FBI report issued- Kav completely exonerated

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.
Of course he will.

The FBI conducted 6 or 7 background investigations of Kavanaugh and - like Christine Ford - could not come up with 1 piece of evidence against Kavanaugh / that supported Ford's claim.

You obviously subscribe to the Liberal belief in the 'Judicial System as it applies to Conservatives':
- Guilty until proven innocent
- The Burden Of Proof Lies On the Accused, NOT the Accuser


Of course not, nor could anyone prove an attempted rape that happened in HS, unless they are dead or went to the ER but even then she got away from the creep that was trying to rape her. I believe Kav was going to far, and Judge probably tried to stop him. I believe he is a pervert. I KNOW HE IS A LIAR.

She never claimed he was trying to rape her. She doesn’t know who “he” is.
She could not remember much of the incident. No location, how she got there, what happened, no PD report made, no evidence. Should have not ever been able to testify and could not be a court case. Sad but true.
What happened to the Left's massive outrage over Dr. Ford's "rape" ? They stopped caring that she was "raped" ?

Seems the entire left ONLY gave a damn about the allegations AND Dr. Ford's case ....up to the point it could have stopped Kavanaugh's confirmation.

If the left cared so much and really believed all the lies why did they drop it all so suddenly after his confirmation?

Like Greg Gutfield says, we all know why.....

VOTE TUESDAY to strip these asshats of power.
Hey, whatever happened to you and all your whines about "facts and evidence"? You think that just because you find Trump a liar the entire FBI lied about this too? You're so exposed honey

What kind of stupid response is that? I gave an OPINION. Let me again reiterate; opinions are NOT facts. Get that through your thick skull. Opinions are allowed here and as evidenced by your reply, stupid responses.
I try and formulate my opinions based on facts. You, not so much.
Hey, whatever happened to you and all your whines about "facts and evidence"? You think that just because you find Trump a liar the entire FBI lied about this too? You're so exposed honey

What kind of stupid response is that? I gave an OPINION. Let me again reiterate; opinions are NOT facts. Get that through your thick skull. Opinions are allowed here and as evidenced by your reply, stupid responses.
I try and formulate my opinions based on facts. You, not so much.

Windy and those like her are all about "feelings"!
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

Then you don't make up your mind based on facts and evidence, but we already knew this Penny. Believe me, we did.

I make my mind up based on who was more believable, and it was Ford, like all the GOP believed her, it was just not Kav. I believe it was Kav and Judge, and the FBI investigation was nil at best. Grassley please spare me.
414-page report released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa

Use your brains. Whatever you have left. I'm not kidding. She was not at all believable.

I have come to the conclusion that when leftists say an accuser is "credible", it means she can strings words into understandable sentences and isn't actually wearing her underpants on her head. Basically, "Hey, she's not obviously certifiable, so it COULD be true!"

There is no other explanation.
Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

You are saying the FBI did a fake investigation on Justice Kavanaugh?

On what basis do you make this judgment?

I thought the Democrats said they WANTED an FBI investigation into this, and they certainly implied that they would accept the probe.

Now we have it, and it isn't good enough, the libs still want to lynch the man?

When did they ever imply they were going to accept anything? I was fully expecting them to do what they are now doing, so I didn't really pay attention. My impression, though, was that they demanded it without ever even pretending it was going to settle anything.
THAT IS THE TOPIC.IT is an investigation by the FBI. I spent an half hour this morning skimming the report before I forwarded it to two of my very liberal friends that I was in a political program at University.They were leaning, like me, towards supporting Ford.I was a Sexual Assault Crises counselor while at University.I am disgusted with the DNC for taking this issue and using it as a tool and de-legitimizing it in the public's eye. THIS is a very serious issue that the public will not view as such if it is trivialized like this. . . .You need to read the testimony of these people that knew all of these people involved. NOT THE POLITICIANS.
I was not made privy to the terms, conditions, scope and restrictions trump and the gop put the FBI under to do this investigation. They were not made public. As I view both trump and the republicans to be immoral and dishonorable, I have a very practical mistrust of the FBI's findings.

Did anyone else just hear, "I always have an excuse! Democrats get their way, or nothing!"?
You think I've someone how "misread" what you mean, Windy? You're here pontificating about "morality and honor" when it's you folks on the left who have given the US smear campaigns instead of running on how your policies are better than what the GOP offers! Give me a break...your little holier than thou rants have reached the point of farce!
Poor little you. Upset? Good. You support an immoral and dishonorable president and administration, which makes you by default, equal to them. So back off the old man rants and sit down.

You support a party that thinks smear campaigns and character assassinations are acceptable political tools, which makes you by default unqualified to pass moral judgement on anyone. Or, to put it another way, however immoral and dishonorable you view Trump? You're beneath him. FAR beneath him.

