FBI opened investigation Feared Trump secretly working for Russians

Do snowflakes even mentally recognize how both STUPID and HYPOCRITICAL they are when they begin a thread like this that claims the President is ''guilty' because an investigation was opened up on him?

Last I heard, the FBI is STILL investigating the Clintons / the Clinton Foundation for engaging in Influence Peddling. I guess that means snowflakes agree Hillary is 'guilty' as well...
Of course, I also heard Anthony Weiner was sending Mueller nude selfies from prison... :p
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Your blind acceptance of a government agents' excuses for interfering in the election,

makes you the perfect sheep.

Dumbass how about READING? This particular FBI investigation was taking place AFTER the election

But the actual prequel covert op to SMEAR and dirty up those campaign associates happened DURING the campaign and before any FISA warrants were issued. About 4 or 5 campaign associates were lured into seminars and meetings with US and foreign friendly intel assets to feed them phony dirt on how the Russians had info on Hillary. HOPING that even if they didn't bring it into the Campaign sights, that IF TRUMP WON, they could entrap those associates on "process crimes" like lying to the FBI on what they knew..

Mueller in fact is in trouble for keeping exculpatory evidence from PapaDop and Flynn that shows the FBI KNEW about this covert intel op to "dirty up" the Trump campaign people..

The TARGET of the unlawful Domestic spying OP was Carter Paige.. What has HE been charged with -- snowflakes? Anyone of you can certainly answer that right? C'mon.. Let's us know...

They PICKED on Carter Paige because of his extensive business work in RUssia that was done with FULL DISCLOSURE and cooperation with US Intel.,.. Yet, those warrants gave them access to spy on ANYONE who ever communicated or did business with Paige. When is he going to jail snowflakes???

BREAKING: Former Trump Campaign Official Carter Page Sues DNC and Perkins Coie Law Firm (Video)

You're pretty much gonna need a diaper change when that case goes into discovery and trial... :badgrin:
Do snowflakes even mentally recognize how both STUPID and HYPOCRITICAL they are when they begin a thread like this that claims the President is ''guilty' because an investigation was opened up on him?

Last I heard, the FBI is STILL investigating the Clintons / the Clinton Foundation for engaging in Influence Peddling. I guess that means snowflakes agree Hillary is 'guilty' as well...
A counter intelligence investigation is opened to find out if our national security is being or has been compromised. I guess you didn't realize that.
Do snowflakes even mentally recognize how both STUPID and HYPOCRITICAL they are when they begin a thread like this that claims the President is ''guilty' because an investigation was opened up on him?

Last I heard, the FBI is STILL investigating the Clintons / the Clinton Foundation for engaging in Influence Peddling. I guess that means snowflakes agree Hillary is 'guilty' as well...
A counter intelligence investigation is opened to find out if our national security is being or has been compromised. I guess you didn't realize that.
Wrong. I was opened to spy on the Trump campaign, and to frame Trump.

No one is fooled.
Too bad the FBI didn't tell us any of this prior to the 2016 presidential election. Comey puked on Hillary - but not Trump.
All of what, that it was spying on Trump? If it had, then Hillary's chances would have been even worse.
A counter intelligence investigation is opened to find out if our national security is being or has been compromised. I guess you didn't realize that.
Duh! And Hillary was the one who compromised our national security by operating an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET data that the US IG reported was accessed by China, Russia, & 4 other nations...

Or were you talking about how Feinstein allowed a Chinese spy to work out of her office for DECADES...?

Or were you talking about Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring?

Or were you talking about the Russians' counter intelligence operation using social media that Obama knew about in 2014 yet did nothing about that successfully conned stupid snowflakes into organizing and marching for them?
-- How many marches did you participate in, snowflake?

Had we known that the FBI as investigating the Trump campaign for collusion with the Russians and that Trump was in negotiation with the Russians to build a tower in Moscow...he never would have gotten elected
You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...

Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Tru p is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.

Must be why Trump increased the sanctions on Russia and changed Rules of Engagement to kill those 1000 Russian Mercenaries in Syria ---- RIGHT??? After bombing the Syria TWICE that Russia is trying to prop up...

Trump gave Putin the greatest gift possible for Russian interests in the middle east when he announced he was pulling our troops from Syria. Try Again.
You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...

Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Tru p is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.

Must be why Trump increased the sanctions on Russia and changed Rules of Engagement to kill those 1000 Russian Mercenaries in Syria ---- RIGHT??? After bombing the Syria TWICE that Russia is trying to prop up...

