FDA prohibits Florida from using monoclonal antibody treatments

This was weeks ago:

It’s all omicron now.

That's great.

You Nazis can't come up with even one death from Omicron in the United States.

Omicron isn't deadly.

I just got over it.

Zero difference in impact between "fauxed" and "unfauxed"

Identical numbers get it. Duration is identical, severity is identical.

The Fauci Fauxine does utterly nothing.

Delta kills people - so Xi's little puppet outlaws effective treatment.

Because the fucker wants to kill Americans.
Don't know about the story, didn't read it but the OP headline is not true. FDA pulled it from the U.S. because the manufacturer's (which btw one is a big donor of desantis) said those two did not work against omicron. But there is another one that came on the market that is effective against omicron and supposedly Florida got 171,000 doses of it.

debbienazi coming in to lie...

How droll.
it doesn't work as well, which is not a surprise with the virus mutating. it is also not a surprise that mAbs do not work as well vs new mutations. probably too complicated for you.

From your link....

preliminary experiments suggest

have not yet been peer reviewed,
90% of people who live in cold climates are deficient in Vitami D due to the lack of sunlight in winter. Try talking to your Dr instead of watching jerkoffs like Joe Rogan for medical advice.

I found out that my D levels were low by doing a simple blood test prescribed by my Dr. I didn't have to turn to Dr's. Rogan or Bongino & other Fox News assclowns.


I've been taking D for 20 years now thanks to my Doctors advice. But doctors that research the data will tell you vitamin D is essential in warding off covid, something you won't hear from leftist commie stations that's nothing more than an extension of the commie party who's only interest is forcing all Americans to get the vaccine.
do you know the long term consequences of this mAb treatment?
Long term effects of antibodies?

Life protection or they fade away overtime---

verses Vaccines that fade away within weeks, periodically or often kill and damage immediatedly, with longer term consequences not known but I suspect at a minimum damages the natural immunity system making people dependent on the big pharma to protect them from common virus's.
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Monoclonal antibodies worked EVERYWHERE it was available and used on the Delta variant. Florida got more than any other State because the Trump regime favored his home state in distribution while folks in other states were dying, who did not get any. Florida used up over 100000 doses in about 2 months, while states like mine and many others got NONE....and our national supplies were depleted. New orders were placed with whom we contracted with but had not arrived yet....

Then DeSantis went to a big donor of his who made another version of the monoclonal antibodies and got some for his state through a back door, which he was able to use on Delta, while our govt was waiting for their orders to arrive.

Bravo for DeSantis!

But now, months later, omicron has taken over with 99% of the covid cases, and through testing/trials found that monoclonal antibodies developed for Delta and Beta variations did NOT work on the hugely mutated Omicron variation.

You are buying in to a bunch of twisted, right wing spin.
Omicron(s) (2 different ones btw) aren't the big killers----the alpha and delta are which just so happens to be the ones that the antibodies work against. I suspect since Omicron is so much like a different disease altogether that ANTIBODIES specifically for the Omicron strains would have effect on them.
Try bleach & UV lights up your ass. That might work according to your boy.

Let us know how you make out, Clown.
OH god don't be uneducated. Take a microbiology class so they can explain virus's to you.......Virus's are tiny which helps them evade a lot of natural protections in the body allowing them to spread. BUT their size also makes them more vulnerable-----they are tiny with tiny tiny outer layer which makes them susceptible to UV light, HEAT, and "disinfectants" which includes things other than bleach. They die quite quickly when exposed to any of these things.....
Omicron(s) (2 different ones btw) aren't the big killers----the alpha and delta are which just so happens to be the ones that the antibodies work against. I suspect since Omicron is so much like a different disease altogether that ANTIBODIES specifically for the Omicron strains would have effect on them.

From what I understand it will come and go so fast we won't even be talking about it by summer. I've seen some virologists on television state Omicron may be the the endemic of our covid problem as it will build antibodies for the next potential strain and may even fight off Delta. Since the vaccines have no effect on it and it spreads like wildfire, most Americans will get Omicron whether they know it or not.

I guess we'll have to see if this is all true or not.
Monoclonal antibodies worked EVERYWHERE it was available and used on the Delta variant. Florida got more than any other State because the Trump regime favored his home state in distribution while folks in other states were dying, who did not get any. Florida used up over 100000 doses in about 2 months, while states like mine and many others got NONE....and our national supplies were depleted. New orders were placed with whom we contracted with but had not arrived yet....

