Fear Factor, white house style


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
You mean like when 44 was looking for the leaks in his White House? Like when he grabbed up emails and computers of journalists?
When the CIA was spying on congress? Or perhaps when the NSA was spying on citizens without warrants?
Is that the type of fear you are talking about?
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.
since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?

Since Obama:
  • 1. IRS targets Obama's enemies: The IRS targeted conservative and pro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are being raised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there was any White House involvement and whether there was an initial effort to hide who knew about the targeting and when.
  • 2. Keeping an eye on The Associated Press: The Justice Department performed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters' phone records as part of a leak investigation.
  • 3. Rosengate: The Justice Department suggested that Fox News reporter James Rosen is a criminal for reporting about classified information and subsequently monitored his phones and emails.
  • 4. Potential Holder perjury I: Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with "potential prosecution" of a journalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.
  • 5. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Department was accused of using a racial double standard in failing to pursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers who appeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 in Philadelphia.
  • 6. Waging war all by myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both the letter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attacking Libya without Congressional approval.
  • 7. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden's office has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcing a reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos, and editing pool reports.
  • 8. I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused of making end runs around Congress by deciding which laws to enforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrants who may have been allowed to stay in the United States had Congress passed the "Dream Act."
  • 9. Shutdown theater: Obama hit the American people hard during the great government shutdown crisis of 2013, doing everything he could to make American citizens feel maximum pain – from using “Barry-cades” to keep war veterans away from their memorials, to releasing illegal alien criminals from detention centers. It was an infuriating lesson for voters in how every dollar they get from government is a dollar that can be used against them, when they are impudent enough to demand spending restraint.
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.
How is Trump unconstitutional as a President ?
Perhaps the most worried are those that did things like misrepresent the Steele document in FISA warrants. Plan to take down the president by wearing wires that are against the law.

If those are the ones that are worried they should be since the law may apply.
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.
I must assume that you do not understand the constitution. Since I have yet to see anyone bringing charges because of the constitution.

Funny that everyone tends to gloss over the last supposed constitutional scholar that wrote an EO that even he admitted might not have been constitutional. Kind of points to being reckless or stupid. But did you call him unconstitutional or a madman?
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.
Fake news
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.
Quit being so overly dramatic and just settle down, spaz.
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.

Holy shit. You really are an idiot.
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?

LMAO Why would they be fearful of Trump.

The Mueller report cleared him and his campaign staff.

Your a bigger idiot than Markass.
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?

LMAO Why would they be fearful of Trump.

The Mueller report cleared him and his campaign staff.

Your a bigger idiot than Markass.
She’s a bigger idiot than all idiots. In a class by herself. Right near Truthmatters as it turns out.
Those who partook in the Mueller investigation, now all few the wrath of man/baby Trump. With Barr to release the report this thursday, its been reported, everyone whom Mueller talked to and told the truth, now they're literlly fearful of Trump. Ladies and Gents, since when does a voter fear someone they've elected to office?
Ever since we've had an unconstitutional madman sitting in the President's chair in 2016.
He was replaced on Nov. 8th.

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