FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left


"The Fair Play Committee was established in the fall of 1941, three months before the attack on Pearl Harbor. In May of that year, David Prescott Barrows, chairman of the University of California's Political Science Department and former university president, became concerned about rising anti-Japanese sentiment in California. He discussed the matter with Galen Fisher, a faculty member at the Pacific School of Religion and a political science research associate at the university. A liberal Protestant, Fisher had served twenty-one years in Japan as secretary of the International Committee of the YMCA.

Subsequently, he had carried out a survey of race relations on the Pacific Coast for the Rockefeller Institute of Social and Religious Research. Although Fisher was in his late sixties in 1941, he agreed to take on the task of organizing what he and Barrows envisioned as "an independent committee of influential individuals" to advocate for the protection of the civil rights and liberties of Californians of Japanese descent. In September 1941, he announced the establishment of the Northern California Committee on Fair Play for Citizens and Aliens of Japanese Ancestry. (5) "
In 20i6 59% of Japanese-Americans voted Democratic and 21% voted Republican, why is that?

Again you have nothing but logical fallacy. You don't even pretend to defend that scumbag fdr anymore.
FDR has plenty of defenses, the people that were alive at the time, and voted for FDR four times, and the historians in reviewing the period that rated FDR the greatest.. So both people and historians rated him the best. So who else is there? Are the people wrong or the historians?

the american sheep like you,mary ann,and campy shill are so brainwashed you dont want to look at the REAL facts nobody has an answer for in post# 559 of mine,FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

oh and those egghead historians are always on the governments payroll,they always rank the traiterous ones as the best,they dont rank the ones that did great for america like Calvin Coolige who presidned over a great economy which is called the roaring 20's since under him.America PROSPERED.

and for the last 100th time.FDR abused the offiice of the presidency so he could stay there four terms charlie.LOL
That is your opinion, Eagle, that conflicts with the facts.

You silly do not comprehend the reality of history or the economics of modern society and government.

I will not engage you further on this subject.
Pointless to argue with you...............I agree............

You will not engage the unfunded liabilities and what they mean...........FDR is a GOD TO YOU............not so much to me...........

No manner of argument is gonna change that..............I'm against you.......your against me.........So be it.

you have noticed it is pointless to argue with shill jake as well i see.LOL same with fellow paid trolls campy and WRONG winger i am sure you also have noticed? LOL

same as talking to a brick wall,any facts they dont even bother to read.LOL
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as we both know,you will do ANYTHING to avoid defeat when you are backed up against the wall and you just do the same thing that guy in that pic does when you cant counter the evidence so good luck getting someone else to take your bait

I unlike many here,see the truth about you,that same as WRONGwinger,you are a government paid shill that has penetraed this site who tries to derail truth discussion on the corruption of FDR same as many do on Reagan,you can fool others shill like the brainwashed and programmed mary ann with your lies,NOT ME.bye.
Was Reagan wrong in voting for FDR four times?

Fellow mass murderer Reagan was obviously a big fan of FDR because same as him,he was a a traiter to america as well and mass murderer and ruined america same as him.a pesky fact campy troll cant handle about FDR.HEE HEE.

Oh and Reagan was a DEMOCRAT in the beginning.WHY would it be surprising that ONE evil asshole monster voted for ANOTHER evil asshole monster from the SAME party? logic and common sense never register with you of course so dont try and bother to answer.LOL
FDR shredded the 10th.......

My grandparents and parents would disagree that "the people would have done it regardless of who was President." They all voted against him, but they all said no other American leader could have united the American people in necessary effort as did FDR.

Following a strict construction of the Constitution would have not permitted the tools necessary for a centralized war effort.
Baloney.........we would have built the tools of War out of Necessity regardless of who was in charge............that is BS
Baloney. . . . although you just inferred that the building of "the tools of War out of Necessity" meant that if someone else was in charge, that person would have attacked the strict constructionist nature of the Constitution. Change was inevitable in those situations, and FDR was the architect and WWII the catalyst for the emergence of the modern U. S. nation and its governance.
He's a HERO to you.............I already knew that. He's a HERO to socialist UTOPIA................

