FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Tru p is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.
Well, Mr. Law, you know when all the facts support the person who's telling the truth, politics can be a rodeo in which one can lead a dehydrated horse to water, but you can't make him drink it. You are missing one huge, outstandingly clear fact: President Trump is, has and will tell the truth, and some will not like it because their failure to understand the truth in his presence may find themselves in a job-seeking opportunity employment office straight away. You shouldn't ignore a guy with a 160 iq when he seems so down-to-earth. That would be President Donald Trump.

Is this 160 IQ Trump the same Trump that can't spell "forest"? Trump has told how many lies to date? 7000. If there were a tribe of truth tellers and liars, Trump would be the undisputed king of the tribe of liars. I digress and do not want to derail the thread.
History is kind to the person who tells 7000 truths but is besmeared by a cabal that provides "facts" that are actually smarm. Your group of Democrats covers all with the next smokescreen. It's their modus operandi.
oh really, now Trump has concealed his Putin meet from his own administration.
President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.

NYT: FBI worried Trump was in Russian employ after Comey firing Another great monologue about this
Nobody leaked any wrong doings......they just leaked that the FBI was worried about it, huh?
Seems to me if they leaked about an inquiry....they certainly would have leaked something
incriminating......if there was something there other than a big fat greasy nothing burger.
But.....that's just me
Exactly! "That's just me", which is worth teats on a bo hog.
Wow! You got me good, brah.
Now can you answer why there has been nothing leaked other than an inquiry?
Everyone reading this thread knows why you can't. :auiqs.jpg:
Because nothing has leaked from Mueller.
Just a few months ago Trump was spouting Russian propaganda about Montenegro of all places (Russia had just failed at instituting a coup there).

Montenegro? Trump doesn't even know where the fuck that is but felt compelled to spout off about the supposed "aggressiveness" of the "Montenegrans"...

And then Trump shouldered the President of Montenegro out of the way pretty aggressively in the South American conference that Putin was at (smiling with SA Prince MBS)
Blab, blah, blah.... Months later, no evidence.

So when there is evidence you’ll change your tune? Become anti-trump?

The tax payers are done subsidizing your butthurt salve. You had your chance, you found nothing. That's because there is nothing. Now, there is an entire deep state to investigate so if you excuse me, this investigation is done.
It’ll be done when Mueller says it’s done. Got it kid?
This is an absolutely STUNNING development and is likely just the tip of the iceberg
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.
So opened inquiry is the same as guilty? And this is what an open society does? Oh wait, its OK-its only Trump-President of the United States. Get a grip guys.

Just pulling the same old leftist stunt again. Accuse someone, and therefore, they are guilty! Leftists are the most dishonest pieces of shit I have ever known. Of course, Trump WAS already investigated and nothing was found. It's just the comical continuation of the leftist temper tantrum.

Trump won, deal with it.

Trump denial is not a verdict.
Trump won by accident.

Trump STILL being investigated. NOBODY said nothing was found...
Mueller is currently making his final reports coming up next month.

At the same time Trump hired an army of 17 lawyers to defend him.
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.
So opened inquiry is the same as guilty? And this is what an open society does? Oh wait, its OK-its only Trump-President of the United States. Get a grip guys.

Just pulling the same old leftist stunt again. Accuse someone, and therefore, they are guilty! Leftists are the most dishonest pieces of shit I have ever known. Of course, Trump WAS already investigated and nothing was found. It's just the comical continuation of the leftist temper tantrum.

Trump won, deal with it.

Trump denial is not a verdict.
Trump won by accident.

Trump STILL being investigated. NOBODY said nothing was found...
Mueller is currently making his final reports coming up next month.

At the same time Trump hired an army of 17 lawyers to defend him.
If they're all has good as Giuliani Trump is in a shitload of trouble
You are drugs. You Trumpers suffer something like Stockholm syndrome. A president under investigation fro being a Russian spy or stooge and you don't give a damn. You are the very definition of lemming.

I knew it was a temper tantrum by the left from the start. The fact that they were kicking and screaming made it obvious.

And surprise surprise, here is the evidence so far:

It's been two years, it's time to accept that your messiah lost. Better luck in 2024.

I don't care about 2024. I care about January 2019 and a president who may have been or is under investigation for being a Russian spy or stooge.
and these republican ass holes don't care

Yeah I really don't care about fake investigations which everyone knows the results of performed by butthurt snowflake idiots.

I do sort of care about the bullshit that was drilled so far up your asses that it's coming out of the mouths. Americans should not need to bare through that much bullshit.
Lavrov and Kislyak are laughing at your gullibility.

FBI taking sides? FBI reopened hillary email investigation a week before the vote.

This meeting took place after he fired comey. He met with the Russians by himself. This photo was taken by Russian journalist that upset Trump when published in Moscow.
and the pos republicans support the traitor?? Let them all do what Hitler did

Cold War is over, why would we want to invade Russia? Are you insane?

Nobody wants to invade Russia. But kissing Putin, siding with Putin against his own head intelligence that he hired. Is a fucking bad idea.
Right there showed you that Trump is acting like a foreign agent.
Let's not forget all the times Trump has spouted often obscure Russian propaganda
Your blind loyalty to Trump has clouded your judgement.

I'm not the one believing obvious bullshit because it serves a partisan advantage.
fbi investigating trump was a threat to national security but republicans have their heads up their asses

The FBI, taking sides in a partisan election, is indeed a threat to national security.

The DC FBI, must be purged. DRASTICALLY.

They have been corrupted.

And you are also right, that the Establishment GOP is not taking this nearly seriously enough.

FBI taking sides in an election?

