FDA prohibits Florida from using monoclonal antibody treatments

OH god don't be uneducated. Take a microbiology class so they can explain virus's to you.......Virus's are tiny which helps them evade a lot of natural protections in the body allowing them to spread. BUT their size also makes them more vulnerable-----they are tiny with tiny tiny outer layer which makes them susceptible to UV light, HEAT, and "disinfectants" which includes things other than bleach. They die quite quickly when exposed to any of these things.....
Which is why UV lights up your ass work so well… right?
Monoclonal antibodies are in short supply. That's why people aren't getting that treatment, pinhead.

That, and Joe Biden is trying to kill as many Americans as possible.

Btw moron, hospitals don't turn a profit off dead people. So why the fuck would they deliberately kill people, you moron.

Nazi liar;

In another email, a News 8 viewer said, regarding a friend's relative's passing from cancer: "When they [the family] received the death certificate, the death was listed from COVID-19. When they questioned the hospital about it, the hospital told them that this is what they were told to do because the hospital gets $37,000 per COVID-19 death. How often is this happening?"
News 8 can verify that hospitals do get paid more for COVID-19 related cases. A provision in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security or CARES Act pays an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates during the public health emergency.}

Remember that Politifraud got nailed (as usual) directly lying about this to try and cover it up.

Ever heard of medical malpractice?

Who's surprised that you MAGA Trumptards are attacking the medical profession? Anyone with an I.Q. higher then a field mouse.

How high of an IQ does it take to vomit out Nazi lies the way you do, retard?
I don’t. You guys are the UV up the butt crowd

Maybe you can use the lights you shoved up your ass to read a book? Is there a third grade equivalency program? Maybe you can finally achieve that coveted third grade graduation that you couldn't quite get to so many years ago?

Good thing no leftists live in Florida.

This is all about the communists who have infiltrated the government trying to damage DeSantis politically.

Those over the target take the heaviest fire.
More of the Fauci genocide. This will go down in history as the largest governmental genocide in the history of the planet.
The FDA - and Biden administration - should be told to fuck off at this point.

They are literally and intentionally MURDERING Americans.

I am at home in bed with COVID PNEUMONIA in both lungs, unable to take full, pain-free breaths, going on my 3rd week now because, despite getting worse and having to go to the local ER 3 times, I was denied the antibodies, denied Ivermectin, and denied all therapeutics ... despite having a compromised immune system.

I was sent home all three times without being given anything...until a 4th trip after my markers shot up and the docs found my heart under stress.

After over 2 weeks I was finally given strong antibiotics directly into my vein, in an IV bag, and pills and other strong meds to take home.

The doctors told me that the CDC did not consider me 'high priority' and denied use of life-saving treatments.

In my view, the CDC 'declared war' on me and my health, turning its back on me to let me die, as they are doing to everyone they deny these medications now.

I fought for this country all over - I had their back, now they turn their back on me by withholding life-saving treatments? And my life is no more important than anyone else's out there - none of yours! Biden / the CDC needs to GTFO of the way and let DOCTORS use whatever meds work to save Americans' lives.

2024? I hope voters who have been denied kidney transplants, heart transplants, and life-saving treatments remember Biden and his administration tried to kill them, family members, and / or friends by playing politics instead of letting doctors use life-saving medications to save lives.
My prayers go out for you. I am so sorry to hear about your condition. It is beyond shameful that the medical community will deny safe drugs, readily and plentifully available, when there's even a remote rumor that they might help, let alone the vast anecdotal and increasing scientific evidence that any of those drugs you're being denied would save your life.
This should be a campaign commercial with Dotard Joe front and center.

HCQ: Denied

Ivermectin: Denied

Monoclonal Antibodies: Denied

Biden Lied, People Died!

Biden 2024: DENIED!



Good thing no leftists live in Florida.

This is all about the communists who have infiltrated the government trying to damage DeSantis politically.

Those over the target take the heaviest fire.


Why the hell would you want Federal government shell out $2000 a pop for treatments that studies showed DO NOT WORK on currently dominating Covid-19 strain?

The way rightwingers let Santis get away with this corrupt scheme is mindboggling. WTF is wrong with you rightwingers? You just parrot to each other pure bullshit, compeltely unable to look anything up for yourself.
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No therapeutic should be banned or removed due to the fact it's a medical doctor that prescribes them. I trust my doctor to make decisions on my health more so than a politician or agency he or she procures for political reasons.
And in all the history of regulated medicine in the United States, the doctors have had the power to use any medication off label based on their own medical experience and opinion. Only for the Fauci Genocide has this been banned.

The problem with the Fauci Genocide, the brilliance of it for those perpetrating it, is that you can't fight it. In other genocides there was always a chance, no matter how slim, of fighting the killers, or escaping them, or hiding from them. With the Fauci Genocide, you can't force someone to make the drugs. You have no chance to fight back.

Why the fuck would you want Federal Government shell out $2000 a pop for treatments that studies showed DO NOT WORK on currently dominating Covid-19 strain?

This is insane.

Two of the three current monoclonal antibodies don't work on the dominant omicron variant.

As you said, why spend $2,000 a pop on something that doesn't work?

Besides, the vaccine only costs $40.
And in all the history of regulated medicine in the United States, the doctors have had the power to use any medication off label based on their own medical experience and opinion. Only for the Fauci Genocide has this been banned.
Really? Why can't doctors prescribe LSD?
Oh look, another truck stop bumper sticker post.
My hippy son used to have a bumper sticker that read, "Question your fucking government". It was right next to his Coexist bumper sticker.

Both were lies; the left never believed in either of them. What they believe in is totalitarian Marxism. I posted this picture in another thread but it most assuredly describes you.

FIGMW2_XwAELJ9D - Copy.jpg

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