FBI just seized the cell phone of House Freedom Caucus chair, Scott Perry, pursuant to a search warrant this afternoon....FBI just getting warmed up.

boondogle. make Scott Perry Trump's VP! i'm gonna suggest it to Don Jr on twitter!

I no longer give two craps about the J6 thing, and most Americans don't either. These had not better be some cooked up "they talked to each other about the Capitol". It had better be CRIMES. If not, and you know this--you have stepped in it big.
Understand this. Liberty now means crushing you people for a generation. In every single office you hold from dog catcher to president. Crushing.
You’re saying the quiet part out loud. You have no actual values anymore.
You’re saying the quiet part out loud. You have no actual values anymore.

Right. You tried to destroy the nation, you failed, and now you turn to us and cry about "values".

This won't work. Go cry in the corner and suck your thumb. It's our turn now. We'll clean up your mess but kindly keep your mouth shut while we do it.
Right. You tried to destroy the nation, you failed, and now you turn to us and cry about "values".

This won't work. Go cry in the corner and suck your thumb. It's our turn now. We'll clean up your mess but kindly keep your mouth shut while we do it.
You have no values. The only thing you value is winning. That’s why you aren’t ever going to fix anything.
Don't break the law then...no one is above the law.
Not true. The Bidens are above the law. The Clintons are above the law. Pelosi's are above the law. It appears a number of Democratic Congresspersons are above the law.

This is less and less about the law and more and more about using federal power and authority to destroy political opponents.
Not true. The Bidens are above the law. The Clintons are above the law. Pelosi's are above the law. It appears a number of Democratic Congresspersons are above the law.

This is less and less about the law and more and more about using federal power and authority to destroy political opponents.

Agreed, this is the dumbest talking point bodecea Every day you folks let illegals stream in who are obviously "above the law". Give us a fat break
Clearly, Progressive are accelerating toward Fascism

Yep...they are tired of playing the election game........they think this is the time to just grab everything.

This is why the focus of the 2022 election and 2024 needs to be ending the democrat party police state..........I don't know if we can, but if we don't, nothing else matters.
boondogle. make Scott Perry Trump's VP! i'm gonna suggest it to Don Jr on twitter!

Interesting to see how Faux describes Perry as a Trump ally. He was the guy who introduced Trump to Jeffrey Clark. Clark being the guy Trump wanted to make AG so he could pursue the illegal attempt to overturn the election under the banner of the DoJ.
Forgive me for going wholesale on my responses. I just scroll through these long threads and do pull-quotes of the lowest hanging fruit.....and then lump 'em all together in a big Country Buffet-type post.
It seems...to me anyway.....to be much easier than going full retail on each comment.

So let's dig in:

Heard ex felon Bernie Kerik's stupid rant, right? Another Trump defender who's a criminal but who's surprised?
Yeah, I saw that Kerik comment on 'assassination'. It was irresponsible and corrosive. We had a poster on this thread do the same thing.....bring up assassinating Trump. That too was irresponsible. But it is what it is. It's up to the Mods to hipcheck that dangerous talk into the RubberRoom or some other Zoo-scape.

A lot of these government agencies just need to be if not eliminated cut down by about 80%.
I am skeptical of your bona fides to make an informed judgement, Mike. Hell, 'skeptical'?......Rather, I simply don't believe you have any. Can you prove my avatar wrong? We suspect you know near zero about the FBI's activities, their employees, their expertise.
Show us you know what you are talking about.
Be an adult man here who can back up his word or even just explain himself in an articulate and credible fashion.
Good luck. Help the forum.

A lot of these government agencies just need to be if not eliminated cut down by about 80%.
"A lot of these government agencies"???
Like who? Like cut down how? To what effect?
No offense intended Missouri Mike but my avatar suspects you are an ill-informed grievance filled ne-er-do-well who thinks unsupported assertions on a social media site lends you some sort of credibility.
You are likely pretty wrong on that count.

BLM rioters are set free with no charges. J6 people walking around the capital are held without bond or charges for over a year.
As mentioned above...."uninformed" "misinformed".
Do this MMike....google up how many people were arrested and jailed for their criminal activity during the Social Justice/Police Brutality demonstrations and isolated riots during 2020. Google will tell you. Trust me. Be better informed. It will lend your poor avatar some gravitas on this social media site and others you contribute to.

ps...also google up those who are still in jail from J6 and why they are still in jail. The answers are there. Do your homework. Show some due diligence. You are probably a smart bloke.....but your avatar is making you look poorly educated and unprepared to present yourself intelligently.
Make him be better for you.

The Biden Administration has gone FULL FASCIST... The warrant was illegitimate. T
.........they were told to grab anything and run
This is Armed robbery under color of law. Every single one of the agents can be charged with this crime.
.........Go fuck yourself.......I am a retired Law Enforcement Officer. What just occurred was illegal.
To be honest, avataree Billy Bob ...my avatar doesn't believe you were ever a cop....or, if your avatar was a cop....well, not a very good one.
Your avatar certainly does not exhibit a well-trained and experienced mind of a seasoned police officer. Your avatar....not you, but your avatar.....comes across as a bit of jackass RightWing nutjob. No disrespect intended.