Trump gave Putin the greatest gift possible for Russian interests in the middle east when he announced he was pulling our troops from Syria. Try Again.

Nawww.... Putin got his best gifts from the Obama Administration. 1st the Iran Deal. THen Crimea.. And finally one of the best gifts he EVER received from America... Having the Dems finance a DIRECT Russian INTEL misinformation operation called the "dossier"...

My gawd --- can you fucking imagine how much pleasure it gives him to have the entire US mainstream media give attention and credibility to that POS "information operation"?? Not to mention Clapper and Brennan putting it into their phony "US Intel" document as an appendix???

THere's STATUES to those GRU/FSB agents that Steele got to talk... Putin laughs at YOU every day being one of the 30 Million who BELIEVE that shit... Good job comrade. You've made Putins career complete.

You've helped him to cause MORE DAMAGE to US confidence in the govt than he's EVER dreamed of doing...

Seriously.. Congrats from the Kremlin to the FBI, DNI, CIA, State Dept conspirators and the willingly kamikaze mainstream media and all you dupes they've used to keep this going for the gifts that keep coming...
In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
FBI reportedly investigated whether Trump was a secret agent for Russia | Daily Mail Online

Just shows how unfit Trump is for office.


I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...

Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Trump is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can not keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

There is a pattern of behavior that fits right into the FBI's fears about Trump. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspicions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
What's extraordinary about that? Only the fact that it's necessary because Democrat douchebags believe they can subpoena documents that are top secret.

What could be more absurd than snowflakes getting irate because Trump doesn't tell them every single detail of conversations he has with foreign leaders. Why, no president has ever done that!

It's impossible to state using mere words, how incredibly stupid you are.
Well, that would be legal. Most lame duck presidents have more flexibility after they're reelected.
That WOULD be / have been legal if his 'flexibility' did not mean giving Russia 20% of the US supply of uranium, Crimea, 2 years of unchallenged 'interference', and top secret data off of Hillary's server in trade for Putin's permission for Barry to invade Syria...
Last edited:
To this 72 year old guy, it sure looks like this is one real sick, decayed country that cannot find a decent number of good men (and women) to help this President bring the government officials to JUSTICE.

Horowitz's Report was much anticipated useless warm turd, Sessions -- God knows what his game was.

And now what does Bagpipe Boy Billy Barr have for America? Most likely more of the same sheepish lying crap ...... calling itself justice.


I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...

Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Tru p is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.
No president has ever had his own intelligence agencies attempting to stage a coup against him. I don't think it's all that unusual that he doesn't allow notes to be taken. After all, who says it's unusual? It's the same crew that tried to stage a coup against him.
Last edited:
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.

Must be why Trump increased the sanctions on Russia and changed Rules of Engagement to kill those 1000 Russian Mercenaries in Syria ---- RIGHT??? After bombing the Syria TWICE that Russia is trying to prop up...

Trump gave Putin the greatest gift possible for Russian interests in the middle east when he announced he was pulling our troops from Syria. Try Again.

Why are you a warmonger? why do you want/need constant useless wars????

I say....Bless President Donald Trump....Bless all those who want Peace. :clap2:


He got all the blessings he would ever needed while his newborn was home with his third wife and he was out fucking pornstars without a condom.
You're the king of the cheap shot. In fact, that's all the entire leftwing has against Trump, one cheap shot after another.
I guess you were you lazy to read the story. It is not whether Trump colluded with the Russians but rather whether Trump working actively for them knowingly or as a stooge. Get with it.

You TDS retards are about TWO YEARS BEHIND this story..

This is why there are about 12 of the highest FBI officials from that period FIRED, DEMOTED, or resigned with their tails tucked between their legs. Because THEY COLLUDED with Fusion GPS on that failed POS "Russian Dossier" that Hillary paid for...

Comey himself has said that without the phony dossier -- there would NOT have been a request to use the Big Brother NSA Domestic Spying machine on the Trump Campaign.. You all have funnied your way into complete moronic oblivion... I (We) have been telling you this for over 2 years...

Not only about the spying on Trump Associates with an illegally gotten FISA warrant. It's also about the "Insurance Policy" that Strzok referred to in those "lover's emails".. Just the fact that the HEAD of FBI INtel services was running a covert operation to smear an opposition political campaign while he was banging an associate without DECLARING IT to his Security Officer -- tells you how out of control this group was. NOBODY with clearances like that can have an affair and not divulge it and still keep their clearances.

