FBI report issued- Kav completely exonerated

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.
Of course he will.

The FBI conducted 6 or 7 background investigations of Kavanaugh and - like Christine Ford - could not come up with 1 piece of evidence against Kavanaugh / that supported Ford's claim.

You obviously subscribe to the Liberal belief in the 'Judicial System as it applies to Conservatives':
- Guilty until proven innocent
- The Burden Of Proof Lies On the Accused, NOT the Accuser


Of course not, nor could anyone prove an attempted rape that happened in HS, unless they are dead or went to the ER but even then she got away from the creep that was trying to rape her. I believe Kav was going to far, and Judge probably tried to stop him. I believe he is a pervert. I KNOW HE IS A LIAR.
Two women have so far recanted their story against the Justice. This shows that there was an full-on attempt to impune the character of Brett Kavanaugh and destroy his chances to sit on the bench. If the Democraps win the House, we are in for two years of wasted investigations and a halt to our prosperity.
It was always a she said , he said and he lied under oath, for all the world to see. I believe her in totality. I also believe his calendar.
5 years ago you raped my little brother.
You are guilty because I say so.
I have no evidence.
People I know will probably say it never happened, but that does not matter because you did it.
Welcome to the Liberals' 'Justice System Hell'...where you are GUILTY until proven innocent.
Have fun with that. :p
You would think if Penelope had an ounce of character, she would say t a minimum,she failed to produce any proof or witnesses and Kavanaugh is assumed innocent.
I guess it takes a lot of energy and diversion to get a nazi appointed to the scotus these days......~S~
It was always a she said , he said and he lied under oath, for all the world to see. I believe her in totality. I also believe his calendar.
5 years ago you raped my little brother.
You are guilty because I say so.
I have no evidence.
People I know will probably say it never happened, but that does not matter because you did it.
Welcome to the Liberals' 'Justice System Hell'...where you are GUILTY until proven innocent.
Have fun with that. :p
You would think if Penelope had an ounce of character, she would say t a minimum,she failed to produce any proof or witnesses and Kavanaugh is assumed innocent.

Nope, only according to kav. Reread my posts, better yet follow my links.
I guess it takes a lot of energy and diversion to get a nazi appointed to the scotus these days......~S~
More of a fascist than a proper "nazi," but yes, very good analysis.
I'm not upset at all, Windy! I support a President who's fulfilling the promises that he made when he ran for President. What would I possibly have to be upset about? Your attempts at smearing conservatives? I've got news for you, hun...it's not like what you on the left do is new! I've been called a lot of things by a lot of liberals since I started posting here. You know what...most of their accusations are so ridiculous they make me laugh...not get upset. I think Obama's economic policies were idiotic? That means I'm a "racist"! (eye roll) I think Brett Kavanaugh might be one of the most qualified Supreme Court Justice seated on that court in quite some time? That means I "hate women"! (another eye roll!) I point out that Obamacare was set up to fail by those who created it? That means I want to push Grandma off a cliff! Bottom line is this...you on the left spend most of your time telling others to sit down and shut up. What you should be doing is explaining why liberal policies are better for us than conservative ones!
Our opinions differ. The end.

The end? Interesting how close minded you are, Windy! That's the way you operate here though isn't it? You state YOUR opinion and then won't even respond to others that disagree with you. You're the little kid who covers her ears and says repeatedly "I CAN'T HEAR YOU...I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
I'm not upset at all, Windy! I support a President who's fulfilling the promises that he made when he ran for President. What would I possibly have to be upset about? Your attempts at smearing conservatives? I've got news for you, hun...it's not like what you on the left do is new! I've been called a lot of things by a lot of liberals since I started posting here. You know what...most of their accusations are so ridiculous they make me laugh...not get upset. I think Obama's economic policies were idiotic? That means I'm a "racist"! (eye roll) I think Brett Kavanaugh might be one of the most qualified Supreme Court Justice seated on that court in quite some time? That means I "hate women"! (another eye roll!) I point out that Obamacare was set up to fail by those who created it? That means I want to push Grandma off a cliff! Bottom line is this...you on the left spend most of your time telling others to sit down and shut up. What you should be doing is explaining why liberal policies are better for us than conservative ones!
Our opinions differ. The end.

Really, that's all you have?

How about the promised Trumpy-Care, covering all at a fraction of the cost? Promises...

How about Obama, handing off a healthy, stable and growing economy to his successor, having pulled that economy out of the Great Rightarded Recession? Must be those idiotic economic policies...

How about Kavanaugh demonstrated, conclusively for all to see, that he is temperamentally perfectly unfit to serve on any court, let alone the Supreme Court. Any woman behaving that way would have been declared out-of-control hysterical and laughed out of the hearing. Declaring Kavanaugh "the most qualified" after that spectacle sure is... yeah, shall we say, really hard to explain.

Obamacare reduced the rate of uninsured to levels unseen since the beginning of time. Sure, a sign of failure by design.

Bottom line is, "Oldstyle" - quite the apt denomination for a bundle of otherwordliness, and the racism and misogyny ubiquitous in times of old, and the equally ubiquitous lying about it - waves a giant victim card at you, having been accused of moral and intellectual failures, for no reason other than his obvious moral and intellectual failures. Certainly, "opinions differ". In Oldstyle's case, his otherworldly "opinions" are justifiable in case the planet he inhabits isn't called "Earth", and it doesn't rotate around the Sun, either.

