FBI Uncovers Russian Collusion.... (Hillary and Uranium One)

She had to approve of the sale though...duh!

I don't think state had a "veto"

You would be wrong.

She didn't even review the deal. The State Department Technical Committee did that. She signed off of THEIR recommendation.

Sassy your Times article was from 2015 from the thoroughly discredited book "Clinton Cash". A piece which the Times subsequently apologized for as having no basis in fact or in evidence. It was a hit piece paid for by a Republican donor.
NOPE... Try again..

DOJ Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton were both on that committee and Holder was fully briefed. This means Hillary too was fully briefed on what was found by the FBI or Holder was expressly derelict in his duties and complicit in TREASON against the US... So which is it?

You have no idea what anyone was briefed on.

Furthermore the Clinton Foundation didn't receive payments from Russia until AFTER this deal was concluded so what was known at the time the deal was approved has little bearing on what is now being claimed, since its all smushed together.

I repeat, this is a bullshit claim being made by the alt-right to deflect from the real shit going down in Washington right now.
She had to approve of the sale though...duh!

I don't think state had a "veto"

You would be wrong.

She didn't even review the deal. The State Department Technical Committee did that. She signed off of THEIR recommendation.

Sassy your Times article was from 2015 from the thoroughly discredited book "Clinton Cash". A piece which the Times subsequently apologized for as having no basis in fact or in evidence. It was a hit piece paid for by a Republican donor.
NOPE... Try again..

DOJ Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton were both on that committee and Holder was fully briefed. This means Hillary too was fully briefed on what was found by the FBI or Holder was expressly derelict in his duties and complicit in TREASON against the US... So which is it?

You have no idea what anyone was briefed on.

Furthermore the Clinton Foundation didn't receive payments from Russia until AFTER this deal was concluded so what was known at the time the deal was approved has little bearing on what is now being claimed, since its all smushed together.

I repeat, this is a bullshit claim being made by the alt-right to deflect from the real shit going down in Washington right now.

The FBI, CIA, NSA, among others keep records of all classified briefings.. I can tell you exactly who was present and what was discussed from those records. Holder was indeed 'briefed'..

You really are clueless... And by the way, when you received the kick back dosen't change the facts of the crime...
Clinton Cash...

#1 verification

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
She had to approve of the sale though...duh!

I don't think state had a "veto"

You would be wrong.

She didn't even review the deal. The State Department Technical Committee did that. She signed off of THEIR recommendation.

Sassy your Times article was from 2015 from the thoroughly discredited book "Clinton Cash". A piece which the Times subsequently apologized for as having no basis in fact or in evidence. It was a hit piece paid for by a Republican donor.
NOPE... Try again..

DOJ Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton were both on that committee and Holder was fully briefed. This means Hillary too was fully briefed on what was found by the FBI or Holder was expressly derelict in his duties and complicit in TREASON against the US... So which is it?

You have no idea what anyone was briefed on.

Furthermore the Clinton Foundation didn't receive payments from Russia until AFTER this deal was concluded so what was known at the time the deal was approved has little bearing on what is now being claimed, since its all smushed together.

I repeat, this is a bullshit claim being made by the alt-right to deflect from the real shit going down in Washington right now.

New York Times.....The Clinton Foundation received 2.5 million during that time period when all of this was going down. On record. AND in Clinton Cash that you said was a fairy tale.

And the old thieving bitch didn't even disclose it. The criminal old bitch hid it.

"As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors.

Other people with ties to the company made donations as well."

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
This is a thread that only shows how gullible the RWNJ on this forum are...

Lets start, the Clinton Foundation was a charity... Charities are audited and the Clinton Foundation has a A rating... I know this is hard from them but bribery doesn't really work if you give money to a charity. Have you idiots any proof that the charity was corrupt and giving all its money to the Clintons.
Fact-checking the Clinton Foundation controversy

Second, Hillary was not the person who OKed the Deal.
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
"Clinton was secretary of state at the time, but she didn’t have the power to approve or reject the deal. The State Department was only one of nine federal agencies that signed off on the deal, and only Obama had the power to veto it."

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

So you guys are peddling FAKE NEWS AGAIN.
I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
They haven't gone stone silent on it. They've been quiet for a whole because Mueller is handling it like a professional and not saying anything.
Hillary is perfect...this cannot be true!

  • She is the ruling class.
  • She has been doing us all a favor by being on our lives since her husband was raping women in Arkansas that the State Police picked up for the walking hard on and serial rapist.
  • Shut up, and let her be special. NO SURPRISE QUESTIONS ABOUT HER HYPOCRISY!!!!!
Hillary Shifts Blame In Brutal British Interview

I was clearly distracted when I posted that...but you guys get the gist.
I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
They haven't gone stone silent on it. They've been quiet for a whole because Mueller is handling it like a professional and not saying anything.

See the far left does not understand what a special prosecutor does for investigations.

It has nothing to do with his handling of the case, it has everything to do that it is done in secret and the evidence is not released.

Although there have been many far left threads that Mueller is about to prove collusion, it still looks as if there is zero evidence. No matter what happens the election will not be over turned as many on the far left hope..

Just keep showing that hyper partisan stance there far left drone!
Clinton Cash...

#1 verification

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
I don't think state had a "veto"

You would be wrong.

She didn't even review the deal. The State Department Technical Committee did that. She signed off of THEIR recommendation.

