FBI whistleblower confirms AG Merrick Garland committed perjury in front of Congress.

Be specific now and explain in detail who that fight raises to domestic terrorism?

That's finally moving the argument forward. I've hated all along how easily it is for the government to now claim "domestic terrorism".

But to start over. The article notes that threats are being investigated. Threats should be investigated. Like I said earlier, if you want to say that they should be handled at the local level, I will not argue with you but Garland has long said the federal government was.
Garland has to be neutered somehow. This man was the moderate Supreme Court candidate. Lies. All we get is totalitarian Progs now.
He needs to come back to congress, be put under oath again and questioned. In the meantime he obviously cannot be attorney general.
It says over threats.
Yep. Show us the threats that requires FBI involvement. Are you too fucking stupid to figure this out?

It would require a threat of "domestic terrorism" to get the DOJ involved.

Nobody has ever shown anything that is a domestic terrorism threat..............until I brought the tweet above, which you and Garland will ignore.
Proof? I'm discussing the article. It's posted, surely I do not have prove that. If you want to claim that there are NO threats anywhere, well I don't believe that is correct. If you want to argue they do not arise to the federal level, I believe that is an argument to discuss.
The topic is Garland's perjury. He has zero threats that constitute domestic terrorism. And he lied about his FBI investigating parents.

Any comment on the actual topic?
We all knew he was a liar when he tried to sell his lies. Now it is confirmed the AG Garland's FBI is targeting parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.

Garland has stolen the King Weasel crown from Comey
pknopp simple yes or no question. I hope that is simple enough for you.

Does this constitute "Domestic Terrorism"? A guy at a school board meeting threatening parents with his 1000 member army who are "locked and loaded" to combat their opposition to CRT?

I know you will want to spin what he says, but it is on video so you can't.

Anyone else notice how pknopp has tucked tail and ignored this?
It's clear that Merrick Garland lied under oath. He's a liberal Democrat and you don't care.

To answer your question, if threats were made, it was up to local law enforcement to investigate this.

A federal counter terrorism unit was used to investigate parents who dared to challenge local school boards. When Garland was questioned about this under oath he lied about it.

The same thing that happened to Fauci for lying under oath will happen with Garland...nothing. Republicans will huff and puff and send some angry letters, but that's it, democrats know this which is why they do whatever they want without consequence.
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The demrats can do pretty much whatever they want and not be held accountable.

Exactly right! the Rats are disgusting creatures! Corrupt to the bone they should all be behind bars, or at least 99% of them.:mad-61:
It's clear that Merrick Garland lied under oath. He's a liberal Democrat and you don't care.

To answer your question, if threats were made, it was up to local law enforcement to investigate this.

A federal counter terrorism unit was used to investigate parents who dared to challenge local school boards. When Garland was questioned about this under oath he lied about it.

Clearly even without the evidence produced by the whistleblower Garland lied before a Senate Committee.
Will he be charged with Perjury, held in Contempt and stripped of his title and authority? Of course not he's a Democrat..
The next question arises... Will this Whistleblower be protected by the law? Of course not. They will be sought out, isolated and either forced to resign, or hounded, abused and finally fired/discharged.
In this particular case the Whistleblower is smart.
"The email was signed by Counterterrorism Division assistant director Timothy Langan, and former Criminal Division assistant director Calvin Shivers, who retired earlier this month".​
Perhaps not knowing how vindictive the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are, they will find a way to impose some form of retribution on the head of Mr. Langan.
Indeed they will find a way to tell him.
Oh I know the naysaying and deep dipped Lefties on this board will defend whatever actions are taken in the near future, just as they're wrong as those that have lied.
The same thing that happened to Fauci for lying under oath will happen with Garland...nothing. Republicans will huff and puff and send some angry letters, but that's it, democrats know this which is why they do whatever they want without consequence.
Yep. The Republicans don't have the balls to do anything about it.
I commented on the link that said that threats were indeed being followed up.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has created a "threat tag" to aid in tracking alleged threats against school board officials, teachers and staff, as part of its implementation of a controversial memo issued by Attorney General Merrick Garland last month citing a nationwide increase in harassment of education officials.

Quote" Threats against school board officials.

I claimed nothing. I asked questions concerning the article posted. Should threats not be followed up? If you are saying there are none, take it up with Fox News or the Whistleblower, not me. I didn't write the article.

Let's assume there were threats made against some school board members.

Why is that an FBI issue?

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