FBI whistleblower confirms AG Merrick Garland committed perjury in front of Congress.

Feel free to correct me. The NSBA asked if the Patriot Act would apply.

The original article notes the FBI has attached a threat tag (whatever that is supposed to mean) to those who have issued threats. Seems to me someone is making the leap to that being equal to someone being prosecuted under the Patriot act.

Now I will note, If Obama or Trump had done the right thing and tossed the Patriot Act we wouldn't even be having this discussion. When you create terrible programs like this, I'm not really sure what one expects to happen.
Heavy sigh.

The FBI Counter Terrorism Unit is a product of the patriot act. Using that agency to investigate parents at school board meetings is indeed using the Patriot act.
Heavy sigh.

The FBI Counter Terrorism Unit is a product of the patriot act. Using that agency to investigate parents at school board meetings is indeed using the Patriot act.

Let's argue that is true. I can't feel bad for those who refused to argue to end it.
Let's argue that is true. I can't feel bad for those who refused to argue to end it.
So you condone using the Patriot act to classify parents who challenge a school board as domestic terrorists.

How dare parents show concern about how their children are being educated. How dare a father be angry about a school board covering up a rape of his daughter. Then sending the predator to another school
where he sexually assaulted another girl.
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Perhaps he did. It wasn't in the article posted and I've not seen it.
Why do you keep clinging to an article when Garland is clearly on record committing perjury in front of congress?

Could it be because you are just a Dimtard hack who can't face reality? Yep, that's it.
So you condone using the Patriot act to classify parents who challenge a school board as domestic terrorists.

I said what I said. I can not feel bad when those who supported it get bit in the ass by it.
Try this……. Here he denies using the FBI counter Terrorism Unit, which is a product of the Patriot Act, to investigate parents confronting a school board. He lied.

MGarland ‘can’t imagine’ labeling protesting parents ‘domestic terrorists’

Like you, I can’t imagine any circumstance in which the PATRIOT Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can I imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism," Garland said.
Good call.

I'm guessing the hack colfax_m will find some way to try to spin Garland's obvious perjury. Surely he won't think the original article will save him.
Who knows.
Feel free to correct me. The NSBA asked if the Patriot Act would apply.

The original article notes the FBI has attached a threat tag (whatever that is supposed to mean) to those who have issued threats. Seems to me someone is making the leap to that being equal to someone being prosecuted under the Patriot act.

Now I will note, If Obama or Trump had done the right thing and tossed the Patriot Act we wouldn't even be having this discussion. When you create terrible programs like this, I'm not really sure what one expects to happen.
The original article notes....

I was wrong. The idiot thinks he can cling to the original article til the bitter end.

I said what I said. I can not feel bad when those who supported it get bit in the ass by it.
Let the record reflect that you have no issue with totalitarian tactics employed by a tyrannical government
Let the record reflect that you have no issue with totalitarian tactics employed by a tyrannical government

You can spin all you want. I have argued against the Patriot Act since the day it passed. Those who supported it can't complain when it gets used against them.
When Americans think it’s ok for government to classify parents as domestic terrorists for challenging the methods used in educating their children, we are in serious trouble.
When Americans think it’s ok for government to classify parents as domestic terrorists for challenging the methods used in educating their children, we are in serious trouble.

When American's support something as unAmerican as the Patriot Act they can't complain when it used against them.
You can spin all you want. I have argued against the Patriot Act since the day it passed. Those who supported it can't complain when it gets used against them.
You’re certainly not against the Patriot act being used in this way. At least now you can see that Garland lied under oath.
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When American's support something as unAmerican as the Patriot Act they can't complain when it used against them.
Actually they can when it’s bein abused and used in ways they were told was impossible. Any time government abused their authority we have the right to complain.
We all knew he was a liar when he tried to sell his lies. Now it is confirmed the AG Garland's FBI is targeting parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

If our government wasn't corrupt---Garland would be facing criminals charges for Perjury and violating citizens civil rights.
He said that he could not conceive of any situation where the FBI Counter Terrorism Unit would investigate parents who challenge schools boards. He flatly denied this investigation was happening. It was happening as he said that. It’s still happening now.

He either lied or his DOJ has gone rouge on him.
It could be worse. They could have gone mascara!

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