FDA approved does NOT EQUAL SAFE"

Why, you need testimony of kids that died right after the shot?....Liberals believe in whatever their leftist friends say!
I have never actually heard any dead kids testify before about anything, not about the shot or of Covid-19 itself. My direct experiences with Covid-19 dead people are that they just quietly lay there, not breathing, not testifying about anything, looking like they don't understand. I figure the few vaccination reaction dead people are pretty much the same.
Where do your numbers come from?

Texas isn't death central. I live in Texas, and I also live behind a "medical city" hospital complex, which has plenty of open beds for anyone who needs them.

Your numbers are numbers generated either by hysteria or by Democrat lies and media deception.
The numbers probably come from Johns Hopkins.

JHU Coronavirus Resource Center/Texas
And how many were vaccinated....next
Beats me. My son is an ER nurse. He says over 75% of the one coming to the ER here are not vaccinated, and the average age is 35 to 42, but he is seeing kids and at least on infant. Most of the people my age are fully vaccinated. We're planning to linger. :)
But it almost put my two nieces in the hospital, one DID wind up there temporarily. One of them had her throat swell shut on her. She got rushed by ambulance to the ER. She has no preexisting conditions, is 26 and might weigh 100lbs soaking wet. Her younger sister had a severe reaction to it. In fact I believe both girls were banned from getting the follow up shot because of their reaction to the first.
Smart move not getting the follow-up. Most do not have severe reactions. Allergic type reactions are weird and can definitely be life-threatening. I hope both girls are doing well now.
Did they ever present an allergic reaction to anything else?
Smart move not getting the follow-up. Most do not have severe reactions. Allergic type reactions are weird and can definitely be life-threatening. I hope both girls are doing well now.
Did they ever present an allergic reaction to anything else?

Nope, neither girl had ever even been sick, even as a child. Neither missed a single day of school through their entire k-12 schooling.
Like all meds............
it depends on WHO is giving it, HOW MUCH is being given, and WHO it's being given too.

What helps some people, is dangerous for others.
Ask Michael Jackson.
Indeed an individual reaction, but more information is determining and narrowing it down on prime “set up factors” and they have a test they can determine autoantibodies neutralizing type (see below) which people have a genetic trait of working against recovery- age a factor with some older people having it (see link below) but large majority don’t have it. They should be offering this test to the elderly without question, along with the list of medical conditions that need to be watched closely in relation to the novel Coronavirus.

These are the measures that should be taken: to pinpoint specifically which individuals are at most risk of extreme immunity reaction, and utilization of therapeutic options.
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Nope, neither girl had ever even been sick, even as a child. Neither missed a single day of school through their entire k-12 schooling.
Hmmm. Hard to predict who will have a reaction, I guess. Maybe like hard to predict who will have a serious vs a mild case of the disease itself. I assume you have not had a reaction or at least not a serious one. Your brother's kids?
Hmmm. Hard to predict who will have a reaction, I guess. Maybe like hard to predict who will have a serious vs a mild case of the disease itself. I assume you have not had a reaction or at least not a serious one. Your brother's kids?
Here is some help on the way for that very thing W6- more help will filter out soon!

Thalidomide....Fen-phen....Vioxx....And many many more....All approved, and the FDA bore no responsibility for approving them.

The FDA is the biggest protection racket in the history of mankind
How dumb are you? The FDA rejected thalidomide, thus protecting a generation of American babies from the horrors of the drug visited on European babies. The only American thalidomide babies came about because their mothers got the drug overseas.
The Woman Who Stood Between America and a Generation of 'Thalidomide Babies'
No agency is perfect, but the FDA is usually criticized by the medical establishment because it prevents new drug therapies from becoming readily available here in the USA (as they are elsewhere in the world) because of the exhaustive approval process.
You have to remember, what the F stands for in FDA.

aka = the government has been telling us what we can and cannot eat and drink and use as medicine since 1848.

Do you REALLY trust a governmental organization that has THAT kind of control?

The F actually stands for "food" as in Food and Drug Administration. But that's not to take away from some good points made in this thread.

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