So back off the hypocrisy and self-flattery and sit down. No one here would take your approval even if it was offered. As much as I personally dislike Trump, I look at you and know that I'd vote for him in a hot second if the alternative was to be anything like you.
Let me guess. You voted for Crooked Hillary, right?
Jill Stein.
You know, since no one today seems to have voted for Hilllary, I'm surprised that dingbat didn't win the popular vote.

If you were an evil, amoral dirtball who voted for an evil amoral dirtball who was also a loser, and NOW you wanted to flatter yourself by making outraged "moral judgements" in the hopes that someone, somewhere gives a tin shit about your good opinion, wouldn't YOU lie? Especially since leftists appear to be incapable of doing anything else, anyway.
THAT IS THE TOPIC.IT is an investigation by the FBI. I spent an half hour this morning skimming the report before I forwarded it to two of my very liberal friends that I was in a political program at University.They were leaning, like me, towards supporting Ford.I was a Sexual Assault Crises counselor while at University.I am disgusted with the DNC for taking this issue and using it as a tool and de-legitimizing it in the public's eye. THIS is a very serious issue that the public will not view as such if it is trivialized like this. . . .You need to read the testimony of these people that knew all of these people involved. NOT THE POLITICIANS.
I was not made privy to the terms, conditions, scope and restrictions trump and the gop put the FBI under to do this investigation. They were not made public. As I view both trump and the republicans to be immoral and dishonorable, I have a very practical mistrust of the FBI's findings.

Did anyone else just hear, "I always have an excuse! Democrats get their way, or nothing!"?

Nope, I heard;

I am very skeptical of the FBI and I do not trust them.

I think that is very healthy considering that the top brass in the FBI colluded with the Clinton campaign to sink the Trump campaign.

In fact, for all we know, folks in the NSA, CIA, and FBI, colluded with scholars over at the Federalist society to recommend to Trump Kavanaugh, and scuttled this entire investigation, it just MAY HAVE BEEN a white wash.

Folks informed about this guy know he is friendly to the intel agencies, and the Deep State, and doesn't give a shit about the little guy. He cares only about the spooks. So in the end, he could be the public's undoing, and Trump and the Republicans, and the Democrats, might all have been fooled.

And the public have just been duped as well.

Remember, all of the supposed names have been redacted, so nobody knows what is really attributed to whom.

So in this time of political acrimony, when the Deep State IS actively attacking the public state, what is wrong with a little skepticism?

When the right does it, the left gets the same way, so cut her some slack. She is just a patriotic American, just like you.

Clemente Letter to Sen. Grassley RE Nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to Supreme Court
Of course he was exonerated.

The whole thing was a giant crock of shit that backfired on the Dems.
The thing is that the Liberals ASKED for the this exact investigation from the FBI- indeed DEMANDED it, and now they have it.

So, either you still haven't understood that this is no "FBI report", as you've falsely claimed in your thread title, or you are now lying about it. No, we don't have an FBI report. You've just been regurgitating FOX swill.

And no, it's also not true that "Liberals ASKED for the this exact investigation". But then, we've already established your relation to truth and reality is somewhat, say, tenuous, haven't we?
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

Then you don't make up your mind based on facts and evidence, but we already knew this Penny. Believe me, we did.

I make my mind up based on who was more believable, and it was Ford, like all the GOP believed her, it was just not Kav. I believe it was Kav and Judge, and the FBI investigation was nil at best. Grassley please spare me.
414-page report released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa
You have no mind to make up. You're an ignorant, brain washed moron that lives in a bubble on another planet.

You're disgusting.

The new radical leftist democrat party knows no bounds. They're LIARS, CHEATS and CORRUPT to the core, and to top that off, they have no shame. The democrat party is the party of TRASH...

Trump Slams Kavanaugh Accuser Who Admitted to Lying
I'm not upset at all, Windy! I support a President who's fulfilling the promises that he made when he ran for President. What would I possibly have to be upset about? Your attempts at smearing conservatives? I've got news for you, hun...it's not like what you on the left do is new! I've been called a lot of things by a lot of liberals since I started posting here. You know what...most of their accusations are so ridiculous they make me laugh...not get upset. I think Obama's economic policies were idiotic? That means I'm a "racist"! (eye roll) I think Brett Kavanaugh might be one of the most qualified Supreme Court Justice seated on that court in quite some time? That means I "hate women"! (another eye roll!) I point out that Obamacare was set up to fail by those who created it? That means I want to push Grandma off a cliff! Bottom line is this...you on the left spend most of your time telling others to sit down and shut up. What you should be doing is explaining why liberal policies are better for us than conservative ones!
Our opinions differ. The end.
Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

Then you don't make up your mind based on facts and evidence, but we already knew this Penny. Believe me, we did.

I make my mind up based on who was more believable, and it was Ford, like all the GOP believed her, it was just not Kav. I believe it was Kav and Judge, and the FBI investigation was nil at best. Grassley please spare me.
414-page report released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa
You have no mind to make up. You're an ignorant, brain washed moron that lives in a bubble on another planet.

