FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

LOL. Fail Zero is a good nic for you. Those groups you listed, for the most part..are not crazies, at all.
La Raza ferchrisakes? ELF are a bit odd..give ya that. BLM is legit...Communist party of the US? The right wing complement would be the John Birch Society.

Antifa and Black Bloc--well, Black Block is very Eurocentric...and they have infiltrated the US Antifa..dangerous types, those people.

Lessee..you have the Proud Boys, the 3%ers, the Oathkeepers, the Patriot Front, and another coupla dozen lame-ass militias and circle-jerkers wearing MAGA hats.

It's kinda whack-a-mole with the RW bunch.

Not to mention the Q Movement..that's an entirely different level of nutz~ JBS average age of members 72 years old
ANTIFA isn't a group it's an anagram. ANTIFA doesn't exist. I don't know the details like you believe you do. But government recognizes the far right is the biggest threat to our country. There are way more of them and they have a lot of weapons, again way more than the people on the far left. They are in a lot of paramilitary groups and better organized. trump helped galvanize them.
Antifa doesn’t exist?!?!

God damn! Stain ^ is stupid and stubbornly addicted to his own stupidity. But that line in his idiotic post carries his devotion to the propaganda of the far left quite a bit too far.
I said...Not to mention the Q Movement..that's an entirely different level of nutz~

You said....JBS average age of members 72 years old

Gotta link for that assertion? I thought not~
Because you do not agree with his call does not, in any way, make that call illegal...just sayin'
If it was legal, why has deadly force never been used against unruly mobs before? Why wasn’t it used against the liberal mobs attacking the White House, or those attacking the Senate during the Kavanaugh confitmations? How about those refusing to disperse when picketing and demonstrating in front of SCOTUS justices houses? Why was it legal this one time?
Antifa doesn’t exist?!?!

God damn! Stain ^ is stupid and stubbornly addicted to his own stupidity. But that line in his idiotic post carries his devotion to the propaganda of the far left quite a bit too far.
Tell me..where exactly..do the Antifa have their headquarters? What is their leadership structure. How do you send them money? You can find a local 'chapter'...or some website....but there is NO unifying structure.
All you need to be Antifa..is to say you are. Simple as that.
The real danger of Antifa comes from the Black Bloc anarchists embedding in its structure. But..since there really is no national organization..good luck in catching those murderous bastards.
If it was legal, why has deadly force never been used against unruly mobs before? Why wasn’t it used against the liberal mobs attacking the White House, or those attacking the Senate during the Kavanaugh confitmations? How about those refusing to disperse when picketing and demonstrating in front of SCOTUS justices houses? Why was it legal this one time?
Dude...U.S history is replete with examples of the use of deadly force by LEA against crowd and demonstrations in this country...Hell..it's harder to find examples where they did not!

BTW..Liberal mobs did not 'attack' the White House. I wonder just your idea of a violent 'mob' is?

If you need a clue...look at the pictures of the Capital on Jan. 6.
You’re another shithead propagandist. Or, at least, you’re a scumbag imbecile who buys it.

One need not have a headquarters to be an organization. You moron.
Yes...you do. Hence the term, 'organization'. Sure, I buy it. Of course, i know far more than you about Antifa and Black Bloc--so it makes perfect sense. While you have the impossible task of turning Antifa into the Boogie man that you require.
What I state conforms to known facts...in a way that your alternative narrative simply does not. All the insults in the world will not make up for the gross lack of veracity that you have to constantly engage in..in order to attempt to advance your BS.
Yes...you do. Hence the term, 'organization'. Sure, I buy it. Of course, i know far more than you about Antifa and Black Bloc--so it makes perfect sense. While you have the impossible task of turning Antifa into the Boogie man that you require.
What I state conforms to known facts...in a way that your alternative narrative simply does not. All the insults in the world will not make up for the gross lack of veracity that you have to constantly engage in..in order to attempt to advance your BS.
You’re a retard. If you don’t have an HQ you ain’t an organization.

Damn you’re beyond retarded.

Please get fire-AIDS.
So plan is now just kill all Trump voters?
are all trump voters violent insurrectionists? if (and only if) that answer is "yes" then such strict application of "law and order" is appropriate, don't you think?

That Trump will be tried for his coup attempt is not a violation of his rights. It is a fulfillment of his rights. It is the grace of the American republic. In other systems, when your coup attempt fails, what follows is not a trial.
You’re a retard. If you don’t have an HQ you ain’t an organization.

Damn you’re beyond retarded.

Please get fire-AIDS.
Wow..you're really stuck of stupid, aren't you? I can always tell...because your pseudo-intellectual veneer cracks..it's pretty thin at the best of times..but when you have no factual rebuttal..you simply go to pieces..get all ad hominen.
Yes, Antifa is not one organization, it is a collection of loosly affiliated local/regional groups....no, Antifa has no common statement of purpose or intent, as such. It has no national leadership, it collects no money nationally.
Here ya go..a link to sneer at. You might want to look up 'autonomous' in the dictionary first though.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

hey sockpuppet shill,you win FIRST PRIZE for the most comedy post on this thread:rofl:.you really need to start a comedy comedy club,im wondering if you are a sock of the banker,you HAVE to be,he is the only one i know of who would make such a grade school post like this one. this is the kind of juvenile delinquent post only THE BANKER could come up with. :rofl:

dont you agree folks that this post would be only the kind THE BANKER could come up with?:rofl:

Next thing you are going to tell us all is Hoover and Dulles looked out for the best interests of the American people right? :rofl: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg:
i never said that noted Conservative anti communists as hoover and dulles cared for the interests if the american people. they were, like all you people, paranoid schizos.

and you, troll; are on ignore.

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