FDR's foreign policy!

America didn't have the ability to take on Germany. We needed time to build a military that could accomplish that task. Nor could we afford to allow Germany to have access to a conquered Russia. Our priority was saving England. Supporting the Russian's kept Germany busy and forced them to spend their military on the Eastern front.

The problem with your analysis is the USA helped a tyrannical regime that had a long history of murdering and enslaving their own people and whom tyrannically imposed an ideology entirely antithetic to American values. Supporting evil to contain another evil is ignorant and what resulted is proof it was ignorance.

It must be remembered that due to FDR being completely co-opted by American commie traitors in his administration, he did not merely provide support to the stinking bastard Stalin, he flooded the USSR with military and industrial hardware that could have been used by MacArthur to support our troops and allies in the Pacific against the Japanese. Thus saving American and allied lives. What FDR did was traitorous and he should have been impeached for it...but then he did so many impeachable things, this is but one of many.

Secondly, we never should have warred against Germany. They never attacked us. But again, due to the commies controlling Stalin's stooge in the White House, they forced the war with Germany not to protect America, but to protect Stalin. Most disgusting.

it is a STAIN on our nation that we helped erradicate nazism from the face of the earth!

Not to the fringe element here.
The problem with your analysis is the USA helped a tyrannical regime that had a long history of murdering and enslaving their own people and whom tyrannically imposed an ideology entirely antithetic to American values. Supporting evil to contain another evil is ignorant and what resulted is proof it was ignorance.

It must be remembered that due to FDR being completely co-opted by American commie traitors in his administration, he did not merely provide support to the stinking bastard Stalin, he flooded the USSR with military and industrial hardware that could have been used by MacArthur to support our troops and allies in the Pacific against the Japanese. Thus saving American and allied lives. What FDR did was traitorous and he should have been impeached for it...but then he did so many impeachable things, this is but one of many.

Secondly, we never should have warred against Germany. They never attacked us. But again, due to the commies controlling Stalin's stooge in the White House, they forced the war with Germany not to protect America, but to protect Stalin. Most disgusting.

With so many impeachable things by FDR one wonders why historians since 1948 have rated FDR Americans third greatest president. And in the last poll the historians in going over their history one more time rated FDR America's greatest president.
By the way on Bataan MacArthur had all his aircraft lined up and the Japanese destroyed most of them.

Do you know why they did this?

Who is they? I am discussing one of MacArthur's mistakes, nor should we mistake Bataan for Pearl Harbor.
With so many impeachable things by FDR one wonders why historians since 1948 have rated FDR Americans third greatest president. And in the last poll the historians in going over their history one more time rated FDR America's greatest president.
By the way on Bataan MacArthur had all his aircraft lined up and the Japanese destroyed most of them.

Do you know why they did this?

Who is they? I am discussing one of MacArthur's mistakes, nor should we mistake Bataan for Pearl Harbor.

Then I will concede that you do not know why they parked the planes as they did.
Do you know why they did this?

Who is they? I am discussing one of MacArthur's mistakes, nor should we mistake Bataan for Pearl Harbor.

Then I will concede that you do not know why they parked the planes as they did.

As I recall from reading, the decision was based on the air commander's view that sabotage was the greater risk. Although, I may misremember that and the sabotage fear may have been from Pearl Harbor. At any rate, the answer to your question is in the book 'at dawn we slept" by Gordon Prange, who has written a lot about the Pacific war. It does not support some grand conspiracy to "let the japs hit us," but it does support a general view that FDR's policies led the Japanese to believe war was their best option, or only option, given their need to expand their economic sphere. More importantly, it shows the actual warnings given to Pearl and the Phillipines were pretty ambiguous, and along the lines "war's coming, watch out."
Who is they? I am discussing one of MacArthur's mistakes, nor should we mistake Bataan for Pearl Harbor.

Then I will concede that you do not know why they parked the planes as they did.

As I recall from reading, the decision was based on the air commander's view that sabotage was the greater risk. Although, I may misremember that and the sabotage fear may have been from Pearl Harbor. At any rate, the answer to your question is in the book 'at dawn we slept" by Gordon Prange, who has written a lot about the Pacific war. It does not support some grand conspiracy to "let the japs hit us," but it does support a general view that FDR's policies led the Japanese to believe war was their best option, or only option, given their need to expand their economic sphere. More importantly, it shows the actual warnings given to Pearl and the Phillipines were pretty ambiguous, and along the lines "war's coming, watch out."