You're disgusting.

The new radical leftist democrat party knows no bounds. They're LIARS, CHEATS and CORRUPT to the core, and to top that off, they have no shame. The democrat party is the party of TRASH...

Trump Slams Kavanaugh Accuser Who Admitted to Lying

You know who Jane Doe is? No one does, only the said women who came forward PRETENDING to be the Jane Doe in question , once again the Potus didn't even read the report and you didn't as well.
"A vicious accuser of Justice Kavanaugh has just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally made up, or FAKE!" the president tweeted. "Can you imagine if he didn’t become a Justice of the Supreme Court because of her disgusting False Statements. What about the others? Where are the Dems on this?"

She lied about being Jane Doe, is all, there is still a Jane Doe out there. :rolleyes:

Read Newsmax: Trump Slams Kavanaugh Accuser Who Admitted to Lying | Newsmax.com
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll
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Absolutely zero proof of any misconduct on the part of the man, after an exhaustive FBI search, the report came out on Friday.

Yet, 4 dozen extremists voted to destroy the man's life, even though there is no evidence. Shameful.

'No evidence' to back Kavanaugh accusers' claims, Senate panel's report on FBI probe finds

Not in my mind, he will always be an accused attempted rapist, and the FBI didn't do a complete investigation and it was bias.

Then you don't make up your mind based on facts and evidence, but we already knew this Penny. Believe me, we did.

I make my mind up based on who was more believable, and it was Ford, like all the GOP believed her, it was just not Kav. I believe it was Kav and Judge, and the FBI investigation was nil at best. Grassley please spare me.
414-page report released by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa
You have no mind to make up. You're an ignorant, brain washed moron that lives in a bubble on another planet.

You're disgusting.

The new radical leftist democrat party knows no bounds. They're LIARS, CHEATS and CORRUPT to the core, and to top that off, they have no shame. The democrat party is the party of TRASH...

Trump Slams Kavanaugh Accuser Who Admitted to Lying

You know who Jane Doe is? No one does, only the said women who came forward PRETENDING to be the Jane Doe in question , once again the Potus didn't even read the report and you didn't as well.
"A vicious accuser of Justice Kavanaugh has just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally made up, or FAKE!" the president tweeted. "Can you imagine if he didn’t become a Justice of the Supreme Court because of her disgusting False Statements. What about the others? Where are the Dems on this?"

She lied about being Jane Doe, is all, there is still a Jane Doe out there. :rolleyes:

Read Newsmax: Trump Slams Kavanaugh Accuser Who Admitted to Lying | Newsmax.com
Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll
You're an idiot... grasping at straws... wishing you could make something out of nothing.

Get a life.

And it looks like your poll isn't going very well for you. But then nothing is going well for you radical America hating pricks...

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I'm not upset at all, Windy! I support a President who's fulfilling the promises that he made when he ran for President. What would I possibly have to be upset about? Your attempts at smearing conservatives? I've got news for you, hun...it's not like what you on the left do is new! I've been called a lot of things by a lot of liberals since I started posting here. You know what...most of their accusations are so ridiculous they make me laugh...not get upset. I think Obama's economic policies were idiotic? That means I'm a "racist"! (eye roll) I think Brett Kavanaugh might be one of the most qualified Supreme Court Justice seated on that court in quite some time? That means I "hate women"! (another eye roll!) I point out that Obamacare was set up to fail by those who created it? That means I want to push Grandma off a cliff! Bottom line is this...you on the left spend most of your time telling others to sit down and shut up. What you should be doing is explaining why liberal policies are better for us than conservative ones!
Our opinions differ. The end.

Really, that's all you have?

How about the promised Trumpy-Care, covering all at a fraction of the cost? Promises...

How about Obama, handing off a healthy, stable and growing economy to his successor, having pulled that economy out of the Great Rightarded Recession? Must be those idiotic economic policies...

How about Kavanaugh demonstrated, conclusively for all to see, that he is temperamentally perfectly unfit to serve on any court, let alone the Supreme Court. Any woman behaving that way would have been declared out-of-control hysterical and laughed out of the hearing. Declaring Kavanaugh "the most qualified" after that spectacle sure is... yeah, shall we say, really hard to explain.

Obamacare reduced the rate of uninsured to levels unseen since the beginning of time. Sure, a sign of failure by design.

Bottom line is, "Oldstyle" - quite the apt denomination for a bundle of otherwordliness, and the racism and misogyny ubiquitous in times of old, and the equally ubiquitous lying about it - waves a giant victim card at you, having been accused of moral and intellectual failures, for no reason other than his obvious moral and intellectual failures. Certainly, "opinions differ". In Oldstyle's case, his otherworldly "opinions" are justifiable in case the planet he inhabits isn't called "Earth", and it doesn't rotate around the Sun, either.

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