FBI report issued- Kav completely exonerated

trump is a compulsive liar. He has the full support of the GOP. Based on that alone, I cannot trust the integrity, morality and honor of any group that supports him or is answerable to him. I totally reject the FBI report.

Okay, so, if the Intelligence agencies tell you that Trump is guilty of collusion with Russia, you reject their reports, is that right?
Yeah. I'm sure he (or she) would (eyes rolling upwards violently now). Ain't leftists full of crap!
The thing is that the Liberals ASKED for the this exact investigation from the FBI- indeed DEMANDED it, and now they have it.

And its being roundly poo-poo'ed and disregarded by the liberals. It doesn't look like they are even reading it, much less parsing it and examining this important document that they themselves said was so critical.

The liberal reaction to the FBI Investigation of Kavanaugh shows they are full of shit, and this whole event had nothing to do with broads being raped or groped or plied with booze and drugs at all. It was all just a vendetta against President Trump, period.
THAT IS THE TOPIC.IT is an investigation by the FBI. I spent an half hour this morning skimming the report before I forwarded it to two of my very liberal friends that I was in a political program at University.They were leaning, like me, towards supporting Ford.I was a Sexual Assault Crises counselor while at University.I am disgusted with the DNC for taking this issue and using it as a tool and de-legitimizing it in the public's eye. THIS is a very serious issue that the public will not view as such if it is trivialized like this. . . .You need to read the testimony of these people that knew all of these people involved. NOT THE POLITICIANS.
I was not made privy to the terms, conditions, scope and restrictions trump and the gop put the FBI under to do this investigation. They were not made public. As I view both trump and the republicans to be immoral and dishonorable, I have a very practical mistrust of the FBI's findings.
THAT IS THE TOPIC.IT is an investigation by the FBI. I spent an half hour this morning skimming the report before I forwarded it to two of my very liberal friends that I was in a political program at University.They were leaning, like me, towards supporting Ford.I was a Sexual Assault Crises counselor while at University.I am disgusted with the DNC for taking this issue and using it as a tool and de-legitimizing it in the public's eye. THIS is a very serious issue that the public will not view as such if it is trivialized like this. . . .You need to read the testimony of these people that knew all of these people involved. NOT THE POLITICIANS.
I was not made privy to the terms, conditions, scope and restrictions trump and the gop put the FBI under to do this investigation. They were not made public. As I view both trump and the republicans to be immoral and dishonorable, I have a very practical mistrust of the FBI's findings.

A leftist opinioning about morals and honor is hilarious stuff.
As I view both trump and the republicans to be immoral and dishonorable, I have a very practical mistrust of the FBI's findings.

Be that as it may, the Democrat Party leadership in the US Senate demanded that the FBI investigate and they did.

If they didn't trust the FBI, they shouldn't have asked for it.

The FBI took time from their busy days, and dropped or delayed other investigations to look into this. If it was just a waste of time in your view, why should they have bothered?
THAT IS THE TOPIC.IT is an investigation by the FBI. I spent an half hour this morning skimming the report before I forwarded it to two of my very liberal friends that I was in a political program at University.They were leaning, like me, towards supporting Ford.I was a Sexual Assault Crises counselor while at University.I am disgusted with the DNC for taking this issue and using it as a tool and de-legitimizing it in the public's eye. THIS is a very serious issue that the public will not view as such if it is trivialized like this. . . .You need to read the testimony of these people that knew all of these people involved. NOT THE POLITICIANS.
I was not made privy to the terms, conditions, scope and restrictions trump and the gop put the FBI under to do this investigation. They were not made public. As I view both trump and the republicans to be immoral and dishonorable, I have a very practical mistrust of the FBI's findings.

Hmmm. . .

I guess that is where you and I differ.

I don't view Trump and the Republicans and anymore immoral than the DNC or any of their politicians.

People are people, why is one side inherently more or less immoral than the other? I have enough knowledge to not be naive to believe one is better than the other. That is childish in my view, they are all the same.

Never forget who is in charge deary.

They will beat over your head, "vote" it is your civic duty. But, if they only could have you do one thing, vote, or take out a loan, and make sure you shop for Christmas presents for everyone you know?

They would have you shop. . . .


The Judiciary Committee on the GOP side before the hearings found him to be innocent of all, before even the fake investigation, but they believed her. right!!

Stinking old white men is what they are, no female GOP can work that hard. Made me ill, to even watch the hackett job, and where did the sexual prosecutor go during the questioning of lying A hole Kavanaugh.
How are those sour grapes, loser! :laugh:
You reject it on what basis? That Trump is President? You think the FBI did a coverup of Kavanaugh? Based on what proof? You on the left are so far out of bounds with the attacks on Kavanaugh it's been appalling to watch what you've done! Ford's story had so many holes in it...so many things that make zero sense at all that it was patently obvious that she's got "issues". It was also obvious that the Democrats on that Committee used a troubled woman to attack Trump's nominee with allegations that they knew they couldn't prove but thought they might use to delay the nomination until after the midterm elections! Do you not understand how SLEAZY a move that was by those Democrats? They smeared a good man's name and sacrificed Ford and they didn't care one little bit about doing either thing! Those are the people who are running YOUR party these days, Windy! You talk about "morality and honor"? Seriously? You're the party of Michael Avenatti!
Take a break, a long one. You are reading way too much into my words.

