FBI tampering with Mar A Lago evidence?

You need some, old buddy?

Because the order of the documents in the box does not affect the legality of possessing the documents in the box.
Your problem here is they weren't exactly sure what went where or where it came from at the point of confiscation and then arriving at the WFO. It was not noted in the filing either......Nauta's atty stumbled on an admission by FBI.

This will be an issue for defense to explore, no doubt.
Your problem here is they weren't exactly sure what went where or where it came from at the point of confiscation and then arriving at the WFO. It was not noted in the filing either......Nauta's atty stumbled on an admission by FBI.

This will be an issue for defense to explore, no doubt.
That’s simply not true. The issue is only the precise order of the items in the box. Not the contents of the box.
They already acknowledged things aren't in original order as when seized. You think Trump's defense is going to say 'aw, no problem, we're cool with it'?
None of this has anything to do with the FACTS of the case.
Trump stole classified documents thereby compromising national security AND obstructed lawful efforts to retrieve them.
None of this has anything to do with the FACTS of the case.
Has a direct bearing on FBI's handling of evidence in that case. You are one of a kind.

So you have just pointed out how inept FBI was after a very thorough search of Mar A Lago, missing other documents. This is the same FBI who doctored original classified doc's from there original order.....which one would have to wonder, what else have they tampered with?

Trump stole classified documents thereby compromising national security AND obstructed lawful efforts to retrieve them.
It was Biden who has been found by a special prosecutor to have stolen documents across his career, especially concerning, as Hur pointed out, Biden knew of the procedures of handling classified material.

Trump claims they were declassified, until that has been determined, you are full of shit.
They already acknowledged things aren't in original order as when seized. You think Trump's defense is going to say 'aw, no problem, we're cool with it'?
Sounds like much ado about nothing. Are we supposed to be concerned because the Russians may have seen war games plans before the nuclear codes? :dunno:
Since every document was taken out and imaged, with witnesses, there is a record, right? I don’t see how the fact that, given there hundreds of documents, they may have been put back in the exact same order will matter or constitute “tampering”.
Yeah cause... it is perfectly normal and acceptable for law enforcement at the scene to take evidence, plant sheets with "TOP SECRET" strewn with them, and send photos to the media.
Yeah... happens all the time.

I guess they forgot to do that at the 4 places they took classified material from Biden... must have slipped their minds,
Has a direct bearing on FBI's handling of evidence in that case.
In the long run no, it won't.
A minor procedural error that won't affect the outcome of the case at all.
Just another nothingburger for you MAGAt-tards to wail and gnash your teeth and shit your pants about but at the end of the day?
Just a bunch of noise.
You are one of a kind.
Why, thank you.
So you have just pointed out how inept FBI was after a very thorough search of Mar A Lago, missing other documents.
I did no such thing.
I have pointed out how Trump instructed his legal team to lie on affidavits swearing that all documents had been returned, then he went to extra lengths to spread them around in an attempt to hide them. That's obstruction.
This is the same FBI who doctored original classified doc's from there original order
I think you mean "their."
"Their original order."
As for "doctored," since you had difficulty with "there" and "their" I can't be sure you understand the use of the word "doctored."
Are you sure you mean to use such a ridiculously inflammatory term to describe a minor processing error?
....which one would have to wonder, what else have they tampered with?
I suppose one can "wonder" all one wants.
Without PROOF though it doesn't mean much.
Kind of like you MAGAt moonbats still WONDERING if the 2020 election was stolen....despite PROOF to the contrary.
It was Biden who has been found by a special prosecutor to have stolen documents across his career, especially concerning, as Hur pointed out, Biden knew of the procedures of handling classified material.
Switching to Biden when the subject is Trump?
You ought to know better!
Trump claims they were declassified, until that has been determined, you are full of shit.
It has already been determined and it will be proven at trial that it is Trump's claims of declassification that are full of shit.
A minor procedural error that won't affect the outcome of the case at all.

To be determined....

You don’t seem to know what problem it poses or why.
Yes I do...................you don't want to acknowledge the possibility.
If I recall correctly, you had no idea what they would say.
Why would I as I'm not on the defense team........... :auiqs.jpg:
Are we supposed to be concerned because the Russians may have seen war games plans before the nuclear codes? :dunno:
You actually think the Russians had access to the nuclear codes?
I did no such thing.
Yes, your article pointed out the FBI missed documents in their initial raid, which was so thorough.
Are you sure you mean to use such a ridiculously inflammatory term to describe a minor processing error?
What are the possibilities that wasn't the only error?
Kind of like you MAGAt moonbats still WONDERING if the 2020 election was stolen....despite PROOF to the contrary.
You can prove this?
Switching to Biden when the subject is Trump?
You lied in your response.......and were called on the ropes about your lie.
It has already been determined and it will be proven at trial that it is Trump's claims of declassification that are full of shit.
Determined and proven are two different worlds..............like I said, you never cease to amaze.......:cuckoo:
Determined and proven are two different worlds..............like I said, you never cease to amaze.......:cuckoo:
Hey Delldud, does the cult ever allow you to skip an opportunity to leap to Trump's defense with some half-witted, lame defense everytime you perceive someone is attacking him?
You know, like.....are you on duty ALL the time....or do you have the option sometimes of sitting one out?
I ask because I don't think you realize that when you are consistently and constantly jumping out here with another stab at the "Nuh-uh, it's all made up bullshit and it can't be true" defense, after a while it just gets comical.
Pretty obvious you don't READ anything and try to educate yourself on whatever the charges/accusations are. You just listen to conservo talk radio all day and then regurgitate whatever you here on this board. Mostly it's just "Trump = ALWAYS INNOCENT all the time!"

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Can we afford to take the chance?
Guess you aren't aware of the fact that the nuclear codes change every 24 hours.

As we get closer to November, more and more people will agree, IMO.
If more and more agree, they listened to the propagandist lies and misinformation put out by Biden's supportive media..........just as you have.

Please see above reply.

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