They were investigating Clinton over a private e-mail server (which turned out to be nothing) and made that public...at the most opportune times for Trump

At the same time they had an ongoing investigation into Russian contacts with members of the Trump campaign and said....nothing

Which side does it look like they took?

They investigated and found that Hillary had committed crimes. And then the final report was edited, to give her a pass on that, and no one said boo about it.

That right there was evidence of the Deep State being corrupt criminals right there.

That they launched an investigation based on shit they knew was shit, in order to prevent the democratic process, is closer to Treason.

Do you know what’s funny Correl?

1. After 2 years Trump and his corrupted administration has not launch any investigation against Hillary. Why is that?

2. Several of Trump senior staff either in jail, plead guilty, resignations from ethical violations.

Lock these people up. Start with Trump and his family.
It hasn’t lost credibility except to imbecile trumpscum

strzok edited the conclusion of the Hillary investigation to give her a pass on her crimes, and no one said boo about it.

The FBI, lost all credibility when they let that pass.

Putin would love that. Why so eager to please him?

Why are you so eager to overlook the crimes of the deep state swamp critters that are involved in money laundering involving CIA friendly banks like HSBC and BCCI that Comey and Mueller were intimately involved with and especially as it pertains to Uranium One?

I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact that you are trying to derail this thread. Start a thread on that subject if you think it's worthwhile but don't troll here or you will be reported

Of course you have "no idea" because this Trump/Rooskie witch-hunt is being used to deflect attention away from the REAL Russian collusion that allowed Russia to procure 20 percent of America's uranium and the kick back program that greased the skids. The heads of certain intel agencies got their palms greased as well. It's germane to the topic.....you are just pissed that yet another factor is put into the equation. "Report" away, little troll.......you are not changing hearts and minds here, dipshit.

Directly from Alex Jones propaganda. Don’t worry they will liquidate his assets this year or next year to stop him from spreading conspiracies.
So a President doing something they have the legal constitutional authority to do fire an FBI director means they are working for the Russians wow seriously fucking wow.

Maybe you can ask Steve Bannon why firing Comey was biggest mistake in modern political history.

Bannon: Trump firing Comey was biggest mistake in 'modern political history'

Bannon: Trump firing Comey was biggest mistake in 'modern political history'
By LOUIS NELSON 09/11/2017 07:29 AM EDT
President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey was perhaps the greatest mistake in “modern political history,” the White House's former chief strategist Steve Bannon suggested in an interview broadcast Sunday night
strzok edited the conclusion of the Hillary investigation to give her a pass on her crimes, and no one said boo about it.

The FBI, lost all credibility when they let that pass.

Putin would love that. Why so eager to please him?

Why are you so eager to overlook the crimes of the deep state swamp critters that are involved in money laundering involving CIA friendly banks like HSBC and BCCI that Comey and Mueller were intimately involved with and especially as it pertains to Uranium One?

I have no idea what you are talking about other than the fact that you are trying to derail this thread. Start a thread on that subject if you think it's worthwhile but don't troll here or you will be reported

Of course you have "no idea" because this Trump/Rooskie witch-hunt is being used to deflect attention away from the REAL Russian collusion that allowed Russia to procure 20 percent of America's uranium and the kick back program that greased the skids. The heads of certain intel agencies got their palms greased as well. It's germane to the topic.....you are just pissed that yet another factor is put into the equation. "Report" away, little troll.......you are not changing hearts and minds here, dipshit.

Directly from Alex Jones propaganda. Don’t worry they will liquidate his assets this year or next year to stop him from spreading conspiracies.

Alex Jones is simply a tool of the deep state controlled opposition team that tossed out a few smidgens of truth while lying via omission. You remind me of that trench coat wearing, tricycle rider on Rowan and Martin "Laugh In" furiously peddling but falls over while participating in a motorcycle race. I know more than you and it makes ya mad.......be mad, be infuriated and swing that little cyber purse you leftard beta males love to swing.......it's very amusing to me.
So a President doing something they have the legal constitutional authority to do fire an FBI director means they are working for the Russians wow seriously fucking wow.

Maybe you can ask Steve Bannon why firing Comey was biggest mistake in modern political history.

Bannon: Trump firing Comey was biggest mistake in 'modern political history'

Bannon: Trump firing Comey was biggest mistake in 'modern political history'
By LOUIS NELSON 09/11/2017 07:29 AM EDT
President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey was perhaps the greatest mistake in “modern political history,” the White House's former chief strategist Steve Bannon suggested in an interview broadcast Sunday night

Steve Bannon? Is that the same Steve Bannon that leftards here decried as a nazi/white nationalist????? THAT Steve Bannon?

Peter Comey???? Hmmmmm???

Report: Comey's Brother Works for the Law Firm That Handles Clinton Foundation's Taxes
Just a few months ago Trump was spouting Russian propaganda about Montenegro of all places (Russia had just failed at instituting a coup there).

Montenegro? Trump doesn't even know where the fuck that is but felt compelled to spout off about the supposed "aggressiveness" of the "Montenegrans"...

And then Trump shouldered the President of Montenegro out of the way pretty aggressively in the South American conference that Putin was at (smiling with SA Prince MBS)
Blab, blah, blah.... Months later, no evidence.

So when there is evidence you’ll change your tune? Become anti-trump?

The tax payers are done subsidizing your butthurt salve. You had your chance, you found nothing. That's because there is nothing. Now, there is an entire deep state to investigate so if you excuse me, this investigation is done.
It’ll be done when Mueller says it’s done. Got it kid?
If Mueller's plan is to keep going until he finds evidence of real collusion with the Russians we will all die before it happens...unless he finally agrees to expand the investigation to those other than Trump and acknowledges Hillary was paid over $140 million by the KGB Bank, and she paid Russians for their help in 2016.

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