FBI Man's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
FBI Man's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying

April 12, 2019 ~ By Eric Felten
Attorney General William Barr shocked official Washington Wednesday by saying what previously couldn't be said: That the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 involved “spying.”
The spying, which Barr vowed to investigate, is not the only significant possible violation of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. A catalogue of those abuses can be found in recently released testimony (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) that ex-FBI official Edward William Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview last summer.... Priestap’s testimony took place on June 5, 2018. The questioning, by congressmen and House committee staff, focused on whether the FBI had applied the same rigor to the Clinton investigation that it had to the Trump probe.... The transcript (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) the public can read today contains not only those questions and Priestap’s responses, but also the tell-tale redactions of anxious bureaucrats. One thing that is very clear is that the Sharpie brigades at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice really, really didn’t want anyone to know where Bill Priestap was a week into May 2016.
It was over breakfast on April 26 in London that the mysterious Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, told young Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Five days later, on May 1, Papadopoulos had drinks with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar where he shared this piece of gossip/intel. And, of course, London is home to the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Christopher Steele.

This has gone on for years, during which not ONE of the “good FBI people” Sean Hannity prattles on about chose to come forward and blow the whistle.
They truly love their pensions more than country.
It saddens me to see this laid out so clearly and factually, because it is not a story developed by a major news organization, but rather by the Real Clear Group, which is not so small, but no where near the heft and reputation of news outfits of the past.
The current major news organizations, by ignoring and burying this story do a enormous, unrecoverable damage to themselves all on the altar of their Left Wing politics. It is sad to see such giants become ghouls and specters of their former mighty selves. Then again, maybe it was all an illusion... But that's a horse of another color...Still, I really do believe there were bold, honest and truth-seeking journalists in every major organization then, but they are no more.
I wish just a few would reconsider steering their ships into the rocky shores.
To Summarize:
"So what did we learn from Bill Priestap’s compendious and revealing testimony?
  • We learned that the FBI and Justice targeted and took action against Trump.
  • We learned that the FBI, according to Priestap, is incapable of securing a FISA warrant with information that isn’t credible, although the judge’s approval of the warrant means by definition that the information is credible.
  • We learned that the FBI believes political interference in an investigation can be proper as long as the bureau isn’t acting purely politically.
  • We learned that the FBI did send at least one asset to do to the Trump campaign an activity that even the bureau would call “spying” — if it were done by foreign operatives.
  • We learned that the origins of the Trump-Russia tale will never be fully understood until the part played by British intelligence is made clear."
FBI Man's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying

April 12, 2019 ~ By Eric Felten
Attorney General William Barr shocked official Washington Wednesday by saying what previously couldn't be said: That the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 involved “spying.”
The spying, which Barr vowed to investigate, is not the only significant possible violation of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. A catalogue of those abuses can be found in recently released testimony (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) that ex-FBI official Edward William Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview last summer.... Priestap’s testimony took place on June 5, 2018. The questioning, by congressmen and House committee staff, focused on whether the FBI had applied the same rigor to the Clinton investigation that it had to the Trump probe.... The transcript (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) the public can read today contains not only those questions and Priestap’s responses, but also the tell-tale redactions of anxious bureaucrats. One thing that is very clear is that the Sharpie brigades at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice really, really didn’t want anyone to know where Bill Priestap was a week into May 2016.
It was over breakfast on April 26 in London that the mysterious Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, told young Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Five days later, on May 1, Papadopoulos had drinks with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar where he shared this piece of gossip/intel. And, of course, London is home to the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Christopher Steele.

