FDA should butt out and let us take care of ourselves.

OH, and by the way, I'm vegetarian. I do not eat US corn fed meat. If I am ever in South America and were offered their grass-fed, respected as the ruminant that it is, humanely slaughtered meat... I might reconsider.
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I'm never going to rely on regulation to trust me while my brain works.

Wow.... so you're going to trust a corporation's word? An entity that you vote for/against vs. one that only wants as much money as it can make at any cost and has no one to answer to... NO ONE (esp. the ones mentioned above that are now IRRADIATING SHIT ON MEAT SO THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT - AND YOU ARE FRIGGING EATING IT????)? Good choice! I guess there really was one born every minute...
- Which you don't agree with until YOUR kid comes down with e-coli, since you guys are against inspection (regulation). ?

Abolish the FDA!!

The FDA has failed

This attempt by the government to insure consumers against the risk of using drugs and medical devices has flopped on numerous occasions. First of all, FDA regulations have often prevented U.S. consumers from gaining access to new life-saving drugs. Examples of this include major delays in the marketing of drugs used to treat cancer, blood pressure, heart attacks, cholesterol, and strokes and delays in marketing such high-tech items as cardiac pacemakers and in the use of such techniques as balloon angioplasty for blocked coronary arteries. For many years, the FDA would not allow the makers of aspirin to claim on their product labels that aspirins thinned blood and could thus save one from dying if taken during a heart attack. The costs of FDA regulation of these markets has likely run into the billions, possibly hundreds of billions, of dollars and is composed of higher drug prices, fewer drugs, and more and lengthier illnesses and earlier deaths.

In a call to the Bush Administration to merely reform the FDA, Henry I. Miller, a fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Competitive Enterprise Institute and a former FDA official, presented a devastating critique of the FDA’s regulatory process and procedures.

In his early 2001 editorial commentary, Dr. Miller stated that the total time it takes to develop a new drug had doubled since the 1960's. And the costs to a manufacturer of bringing a single new drug to market had risen to over $400 million, the highest cost in the world. He further contended: "Costs are spiraling out of control because the FDA meddles endlessly in clinical trials and keeps raising the bar for approval." Furthermore, he cited statistics that showed the average number of clinical trials per average drug increased from 30 in the early 1980's to 68 during the 1994–95 period while the average number of patients in clinical trials for each drug more than tripled! As expected, the average time required for clinical trials for a new drug rose from 85 months in the first half of the 1990's to 92 months in the last half of the 1990's."

OH, and by the way, I'm vegetarian. I do not eat US corn fed meat. If I am ever in South America and were offered their grass-fed, respected as the ruminant that it is, humanely slaughtered meat... I might reconsider.

You are aware that something like 60 percent of the Slaughter houses now use humane procedures? Maybe you should catch that movie on Ms Temple.
well, any rational discussion on this matter is done with if there was any .Bring all the conspiracy into the mix. Yes, FDA is a big racket rolleyes
So what your saying is if the FDA wasn't there, you would eat the contaminated meat you are talking about despite knowing that it was contaminated?

Yes, moron. If the, um, I think you meant USDA (not FDA... they don't regulate meat - or drugs even as far as I can tell unless they guarantee a profit, but I digress) weren't there, we would be at the same mercy of corporations that were feeding poisonous plastic milk to babies a couple of years ago in China. The only thing a corporation cares about are profits. Your friends, remember? Do you really think that US corporations wouldn't do the same thing if they could? YES HELL THEY WOULD IF IT RAISED PROFITS!!! Oh yeah, they do that... they just get on the board of the regulating commitee....

So you affirm that you would eat contaminaed food even after you knew it was contaminated. Honestly, I didn't expect that. Perhaps we do need the government to protect you.

BTW killing people and facing law suits is quite detrimental to profits. Making people sick and ensuring they never eat your product again doesn't help profits either.