But that's just me.

Okay, 'retired LEO': Of course you know you need probable cause to obtain a search warrant in the first place, right?
Poster TT makes my point about the fake cop avatar.

Here you go, chillicoate. .Perhaps you shouldn't twist words or falsely accuse.
We have no idea what you are alluding to, Trout.
Please explain yourself.

The Communist Left scum is just getting warmed up.
The Communist Rats are just getting started with their American Gestapo.
Avataree Skye, in the years you have been posting on this social media site have you ever offered the forum members an insight that you didn't lift off of a bumper sticker? Offered actual thinking of an adult woman level of insight?

Shrilling out epithets like 'Gestapo' "Leftist Scum" may elevate you as a media personality on 4Chan, Reddit, or the QAnon chatroom.....but here? Well, gurlfriend, it makes you look ditzy and unserious. No offense intended.

run your trolling ass over to another thread and STFU.
...........you hypocritical POS........................
Tell us some more about law and order you ignorant POS.
Memo to the poster 'Concerned American': You could have simply posted you do not have the answer to the question posed.
The above is not a good look for your avatar. It makes you....and your avatar.....look weak, angry, ineffective.
Better luck in future endeavors, though. And maybe contract with a more qualified avatar to represent you.

This is another warrant I can’t wait to see.
Do this Again: Contact the Trump office. THEY have a copy of the warrant. THEY can release it.
We know the DOJ and the FBI don't do that...as it has the potential to compromise a case or an innocent individual. They let indictments do the talking.
But DonT and his lawyers are not under such restrictions. And they may welcome your call as an opportunity to demonstrate to the world how wrongful the warrant was.
Let the forum know of your progress.
Thanks in advance.
You could have simply posted you do not have the answer to the question posed.
Once again, moron. I asked the question. I have seen you berate a host of other board members, but you haven't posted one bit of useful information. Maybe you are looking in the mirror as you post your claptrap. Now run along and troll your irrelevant crap in another neighborhood.
Forgive me for going wholesale on my responses. I just scroll through these long threads and do pull-quotes of the lowest hanging fruit.....and then lump 'em all together in a big Country Buffet-type post.
It seems...to me anyway.....to be much easier than going full retail on each comment.

So let's dig in:

Yeah, I saw that Kerik comment on 'assassination'. It was irresponsible and corrosive. We had a poster on this thread do the same thing.....bring up assassinating Trump. That too was irresponsible. But it is what it is. It's up to the Mods to hipcheck that dangerous talk into the RubberRoom or some other Zoo-scape.

I am skeptical of your bona fides to make an informed judgement, Mike. Hell, 'skeptical'?......Rather, I simply don't believe you have any. Can you prove my avatar wrong? We suspect you know near zero about the FBI's activities, their employees, their expertise.
Show us you know what you are talking about.
Be an adult man here who can back up his word or even just explain himself in an articulate and credible fashion.
Good luck. Help the forum.

"A lot of these government agencies"???
Like who? Like cut down how? To what effect?
No offense intended Missouri Mike but my avatar suspects you are an ill-informed grievance filled ne-er-do-well who thinks unsupported assertions on a social media site lends you some sort of credibility.
You are likely pretty wrong on that count.

As mentioned above...."uninformed" "misinformed".
Do this MMike....google up how many people were arrested and jailed for their criminal activity during the Social Justice/Police Brutality demonstrations and isolated riots during 2020. Google will tell you. Trust me. Be better informed. It will lend your poor avatar some gravitas on this social media site and others you contribute to.

ps...also google up those who are still in jail from J6 and why they are still in jail. The answers are there. Do your homework. Show some due diligence. You are probably a smart bloke.....but your avatar is making you look poorly educated and unprepared to present yourself intelligently.
Make him be better for you.

To be honest, avataree Billy Bob ...my avatar doesn't believe you were ever a cop....or, if your avatar was a cop....well, not a very good one.
Your avatar certainly does not exhibit a well-trained and experienced mind of a seasoned police officer. Your avatar....not you, but your avatar.....comes across as a bit of jackass RightWing nutjob. No disrespect intended.

But that's just me.

Poster TT makes my point about the fake cop avatar.

We have no idea what you are alluding to, Trout.
Please explain yourself.

Avataree Skye, in the years you have been posting on this social media site have you ever offered the forum members an insight that you didn't lift off of a bumper sticker? Offered actual thinking of an adult woman level of insight?

Shrilling out epithets like 'Gestapo' "Leftist Scum" may elevate you as a media personality on 4Chan, Reddit, or the QAnon chatroom.....but here? Well, gurlfriend, it makes you look ditzy and unserious. No offense intended.

Memo to the poster 'Concerned American': You could have simply posted you do not have the answer to the question posed.
The above is not a good look for your avatar. It makes you....and your avatar.....look weak, angry, ineffective.
Better luck in future endeavors, though. And maybe contract with a more qualified avatar to represent you.

