FBI: spying on Trump started in London earlier than thought new texts implicate Obama White House


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A new report from John Solomon of The Hill ties together several loose threads floating around over the genesis of the FBI/DOJ espionage operation against the Trump campaign, who was involved in the “setup” of campaign aides, and how text messages between FBI employees suggest that the Obama White House was not only aware of the operation – but possibly directing it.

FBI Spying On Trump Started In London, Earlier Than Thought, New Texts Implicate Obama White House

Oh and the lies used to cover up this is how lying, pos democratic scum play lie, cheat, and steal. typical.
Trump is guilty as can be and he has showed it and spoke it himself, I can't wait for him to walk away in shame, and I hope no one pardons his butt. I also hope Trump Jr wears a orange suit.
American intelligence agencies at the direction of the President have the job of protecting America from attack by foreign entities, whether formally recognized countries or terrorist groups. Those whining and complaining about how those agencies have been doing their jobs are playing into the hands of our enemies who seek to see restrictions imposed on those who protect us. They by plan or being duped are working for our enemies.
Oh look! More distractions! Texts that will prove its all Obama's fault! Just like the last ones that didn't! And the ones before that! And the ones before that! And the ones before that! And the ones before that!......

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