FDR's foreign policy!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Now we now where Obama got his ideas from!

Unconditional Surrender

the American-British adoption of a policy of unconditional surrender without consulting the Soviets deepened the distrust between the West and the Soviets that later developed into the Cold War.

The decisions not to open a second European front in 1942 and to demand the unconditional surrender of Germany also had significant effects on the course of the war itself.

Lengthening the war. Several of Hitler's former generals have attested to the lengthening of the war caused by unconditional surrender. Once the policy was adopted in 1943 it gave Joseph Goebbels an important propaganda weapon. Most of the German people did not have access to information other than that provided by the regime. Goebbels was therefore able to exploit unconditional surrender as proof that the Allies sought to utterly destroy the German people. This hardened the resolve of ordinary Germans to fight on to the bitter end, especially on the Eastern Front. If no quarter could be expected then surrender was not an option. Consequently millions of people would die because of the inflexibility of Allied policy. Furthermore, because unconditional surrender ensured that the Germans would fight on no matter what the cost, it also ensured that the Soviets would have to fight their way across Eastern Europe and deep into Germany proper. Eventually, Stalin came to see that the policy of unconditional surrender played into his hands. Creating a series of subservient, client states in Eastern Europe had been a long-standing objective of Russian foreign policy, even well before the revolution in 1917. Unconditional surrender finally allowed Stalin to achieve this goal.

Undercutting German resistance efforts. Although the German resistance to the Nazis was not substantial, several plots on Hitler's life were being planned in 1943. The most important of these, that within some echelons of the German officer corps, stood a reasonable chance of success. However, the eventual success of any coup against Hitler depended on the ability of the resistance to say that the Allies would help stabilize Germany if it was led by someone other than Hitler. The policy of unconditional surrender significantly undercut any popular support that the resistance could count upon.

Sealing the fate of millions of Jews. By January 1943 (when unconditional surrender was decided) large pockets of Jews within Nazi-occupied Europe were still alive, including practically all of the Jews within the major ghettoes of Warsaw and Łódz. These Jews would be slaughtered in the gas chambers of Nazi death camps throughout 1943. In 1944 the Jewish population of Hungary also would be largely exterminated in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Had a more flexible policy been adopted by Roosevelt and Churchill, a policy which would have allowed Germans to surrender anywhere under any circumstances, the German war effort probably would have collapsed much sooner than May 1945.
FDR's foreign policy started in 1932. A remarkable best seller by Eric Larson called "in the garden of beasts" illustrates FDR's lack of foreign policy skills. Hitler came into power about the same time FDR was elected and FDR appointed idealistic liberal college professor William Dodd as ambassador to Germany around 1933. Dodd came to realize that the Hitler regime was a corrupt and dangerous enemy. FDR ignored his advice and Dodd was finally relieved of duty and replaced with an ambassador more friendly to the Nazi regime. The FDR administration was criminally ignorant of Japan's expansionist empire in Asia and when the shit hit the fan it seems that the US had no intelligence agency. The OSS was cobbled together and the Brits were shocked about the mess.
FDR's foreign policy was generally fashioned and handled by conservatives, often members of the GOP.
Didn't FDR's foreign policy involve blowing up a whole bunch of Nazi's?

That jerk :cool:
FDR's foreign policy regarded the Japanese empire as nearsighted buck toothed little yellow savages who couldn't develop a plane that would fly or a ship that wouldn't capsize. How freaking stupid. The Brits were shocked that there was no "intelligence network" in the US prior to WW2. FDR's nominated inept COS Marshall had the decoded message in his hands while the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but he read it and re read it and re-re-read it until it was too late to signal Pearl Harbor. He ended up sending a Western Union telegram which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes. Meanwhile the WW1 general that FDR convinced to come out of retirement and become the frontline general in the Philippines was apparently unable to comply with the "war plan" and lost his entire air force parked wing to wing on the ground.
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FDR's foreign policy regarded the Japanese empire as nearsighted buck toothed little yellow savages who couldn't develop a plane that would fly or a ship that wouldn't capsize. How freaking stupid. The Brits were shocked that there was no "intelligence network" in the US prior to WW2. FDR's nominated inept COS Marshall had the decoded message in his hands while the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but he read it and re read it and re-re-read it until it was too late to signal Pearl Harbor. He ended up sending a Western Union telegram which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes. Meanwhile the WW1 general that FDR convinced to come out of retirement and become the frontline general in the Philippines was apparently unable to comply with the "war plan" and lost his entire air force parked wing to wing on the ground.

