FBI Paid Out $42 Million a Year to Confidential Human Sources – Including Thugs Who Set Up Trump, Whitmer Kidnap Hoaxers, and Others

Dan Bongino (ex Secret Service) confirmed that the FBI also uses the 2-hop rule.
Is there a difference between the NSA accessing meta-data and the FBI accessing the NSA meta-data?
I don't think so...
Here is another pertinent article. You still haven't show a "LAW" that prohibits agencies from using the 2-hop rule, because its too convenient to use to spy on people you're suspicious of, like Obama was suspicious of Trump.
Sorry, they’re still making the same mistake. These articles are all about the same topic and all making the same mistake. There’s a difference between section 702 spying, and title I FISA warrants.

The NSA was doing two hop surveillance on 702 targets as authorized by the renewed patriot act. This is limited to targets outside the US.

Title I warrants are for targets in the US and don’t enable hopping, which are done by the FBI.

The article you sourced is a good one with lots of links, those links all confirm that the hops are part of section 702. Not title I

Finally, we are talking about metadata. That is information that is deemed “on the outside of the envelope”. It’s not the content of texts and emails. Is the sender, recipient and data of the communications.
You really don’t recall the endless investigations of Trump that led right off the cliff? Where you people just declared a crime had been committed, then couldn’t find any evidence of any crime? Of course you want to forget all that....
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You really don’t recall the endless investigations of Trump that led right off the cliff? Where you people just declared a crime had been committed, then couldn’t find any evidence of any crime? Of course you want to forget all that....
So no examples. Gotcha.
Sorry, they’re still making the same mistake. These articles are all about the same topic and all making the same mistake. There’s a difference between section 702 spying, and title I FISA warrants.
The NSA was doing two hop surveillance on 702 targets as authorized by the renewed patriot act. This is limited to targets outside the US.
Title I warrants are for targets in the US and don’t enable hopping, which are done by the FBI.
The article you sourced is a good one with lots of links, those links all confirm that the hops are part of section 702. Not title I
Finally, we are talking about metadata. That is information that is deemed “on the outside of the envelope”. It’s not the content of texts and emails. Is the sender, recipient and data of the communications.
Yeah, okay, in the legal CYA world of lying to congress there is no 2-hop rule.
But in reality when Obama and Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Priestap, Page, et.al. tell agents to illegally spy on Republicans, the FBI illegally spies on Republicans.
No one polices the 2-hop rule do they?
Remember Edward Snowden? For $200,000 a year these guys do as their told, and keep their mouths shut. I don't trust the government, do you?
1. Illegally spying on Trump's associates even after he became president is not irrelevant.
2. Why post a link, you apparently don't read the fucking links anyway. (see posts #89 & 88 <again, duh>)
If this "two hop" thing happened (and there is no evidence that it did) it could have/would have happened months before the Clinesmith issue.

The Clinesmith issue has NOTHING to do with that or pretty much anything. Read this slowly...Carter page had THREE previous FISA warrants issued on him... none of which you can take issue with. They were well deserved.
If this "two hop" thing happened (and there is no evidence that it did) it could have/would have happened months before the Clinesmith issue.
The Clinesmith issue has NOTHING to do with that or pretty much anything. Read this slowly...Carter page had THREE previous FISA warrants issued on him... none of which you can take issue with. They were well deserved.
You still don't get it.
Read this slowly.
The FISA warrants on Carter Page were ONLY to spy on Trump and his inner circle using the 2-hop rule.
Carter Page was a nobody, but he was an advisor to Trump, that made him a target.
You still don't get it.
Read this slowly.
The FISA warrants on Carter Page were ONLY to spy on Trump and his inner circle using the 2-hop rule.
Carter Page was a nobody, but he was an advisor to Trump, that made him a target.
You BEGIN your idiocy with a nutjob statement (the FISA warrants on Carter Page were only to spy on Trump) and then try to make everything else fit that narrative.

That’s not how logic works retard. You have it backwards. There is no evidence that ANY spying of Trump occurred… using the Page warrant or anything else
You BEGIN your idiocy with a nutjob statement (the FISA warrants on Carter Page were only to spy on Trump) and then try to make everything else fit that narrative.
That’s not how logic works retard. You have it backwards. There is no evidence that ANY spying of Trump occurred… using the Page warrant or anything else
1. Why would the FBI get FISA warrants on Carter Page if he was working for the CIA?

2. Spying on Trump did occur. So says AG Barr.

3. So explain your logic on getting 4 FISA warrants on a CIA asset if not to spy on Trump via the 2-hop rule. Even to the point of falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant.
My logic says Obama and his deep state were desperate to keep Trump out of the WH.

Do not just type words, prove your assertions with credible links.
1. Why would the FBI get FISA warrants on Carter Page if he was working for the CIA?