As I said, don't mistake Bataan for Pearl Harbor. MacArthur's air force was destroyed nine hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor. MacArthur never explained why he delayed the attack on the Japanese fleet as requested by Air Force Chief Brereton, but the air craft, the largest group of American aircraft outside of Pearl, were caught on the ground like sitting ducks.
If the Japanese believed war was their best option that was a Japanese decision. The question was, should America supply Japan with the materials needed to continue their war on China?
The answer to that too would be in Prange's book. FDR placed embargos on, at least, oil and then iron, and finally about 6 mos before the attack seized Japanese assets in the US.
Any comment such as "we never should have warred against Germany" reveals (1) a fail OP and (2) a traitor to America.
Any comment such as "we never should have warred against Germany" reveals (1) a fail OP and (2) a traitor to America.

It was special. LOL I'm always a bit suspicious when someone suggest the Soviets were the real enemies. Sort of ignores the previous 50 years of European history and the holocaust. Not trivial things. LOL
I had a passing thought that is sort of on topic. We hear a lot of noise about how the "UN is useless and just lets (insert the country name) spout off." Well, that was the intent. Barbara Tuchman and John Toland spent a lot of time illustrating how countries misperceptions of the vital, non-negotiable interests of each other have cause the death of hundreds of millions, more like over a billion, in wars.

Prange's work on the Pacific War is along those lines. No great conspiracy, but a giant clusterfk of misperceptions that could have been prevented by dialogue. That is, the Japanese had a reason to invade Mongolia that was not in iteslf illogical and with a peaceful economic expansion could have helped mongolia. Much like how South Korea benefitted from the Japanese economic expansion post-WWII

And the UN is very much part of FDR's legacy. Elenor argued passionately for it.
FDR's foreign policy regarded the Japanese empire as nearsighted buck toothed little yellow savages who couldn't develop a plane that would fly or a ship that wouldn't capsize. How freaking stupid. The Brits were shocked that there was no "intelligence network" in the US prior to WW2. FDR's nominated inept COS Marshall had the decoded message in his hands while the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but he read it and re read it and re-re-read it until it was too late to signal Pearl Harbor. He ended up sending a Western Union telegram which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes. Meanwhile the WW1 general that FDR convinced to come out of retirement and become the frontline general in the Philippines was apparently unable to comply with the "war plan" and lost his entire air force parked wing to wing on the ground.

They park wing to wing when there's expectation of sabatoge and the planes park far apart when there's an expectation of an air attack. On that particular day the planes were wing to wing because there was a threat of sabatoge. My source is "Day of Deceit" by Stinnett. Just like JFK assassination, we'll never know a lot of stuff that happened that day. Some records are still sealed.
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FDR's foreign policy regarded the Japanese empire as nearsighted buck toothed little yellow savages who couldn't develop a plane that would fly or a ship that wouldn't capsize. How freaking stupid. The Brits were shocked that there was no "intelligence network" in the US prior to WW2. FDR's nominated inept COS Marshall had the decoded message in his hands while the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but he read it and re read it and re-re-read it until it was too late to signal Pearl Harbor. He ended up sending a Western Union telegram which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes. Meanwhile the WW1 general that FDR convinced to come out of retirement and become the frontline general in the Philippines was apparently unable to comply with the "war plan" and lost his entire air force parked wing to wing on the ground.

They park wing to wing when there's expectation of sabatoge and the planes park far apart when there's an expectation of an air attack. On that particular day the planes were wing to wing because there was a threat of sabatoge. My source is "Day of Deceit" by Stinnett. Just like JFK assassination, we'll never know a lot of stuff that happened that day. Some records are still sealed.

That was the reason for the airplane parking at Pearl Harbor. I was referring to MacArthur and his airplanes, some nine hours later and some thousands of miles away. Short and Kimmel explained sabotage, MacArthur never explained.
FDR's foreign policy regarded the Japanese empire as nearsighted buck toothed little yellow savages who couldn't develop a plane that would fly or a ship that wouldn't capsize. How freaking stupid. The Brits were shocked that there was no "intelligence network" in the US prior to WW2. FDR's nominated inept COS Marshall had the decoded message in his hands while the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor but he read it and re read it and re-re-read it until it was too late to signal Pearl Harbor. He ended up sending a Western Union telegram which arrived about the same time as the Japanese Zeroes. Meanwhile the WW1 general that FDR convinced to come out of retirement and become the frontline general in the Philippines was apparently unable to comply with the "war plan" and lost his entire air force parked wing to wing on the ground.

They park wing to wing when there's expectation of sabatoge and the planes park far apart when there's an expectation of an air attack. On that particular day the planes were wing to wing because there was a threat of sabatoge. My source is "Day of Deceit" by Stinnett. Just like JFK assassination, we'll never know a lot of stuff that happened that day. Some records are still sealed.

That was the reason for the airplane parking at Pearl Harbor. I was referring to MacArthur and his airplanes, some nine hours later and some thousands of miles away. Short and Kimmel explained sabotage, MacArthur never explained.

I'd forgotten all this, despite reading two books cited in the link. Thanks.

Battle of the Philippines finds MacArthur unprepared

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