FBI took records from Mar A Lago covered by attorney client privilege.

I never claimed to be an Einstein, but I'm still more correct than you are on this subject.
You think documents protected by attorney client privilege are "government records", and think judges determine classification of documents and can erase attorney client privilege at their whim.

You are clueless on this subject, like every other subject.
If the corrupt DOJ had prosecuted hillary and properly investigated the hinter biden laptop them zero toletance against trump would be more supportable

They already investigated her and found that her misuse of a private server didn't substantiate charges. I'm sorry you can't deal with it, but this was already looked into. Bill Barr could have initiated an investigation if he felt it would have been worth his time, but it wasn't. He couldn't even prosecute Andrew McCabe for leaking to the press so that tells you all you need to know.

Hunter is still under investigation.
I didn't say that they were. If a box has even one classified document, guess what? They're taking the box. Deal with it. Don't like it? Obey the law then.
Wrong. They are not allowed to take privileged communications between Trump and his attorney's. You're a Stalinits dumbass.

And they'll return them if they have no material value.
I doubt that. They have no right to have them in their possession, numskull.

You don't give a hoot about the bill of rights, do you?

It is for you since you don't understand the law.

Says the forum's biggest dumbass.
You think documents protected by attorney client privilege

No matter how many times you say it, that's not correct. That's not an issue in this case. You can keep bringing it up if you want but I'm ignoring it from now on because it's like having a conversation with an avatar.

and think judges determine classification of documents

Nobody made that claim.

and can erase attorney client privilege at their whim.

Nope, and no judge has, and no judge will. But they absolutely will sign a warrant that allows the government to recover stolen US property.
No matter how many times you say it, that's not correct. That's not an issue in this case. You can keep bringing it up if you want but I'm ignoring it from now on because it's like having a conversation with an avatar.

Nobody made that claim.

Nope, and no judge has, and no judge will. But they absolutely will sign a warrant that allows the government to recover stolen US property.
Your posts are here for all to see. You denial of reality won't change that, Simp.
They already investigated her and found that her misuse of a private server didn't substantiate charges. I'm sorry you can't deal with it, but this was already looked into.
If Comey's standard was applied universally, then the government could never charge anyone with violating the espionage act again, so what the fuck are they doing searching Trump's home?

What I can't deal with is people like the FBI and the DOJ wiping their ass on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I realize that you're perfectly happy with turning this country into a police state, but some of us believe in liberty.

Bill Barr could have initiated an investigation if he felt it would have been worth his time, but it wasn't. He couldn't even prosecute Andrew McCabe for leaking to the press so that tells you all you need to know.
That tells us nothing other than that Republicans are spineless.

Hunter is still under investigation.
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Wrong. They are not allowed to take privileged communications between Trump and his attorney's.

Okay, let's be clear: things like nuclear secrets, conversations with foreign heads of state, intel reports, security briefings, emails between Trump and his staff...those are not personal records. As such, those are not covered under attorney-client privilege. They may be covered in some cases under Executive Privilege, but that is not at all what we're talking about. I think you're getting really, really confused. When Pat Cipillone was talking to House investigators, he invoked EP numerous times, which was his job as the White House attorney -- not Trump's personal attorney. Comprende? That has absolute fuck all to do with what you're talking about here.
Okay, let's be clear: things like nuclear secrets, conversations with foreign heads of state, intel reports, security briefings, emails between Trump and his staff...those are not personal records. As such, those are not covered under attorney-client privilege. They may be covered in some cases under Executive Privilege, but that is not at all what we're talking about. I think you're getting really, really confused. When Pat Cipillone was talking to House investigators, he invoked EP numerous times, which was his job as the White House attorney -- not Trump's personal attorney. Comprende? That has absolute fuck all to do with what you're talking about here.
No one is talking about anything like that, your dumb fucking bitch. We are talking about communications between Trump and his attorney. Where do you get the idea that the boxes contained only nuclear secrets, conversations with foreign heads of state, intel reports, security briefings, emails between Trump and his staff? Where has anyone ever made such a claim? How fucking stupid are you?

Your tactic seems to be assuming that some idiotic belief of yours is true, and then arguing based on a falsehood. In short, you're a moron.
I think that's on the agenda for the Republican party. Once in leadership of Congress, they will remove funds for the agency and start a new agency from the ground up.
I have my doubts about that. That would be out of character for the mealy mouthed spineless Republicans.
The stink just keeps getting worse.

Was Trump storing private records of his legal stuff since he was president with White House documents?
No, attorney client privilege means nobody else can see them, much less use them against the client, Simp.
Are we talking about the same thing? I'm talking about the top secret papers that trump had in his possession.
No one is talking about anything like that, your dumb fucking bitch. We are talking about communications between Trump and his attorney. Where do you get the idea that the boxes contained only nuclear secrets, conversations with foreign heads of state, intel reports, security briefings, emails between Trump and his staff? Where has anyone ever made such a claim? How fucking stupid are you?

Your tactic seems to be assuming that some idiotic belief of yours is true, and then arguing based on a falsehood. In short, you're a moron.

Why did Trump store his legal files with white house documents?
No matter how many times you say it, that's not correct. That's not an issue in this case. You can keep bringing it up if you want but I'm ignoring it from now on because it's like having a conversation with an avatar.
You're an idiot. That's precisely the case. Your belief that only classified documents were in the boxes is supported by no one, not even the FBI.

Nobody made that claim.
You implied that judges are qualified to determine if documents are classified.

Nope, and no judge has, and no judge will. But they absolutely will sign a warrant that allows the government to recover stolen US property.
If they took documents covered by attorney-client privilege, then that's exactly what the FBI did.

Of course, you just proved once again that you're a willfully blind prog dumbass.

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