Just like you............you make Promises that we can't keep. Promises of Milk and Honey and NEVER ENDING HAPPINESS..............

You ignore the Constitution and praise the changes made to it. You, like FDR did, say the CRISIS MADE IT NECESSARY.............it wasn't necessary. Our country had been at War in the past without pissing on the Constitution and won.............Tanks were built.......aircraft were built.........without the necessity of changing the FUNDAMENTAL concept of the Constitution.

You ignore the post I made on unfunded liabilities...............the pensions........the ever growing mandatory funding that are 2/3rds of our budget already and set to implode us in the future. Just like the others who made promises under Socialism that have fell throughout history.

FDR screwed us with that action..........your living in DENIAL of that is just what you are................We can't pay the bills that are coming...........You could spend zero on the military and still not pay for what's coming...................it's simply impossible..............

But you will DENY IT.............BLAME OTHERS...........for your own blind stupidity............

Tell me how to pay for the unfunded liabilities............and I will show you reports ........year after year after decades that say our path is unsustainable.......You will bitch and moan and call me names.............and it doesn't matter.............the math isn't lying............the problem is there.......and it will screw us in the end just like it has screwed other nations in History..........
welcome to the world of jake,wrongwinger,campy and the other FDR apologists. you see as i do how they always live in denial i see.LOL

this was such an excllent post you schooled him and the FDR apologists on i dont have anything to add except you will find THEY are as nutty as the reagan apologists are who think he was such a great man and great president.LOL they are both equally nutty i would like to see them in the ring together.

this is jake,wrongwinger,campy,and mary ann and the other FDR apologists when you ask them to look at facts that dont go along with their warped opinions.


jake as always,is taken to school.LOL

FDR was a power hungry Socialism nightmare.........To me he was Woodrow Wilson on Steroids..........many of his actions of that day led to the shredding of the Constitution and Enumerated Powers. He used the Great Depression and the War to push his views into action during a time of crisis........A moment in history when people are too consumed with fighting the War to care...........and we are still paying for it to this day.

We would have eventually gone to War no matter who was President. Hitler couldn't be allowed to win, and Imperial Japan would have to go down as well.

Regardless on how it played out.........We were going to War.
careful,you will send them to the ER room overloading them with pesky facts.LOL
FDR has been a hero to hundreds of millions of Americans, not so much to quite a few less. eagle1462010 rants as if his opinions are facts: they are not.

The "unfunded" social programs are easily resolved if Congress, as it will be done under the next Democratic administration and Congress.

eagle well self defines with "DENY IT.............BLAME OTHERS...........for your own blind stupidity............."

The major problem for the far right cons lies in that we can't return to the 1920s.

History will prove FDR, not Hoover, as right.
Do the math...............it's not possible...............A snowball in hell is the proper wording.............

No way in hell we can sustain that..............I choose to live in the REAL WORLD.........not the one in fantasy land.....

No amount of HE'S A HERO is gonna change the math..............No amount of TAXATION is going to change the math.........

You, FDR, and people like you..............can't make what's coming go away...............and when it goes down............you'll blame those warning you.

It's just what you are................I don't care if you don't like what I have to say...........it's coming.......choose to ignore it.......ridicule me.........I simply don't care. We should have stuck to the Fundamentals of the Constitution............and would have kicked Germany and Japan's asses with or without SOCIALISM............

The WEAPONS of War would have been built WITH OR WITHOUT FDR................No matter how it looks in the eyes of his HERO STATUS with you.

But please continue and worship the ground of FDR..............you can do it by yourself..............That dog doesn't hunt with me.
FDR built the arsenal of Democracy to include the atomic bomb

To do that, he needed the government to take complete control of the economy. The Constitution does not allow him to do that

Anyone could not have met the production output we saw in WWII. It did not happen by itself and it could not have happened in a free market

No, Wendell Wilke could not have done it
And we didn't build the weapons of War before FDR........................yeah right.............