The insurance policy was a PREQUEL to the spying. Strzok and others "set-up" several Trump Associates with a covert INtel op run thru Halper in the UK.. They approached Paige, PapaDop, Caputo and others with "phony Russian contacts" and "infected them" with news that the Russians had dirt on Hillary.. The ONLY THING these guys knew about the Russians and Hillary is what this STING OPERATION exposed them to..

The sting made it a simple job to HARASS and TRAP these people once a special counsel was appointed.. But even MUELLER KNOWS that what ever PapaDop and Caputo and Paige KNEW --- came from their OWN US INTEL guys in that "prequel" spying campaign..

Oh ---- Y'all will get this right eventually.. When Mueller wraps up and can't scream like a baby that the IG or the Special Investigation Unit headed by Huber is using "information from active Spec Counsel investigations"

John Huber FBI-Justice Department probe shrouded in mystery

NY Times is "softening" the blow for when the REAL Russian collusion investigations and indictments begin...

Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Trump is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can not keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.

You got exactly diddly squat here. Except for the stuff the NY Times has been KEEPING FROM YOU... And that is that OUR FBI used phony as shit Russian Intel propaganda as an EXCUSE to prank and spy on a spy on an OPPOSITION political campaign that they did not like..

Nobody gets transcripts of private summits. Deal with that. Ain't a crime because you have burning shitpile of hate for the guy...

NY Times is have second thoughts about their Kamikaze death wish goin all in on this Collusion effort with the Dems...
Summits with Presidents usually have cabinet members ans staff. When there are one on one meetings, notes of the translators are usually kept as a record of those meetings. What is Trump hiding that he needed to confiscate the notes of his translator? Think about it.
Says who? Where are the notes from Roosevelt's meetings with Stalin?
Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Tru p is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.

Must be why Trump increased the sanctions on Russia and changed Rules of Engagement to kill those 1000 Russian Mercenaries in Syria ---- RIGHT??? After bombing the Syria TWICE that Russia is trying to prop up...

Trump gave Putin the greatest gift possible for Russian interests in the middle east when he announced he was pulling our troops from Syria. Try Again.
Here are some more fun facts coming out about the Trump/Putin Russia connection.

President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials, current and former U.S. officials said.

Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration

You will say that Trump can sit alone and talk with Putin alone and not reveal what he talked about with Putin. Let us call you and others like you are: apologists for Trump. Tru p is not a fucking dictator who can make decisions on a personal basis for the United States of America. He can keep secrets from his cabinet and make secret deals for the country that only he knows.

Start acting like Americans and not beaten and whipped North Koreans. All the more evidence why the FBI has suspecions of Trump as a Manchurian candidate.
You're not aware that every President since President George Washington has employed strictest of confidences when dealing with foreign powers who want it that way? Diplomacy is what it is, and often, that means not saying everything you think, sir. Now that you're not naïve about state "secrets" Wikileaks thinks along the "tell all" stuff too, not knowing that loose lips sink ships, start wars and stock dips.

Yes, Presidents may sit alone with a foreign leader but their are notes taken and records kept. In this situation, well ,to quote my link:

"The constraints that Trump imposed are part of a broader pattern by the president of shielding his communications with Putin from public scrutiny and preventing even high-ranking officials in his own administration from fully knowing what he has told one of the United States’ main adversaries.

As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference."

There is something seriously wrong here whether you choose to admit it or not.

Must be why Trump increased the sanctions on Russia and changed Rules of Engagement to kill those 1000 Russian Mercenaries in Syria ---- RIGHT??? After bombing the Syria TWICE that Russia is trying to prop up...

Trump gave Putin the greatest gift possible for Russian interests in the middle east when he announced he was pulling our troops from Syria. Try Again.

Nawww.... Putin got his best gifts from the Obama Administration. 1st the Iran Deal. THen Crimea.. And finally one of the best gifts he EVER received from America... Having the Dems finance a DIRECT Russian INTEL misinformation operation called the "dossier"...

My gawd --- can you fucking imagine how much pleasure it gives him to have the entire US mainstream media give attention and credibility to that POS "information operation"?? Not to mention Clapper and Brennan putting it into their phony "US Intel" document as an appendix???

THere's STATUES to those GRU/FSB agents that Steele got to talk... Putin laughs at YOU every day being one of the 30 Million who BELIEVE that shit... Good job comrade. You've made Putins career complete.

You've helped him to cause MORE DAMAGE to US confidence in the govt than he's EVER dreamed of doing...

Seriously.. Congrats from the Kremlin to the FBI, DNI, CIA, State Dept conspirators and the willingly kamikaze mainstream media and all you dupes they've used to keep this going for the gifts that keep coming...

What has been proven untrue in the dossier?

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