FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Yes, it is, or at least it can be. Depends on the orders. If the order is "Stop, or I'll shoot!"...and you continue to advance, yeah, it's a good shoot. It was a highly charged situation, and the officer was defending the sworn representatives of our People.
No, there never was even a bit of talk about charging him...it was open and shut~
Just don't put your knee on the neck of a resisting suspect, eh?
Wow..you're really stuck of stupid, aren't you? I can always tell...because your pseudo-intellectual veneer cracks..it's pretty thin at the best of times..but when you have no factual rebuttal..you simply go to pieces..get all ad hominen.
Yes, Antifa is not one organization, it is a collection of loosly affiliated local/regional groups....no, Antifa has no common statement of purpose or intent, as such. It has no national leadership, it collects no money nationally.
Here ya go..a link to sneer at. You might want to look up 'autonomous' in the dictionary first though.

Once again repeating your imbecile claim that you need an HQ to be an “organization.”

Very persuasive of you.

You make retards glad they aren’t as brain dead as you.
Wow..you're really stuck of stupid, aren't you? I can always tell...because your pseudo-intellectual veneer cracks..it's pretty thin at the best of times..but when you have no factual rebuttal..you simply go to pieces..get all ad hominen.
Yes, Antifa is not one organization, it is a collection of loosly affiliated local/regional groups....no, Antifa has no common statement of purpose or intent, as such. It has no national leadership, it collects no money nationally.
Here ya go..a link to sneer at. You might want to look up 'autonomous' in the dictionary first though.

what the hell is "fire aids?" does this retard screw his bar b q
Once again repeating your imbecile claim that you need an HQ to be an “organization.”

Very persuasive of you.

You make retards glad they aren’t as brain dead as you.
Damn..that's some pretty weak sauce ya got there. Too afraid to actually address my posts? Well, I don't blame ya. When you got nothing but that time-honored troll tactic of taking one point, that you mistakenly think is a winner..and then repeating it in every subsequent post.
I'll save you the trouble. Yes, without a national leadership, without a headquarters, they are not a national organization.
Now I know, you are salivating to say that you can have a national leadership without a headquarters...but, in reality, you cannot..while your headquarters may move..wherever that national leadership is, is the de facto headquarters--thus no national leadership...no infrastructure....no treasury....no unified front=no headquarters...and no national organization.
Except in your oh so active imagination..and thank you for sharing~
Dude...U.S history is replete with examples of the use of deadly force by LEA against crowd and demonstrations in this country...Hell..it's harder to find examples where they did not!

BTW..Liberal mobs did not 'attack' the White House. I wonder just your idea of a violent 'mob' is?

If you need a clue...look at the pictures of the Capital on Jan. 6.

every strike or effort to organize has been met by massive gunfire from police and corporate "security." the history of violences in america is government support of CONSERVATIVE causes and corporate profit.

hell, the civil rights workers were killed with impunity, and , if course, kent st.

even the willingness to kill america's workers and nurses so that"the economy" could stay open (and kuslner could razoo relief billions during the pandemic's worse months was nothing short of open class warfare.
You are wrong. She could have easily been subdued and cuffed by the several other police officers in the room. She was squeezing through a small window.

Fuck her

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Imagine that. An organization without a headquarters.

And what? An organization like the French Resistance used a pyramid type structure so that no one component could be forced to give up the entirety?

The most famous, and perhaps ingenious security device of resistance groups was the use of a pyramid command structure. The pyramid structure ensured that no member of a partisan group even interacted or conducted operations with more than two other members of the organization. No records of membership were kept, and messages were sent only by word-of-mouth.

Holy shit! No HQ. Sounds an awful lot like Antifa (which is itself a cynically ironic name for that group of fascist scumbags.)

Somebody should tell the moron BlindEyeFlea and his idiotic pals.
...as well you should~

Helpful hint...less snark..and more facts. I know it fucks with your alternative narrative....but you won't be so embarrassed all the time.
Helpful hint. You’re a flaming retard and nobody takes you seriously.

When you next present a fact, it will be a first.

Now be a good little shitbag and go play on traffic.

Imagine that. An organization without a headquarters.

And what? An organization like the French Resistance used a pyramid type structure so that no one component could be forced to give up the entirety?

Holy shit! No HQ. Sounds an awful lot like Antifa (which is itself a cynically ironic name for that group of fascist scumbags.)

Somebody should tell the moron BlindEyeFlea and his idiotic pals.
Damn..you do keep trying..good for you! First, yes...that is why Antifa is a dis-organization---to prevent infiltration and subversion. An organization needs structure...Antifa has none..or at least, very little. No one is coordinating Antifa. Local groups act on their own without support.
The French Resistance was composed of quite a few groups....you might be interested to know that their headquarters was in London..where they were coordinated by Charles DeGaulle/Churchill and Ike.

The French Resistance (French: La Résistance) was a collection of organizations that fought the Nazi occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy régime in France during the Second World War.
Helpful hint. You’re a flaming retard and nobody takes you seriously.

When you next present a fact, it will be a first.

Now be a good little shitbag and go play on traffic.
Nice to see you conform to expectation. Lame flames and misconstrued facts....your specialty~

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