Might want to do some homework on WWII.
FDR's foreign policy, once the war began, was to provide the stinking tyrannical Stalin tons and tons of military hardware...and often, early in the war, to the detriment of the US military effort.

Great job!
The West could not have defeated Hitler without Stalin keeping the pressure on from the East for three plus years, which required material support from the US.
The OP premise of unconditiional surrender lengthening the war is speculative at best, but the reality is that the post war effect of uncondiditonal surrender was West German society was de-militarized as an offensive force, and a secular society was formed to prevent any cult of personality or xenophobic national supremacy from arising again ... or in the foreseeable future.

A non-intended effect was Germany's economy dominating the continent, and a policy of export and no imports with high borrowing costs has stagnated the sourthern EU. What's occurred in spain is a shame.
FDR's foreign policy, once the war began, was to provide the stinking tyrannical Stalin tons and tons of military hardware...and often, early in the war, to the detriment of the US military effort.

Great job!


seems like all the posters that replied to this thread other than you,are unaware of that little fact.:rolleyes:
FDR's foreign policy regarded the Japanese empire as nearsighted buck toothed little yellow savages who couldn't develop a plane that would fly or a ship that wouldn't capsize. How freaking stupid. The Brits were shocked that there was no "intelligence network" in the US prior to WW2. FDR's nominated inept COS Marshall had the decoded message in his hands while the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but he read it and re read it and re-re-read it until it was too late to signal Pearl Harbor. He ended up sending a Western Union telegram which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes. Meanwhile the WW1 general that FDR convinced to come out of retirement and become the frontline general in the Philippines was apparently unable to comply with the "war plan" and lost his entire air force parked wing to wing on the ground.

Might want to do some homework on WWII.

whithall kid is cluless completely about the entire american history.he still thinsk oswald was the lone assassin of JFK.:lol:
FDR's foreign policy, once the war began, was to provide the stinking tyrannical Stalin tons and tons of military hardware...and often, early in the war, to the detriment of the US military effort.

Great job!


seems like all the posters that replied to this thread other than you,are unaware of that little fact.:rolleyes:

I think it was not detrimental and pretty much irrelevant. FDR also spent a chinaman's fortune in China and Chaing Kai Check
FDR's foreign policy, once the war began, was to provide the stinking tyrannical Stalin tons and tons of military hardware...and often, early in the war, to the detriment of the US military effort.

Great job!


seems like all the posters that replied to this thread other than you,are unaware of that little fact.:rolleyes:

America didn't have the ability to take on Germany. We needed time to build a military that could accomplish that task. Nor could we afford to allow Germany to have access to a conquered Russia. Our priority was saving England. Supporting the Russian's kept Germany busy and forced them to spend their military on the Eastern front.
FDR's foreign policy, once the war began, was to provide the stinking tyrannical Stalin tons and tons of military hardware...and often, early in the war, to the detriment of the US military effort.

Great job!


seems like all the posters that replied to this thread other than you,are unaware of that little fact.:rolleyes:

America didn't have the ability to take on Germany. We needed time to build a military that could accomplish that task. Nor could we afford to allow Germany to have access to a conquered Russia. Our priority was saving England. Supporting the Russian's kept Germany busy and forced them to spend their military on the Eastern front.

The problem with your analysis is the USA helped a tyrannical regime that had a long history of murdering and enslaving their own people and whom tyrannically imposed an ideology entirely antithetic to American values. Supporting evil to contain another evil is ignorant and what resulted is proof it was ignorance.

It must be remembered that due to FDR being completely co-opted by American commie traitors in his administration, he did not merely provide support to the stinking bastard Stalin, he flooded the USSR with military and industrial hardware that could have been used by MacArthur to support our troops and allies in the Pacific against the Japanese. Thus saving American and allied lives. What FDR did was traitorous and he should have been impeached for it...but then he did so many impeachable things, this is but one of many.