Just another post.............to kiss the ground of FDR to justify your mindset.........

As you again avoid my main point..........on how the hell we are going to pay for all your visions and the visions of FDR in our near future.......

You will not engage that subject with any math.............but more rants of why Socialism is good and how EVIL capitalism destroyed your grand Utopia of Socialism..............

I expect that from you................just as I expect you to ignore what's coming............and what people like you will say when it happens.
yeah these paid shills are getting DESPERATE in defeat,they can only post smileys just as their bosses tell them to since they cant stand toe toe to toe in debates with us on this.LOL
This has been given to you by me and others over the years. Why do you always ignore the facts?

Go back and read my earliers posts on this thread,i told him the EXACT same thing about you that you just said about yourself.:2up: I did it to make it clear i was not tooting my OWN horn, giving credit to others such as you and Votto.

He obviously has alzhemiers diseace.:biggrin: a complete waste of time.

He has proven too many time to remember on this thread he has NO INTEREST in the truth. I told him stop being such a lazy ass and go into the conspiracy section and and browse through all the threads there from the past made by people like you who exposed his traiterous activitties and he will find MANY threads there that people like you made that documented it all.He just keeps repeating the same old bullshit though over and over again though that we have no evidence.:rolleyes:

Unlike you,me and votto though,he wont do that because he wont do any research on it.same as the reagan zombies he only sees what he WANTS to see so on FDR and he wont take the time to follow my advise i gave him.:rolleyes:

mary ann is the same,i posted a video that proves Obama carried out the same policys that Bush did and how same as Bush,was also a tratiter to americans,but she wont watch the video. .these trolls cant stand tow to toe in a debate and wont take the time to look at the evidence.:rolleyes:

What the hell are you blaming me for? This thread was about FDR ,not Obama.

As for me, I have been respectfully watching Barbara Bush funeral
I wouldn't waste five seconds on her funeral. May she rest in peace, but I think she was a disgusting elitist just like her asshole criminal of a husband and her doofus sons.

Carrying that hate a little far? Blame her Husband and Son.

I hate no one. Not even the Bush Crime Family. I do hate what they have done.

Barbara certainly knew were Poppy was on November 22, 1963...to bad she didn't make a deathbed confession.

Where Was Poppy?

“Somewhere in Texas”

George H. W. Bush may be one of the few Americans of his generation who cannot recall exactly where he was when John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

At times he has said that he was “somewhere in Texas.” Bush was indeed “somewhere” in Texas. And he had every reason to remember. At the time Bush was the thirty-nine-year-old chairman of the Harris County (Houston) Republican Party and an outspoken critic of the president. He was also actively campaigning for a seat in the U.S. Senate at exactly the time Kennedy was assassinated right in Bush’s own state. The story behind Bush’s apparent evasiveness is complicated. Yet it is crucial to an understanding not just of the Bush family, but also of a tragic chapter in the nation’s history.

GHW Bush & JFK Hit - WhoWhatWhy


Well so far Trump has not called history, "fake history". Probably because Trump does not read history.
yeah you FDR worshippers have certainly bought into the FAKE history on FDR from our corrupt school system on him no doubt.:abgg2q.jpg:

"The Fair Play Committee was established in the fall of 1941, three months before the attack on Pearl Harbor. In May of that year, David Prescott Barrows, chairman of the University of California's Political Science Department and former university president, became concerned about rising anti-Japanese sentiment in California. He discussed the matter with Galen Fisher, a faculty member at the Pacific School of Religion and a political science research associate at the university. A liberal Protestant, Fisher had served twenty-one years in Japan as secretary of the International Committee of the YMCA.