This has gone on for years, during which not ONE of the “good FBI people” Sean Hannity prattles on about chose to come forward and blow the whistle.
They truly love their pensions more than country.
It saddens me to see this laid out so clearly and factually, because it is not a story developed by a major news organization, but rather by the Real Clear Group, which is not so small, but no where near the heft and reputation of news outfits of the past.
The current major news organizations, by ignoring and burying this story do a enormous, unrecoverable damage to themselves all on the altar of their Left Wing politics. It is sad to see such giants become ghouls and specters of their former mighty selves. Then again, maybe it was all an illusion... But that's a horse of another color...Still, I really do believe there were bold, honest and truth-seeking journalists in every major organization then, but they are no more.
I wish just a few would reconsider steering their ships into the rocky shores.
To Summarize:
"So what did we learn from Bill Priestap’s compendious and revealing testimony?
  • We learned that the FBI and Justice targeted and took action against Trump.
  • We learned that the FBI, according to Priestap, is incapable of securing a FISA warrant with information that isn’t credible, although the judge’s approval of the warrant means by definition that the information is credible.
  • We learned that the FBI believes political interference in an investigation can be proper as long as the bureau isn’t acting purely politically.
  • We learned that the FBI did send at least one asset to do to the Trump campaign an activity that even the bureau would call “spying” — if it were done by foreign operatives.
  • We learned that the origins of the Trump-Russia tale will never be fully understood until the part played by British intelligence is made clear."

Christ, now the right is going to applaud the investigators and the left will cry unfair.

This should give us some good examples of hypocrites!
FBI Man's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying

April 12, 2019 ~ By Eric Felten
Attorney General William Barr shocked official Washington Wednesday by saying what previously couldn't be said: That the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 involved “spying.”
The spying, which Barr vowed to investigate, is not the only significant possible violation of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. A catalogue of those abuses can be found in recently released testimony (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) that ex-FBI official Edward William Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview last summer.... Priestap’s testimony took place on June 5, 2018. The questioning, by congressmen and House committee staff, focused on whether the FBI had applied the same rigor to the Clinton investigation that it had to the Trump probe.... The transcript (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) the public can read today contains not only those questions and Priestap’s responses, but also the tell-tale redactions of anxious bureaucrats. One thing that is very clear is that the Sharpie brigades at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice really, really didn’t want anyone to know where Bill Priestap was a week into May 2016.
It was over breakfast on April 26 in London that the mysterious Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, told young Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Five days later, on May 1, Papadopoulos had drinks with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar where he shared this piece of gossip/intel. And, of course, London is home to the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Christopher Steele.

This has gone on for years, during which not ONE of the “good FBI people” Sean Hannity prattles on about chose to come forward and blow the whistle.
They truly love their pensions more than country.
It saddens me to see this laid out so clearly and factually, because it is not a story developed by a major news organization, but rather by the Real Clear Group, which is not so small, but no where near the heft and reputation of news outfits of the past.
The current major news organizations, by ignoring and burying this story do a enormous, unrecoverable damage to themselves all on the altar of their Left Wing politics. It is sad to see such giants become ghouls and specters of their former mighty selves. Then again, maybe it was all an illusion... But that's a horse of another color...Still, I really do believe there were bold, honest and truth-seeking journalists in every major organization then, but they are no more.
I wish just a few would reconsider steering their ships into the rocky shores.
To Summarize:
"So what did we learn from Bill Priestap’s compendious and revealing testimony?
  • We learned that the FBI and Justice targeted and took action against Trump.
  • We learned that the FBI, according to Priestap, is incapable of securing a FISA warrant with information that isn’t credible, although the judge’s approval of the warrant means by definition that the information is credible.
  • We learned that the FBI believes political interference in an investigation can be proper as long as the bureau isn’t acting purely politically.
  • We learned that the FBI did send at least one asset to do to the Trump campaign an activity that even the bureau would call “spying” — if it were done by foreign operatives.
  • We learned that the origins of the Trump-Russia tale will never be fully understood until the part played by British intelligence is made clear."
The torpedos Democrats fired at Trump have done a 180.
FBI Man's Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying

