FBI terrorism task force wants to question national crisis pregnancy center director


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Obama regime hard at work fighting terrorism..targeting crisis pregnancy centers...you should be real proud..


by Ben Johnson

Wed May 29, 2013 19:06 EST
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NEW YORK, May 29, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The FBI office charged with investigating terrorism has said it intends to question the national director of a chain of crisis pregnancy centers. The development is the latest in what pro-life activists have charged is a pattern of intimidation on the part of the Obama administration against pro-life activists.

Agents of the Joint Domestic Terrorism Task Force told Chris Slattery, national director of Expectant Mother Care (EMC) FrontLine Pregnancy Centers, only that they wanted to meet him “for a mutually beneficial relationship.”

“In other words, if I don't meet with them, it will not be beneficial for me,” Slattery told LifeSiteNews.com. “I'm not sure what I'm going to get out of it,” he joked.

The questioning comes as New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has subpoenaed the group for not abiding by the standards of a consent agreement Slattery believed expired more than 20 years ago, as well as in relation to a question of some of its paperwork. (See related story.)

Currently EMC is poised to expand crisis pregnancy centers into 10 states, including Washington, D.C.

Federal agents pressed to meet Slattery last Friday but rescheduled when he insisted that one of his attorneys be present. Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice has agreed to represent him at a national level, and Christopher Ferrara of the American Catholic Lawyers Association has agreed to act as his local counsel.

The meeting will probably be held next week, Slattery said.

all of it here
FBI terrorism task force wants to question national crisis pregnancy center director | LifeSiteNews.com
Not seeing a problem here. These places fool women into thinking they are abortion clinics and then lay the whole "you're murdring your baby" shit on them.

They should be charged with fraud.

OMG.... has no problem with using government this way, but have them talk about restricting ABORTIONS...you really can't be taken serious anymore

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