Fbi Report Ends Nra Nonsense About "good Guys With Guns"

[QUOTE="CrusaderFrank, post: 9883832, member: 19448

Fuck off, Adolf[/QUOTE]

You know, Frank, I think that your articulacy is improving....
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up.


What's truly amazing is that you posted that actually thinking people would believe you.
Americans have the right to possess and carry firearms for lawful self-defense because the Constitution protects the right of Americans to possess and carry firearms for lawful self-defense – no further 'justification' is needed.

The report cited in the OP illustrates the foolishness of attempting to 'justify' the carrying of firearms for reasons other than Constitutional.
What's truly amazing is that you posted that actually thinking people would believe you.[/QUOTE]

And TazMeBro (Mod and Staff Member), I don't really give a rat's ass if you do or not. However, it is really no big deal. I patrol with a partner in a squad car 6 hours per week on Mondays, and work in the office 4 hours per week on Thursdays. I do not get paid. I wear a uniform, and carry a radio, not a gun. I have been doing it for 4 years. It is my service to my community.

What do you do for your community?
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What's truly amazing is that you posted that actually thinking people would believe you.

And TazMeBro (Staff Member), I don't really give a rat's ass if you do or not. However, it is really no big deal. I patrol with a partner in a squad car 6 hours per week on Mondays, and work in the office 4 hours per week on Thursdays. I do not get paid. I wear a uniform, and carry a radio, not a gun. I have been doing it for 4 years. It is my service to my community.

What do you do for your community?[/QUOTE]

One of our supervisors did exactly the same kind of service that you do. He was killed recently by a senile 96 year old who had menaced someone earliar with a gun. Yet no law enforcement agency had the guts to take away his guns. I do believe that had the tried to do that the NRA would have immediatly been there to defend his right to own and carry guns.

I have used a gun in self defense. But I see all too many people out there that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.
I am a sheriff's auxiliary volunteer. I can tell you that, on the streets, cops aer more afraid of citizens carrying a gun, than bad guys carrying a gun, because deputies are scared of shooting a citizen who is shooting a gun while chasing a bad guy who just held him up. As a result, what would otherwise be a slam dunk (shooting somebody to death who is firing a weapon at somebody) is, instead, a life or death decision, which can easily cause a hesitation that could get the wrong guy killed.
You are a terrible liar. Don't quit your day job.....IF you actually have one

Grandpa, not only am I not a liar (I certainly would not bother to be one to impress anyone on this board), but I will not tolerate a discussion with anyone who calls me one. Welcome to "ignore list", asshole.....
My heart weeps lol
Here is AZ, you do not have to get a license to carry a concealed weapon, but some idiots do it anyway, thinking that this gives them the right to carry in other states as well. Nevada used to recognize AZ CCW licenses, but not anymore, because there is virtually no training involved. In fact, they do not even go to the range or handle a gun to get the CCW license. In fact, they do not even have to know how to operate the safety device.
Here is AZ, you do not have to get a license to carry a concealed weapon, but some idiots do it anyway, thinking that this gives them the right to carry in other states as well. Nevada used to recognize AZ CCW licenses, but not anymore, because there is virtually no training involved. In fact, they do not even go to the range or handle a gun to get the CCW license. In fact, they do not even have to know how to operate the safety device.

I see all too many people buying guns that have that kind of knowledge of them. I use tools for a living. At our company, no one gets to use a tool without training on it. Forklifts, power tools, ect. Yet we have people out there buying assualt weapons with no knowledge of the damage or dangers of those weapons. And, almost weekly, we see in just this one state, children getting hold of guns left out, and killing or injuring other children. Yet the gun nuts expect us to ignore all of that. Next year, if trends continue, there will be more people killed in this nation by guns than by auto accidents.
I can see that Statistics was not covered in most RW'ers education....
You're a liar and a fraud, as others have pointed out.
The police here are all pro carry. I have had customers tell me, "I want to buy a gun because the police officer suggested I needed one."
As for the OP, it doesnt disprove anything. It proves if anything that there need to be more armed citizens to increase the chances of quelling a mass shooter.
Logic is as alien to most liberals as Urdu.
What's truly amazing is that you posted that actually thinking people would believe you.

