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FBI Refuses To Comply W/Subpoena, Did Not Turn Over Subpoenaed Document; Contempt Of Congress Initiated Against Wray

If Biden did nothing wrong then just turned over the document. The the cover up is usually worse than the crime.

Do you believe the document is fake and Biden is clean and pure?

The same thing can be said about Jimmy Jordumb. He outright refused to comply with Congressional Subpoena. Also, Jordumb is requesting information about an ongoing investigation, he knows he is not and cannot get access to material related to an ongoing investigation. He is busy creating headlines that's all.
Democrat Jamie Raskin is now arguing that there is no ongoing investigation involving that document under subpoena. Therefore the FBI has zero legitimate reason to refuse to provide it to congress.

Link Please.
The same thing can be said about Jimmy Jordum. He outright refused to comply with Congressional Subpoena. Also, Jordum is requesting information about an ongoing investigation, he knows he is not and cannot get access to material related to an ongoing investigation. He is busy creating headlines that's all.

Link Please.
Is biden is under investigation by the fbi for bribery. I bet you believe he is innocent...
'§ 192 states that any person who is summoned before Congress who "willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to the question under inquiry" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be subject to a fine and imprisonment if convicted.'

'Penalties for violations (a misdemeanor) include a fine of up to $100,000 and a jail term of one to 12 months.'

Here's the kicker:

This penalty requires prosecution by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia.

The DOJ readily, eagerly prosecuted Bannon (4 months / $6500 fine) because of Trump. Garland and Wray are partisanly criminal bedfellows protecting Biden:


This means a contempt citation may (WILL BE) the pumishment and will be a purely symbolic gesture if WHEN the DOJ or U.S. Attorney decides not to prosecute.'

Have Republicans totally forgotten how Congressional subpoenas were handled by the Trump administration?
Also, Jordumb is requesting information about an ongoing investigation, he knows he is not and cannot get access to material related to an ongoing investigation. He is busy creating headlines that's all.

Link Please.

It is in the 6th paragraph. Sorry, difficult to cut and paste when I'm using my phone.

It was kind of weird that Raskin said that. It goes against the excuse that the FBI uses every single time they withhold information.

I went through chemotherapy about 6 years ago and while you're on it it can definitely interfere with your thinking processes.

I'm not sure what Jordan's reasoning was and refusing the subpoena. Whatever it was the Gen 6 committee did not choose to hold him in contempt.
Hillary: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Obama: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Biden: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Rice: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Lynch: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Clapper: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Brennan: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Comey: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Garland: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY
Wray: Proven criminal/traitor: NO PENALTY

It's nice when you own the WH, NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, etc...

The last decade has been the darkest, most scandalous, most corrupt, most criminal, most compromised, most treasonous in US history, and DEMOCRATS have been behind every bit of it.
I really wish that Contempt of Congress had some teeth behind it.

Wray also needs to be impeached. But again, with Democraps predisposed to excuse misfeasance and malfeasance by other Democraps, it won’t amount to much.

I want Congress to use its inherent power and, upon the Contempt citation, the House should direct the House Sergeant at Arms to arrest Wray and put him in the House jail.
I believe Wray is a good person whose goal is to do the right thing.

At the same time, I believe that he and other top officials are under immense pressure to not rock the boat. I also believe that he and others have been convinced by the far left that if all the truth comes out now, the government will collapse.
I believe Wray is a good person whose goal is to do the right thing.

At the same time, I believe that he and other top officials are under immense pressure to not rock the boat. I also believe that he and others have been convinced by the far left that if all the truth comes out now, the government will collapse.
I say that Wray should simply comply with the fucking subpoena. Redact out the name and maybe the identifying information of the informant. Ok. That’s fair.

But, otherwise, let’s cut the bullshit and have our Chief law enforcement agent start complying with, adhering to and following the law.
The FBI showed up as promised but refused again to comply with the Congressional Subpoena ordering the FBI turn over the D-1043 document.

The FBI gave a BRIEFING on tbe docu.ent but again refused to turn over the actual docucent. This is a criminal refusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena AND criminal obstruction of a Congressional investigation.