Subsequently, he had carried out a survey of race relations on the Pacific Coast for the Rockefeller Institute of Social and Religious Research. Although Fisher was in his late sixties in 1941, he agreed to take on the task of organizing what he and Barrows envisioned as "an independent committee of influential individuals" to advocate for the protection of the civil rights and liberties of Californians of Japanese descent. In September 1941, he announced the establishment of the Northern California Committee on Fair Play for Citizens and Aliens of Japanese Ancestry. (5) "
In 20i6 59% of Japanese-Americans voted Democratic and 21% voted Republican, why is that?

Again you have nothing but logical fallacy. You don't even pretend to defend that scumbag fdr anymore.
FDR has plenty of defenses, the people that were alive at the time, and voted for FDR four times, and the historians in reviewing the period that rated FDR the greatest.. So both people and historians rated him the best. So who else is there? Are the people wrong or the historians?

the american sheep like you,mary ann,and campy shill are so brainwashed you dont want to look at the REAL facts nobody has an answer for in post# 559 of mine,FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

oh and those egghead historians are always on the governments payroll,they always rank the traiterous ones as the best,they dont rank the ones that did great for america like Calvin Coolige who presidned over a great economy which is called the roaring 20's since under him.America PROSPERED.

and for the last 100th time.FDR abused the offiice of the presidency so he could stay there four terms charlie.LOL
So do you think Trump will abuse the office of the presidency to be elected four times? I don't really want to ask how a candidate abuses the office of the presidency.
Hence the revisionist history

Regardless of who won the 1940 election, The Japanese would have been interred .......that was 1942 post Pearl Harbor hysteria

Might you show us your reliable source and link for that declaration?
Reliable source?

How about the millions of Americans engaging in Post Pearl Harbor hysteria against the Japanese. How about the Republicans not complaining about the injustice of Japanese internment? How ablot the SCOTUS not declaring it unconstitutional and demanding their release

Cute dodge. Keep up the good work!

Social Security is good
We have FDR to thank


As you know, we'd have been fine if the retirement age had been tied to our longevity expectation.

Agree, it isn’t a simple change to raise Social Security to 70 for new people in the system.
No reason to panic

Done in stages for people retiring in 20 or so years so they have time to prepare.

Hell, why not just detain people at the age of 69 and then hustle them all into gas chambers at 70. No muss no fuss, huh? Minimal one time cost and an infinite future source of dog food. A nice neat solution for all your projected red ink. Hell, if projected deficits are to be discouraged and avoided like the plague, what’s up with the Trump budget and fiscal plan? All that deficit spending for the purpose of eventually padding the wallets of the top 1%. What a sad sorry farce, work people to death for peanuts then begrudge them their meager survival at the end of life. Who wants to live, no exist, in a society like that? You advocate for radical change at the bottom to protect business as usual at the top. Let’s turn that proposal on it’s head and advocate radical change at the top to promote a life worth living at the bottom.

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Social Security is good
We have FDR to thank


As you know, we'd have been fine if the retirement age had been tied to our longevity expectation.

Agree, it isn’t a simple change to raise Social Security to 70 for new people in the system.
No reason to panic

Done in stages for people retiring in 20 or so years so they have time to prepare.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hell, why not just detain people at the age of 69 and then hustle them all into gas chambers at 70. No muss no fuss, huh? Minimal one time cost and an infinite future source of dog food. A nice neat solution for all your projected red ink. Hell, if projected deficits are to be discouraged and avoided like the plague, what’s up with the Trump budget and fiscal plan? All that deficit spending for the purpose of eventually padding the wallets of the top 1%. What a sad sorry farce, work people to death for peanuts then begrudge them their meager survival at the end of life. Who wants to live, no exist, in a society like that? You advocate for radical change at the bottom to protect business as usual at the top. Let’s turn that proposal on it’s head and advocate radical change at the top to promote a life worth living at the bottom.

Cute, childish rant.

In your world, where does personal responsibility come into play? Or does it?

You didn't answer the basic question. Where does the money come from?

