FBI Testimonies on Carter Page FISA Reveal Broken Oversight Process


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
FBI Testimonies on Carter Page FISA Reveal Broken Oversight Process

and we're still going to have people say everything was "by the book" when we've seen time and again, far from it. we're still going to have people scream RUSSIA even though every bit of evidence we have around it says it's a sham.

for example:

A FISA warrant is among the most invasive ways an American citizen can be spied on.

please keep this in mind and the "excuses" you put forth to justify it can and will come back to you. it happens every time and that's why we keep spinning out control. sooner or later we have to stop a process regardless of who it is helping or hurting at the time. so if you think paid for rumors justify the fbi crawling up your ass, then that means i can pay someone to make up shit about you and then use that to come spy on you 24x7.

let the THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED denial come from the left. i'll continue.

Baker, while acknowledging the inherent dangers of abuse of the FISA process, told investigators the process “is overseen closely by various elements of the government to make sure that it is being done for the right purposes.”

Several congressional testimonies reviewed for this article, however, reveal that FISA oversight may not be as robust as the American public has been led to believe.
so, we have problems protecting the invasion of our rights? don't keep saying TRUMP, think for a minute this is YOU cause if we let this go because you hate trump, one day it WILL be you for simply not catering to the governments ever changing demands.

more - let's establish this was all done via the steele dossier.
Notably, a primary component of the Page FISA was the Steele dossier, without which, according to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, no FISA warrant on Page would have been sought.

Trisha Anderson, the principal deputy general counsel for the FBI and head of the bureau’s National Security and Cyber Law Branch, who approved the application for a warrant to spy on Page before it went to FBI Director James Comey. During her Aug. 31 testimony, she described the FISA application process as being a linear path and noted there is a specific “system called FISAMS within the Bureau that tracks in a linear fashion all the approvals on a FISA.”

Yet, despite the rigid description provided by Baker and Anderson, it appears the linearity process was not adhered to in the case of the Page FISA. According to Anderson, pre-approvals for the Page FISA were provided from both Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, before the FISA application was ever presented to her for review.
we broke process? better have a damn good reason and irrefutable evidence, huh? since we know the dossier in question was paid for by a political opponent - is this what you would call good? forget hillary and trump, call it smith and wesson. call it peanut and butter. call it whatever you want but you must remove your personal emotions from this and understand these processes are NOT weapons to be used against each other.

now THAT is watergate but watergate just suggested it, didn't implement it.

Anderson told investigators that the Page FISA “was handled a little bit differently in that sense, in that it received very high-level review and approvals — informal, oral approvals — before it ever came to me for signature.”
informal oral approvals. on something that is a license to crawl up your ass and find whatever they want. good with that? don't say TRUMP cause again, this is establishing process moving forward, not a single shot in the dark.

McCabe, who was fired for lying to the DOJ Inspector General, is currently being investigated by a grand jury. Yates, who was fired by President Donald Trump for failing to impose the so-called “travel ban,” was responsible for the issuance of a July 2015 opinion that allowed the DOJ & FBI to refuse Inspector General access to information collected under Title III of the Federal Wiretap Act.
well if that doesn't seem like dominos setup to fall your way, i'm not sure what does.

i'll let everyone read the rest of this but it is quite telling when you pull your dogs out of the race.

i want law and order to come back to all of us. period, and we live by the same rule of law.

The purpose of the mueller witch hunt wasn't to expose trump
It was to cover up and destroy the efforts/evidence of the deep state to keep trump from winning
The purpose of the mueller witch hunt wasn't to expose trump
It was to cover up and destroy the efforts/evidence of the deep state to keep trump from winning
it sure points more to that than trump colluding w/Russia.

the ONLY thing the dems have at this point are "communications" between trump camp and russians but no idea what they were. so they now must be bad because they need them to be and they're going to keep this dream alive via any means necessary til they find what they're looking for.

they learned from benghazi well.
The purpose of the mueller witch hunt wasn't to expose trump
It was to cover up and destroy the efforts/evidence of the deep state to keep trump from winning
it sure points more to that than trump colluding w/Russia.

the ONLY thing the dems have at this point are "communications" between trump camp and russians but no idea what they were. so they now must be bad because they need them to be and they're going to keep this dream alive via any means necessary til they find what they're looking for.

they learned from benghazi well.