Sassy your Times article was from 2015 from the thoroughly discredited book "Clinton Cash". A piece which the Times subsequently apologized for as having no basis in fact or in evidence. It was a hit piece paid for by a Republican donor.
NOPE... Try again..

DOJ Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton were both on that committee and Holder was fully briefed. This means Hillary too was fully briefed on what was found by the FBI or Holder was expressly derelict in his duties and complicit in TREASON against the US... So which is it?

You have no idea what anyone was briefed on.

Furthermore the Clinton Foundation didn't receive payments from Russia until AFTER this deal was concluded so what was known at the time the deal was approved has little bearing on what is now being claimed, since its all smushed together.

I repeat, this is a bullshit claim being made by the alt-right to deflect from the real shit going down in Washington right now.

New York Times.....The Clinton Foundation received 2.5 million during that time period when all of this was going down. On record. AND in Clinton Cash that you said was a fairy tale.

And the old thieving bitch didn't even disclose it. The criminal old bitch hid it.

"As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors.

Other people with ties to the company made donations as well."

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Yes the fra left tried to debunk this and it keeps coming out that it was true with new information that has come to light in the recent days.

So all your links are meaningless as this is new.

Poor far left drones can not even tell time and dates, but they sure love to rewrite history.
I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
They haven't gone stone silent on it. They've been quiet for a whole because Mueller is handling it like a professional and not saying anything.

Mueller needs to resign. Considering he was part of the collusion to sell the uranium to the Russians by hiding the criminal rackateering investigation along with Holder and others .
This is a thread that only shows how gullible the RWNJ on this forum are...

Lets start, the Clinton Foundation was a charity... Charities are audited and the Clinton Foundation has a A rating... I know this is hard from them but bribery doesn't really work if you give money to a charity. Have you idiots any proof that the charity was corrupt and giving all its money to the Clintons.
Fact-checking the Clinton Foundation controversy

Second, Hillary was not the person who OKed the Deal.
Hillary Clinton 'gave up' 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia?
"Clinton was secretary of state at the time, but she didn’t have the power to approve or reject the deal. The State Department was only one of nine federal agencies that signed off on the deal, and only Obama had the power to veto it."

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

So you guys are peddling FAKE NEWS AGAIN.

The man at the center of the racketeering scandal donated 2.5 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation and she hid the donations.
Everybody colluded to hide these cases. You'd think law enforcement under any other circumstances would have been doing cartwheels and thumping their chests. But they didn't...

"The final court case also made no mention of any connection to the influence peddling conversations the FBI undercover informant witnessed about the Russian nuclear officials trying to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons even though agents had gathered documents showing the transmission of millions of dollars from Russia’s nuclear industry to an American entity that had provided assistance to Bill Clinton’s foundation, sources confirmed to The Hill.

The lack of fanfare left many key players in Washington with no inkling that a major Russian nuclear corruption scheme with serious national security implications had been uncovered."

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Hannity will be presenting the new revelations tonight

Wait, isn’t he totally swapped with Seth Rich investigation??

You know, that guy Hillary supposedly had murdered., Seems like a bigger story than “took a bribe to her charity” that rightwigers have been failing at for years now :rolleyes:
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I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
They haven't gone stone silent on it. They've been quiet for a whole because Mueller is handling it like a professional and not saying anything.

See the far left does not understand what a special prosecutor does for investigations.

It has nothing to do with his handling of the case, it has everything to do that it is done in secret and the evidence is not released.

Although there have been many far left threads that Mueller is about to prove collusion, it still looks as if there is zero evidence. No matter what happens the election will not be over turned as many on the far left hope..

Just keep showing that hyper partisan stance there far left drone!

Umm...exactly what I said. It is being done the way it is supposed to be until it is concluded.:rolleyes:

Of course the election won't be overturned. Collusion is only one aspect of the investigation. For some reason you you tightyrighties seem to think that is all that matters and you miss the big picture which is Russian interference in our elections and finding a way to make sure it doesn't happen again. You just keep dancing around that...denial, redirect, look squirrel!
I wonder if there is a correlation with the Media going stone silent on Russian collusion just as this information is coming out?
They haven't gone stone silent on it. They've been quiet for a whole because Mueller is handling it like a professional and not saying anything.

Mueller needs to resign. Considering he was part of the collusion to sell the uranium to the Russians by hiding the criminal rackateering investigation along with Holder and others .
You guys have been calling for that from the moment he started looking at Trump. Before that he was a good choice.
from the newsweek article:
FBI agents also gathered documents and a witness account that Russian officials routed millions of dollars to ex-President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sat on a committee that gave a nod to the dealings with Moscow.

if this were trump doing this, the left would have an unholy meltdown and demand guns to be blazing. this apathy to our own side is killing us as a country.

The Hill, using unnamed sources, and it claims that Hillary "presided over" the foreign investment review committee which is patently false.

This store has been debunked so many times and yet you idiots fall for it every time something is posted.

It’s been covered up, not debunked, kinda a different thing

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
remember when I said mueller was a dem hack and you libs went nuts, oh no he's a man of integrity :rolleyes:
...and guess which party is part of the collusion.

Hint: It's just what we on the Right have been saying.

"FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

.... Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

....Bill Clinton collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in Russian speaking fees and his charitable foundation collected millions in donations from parties interested in the deal while Hillary Clinton presided on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

....Eric Holder was among the Obama administration officials joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States at the time the Uranium One deal was approved."
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow

Ever since FDR became blood-brother with Joseph Stalin, it has been ever so with his party.


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