And TazMeBro (Mod and Staff Member), I don't really give a rat's ass if you do or not. However, it is really no big deal. I patrol with a partner in a squad car 6 hours per week on Mondays, and work in the office 4 hours per week on Thursdays. I do not get paid. I wear a uniform, and carry a radio, not a gun. I have been doing it for 4 years. It is my service to my community.

What do you do for your community?[/QUOTE]

impressive --LOL
Here is AZ, you do not have to get a license to carry a concealed weapon, but some idiots do it anyway, thinking that this gives them the right to carry in other states as well. Nevada used to recognize AZ CCW licenses, but not anymore, because there is virtually no training involved. In fact, they do not even go to the range or handle a gun to get the CCW license. In fact, they do not even have to know how to operate the safety device.

I see all too many people buying guns that have that kind of knowledge of them. I use tools for a living. At our company, no one gets to use a tool without training on it. Forklifts, power tools, ect. Yet we have people out there buying assualt weapons with no knowledge of the damage or dangers of those weapons. And, almost weekly, we see in just this one state, children getting hold of guns left out, and killing or injuring other children. Yet the gun nuts expect us to ignore all of that. Next year, if trends continue, there will be more people killed in this nation by guns than by auto accidents.

All that training is because its part of a job, and your boss doesn't want to get sued if you fuck up using said tool.

and your last point has more to do with cars getting safer than guns getting more dangerous.
Well, Gee, Anathema, I will refund my entire salary to you. However, you might be disappointed, because I serve for free as a volunteer....

You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

It is both my Right and my Responsibility to protect myself, my wife, and our property. I'm not waiting for a cop to show up to save my ass or get my property back. That's an utter waste. Much moreso than not only protecting myself and my property, but removing the criminal from the gene pool on a permanent basis.... something else the Law Enforcement and Legal communities seem to be unable to do.
Well, Gee, Anathema, I will refund my entire salary to you. However, you might be disappointed, because I serve for free as a volunteer....

You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

It is both my Right and my Responsibility to protect myself, my wife, and our property. I'm not waiting for a cop to show up to save my ass or get my property back. That's an utter waste. Much moreso than not only protecting myself and my property, but removing the criminal from the gene pool on a permanent basis.... something else the Law Enforcement and Legal communities seem to be unable to do.

Again- a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
Well, Gee, Anathema, I will refund my entire salary to you. However, you might be disappointed, because I serve for free as a volunteer....

You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

It is both my Right and my Responsibility to protect myself, my wife, and our property. I'm not waiting for a cop to show up to save my ass or get my property back. That's an utter waste. Much moreso than not only protecting myself and my property, but removing the criminal from the gene pool on a permanent basis.... something else the Law Enforcement and Legal communities seem to be unable to do.
Well, Gee, Anathema, I will refund my entire salary to you. However, you might be disappointed, because I serve for free as a volunteer....

You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

It is both my Right and my Responsibility to protect myself, my wife, and our property. I'm not waiting for a cop to show up to save my ass or get my property back. That's an utter waste. Much moreso than not only protecting myself and my property, but removing the criminal from the gene pool on a permanent basis.... something else the Law Enforcement and Legal communities seem to be unable to do.

You're a volunteer and you don't even carry a gun. Hell, George Zimmerman is a more effective LEO than you are.

Oklahoma attack underscores benefit of guns, self-defense

The man with the gun has been identified as Mark Vaughan, COO at Vaughan Foods and a reserve sheriff’s deputy. But he was not on duty at the time, and essentially was an armed citizen acting within existing state law during Thursday’s incident.

Vaughan’s actions have been hailed as heroic, and the incident raises the issue of armed self-defense, gun-free workplaces and other gun control-related measures. Had Vaughan not been armed, many are suggesting that the body count could have been much higher. The suspect was shot as he was stabbing a second victim, demonstrating yet another misunderstanding about violence: It is not confined to people misusing firearms.

School authorities in several areas, including Toppenish in the Yakima Valley, have changed their attitudes about guns in the workplace. It is becoming clear that — as the saying goes — when seconds count, police are minutes away. In those critical seconds before police arrive, life-or-death actions may depend upon an armed citizen who acts as the “first responder.”

Oklahoma attack underscores benefit of guns self-defense - Seattle gun rights Examiner.com

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