You think I've someone how "misread" what you mean, Windy? You're here pontificating about "morality and honor" when it's you folks on the left who have given the US smear campaigns instead of running on how your policies are better than what the GOP offers! Give me a break...your little holier than thou rants have reached the point of farce!
You think I've someone how "misread" what you mean, Windy? You're here pontificating about "morality and honor" when it's you folks on the left who have given the US smear campaigns instead of running on how your policies are better than what the GOP offers! Give me a break...your little holier than thou rants have reached the point of farce!
Poor little you. Upset? Good. You support an immoral and dishonorable president and administration, which makes you by default, equal to them. So back off the old man rants and sit down.
You think I've someone how "misread" what you mean, Windy? You're here pontificating about "morality and honor" when it's you folks on the left who have given the US smear campaigns instead of running on how your policies are better than what the GOP offers! Give me a break...your little holier than thou rants have reached the point of farce!
Poor little you. Upset? Good. You support an immoral and dishonorable president and administration, which makes you by default, equal to them. So back off the old man rants and sit down.

I'm not upset at all, Windy! I support a President who's fulfilling the promises that he made when he ran for President. What would I possibly have to be upset about? Your attempts at smearing conservatives? I've got news for you, hun...it's not like what you on the left do is new! I've been called a lot of things by a lot of liberals since I started posting here. You know what...most of their accusations are so ridiculous they make me laugh...not get upset. I think Obama's economic policies were idiotic? That means I'm a "racist"! (eye roll) I think Brett Kavanaugh might be one of the most qualified Supreme Court Justice seated on that court in quite some time? That means I "hate women"! (another eye roll!) I point out that Obamacare was set up to fail by those who created it? That means I want to push Grandma off a cliff!

Bottom line is this...you on the left spend most of your time telling others to sit down and shut up. What you should be doing is explaining why liberal policies are better for us than conservative ones!
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds
Well you don't think this is going to stop the Democrats from bringing charges against the Judge do you. They have stated that after taking over the Congress they are going to start procedings against the Judge and the President of the Nation. This is the goal on the President even prior to his taking the oath of office. How petty and hateful is this. That is just who and how they are. So the election is the only thing between a hateful and Commie form of government we will have. So again its up to the voters.
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

You have a mind?
Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.
Of course he will.

The FBI conducted 6 or 7 background investigations of Kavanaugh and - like Christine Ford - could not come up with 1 piece of evidence against Kavanaugh / that supported Ford's claim.

You obviously subscribe to the Liberal belief in the 'Judicial System as it applies to Conservatives':
- Guilty until proven innocent
- The Burden Of Proof Lies On the Accused, NOT the Accuser


Of course not, nor could anyone prove an attempted rape that happened in HS, unless they are dead or went to the ER but even then she got away from the creep that was trying to rape her. I believe Kav was going to far, and Judge probably tried to stop him. I believe he is a pervert. I KNOW HE IS A LIAR.

She never claimed he was trying to rape her. She doesn’t know who “he” is.
Let me guess. You voted for Crooked Hillary, right?
Jill Stein.
:)Jill Stein's electoral history:
Campaigns for elected office
Stein is a former elected member of the Lexington Town Meeting, the local legislative body in Lexington, Massachusetts. She was elected to two three-year terms, but resigned during her second term to run for governor.[17]

Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate, 2002
Stein was the Green-Rainbow Party candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 2002 and finished third in a field of five candidates, with 76,530 votes (3.5%).[18] After her debate performances received good reviews, supporters of the Democratic nominee purchased the rights to jillstein.org.[19][20]

Massachusetts House of Representatives candidate, 2004
Following her third-place results in the 2002 Massachusetts gubernatorial election, Stein ran for state representative in 2004 for the 9th Middlesex District, which included portions of Waltham and Lexington.[21] She received 3,911 votes (21.3%) in a three-way race, ahead of the Republican candidate but far behind Democratic incumbent Thomas M. Stanley.[22]

Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth candidate, 2006
At the Green-Rainbow Party state convention on March 4, 2006, Stein was nominated for Secretary of the Commonwealth. In a two-way race with the three-term incumbent, Democrat Bill Galvin, she received 353,551 votes (18%).[23]

Town of Lexington Town Meeting Representative, 2005 and 2008
Lexington, Massachusetts has a town meeting-style government. Stein was elected to the Town Meeting Seat, Precinct 2 (Lexington, Massachusetts) in March 2005 local elections.[24] She finished first of 16 candidates running for seven seats, receiving 539 votes (20.6%).[25] Stein was reelected in 2008, finishing second of 13 vying for eight seats.[26]

Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate, 2010
Main article: Massachusetts gubernatorial election, 2010

Jill Stein announcing her candidacy for governor in February 2010
On February 8, 2010, Stein announced her candidacy for governor on the steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston.[27] Her running mate was Richard P. Purcell, a surgery clerk and ergonomics assessor from Holyoke.[28] In May, Stein opened her campaign office in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood, near the Fields Corner MBTA station.[29] In the November 2 general election, Stein finished last, receiving 32,816 votes out of 2,287,407 cast (1.4%).[30]
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.
Pretty weak stand, Guy do better than that.

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