Then DeSantis went to a big donor of his who made another version of the monoclonal antibodies and got some for his state through a back door, which he was able to use on Delta, while our govt was waiting for their orders to arrive.

Bravo for DeSantis!

But now, months later, omicron has taken over with 99% of the covid cases, and through testing/trials found that monoclonal antibodies developed for Delta and Beta variations did NOT work on the hugely mutated Omicron variation.

You are buying in to a bunch of twisted, right wing spin.
Oh stop with the stupid propaganda..Florida got more antibody treatments because Desantis and Florida didn't believe the dems/communist lies so our governor and hospitals ordered the drug as needed while other ignorant BLUE states didn't because they were believing the bullshit lies about masks and vaccinations. Hand washing and antibody treatment work far better. Florida btw, I am sure is much larger than your state and has seen a flood of blue staters and foreigners flee their stupid lockdowns and masks for covid treatments that work---the antibodies.

Maybe the libs including their idiotic doctors should stop pushing propaganda----and stick to what works HAND washing and antibody treatments and antimilarias and horse dewormers.

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From what I understand it will come and go so fast we won't even be talking about it by summer. I've seen some virologists on television state Omicron may be the the endemic of our covid problem as it will build antibodies for the next potential strain and may even fight off Delta. Since the vaccines have no effect on it and it spreads like wildfire, most Americans will get Omicron whether they know it or not.

I guess we'll have to see if this is all true or not.
I just read an article that said that 99% of the covid cases in the US are OMICRON-...all will get omicron quickly---suspect the vaccinated with the faux vaccines may not get the long term antibodies from covid as their immune systems may now be damaged. Biden and his crew have to force the PUREBLOODS to get the vaccine because a big difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated health could be a great political and criminal/civil problem for all involved in Bidens/swamps administration.
Long term effects of antibodies?

Life protection or they fade away overtime---

verses Vaccines that fade away within weeks, periodically or often kill and damage immediatedly, with longer term consequences not known but I suspect at a minimum damages the natural immunity system making people dependent on the big pharma to protect them from common virus's.
wrong. stop pretending you know something, ignoramus.
Fauci and Biden are war criminals who violated The Nuremberg Codes, so yah you DemNazis are Nazis. How about you prove that experimenting on humans with experimental Gene Therapies and Mandating by Coercion and Force is NOT A WAR Crime?
Jebus Tree.... the MAKERS of these particular monoclonal antibodies are the ones that REQUESTED their emergency use approval be removed. PHARMA REQUESTED their treatment be removed in the articles that were posted on this....

Do you think PHARMA would do that, if they thought they could make a ton of money off of them, and they were effective?
The FDA, CDC, NIH, all these grotesque entities need to be shut down. Why didn't Trump do so when he had the chance. The Swamp runs deep!

Trump was a great President but I'm disappointed that he didn't go after these bureaucracies myself. As a retired truck driver I'd like to see him shut down the Federal Highway Commission. All bureaucracies that make laws and fines are unconstitutional. I hope if he gets back in he has that on his agenda.
I just read an article that said that 99% of the covid cases in the US are OMICRON-...all will get omicron quickly---suspect the vaccinated with the faux vaccines may not get the long term antibodies from covid as their immune systems may now be damaged. Biden and his crew have to force the PUREBLOODS to get the vaccine because a big difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated health could be a great political and criminal/civil problem for all involved in Bidens/swamps administration.

I don't know about that one, you better double check the source. I found out that the wife of a lifelong friend of mine got it bad. She just got off the ventilator after nearly two weeks so it was no Omicron. No, she didn't get the vax and it almost cost her her life. She's still at home trying to recover.

They got married in their late 20's and when they started to have kids, she gave up her career as a respiratory therapist to be a house mom and eventually home schooled their children So as a former clinician, she knows exactly what's going on and I'm sure researched this virus.

I think they are really sensationalizing this Omicron since it's a new thing, but don't kid yourself, the other strains are still with us and probably will be for a while.
Take look at the pigs you follow who are spreading misinformation about the vaccines before you accuse anyone of being a mass murderer, you asswipe.
Obama, Biden, and Fauci should be brought up on War Crimes for violating the Nuremburg Codes

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