Do this Again: Contact the Trump office. THEY have a copy of the warrant. THEY can release it.
We know the DOJ and the FBI don't do that...as it has the potential to compromise a case or an innocent individual. They let indictments do the talking.
But DonT and his lawyers are not under such restrictions. And they may welcome your call as an opportunity to demonstrate to the world how wrongful the warrant was.
Let the forum know of your progress.
Thanks in advance.
Poor butt hurt liberal... All you have is berating the evidence given... Nothing of substance?? Not surprised coming from you. Using Alinsky's rules for radicals I see... Good Commie Troll
Forgive me for going wholesale on my responses. I just scroll through these long threads and do pull-quotes of the lowest hanging fruit.....and then lump 'em all together in a big Country Buffet-type post.
It seems...to me anyway.....to be much easier than going full retail on each comment.

So let's dig in:

Yeah, I saw that Kerik comment on 'assassination'. It was irresponsible and corrosive. We had a poster on this thread do the same thing.....bring up assassinating Trump. That too was irresponsible. But it is what it is. It's up to the Mods to hipcheck that dangerous talk into the RubberRoom or some other Zoo-scape.

I am skeptical of your bona fides to make an informed judgement, Mike. Hell, 'skeptical'?......Rather, I simply don't believe you have any. Can you prove my avatar wrong? We suspect you know near zero about the FBI's activities, their employees, their expertise.
Show us you know what you are talking about.
Be an adult man here who can back up his word or even just explain himself in an articulate and credible fashion.
Good luck. Help the forum.

"A lot of these government agencies"???
Like who? Like cut down how? To what effect?
No offense intended Missouri Mike but my avatar suspects you are an ill-informed grievance filled ne-er-do-well who thinks unsupported assertions on a social media site lends you some sort of credibility.
You are likely pretty wrong on that count.

As mentioned above...."uninformed" "misinformed".
Do this MMike....google up how many people were arrested and jailed for their criminal activity during the Social Justice/Police Brutality demonstrations and isolated riots during 2020. Google will tell you. Trust me. Be better informed. It will lend your poor avatar some gravitas on this social media site and others you contribute to.

ps...also google up those who are still in jail from J6 and why they are still in jail. The answers are there. Do your homework. Show some due diligence. You are probably a smart bloke.....but your avatar is making you look poorly educated and unprepared to present yourself intelligently.
Make him be better for you.

To be honest, avataree Billy Bob ...my avatar doesn't believe you were ever a cop....or, if your avatar was a cop....well, not a very good one.
Your avatar certainly does not exhibit a well-trained and experienced mind of a seasoned police officer. Your avatar....not you, but your avatar.....comes across as a bit of jackass RightWing nutjob. No disrespect intended.

But that's just me.

Poster TT makes my point about the fake cop avatar.

We have no idea what you are alluding to, Trout.
Please explain yourself.

Avataree Skye, in the years you have been posting on this social media site have you ever offered the forum members an insight that you didn't lift off of a bumper sticker? Offered actual thinking of an adult woman level of insight?

Shrilling out epithets like 'Gestapo' "Leftist Scum" may elevate you as a media personality on 4Chan, Reddit, or the QAnon chatroom.....but here? Well, gurlfriend, it makes you look ditzy and unserious. No offense intended.

Memo to the poster 'Concerned American': You could have simply posted you do not have the answer to the question posed.
The above is not a good look for your avatar. It makes you....and your avatar.....look weak, angry, ineffective.
Better luck in future endeavors, though. And maybe contract with a more qualified avatar to represent you.

Do this Again: Contact the Trump office. THEY have a copy of the warrant. THEY can release it.
We know the DOJ and the FBI don't do that...as it has the potential to compromise a case or an innocent individual. They let indictments do the talking.
But DonT and his lawyers are not under such restrictions. And they may welcome your call as an opportunity to demonstrate to the world how wrongful the warrant was.
Let the forum know of your progress.
Thanks in advance.
If the warrant is under seal, you ignorant idiot, then you’re wrong. President Trump cannot release it. That would require a court order.

Dude, seriously. You are the low hanging fruit.

Even more significantly, you imbecile, the warrant itself wouldn’t provide the information. We’d only know what was allegedly being sought. It’s the application and any supporting documentation that would be of interest. But maybe you can get an intelligent friend to explain it to you. Clearly, you’re not up to it alone.
Last edited:
If the warrant is under seal, you ignorant idiot, then you’re wrong. President Trump cannot release it. That would require a court order.

Dude, seriously. You are the low hanging fruit.

Even more significantly, you imbecile, the warrant itself wouldn’t provide the information. We’d only know what was allegedly being sought. It’s the application and any supporting documentation that would be of interest. But maybe you can get a man intelligent friend to explain it to you. Clearly, you’re not up to it alone.
This is also why Trump was given a warrant abstract authorized by the court.

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