But then again, if as you, others would continue to eat bad food despite knowing its bad, then maybe they would.
OH, and by the way, I'm vegetarian. I do not eat US corn fed meat. If I am ever in South America and were offered their grass-fed, respected as the ruminant that it is, humanely slaughtered meat... I might reconsider.

humanely slaughtered. Now there's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one.

So your a vegetarian who would eat bad food after learning it was bad. Sucks to be you.

To be fair though, I like vegetarians. They make great hamburgers.
I'm never going to rely on regulation to trust me while my brain works.

Wow.... so you're going to trust a corporation's word? An entity that you vote for/against vs. one that only wants as much money as it can make at any cost and has no one to answer to... NO ONE (esp. the ones mentioned above that are now IRRADIATING SHIT ON MEAT SO THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT - AND YOU ARE FRIGGING EATING IT????)? Good choice! I guess there really was one born every minute...

Why on earth would I have to trust a corporations word? You act like there are no other sources of information. Your alternatives appear to be only the corporations or the government. It's a false dilemna. You argue as though no person is capable of independent thought outside those spheres.

And quiet honestly, yes I'd trust the people who want my money. They have a motivation o tell me the Truth. Trust but verify is very important in politics and business. If I didn't trust them, I wouldn't purchase their products. It would be stupid to purchase something from someone you didn't trust.
well, any rational discussion on this matter is done with if there was any .Bring all the conspiracy into the mix. Yes, FDA is a big racket rolleyes

Ah, so any point of view you disagree with is a conspiracy theory so you have absolutely no responsibility to discuss the matter.

Talk about a lazy man's excuse for bowing out.
well, any rational discussion on this matter is done with if there was any .Bring all the conspiracy into the mix. Yes, FDA is a big racket rolleyes

Ah, so any point of view you disagree with is a conspiracy theory so you have absolutely no responsibility to discuss the matter.

Talk about a lazy man's excuse for bowing out.

I'm going to waste my time with people that believe such stupid and non factual things and never will
- Which you don't agree with until YOUR kid comes down with e-coli, since you guys are against inspection (regulation). ?

Abolish the FDA!!

The FDA has failed

This attempt by the government to insure consumers against the risk of using drugs and medical devices has flopped on numerous occasions. First of all, FDA regulations have often prevented U.S. consumers from gaining access to new life-saving drugs. Examples of this include major delays in the marketing of drugs used to treat cancer, blood pressure, heart attacks, cholesterol, and strokes and delays in marketing such high-tech items as cardiac pacemakers and in the use of such techniques as balloon angioplasty for blocked coronary arteries. For many years, the FDA would not allow the makers of aspirin to claim on their product labels that aspirins thinned blood and could thus save one from dying if taken during a heart attack. The costs of FDA regulation of these markets has likely run into the billions, possibly hundreds of billions, of dollars and is composed of higher drug prices, fewer drugs, and more and lengthier illnesses and earlier deaths.

In a call to the Bush Administration to merely reform the FDA, Henry I. Miller, a fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Competitive Enterprise Institute and a former FDA official, presented a devastating critique of the FDA’s regulatory process and procedures.

In his early 2001 editorial commentary, Dr. Miller stated that the total time it takes to develop a new drug had doubled since the 1960's. And the costs to a manufacturer of bringing a single new drug to market had risen to over $400 million, the highest cost in the world. He further contended: "Costs are spiraling out of control because the FDA meddles endlessly in clinical trials and keeps raising the bar for approval." Furthermore, he cited statistics that showed the average number of clinical trials per average drug increased from 30 in the early 1980's to 68 during the 1994–95 period while the average number of patients in clinical trials for each drug more than tripled! As expected, the average time required for clinical trials for a new drug rose from 85 months in the first half of the 1990's to 92 months in the last half of the 1990's."


Not a bad group of statistics. We need protection from poor science though. After all, at one point the world's leading doctors were bleeding folks to cure them of all sorts of ailments.