Hell, why not just detain people at the age of 69 and then hustle them all into gas chambers at 70. No muss no fuss, huh? Minimal one time cost and an infinite future source of dog food. A nice neat solution for all your projected red ink. Hell, if projected deficits are to be discouraged and avoided like the plague, what’s up with the Trump budget and fiscal plan? All that deficit spending for the purpose of eventually padding the wallets of the top 1%. What a sad sorry farce, work people to death for peanuts then begrudge them their meager survival at the end of life. Who wants to live, no exist, in a society like that? You advocate for radical change at the bottom to protect business as usual at the top. Let’s turn that proposal on it’s head and advocate radical change at the top to promote a life worth living at the bottom.

Cute, childish rant.

You didn't answer the basic question. Where does the money come from?


What money? Didn’t you read the post? Hell the top 1% has more wealth than the remaining 99%. Just siphon off the excess and redistribute it. Hell,money? You didn’t worry about money when Trump and the Republicans pushed through his big corporate and fat cats tax giveaway bonanza. You liked that though, didn’t you, despite all the off year red ink? Nothing childish about voodoo economics is there? You bean counters kill me. Fiscal hawks when it benefits the masses but free spenders when the fat cats belly up to the bar. Welfare, bad when it benefits the masses but good for corporations. More Republican elitist propaganda. When Trump exits office at the end of his first term, assuming he gets that far, and economists examine the detritus of his reign, who will you assholes blame?

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Hell, why not just detain people at the age of 69 and then hustle them all into gas chambers at 70. No muss no fuss, huh? Minimal one time cost and an infinite future source of dog food. A nice neat solution for all your projected red ink. Hell, if projected deficits are to be discouraged and avoided like the plague, what’s up with the Trump budget and fiscal plan? All that deficit spending for the purpose of eventually padding the wallets of the top 1%. What a sad sorry farce, work people to death for peanuts then begrudge them their meager survival at the end of life. Who wants to live, no exist, in a society like that? You advocate for radical change at the bottom to protect business as usual at the top. Let’s turn that proposal on it’s head and advocate radical change at the top to promote a life worth living at the bottom.

Cute, childish rant.

In your world, where does personal responsibility come into play? Or does it?

You didn't answer the basic question. Where does the money come from?


As for your Henry Ford quote, it depends on what Indians you’re talking about and how many casinos those successful tribes have. As for the assertion that the Government took care of them, I think a more accurate observation would be that the government took advantage of them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hell, why not just detain people at the age of 69 and then hustle them all into gas chambers at 70. No muss no fuss, huh? Minimal one time cost and an infinite future source of dog food. A nice neat solution for all your projected red ink. Hell, if projected deficits are to be discouraged and avoided like the plague, what’s up with the Trump budget and fiscal plan? All that deficit spending for the purpose of eventually padding the wallets of the top 1%. What a sad sorry farce, work people to death for peanuts then begrudge them their meager survival at the end of life. Who wants to live, no exist, in a society like that? You advocate for radical change at the bottom to protect business as usual at the top. Let’s turn that proposal on it’s head and advocate radical change at the top to promote a life worth living at the bottom.

Cute, childish rant.

In your world, where does personal responsibility come into play? Or does it?

You didn't answer the basic question. Where does the money come from?

The Defense (really war) budget.

Cut it by at least 75%, and bingo...Social Security is fixed.
“On February 19, 1942 — seventy-four years ago today — Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. With the stroke of his pen, the man who had earlier snubbed Jesse Owens after the Berlin Olympics used his executive powers to order the imprisonment of over 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry (as well as thousands of German and Italian ancestry) for the duration of World War II.”

Okay, so?

Hey, guy, funny thing happened in every country the Axis invaded.

They found people willing to collaborate with them.

And after Pearl Harbor, there was a pretty valid fear that the Japanese Imperial Navy might show up off the west coast and start shelling things.

The very fact we are having this conversation in English instead of Nihango or Deutsch should prove he was right.
Don't know much about history,
Don't know much geography
Don't know much about what FDR took
Don't know much about the WW2 book
But I do know that I lie for you,
And I know that if you lie for me too,
What a libtard world this would be...

{w/apologies to Sam Cooke}



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