2. Spying on Trump did occur. So says AG Barr.

3. So explain your logic on getting 4 FISA warrants on a CIA asset if not to spy on Trump via the 2-hop rule. Even to the point of falsifying evidence to get a FISA warrant.
My logic says Obama and his deep state were desperate to keep Trump out of the WH.

Do not just type words, prove your assertions with credible links.
1. Because he was NOT “working for the CIA”. He had at one point done so in the past. That does not make him above reproach.

He HAD suspicious contacts with Russian agents that had nothing to do with past CIA activities

2. “Says AG Barr”. Bwahahahaha

3. Your “logic” is anything but.
1. Inspector General Horowitz said that the FISA warrants weren't justified. Page was a Naval Academy grad with no "suspicious" activities. The Obama admin wanted to spy on Trump, and Carter Page was on Trump's team, hop,hop...
In December 2019, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, issued a report on his inquiry into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign and its ties to Russia. Horowitz found fault with specific aspects of the FBI's conduct, including omissions of facts and false statements to the FISA court when applying for a warrant to conduct surveillance on Page.

2. Says AG Barr and NSA head Admiral Rogers. No bwaha. FACT! (a bwaha doesn't disprove the AG's statement)
"On March 4, 2017, just 43 days after taking office, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
The person who initially tipped off Trump (on Nov. 17, 2016) that communications from Trump Tower were being tapped was Adm. Mike Rogers, then-head of the National Security Agency (NSA)."

3. The FBI uses illegal surveillance for political purposes to spy on Republicnas, but circles the wagons to protect democrat criminals like the Biden Crime Family.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com have obtained credible information from law enforcement sources regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010 – a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.

1. Inspector General Horowitz said that the FISA warrants weren't justified. Page was a Naval Academy grad with no "suspicious" activities. The Obama admin wanted to spy on Trump, and Carter Page was on Trump's team, hop,hop...
In December 2019, the Inspector General for the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, issued a report on his inquiry into the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign and its ties to Russia. Horowitz found fault with specific aspects of the FBI's conduct, including omissions of facts and false statements to the FISA court when applying for a warrant to conduct surveillance on Page.

2. Says AG Barr and NSA head Admiral Rogers. No bwaha. FACT! (a bwaha doesn't disprove the AG's statement)
"On March 4, 2017, just 43 days after taking office, President Donald Trump tweeted: “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”
The person who initially tipped off Trump (on Nov. 17, 2016) that communications from Trump Tower were being tapped was Adm. Mike Rogers, then-head of the National Security Agency (NSA)."

3. The FBI uses illegal surveillance for political purposes to spy on Republicnas, but circles the wagons to protect democrat criminals like the Biden Crime Family.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com have obtained credible information from law enforcement sources regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010 – a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.

Stubborn and stupid.

Notice the poster makes claims about Admiral Rogers (for instance) and instead of linking to anything that would bolster those claims he posts some nonsense Trump said.

And Horowitz noted that at least two of the Page warrants WERE warranted.

He also notes that whatever information Page had provided to the CIA… it had occurred years before., pretending that Page had ongoing CIA contacts is just bullshit
Stubborn and stupid.
Notice the poster makes claims about Admiral Rogers (for instance) and instead of linking to anything that would bolster those claims he posts some nonsense Trump said.
And Horowitz noted that at least two of the Page warrants WERE warranted.
He also notes that whatever information Page had provided to the CIA… it had occurred years before., pretending that Page had ongoing CIA contacts is just bullshit
1. Credible links are credible links, duh. Your constant whining doesn't disprove anything. Roger warned Trump of the illegal spying, duh.
“Sometimes the utilization of Timelines means you have to look at the new information with a keen awareness of specific events. In hindsight, NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers may have notified Team Trump of Obama’s Intelligence Community (James Clapper and John Brennan) spying on their activity.

2. Trump's meeting with Admiral Rogers is well documented, also that the day after that meeting Trump moved to Bedminster.
On Thursday November 17th, 2016, after the presidential election, NSA Director Mike Rogers traveled to New York and met with President-Elect Donald Trump. It is widely believed Admiral Rogers warned President-elect Trump on Obama regime’s spying on his campaign during this meeting.
Obama officials were OUTRAGED that the NSA Director would meet privately with President-elect Trump without notifying Obama officials first.

3. Ok so 2 FISA warrants were not illegal, but two were illegal. I'm focused on the two illegal ones, especially the falsifying evidence part. Admiral Rogers advised Trump that he was being SPIED ON, DUH.
1. Credible links are credible links, duh. Your constant whining doesn't disprove anything. Roger warned Trump of the illegal spying, duh.
The few links you use that are credible don't say what you claim they say

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