New drugs are getting terribly complicated. Seems the easy to make ones were made in the 60's.
So you affirm that you would eat contaminaed food even after you knew it was contaminated. Honestly, I didn't expect that. Perhaps we do need the government to protect you.

BTW killing people and facing law suits is quite detrimental to profits. Making people sick and ensuring they never eat your product again doesn't help profits either.

But then again, if as you, others would continue to eat bad food despite knowing its bad, then maybe they would.

Again, I don't eat meat because I choose to be aware of what I eat and Agribusiness is criminal. The typical meat produced in the US for your grocery store is a biohazard. ALL OF IT. Unless you seek out organic, grass-fed meat, you are eating shit-soaked meat from sick, corn fed-cows (cows aren't SUPPOSED to eat corn at all). Simple as that. Same with the chicken industry. You don't even want to KNOW what they're fed.
- Which you don't agree with until YOUR kid comes down with e-coli, since you guys are against inspection (regulation). ?

Abolish the FDA!!

The FDA has failed

This attempt by the government to insure consumers against the risk of using drugs and medical devices has flopped on numerous occasions. First of all, FDA regulations have often prevented U.S. consumers from gaining access to new life-saving drugs. Examples of this include major delays in the marketing of drugs used to treat cancer, blood pressure, heart attacks, cholesterol, and strokes and delays in marketing such high-tech items as cardiac pacemakers and in the use of such techniques as balloon angioplasty for blocked coronary arteries. For many years, the FDA would not allow the makers of aspirin to claim on their product labels that aspirins thinned blood and could thus save one from dying if taken during a heart attack. The costs of FDA regulation of these markets has likely run into the billions, possibly hundreds of billions, of dollars and is composed of higher drug prices, fewer drugs, and more and lengthier illnesses and earlier deaths.

In a call to the Bush Administration to merely reform the FDA, Henry I. Miller, a fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Competitive Enterprise Institute and a former FDA official, presented a devastating critique of the FDA’s regulatory process and procedures.

In his early 2001 editorial commentary, Dr. Miller stated that the total time it takes to develop a new drug had doubled since the 1960's. And the costs to a manufacturer of bringing a single new drug to market had risen to over $400 million, the highest cost in the world. He further contended: "Costs are spiraling out of control because the FDA meddles endlessly in clinical trials and keeps raising the bar for approval." Furthermore, he cited statistics that showed the average number of clinical trials per average drug increased from 30 in the early 1980's to 68 during the 1994–95 period while the average number of patients in clinical trials for each drug more than tripled! As expected, the average time required for clinical trials for a new drug rose from 85 months in the first half of the 1990's to 92 months in the last half of the 1990's."


Not a bad group of statistics. We need protection from poor science though. After all, at one point the world's leading doctors were bleeding folks to cure them of all sorts of ailments.

New drugs are getting terribly complicated. Seems the easy to make ones were made in the 60's.

There are numerous non governmental entities that will let us know if any remedy is snake oil, such as 60 minutes, dateline NBC, ABC 20/20 , John Stossel, etc.


Someone had the guts to point out the fact that corporations should be able to poison us all they want without any regulation!

Who cares if the experimental shit they sell you for hemorrhoid relief makes your head explode?

We don't need any of that stupid-assed Consumer Protection getting in the way of self-medication either!

John Stossel has let working for Murdoch make him into a massive tool I see. You go, moron.
Let me make sure I understand. Republicans are against euthanasia, but have no problem with someone dying by gambling on an "experimental" drug?
Nonetheless, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) wants this same FDA, with its dismal safety record, to regulate dietary supplements. The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA), S. 3002 (text of this bill posted on Senator McCain's website), that McCain has introduced with one cosponsor, would repeal key provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) to “more effectively regulate dietary supplements that may pose safety risks unknown to consumers.”

- Beware of McCain's Freedom-Destroying Dietary Supplement Regulatory Bill

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