LOL...what's with the last paragraph, Olde Europe? You were rolling along making a fairly coherent argument that although I don't agree with what you were saying was at least presented in an understandable fashion...and then you went off the tracks! That's embarrassing! Run on sentences...improper word usage...I'm not sure if your meds kicked in...or ran out...but something happened there! Time to hit the edit button, buddy!
Democrats intend to ignore the FBI report and impeach Kavanaugh for lying when he said the attacks never happened.
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.

"With all due respect" I didn't even say he did it. I never have said he did it either.

What I said was that doesn't mean he didn't do it.

The problem is you have the right wing partisans saying he didn't do it, the left wing partisans saying he didn't do it, and then the right wing partisans have "won" because there's a report from the FBI which says "we don't know".
Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.
Of course he will.

The FBI conducted 6 or 7 background investigations of Kavanaugh and - like Christine Ford - could not come up with 1 piece of evidence against Kavanaugh / that supported Ford's claim.

You obviously subscribe to the Liberal belief in the 'Judicial System as it applies to Conservatives':
- Guilty until proven innocent
- The Burden Of Proof Lies On the Accused, NOT the Accuser


Of course not, nor could anyone prove an attempted rape that happened in HS, unless they are dead or went to the ER but even then she got away from the creep that was trying to rape her. I believe Kav was going to far, and Judge probably tried to stop him. I believe he is a pervert. I KNOW HE IS A LIAR.

I guess you better hope that you never get accused. Judged by your own standards
That's all it would take to put you behind bars.

Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.

"With all due respect" I didn't even say he did it. I never have said he did it either.

What I said was that doesn't mean he didn't do it.

The problem is you have the right wing partisans saying he didn't do it, the left wing partisans saying he didn't do it, and then the right wing partisans have "won" because there's a report from the FBI which says "we don't know".

I know you raped a five year old boy.
Your denial of it does not mean you're

Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.

"With all due respect" I didn't even say he did it. I never have said he did it either.

What I said was that doesn't mean he didn't do it.

The problem is you have the right wing partisans saying he didn't do it, the left wing partisans saying he didn't do it, and then the right wing partisans have "won" because there's a report from the FBI which says "we don't know".

I know you raped a five year old boy.
Your denial of it does not mean you're


You know, in religion they say that even if you get away with something, you'll still have to answer to God for it.
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.

"With all due respect" I didn't even say he did it. I never have said he did it either.

What I said was that doesn't mean he didn't do it.

The problem is you have the right wing partisans saying he didn't do it, the left wing partisans saying he didn't do it, and then the right wing partisans have "won" because there's a report from the FBI which says "we don't know".

I know you raped a five year old boy.
Your denial of it does not mean you're


You know, in religion they say that even if you get away with something, you'll still have to answer to God for it.

Well I'm pretty sure Christine Ford is an atheist. Atheism is popular with the college crowd. They see it as being a bit more sophisticated.

Just because she doesn't believe in God doesn't mean he doesn't exist however.

Just because you deny being a pedophile doesn't mean that you're not one.

But then again we live in a world where people generally agree to draw the line between totally dumb shit stupid and lreasonably acceptable standards.

If we remove the line and those standards suddenly everyone becomes guilty of everything.

I'm not sure if you understand the implications of that....somehow I doubt it.

Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.

"With all due respect" I didn't even say he did it. I never have said he did it either.

What I said was that doesn't mean he didn't do it.

The problem is you have the right wing partisans saying he didn't do it, the left wing partisans saying he didn't do it, and then the right wing partisans have "won" because there's a report from the FBI which says "we don't know".

I know you raped a five year old boy.
Your denial of it does not mean you're


You know, in religion they say that even if you get away with something, you'll still have to answer to God for it.
Appealing to God now? Let us know how that turns out.
Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

Your radical bias has blinded you to FACTS.

I'll bet you believe that President Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with THAT woman too! :D

Porn Star Stormy Daniels now owes President Donald Trump $20 million.

Michael Avenatti is hit with $4.85-million judgment for unpaid debt as court orders eviction of his law firm
Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for porn actress Stormy Daniels, was hit with a personal judgment of $4.85 million Monday for his failure to pay a debt to a former colleague at ... Avenatti has been the ...

I'd wager that you'll support Avenatti in his run for President against President Donald Trump.

Where have the other couple of women disappeared to?

Democrats/Progressives have stooped this far, and you support them? Why?
But that also doesn't mean he didn't do it. Evidence is a difficult thing to get in rape and sexual assault cases, always has been.

With all due respect, Weirdo...when you accuse someone of a crime 30 years after it happened...don't know the date when the crime took place...don't know the location where the crime took place...don't remember how you got there...don't remember how you left...and everyone that you name as a "witness" denies knowing anything about what you're talking about...there isn't a court in the nation that would continue your case.

"With all due respect" I didn't even say he did it. I never have said he did it either.

What I said was that doesn't mean he didn't do it.

The problem is you have the right wing partisans saying he didn't do it, the left wing partisans saying he didn't do it, and then the right wing partisans have "won" because there's a report from the FBI which says "we don't know".

I know you raped a five year old boy.
Your denial of it does not mean you're


You know, in religion they say that even if you get away with something, you'll still have to answer to God for it.

Well I'm pretty sure Christine Ford is an atheist. Atheism is popular with the college crowd. They see it as being a bit more sophisticated.

Just because she doesn't believe in God doesn't mean he doesn't exist however.

Just because you deny being a pedophile doesn't mean that you're not one.

But then again we live in a world where people generally agree to draw the line between totally dumb shit stupid and lreasonably acceptable standards.

If we remove the line and those standards suddenly everyone becomes guilty of everything.

I'm not sure if you understand the implications of that....somehow I doubt it.


You seem to be trying to justify not having to think about things properly. Shouldn't people be guilty of what they've done wrong?

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