"At the briefing, the FBI again refused to hand over the unclassified record to the custody of the House Oversight Committee," Comer said. "And we will now initiate contempt of Congress hearings this Thursday. Given the severity and complexity of the allegations contained within this record, Congress must investigate further. The investigation is not dead. This is only the beginning."

Send in the US Marshals to Wray's house before dawn, with weapons drawn.
I believe Wray is a good person whose goal is to do the right thing.
At the same time, I believe that he and other top officials are under immense pressure to not rock the boat. I also believe that he and others have been convinced by the far left that if all the truth comes out now, the government will collapse.
Collapse is the desired result that they've been working toward for over two years.
I say that Wray should simply comply with the fucking subpoena. Redact out the name and maybe the identifying information of the informant. Ok. That’s fair.

But, otherwise, let’s cut the bullshit and have our Chief law enforcement agent start complying with, adhering to and following the law.
I agree 110%. BUT, I believe that this is far deeper and more damaging than we know. To me, it is more than a little disconcerting.
I believe Wray is a good person whose goal is to do the right thing.

At the same time, I believe that he and other top officials are under immense pressure to not rock the boat. I also believe that he and others have been convinced by the far left that if all the truth comes out now, the government will collapse.
….or, voters can see that the person now occupying the Oval Office is a traitor, and impeach him.
I agree 110%. BUT, I believe that this is far deeper and more damaging than we know. To me, it is more than a little disconcerting.
I think that’s why most of the SCOTUS justices refused the case concerning the election fraud. They feared if the truth came out as to how Republican voters were essentially robbed of their right to vote, the fallout would be too severe.

Of course, they didn’t know at the time that the Dems cheated their way to installing someone who took million-dollar bribes from AmErica’s enemy.
I believe Wray is a good person whose goal is to do the right thing.

When the FISA Court called him before them and asked HIM to come up with a plan and prove he could stop the violations of Constitution and the Patriot Act HE LIED TO THEM. They later called him out ln it.

After he took over the FBI - probably before - he learned:

- 'Russian Collusion' was a Hillary hoax

- Brennan briefed Obama, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Comey, and others it was a hoax

- Hillary was guilty as hell in regards to her classified scandal and she had been protected

- Despite Obama KNOWING about the hoax he still used it as the basis for his administration starting the failed coup attempt

- The FBI conducted its own internal investigation proving there was nothing to Hillary's hoax ... before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel ... and the FBI still, intentionally, participated in the failed coup attempt

Wray and senior FBI officials :

- Knew everything about Hunter Biden, had his laptop FOR YEARS and has refused to investigate or act in it

- Knew Biden was guilty of a Conflict of Intetest by meeting with Burisma in his VP office, based on State Department Officials' testimony under oath abd again refused to investigate

- Knew About the Biden bribery scheme, has had and hidden the FBI document evidence, has refused to investigate, and now violates a Congressional Subpoena to protect Joe Biden.

- Knew about the miney laundeting, criminally creating shell companies, and taking / laundering millions from the Chinese, Russians, Romanians, Ukrainians, Burima, etc... and has refused to act IOT protect the Bidens

- Wray knew about Biden's classified scandal before the midterms and HID IT until after the midterms to protect Biden and the Democrats

--- Dept of the Treasury Biden financial Documents, IRS Bisen financial documents, hu dreds of 'Suspicious Account Activity Alert' reports, FBI / DOJ / IRS whistleblower testimony, etc... Wray knew about ALL of it, so did Garland, & they have only avted to protect the Biden's and Democrats.

278,000 incidents of violating the Constitution, violating the Patriot Act, and illegally spying in US citizens - admittedly - in 1 year alone?


Wray is a 'good guy'?!

Don"t try to blow smoke up my ass or anyone else's. Wray is literally guilty of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of criminal counts, from everything from OBSTRUCTION to TREASON!

He should be in prison for the rest of his life, but hexis being protected by a criminal, treasonous US AG who should be Wray's cellmate.

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