seems to have been a general search for papers/files. That is all anyone has at best. All the rest is unseen by Trump or his attorney(s).
The FBI does NOTHING willy nilly. They knew what they were after. There very well be someone on the inside who tipped the FBI off on a crime taking place.
Okay, internet cop.

How was the search warrant illegal?

Second, you options are just stupid.

Third, the WH did not direct this investigation and had no knowledge of the raid before it happened.

And lastly, just stop with the wingnut internet bullshit. Whistleblowers? Hilarious.
A local magistrate signs off on a federal warrant?

There's this little thing known as "jurisdiction"....It's way over the head of a dimwitted dullard like you.

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