FDA Approves New Intravenous Monkeypox Drug Treatment From PFIZER-


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
Here we go again!

"Pfizer is apparently at it again, conveniently hitting another grand slam with another perfectly timed drug release for the latest viral outbreak sweeping the west – monkeypox."

Totally predictable. :mad-61:

Here we go again!

"Pfizer is apparently at it again, conveniently hitting another grand slam with another perfectly timed drug release for the latest viral outbreak sweeping the west – monkeypox."

Totally predictable. :mad-61:

They will continue to release more deadly pathogens they have engineered. They need a reduced, scared & compliant population, particularly in America, for their reset to be successful
you go tell them.
You don't know who you're messing with....backoff.

Now everybody MUST be vaccinated against the Monkey-pox .....with a Pfizer vaccine:muahaha:

Everybody all over the world......Everywhere......we will need Monkey -pox passports to travel anywhere!:mad:

"Developed in consultation with technical and policy experts, the fictional exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that first emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months."

The dumb masses have had their pattern recognition abilities turned off. Anyone with normal cognitive abilities sees this is the exact same playbook.

The dumb masses have had their pattern recognition turned off. Anyone with normal cognitive abilities sees this is the exact same playbook.

absolutely...it is.
Yawn. After 9/11, the US DoD went apeshit coming up with new drugs for biochem preparedness. This is nothing more than a smallpox vaccine that has a new on-label use. We have known for years that smallpox vaxes did an okay job with monkeypox because they are such similar viruses.

In the mean time, BUY.TOILET.PAPER.
The dumb masses have had their pattern recognition abilities turned off. Anyone with normal cognitive abilities sees this is the exact same playbook.

Like zoombies....do they even realize what it's being done here? do they care?

Very upsetting to see.
AstraZeneca covid vaxx contains chimp adenovirus...but it's all perfectly healthy....it just means the chimp catches a cold, they say...and then...monkeypox.

CNN said that 'there might be some connection...they're NOT SURE cause that would be homophobic wouldn't it?? .....with men who have sex with men. There...i quoted them.

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