April 12, 2019 ~ By Eric Felten
Attorney General William Barr shocked official Washington Wednesday by saying what previously couldn't be said: That the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 involved “spying.”
The spying, which Barr vowed to investigate, is not the only significant possible violation of investigative rules and ethics committed by agents, lawyers, managers, and officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice. A catalogue of those abuses can be found in recently released testimony (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) that ex-FBI official Edward William Priestap provided to Congress in a closed-door interview last summer.... Priestap’s testimony took place on June 5, 2018. The questioning, by congressmen and House committee staff, focused on whether the FBI had applied the same rigor to the Clinton investigation that it had to the Trump probe.... The transcript (https://assets.documentcloud.org/doc...Transcript.pdf) the public can read today contains not only those questions and Priestap’s responses, but also the tell-tale redactions of anxious bureaucrats. One thing that is very clear is that the Sharpie brigades at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice really, really didn’t want anyone to know where Bill Priestap was a week into May 2016.
It was over breakfast on April 26 in London that the mysterious Maltese professor, Joseph Mifsud, told young Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Five days later, on May 1, Papadopoulos had drinks with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London bar where he shared this piece of gossip/intel. And, of course, London is home to the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Christopher Steele.

This has gone on for years, during which not ONE of the “good FBI people” Sean Hannity prattles on about chose to come forward and blow the whistle.
They truly love their pensions more than country.
It saddens me to see this laid out so clearly and factually, because it is not a story developed by a major news organization, but rather by the Real Clear Group, which is not so small, but no where near the heft and reputation of news outfits of the past.
The current major news organizations, by ignoring and burying this story do a enormous, unrecoverable damage to themselves all on the altar of their Left Wing politics. It is sad to see such giants become ghouls and specters of their former mighty selves. Then again, maybe it was all an illusion... But that's a horse of another color...Still, I really do believe there were bold, honest and truth-seeking journalists in every major organization then, but they are no more.
I wish just a few would reconsider steering their ships into the rocky shores.
To Summarize:
"So what did we learn from Bill Priestap’s compendious and revealing testimony?
  • We learned that the FBI and Justice targeted and took action against Trump.
  • We learned that the FBI, according to Priestap, is incapable of securing a FISA warrant with information that isn’t credible, although the judge’s approval of the warrant means by definition that the information is credible.
  • We learned that the FBI believes political interference in an investigation can be proper as long as the bureau isn’t acting purely politically.
  • We learned that the FBI did send at least one asset to do to the Trump campaign an activity that even the bureau would call “spying” — if it were done by foreign operatives.
  • We learned that the origins of the Trump-Russia tale will never be fully understood until the part played by British intelligence is made clear."
The torpedos Democrats fired at Trump have done a 180.
From the end of 2015 to the end of 2018, Bill Priestap was assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division that oversaw the FBI’s global counterintelligence efforts. He managed the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information and the probe into whether Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election.

His testimony contains extensive indications of wrongdoing, including that the FBI and DoJ targeted Trump and did so with information it made no effort to verify. It paints a portrait of the Obama-era bureau as one that was unconcerned with political interference in investigations and was willing to enlist the help of close foreign allies to bring down its target.

Remember when Christopher Steele who sold to the public as a high-minded former British spy instead of a man being paid by the Clinton campaign to dirty up Trump? Steele’s efforts were lapped up by the FBI and DoJ even though the lawmen knew Steele was peddling political work-product — opposition research paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

The Steele’s dossier was presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court without disclosure of its partisan origins, perpetrating a fraud on the FISA court. The accusation was formalized in May 2018, when Republicans demanded the appointment of a second special counsel because, they claimed, “the FBI and DOJ used politically biased, unverified sources to obtain warrants issued by the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISA Court) that aided in the surveillance of U.S. citizens, including Carter Page.”

This is the greatest scandal in the history of the U.S. Whether or not we ever learn the full truth or that anyone is prosecuted remains unlikely to me, based on my lack of confidence in our "justice" system.

Lawyers will try to drag it out and hope that a Democrat wins in 20'. If that happens, all of this goes away and we can anticipate the full weaponization of government agencies against conservatives, aka the "police-state".

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