The latest thread that the MSM is touting is that the Trump campaign was trying to work a deal with Russia, that Russia exits Ukraine and the US pulls the sanctions. The MSM makes it sound like something nefarious and impeachable? It sounds like a deal I'd support. Not sure how Mueller would view that negotiation? Collusion/conspiracy?
The purpose of the mueller witch hunt wasn't to expose trump
It was to cover up and destroy the efforts/evidence of the deep state to keep trump from winning
it sure points more to that than trump colluding w/Russia.

the ONLY thing the dems have at this point are "communications" between trump camp and russians but no idea what they were. so they now must be bad because they need them to be and they're going to keep this dream alive via any means necessary til they find what they're looking for.

they learned from benghazi well.

The latest thread that the MSM is touting is that the Trump campaign was trying to work a deal with Russia, that Russia exits Ukraine and the US pulls the sanctions. The MSM makes it sound like something nefarious and impeachable? It sounds like a deal I'd support. Not sure how Mueller would view that negotiation? Collusion/conspiracy?
sounds like shit that goes on all the time when doing compromises with other governments.
Why doesn't the president fire them and start over?
dunno. why don't you actually add some value to a conversation vs. just snark around all the fucking time?
Who died and made you anyone? It certainly wasn't the president since he is playing passive to a threat to executive power.
no one. but if you can come in to derail a convo with stupidity - that is certainly your right.

just as it is my right to say what a dick.
Why doesn't the president fire them and start over?
dunno. why don't you actually add some value to a conversation vs. just snark around all the fucking time?
Who died and made you anyone? It certainly wasn't the president since he is playing passive to a threat to executive power.
no one. but if you can come in to derail a convo with stupidity - that is certainly your right.

just as it is my right to say what a dick.
You are the only person that has zero topical interests...The president has yet to flex his administrative powers over the DOJ.
Why doesn't the president fire them and start over?
dunno. why don't you actually add some value to a conversation vs. just snark around all the fucking time?
Who died and made you anyone? It certainly wasn't the president since he is playing passive to a threat to executive power.
no one. but if you can come in to derail a convo with stupidity - that is certainly your right.

just as it is my right to say what a dick.
You are the only person that has zero topical interests...The president has yet to flex his administrative powers over the DOJ.
<insert stupid snark comment here born from bad drugs for breakfast>

there. maybe you understood that reply.

Broken Oversight Process
not really code, pretty much just saying that.
When the cops are dirty there isn't much you can do. The "deep state" FBI and DOJ went all in on Hillary, to the point of faking FISA warrants and spying on the Trump campaign. Was Obama calling the shots thru his minions? Were we almost a banana republic, if not for Trump winning?
faking FISA warrants and spying on the Trump campaign.

Thats some fako bullshit you are spreading.

FISA warrants were 100% lawfully aquired and spying was not of anyone on the campaign at the time of the surveilance.
faking FISA warrants and spying on the Trump campaign.

Thats some fako bullshit you are spreading. FISA warrants were 100% lawfully acquired and spying was not of anyone on the campaign at the time of the surveillance.

The FISA warrants were based on the Hillary paid for Steele Dossier. McCabe testified that w/o the dossier they would not have applied for the FISA warrants. When you find time watch these videos, they explain the "deep state" battles better than I can:
Judicial Watch 15-minutes
Dan Bongino 28-minutes
The purpose of the mueller witch hunt wasn't to expose trump
It was to cover up and destroy the efforts/evidence of the deep state to keep trump from winning
it sure points more to that than trump colluding w/Russia.

the ONLY thing the dems have at this point are "communications" between trump camp and russians but no idea what they were. so they now must be bad because they need them to be and they're going to keep this dream alive via any means necessary til they find what they're looking for.

they learned from benghazi well.

The latest thread that the MSM is touting is that the Trump campaign was trying to work a deal with Russia, that Russia exits Ukraine and the US pulls the sanctions. The MSM makes it sound like something nefarious and impeachable? It sounds like a deal I'd support. Not sure how Mueller would view that negotiation? Collusion/conspiracy?

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