Secondly, we never should have warred against Germany. They never attacked us. But again, due to the commies controlling Stalin's stooge in the White House, they forced the war with Germany not to protect America, but to protect Stalin. Most disgusting.
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seems like all the posters that replied to this thread other than you,are unaware of that little fact.:rolleyes:

America didn't have the ability to take on Germany. We needed time to build a military that could accomplish that task. Nor could we afford to allow Germany to have access to a conquered Russia. Our priority was saving England. Supporting the Russian's kept Germany busy and forced them to spend their military on the Eastern front.

The problem with your analysis is the USA helped a tyrannical regime that had a long history of murdering and enslaving their own people and whom tyrannically imposed an ideology entirely antithetic to American values. Supporting evil to contain another evil is ignorant and what resulted is proof it was ignorance.

It must be remembered that due to FDR being completely co-opted by American commie traitors in his administration, he did not merely provide support to the stinking bastard Stalin, he flooded the USSR with military and industrial hardware that could have been used by MacArthur to support our troops and allies in the Pacific against the Japanese. Thus saving American and allied lives. What FDR did was traitorous and he should have been impeached for it...but then he did so many impeachable things, this is but one of many.

Secondly, we never should have warred against Germany. They never attacked us. But again, due to the commies controlling Stalin's stooge in the White House, they forced the war with Germany not to protect America, but to protect Stalin. Most disgusting.

With so many impeachable things by FDR one wonders why historians since 1948 have rated FDR Americans third greatest president. And in the last poll the historians in going over their history one more time rated FDR America's greatest president.
By the way on Bataan MacArthur had all his aircraft lined up and the Japanese destroyed most of them.
Seems the 6th grade graduation class is posting their own historical facts. First of all the isolationist American populace and the GOP would not allow FDR to do anything about Hitler's rise and Japanese aggression.
America didn't have the ability to take on Germany. We needed time to build a military that could accomplish that task. Nor could we afford to allow Germany to have access to a conquered Russia. Our priority was saving England. Supporting the Russian's kept Germany busy and forced them to spend their military on the Eastern front.

The problem with your analysis is the USA helped a tyrannical regime that had a long history of murdering and enslaving their own people and whom tyrannically imposed an ideology entirely antithetic to American values. Supporting evil to contain another evil is ignorant and what resulted is proof it was ignorance.

It must be remembered that due to FDR being completely co-opted by American commie traitors in his administration, he did not merely provide support to the stinking bastard Stalin, he flooded the USSR with military and industrial hardware that could have been used by MacArthur to support our troops and allies in the Pacific against the Japanese. Thus saving American and allied lives. What FDR did was traitorous and he should have been impeached for it...but then he did so many impeachable things, this is but one of many.

Secondly, we never should have warred against Germany. They never attacked us. But again, due to the commies controlling Stalin's stooge in the White House, they forced the war with Germany not to protect America, but to protect Stalin. Most disgusting.

With so many impeachable things by FDR one wonders why historians since 1948 have rated FDR Americans third greatest president. And in the last poll the historians in going over their history one more time rated FDR America's greatest president.
By the way on Bataan MacArthur had all his aircraft lined up and the Japanese destroyed most of them.

Do you know why they did this?

seems like all the posters that replied to this thread other than you,are unaware of that little fact.:rolleyes:

America didn't have the ability to take on Germany. We needed time to build a military that could accomplish that task. Nor could we afford to allow Germany to have access to a conquered Russia. Our priority was saving England. Supporting the Russian's kept Germany busy and forced them to spend their military on the Eastern front.

The problem with your analysis is the USA helped a tyrannical regime that had a long history of murdering and enslaving their own people and whom tyrannically imposed an ideology entirely antithetic to American values. Supporting evil to contain another evil is ignorant and what resulted is proof it was ignorance.

It must be remembered that due to FDR being completely co-opted by American commie traitors in his administration, he did not merely provide support to the stinking bastard Stalin, he flooded the USSR with military and industrial hardware that could have been used by MacArthur to support our troops and allies in the Pacific against the Japanese. Thus saving American and allied lives. What FDR did was traitorous and he should have been impeached for it...but then he did so many impeachable things, this is but one of many.

Secondly, we never should have warred against Germany. They never attacked us. But again, due to the commies controlling Stalin's stooge in the White House, they forced the war with Germany not to protect America, but to protect Stalin. Most disgusting.

it is a STAIN on our nation that we helped erradicate nazism from the face of the earth!

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