FBI took records from Mar A Lago covered by attorney client privilege.

Dumbass, not all the documents the FBI hauled away were government documents.

I didn't say that they were. If a box has even one classified document, guess what? They're taking the box. Deal with it. Don't like it? Obey the law then.

Some of them were Trump's personal documents. They just took everything that wasn't nailed down.

And they'll return them if they have no material value.

Is it possible to be any dumber than your typical prog?

It is for you since you don't understand the law.
Face it retard. Merrick Garland just OWNED Trump. If he didn't you Trump asslickers wouldn't be soiling yourselves over this.

Behold justice the Merrick Garland way. Which is the way it's supposed to be.
Merrick Gestapoland is scrambling with his little attempt at CYA the other day. :itsok:
Wrong. The evidence that they're declassified is the fact that Trump took them when he left the Whitehouse.

This is bullshit. Seriously, stop believing everything some dumbshit on Fox News or OANN tells you. They're insulting your intelligence - or maybe they're not.

Declassification is not a sales agreement, fuckstick.

It's called an analogy, a frame of reference. As with contracts, just declaring something verbally don't make it so. Courts usually want to see proof.
Trump Cultists are like alcoholics who have hit rock bottom, but continue to deny that Trump is the current source of their problems, not their saviour. The rest of the world is trying to have an intervention because we want you to succeed. Donald Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him.

You don't think at all. Canada isn't a "republic". It's a democracy, as is the USA. The difference being that in Canada, the people decide the government, and in the USA, it's the Republican Party which decides the government.

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter ID laws, the Electoral College, and now the phony "anti-fraud" laws Republicans are busy enacting are undermining your Constitution, and the security of your elections. No nation on earth works HARDER at keeping the people from deciding their own government than Americans.

Grow the fuck up and quit the Republican Party while you still have a country, because it Trump was trying to sell out the country. That's why he had all of those boxes in the basement at a public golf club where spies were always welcome.
You don't think at all. Canada isn't a "republic". It's a democracy, as is the USA.

KKKanada has a cuck Dicktaster, er Dictator.

The USA is a Representative Republic.

Keep being stupid Dragonlady
His staff and lawyers also said he had returned all "classified" documents, so that's meaningless. The documents had NOT been declassified, and the employee who reported that he still retained Top Secret documents was correct, despite his lawyers telling the National Archives that all documents had been returned.

There were sets of documents at Mar-A-Lago which are not supposed to be viewed outside of secure facility, and which Trump had NO AUTHORITY to de-classify, so any claims of "declassification" on those documents is just more Trumpian bullshit and deflection.

This is treasonous behaviour. What was he doing with the stuff, and who was he planning on giving/selling it to?
Got any links, Simp?
Trump and his lawyers created the documents in question, you fucking moron.

1. They may or they may not have.

2. Even if they did, they're still classified because as I pointed out to you, those documents are not Trump's property. Those are Presidential Records. Chances are you've worked for a company that had a line or two somewhere in your employee manual that made it abundantly clear that whatever you produce as an employee of the company - an email, a patent, whatever - ain't your property; it's the organization's. It's the same thing in public sector organizations too.

Shit, next you'll tell me that the White House was actually Trump's personal property from January 2017 to January 2021. Was Air Force One Trump's personal property too? I mean he and his entourage used it, so it must be his. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You're so brainwashed you believe all 20 boxes contained nothing but classified material.

Never said it was. Doesn't have to be. They had a valid legal reason to enter the premises and take anything that may have been illegally possessed US government property. Read up on warrants and subpoenas sometime.

The reality is that probably none of it is classified.

Time will tell.
1. They may or they may not have.

2. Even if they did, they're still classified because as I pointed out to you, those documents are not Trump's property. Those are Presidential Records. Chances are you've worked for a company that had a line or two somewhere in your employee manual that made it abundantly clear that whatever you produce as an employee of the company - an email, a patent, whatever - ain't your property; it's the organization's. It's the same thing in public sector organizations too.

Shit, next you'll tell me that the White House was actually Trump's personal property from January 2017 to January 2021. Was Air Force One Trump's personal property too? I mean he and his entourage used it, so it must be his. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Never said it was. Doesn't have to be. They had a valid legal reason to enter the premises and take anything that may have been illegally possessed US government property. Read up on warrants and subpoenas sometime.

Time will tell.
Provide a link saying documents that are attorney client priviliged are "Presidential records".
Provide a link saying documents that are attorney client priviliged are "Presidential records".

Provide a post in which I said that attorney-client communication is a Presidential Record. You're just making shit up now, or you're just seriously confused.
The stink just keeps getting worse.

Sorry but the Trump sources have been full of Bullshit...

This is another desperate swing and a miss...

What ye would first be saying is that FBI seized documents outside the search warrant...

So we are saying they took documents that they want to say is covered by Privilege... Well they better go down and find the Judge who issued the warrant and convince him that it is... FBI did nothing wrong here...

Again nice try... Trump says everything is Privileged....
Based on a warrant that was signed by a federal judge.

What have you got other than blind faith in MAGA Jesus?
The warrant isn't proof that all the documents taken are classified, you fucking dumbass.

You are simply to dumb to make your lungs work.
Provide a post in which I said that attorney-client communication is a Presidential Record. You're just making shit up now, or you're just seriously confused.
Um, the post I quoted, Simp.

1. They may or they may not have.

2. Even if they did, they're still classified because as I pointed out to you, those documents are not Trump's property. Those are Presidential Records. Chances are you've worked for a company that had a line or two somewhere in your employee manual that made it abundantly clear that whatever you produce as an employee of the company - an email, a patent, whatever - ain't your property; it's the organization's. It's the same thing in public sector organizations too.

Shit, next you'll tell me that the White House was actually Trump's personal property from January 2017 to January 2021. Was Air Force One Trump's personal property too? I mean he and his entourage used it, so it must be his. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Never said it was. Doesn't have to be. They had a valid legal reason to enter the premises and take anything that may have been illegally possessed US government property. Read up on warrants and subpoenas sometime.

Time will tell.

the claim is not that Trump could have declassified the documents. The claim was that him taking them with him automatically declassified them. This is simply not the case as far as I can tell and if it were you would have provided the relevant link rather than a link to something that is not relevant.

It does speak to Trump's overall competence if he really did take a bunch of classified documents that he should not have, refused to return them and did not bother to simply declassify them when he took them.

I do not even think we have confirmation that the FBI took the documents because they were classified in the first place, all we have is conjecture from talking heads. If it is the case, however, then the very act of taking them to his home does not declassify them. The acting president actually needs to exercise those powers, they do not exercise themselves.

Here is what we have so far: The MSM reports that Trump had classified material. His attorneys (which Trump has the resources to hire the best) claim that none of the documents taken were classified. Given the criminal history of the FBI (as demonstrated in their spying operation using phony documentation for a warrant) I think I'm going to side with Trump's lawyers on this one. We all know how desperate the Communists are to make sure Trump can't run for President, and to tarnish his name before the midterms. We also know that since DumBama, the organization has become an arm of the Communist party.

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