Fear of Being Seen as 'Racist' Prevented Investigation of Child Molestation

William, look up Nick Griffin's speach made in 2004 on YouTube. The BNP alerted everyone to this, but the British establishment tried to put him (and Mark Collet) in prison for seven years for "inciting racial hatred". But now the British media can't ignore it any longer, the government is suddenly incredibly enthusiastic about acknowledging what they tried to imprison a man for ten years ago.
William, look up Nick Griffin's speach made in 2004 on YouTube. The BNP alerted everyone to this, but the British establishment tried to put him (and Mark Collet) in prison for seven years for "inciting racial hatred". But now the British media can't ignore it any longer, the government is suddenly incredibly enthusiastic about acknowledging what they tried to imprison a man for ten years ago.

Worth mentioning that a massive government-involved pedophile ring was recently busted in the UK. I wonder then if that and this town's thing are related.

Alleged U.K. Parliamentary Pedophile Ring Hushed Up for Decades - The Daily Beast

Alleged U.K. Parliamentary Pedophile Ring Hushed Up for Decades
After years of child sex-abuse accusations against 10 current and former MPs and little or no investigation, the government has finally announced an unprecedented public inquiry.

LONDON — An alleged pedophile ring at the heart of British politics is to be investigated after claims of a decades-long cover-up that continued until this week..."
Delta, even if there was a pedophile ring involving governmwnt ministers, I can guarantee you that the press will only provide selective coverage, if any at all. I suspect that British law enforcement ignored this ongoing and misguided assault on our hospitality towards Muslims is because they were terrified of loosing their jobs if the press were alerted. Also, I strongly suspect that the British establishment is terrified of Muslims and what they've demonstrated they're capable once they rally behind their religion.
William, look up Nick Griffin's speach made in 2004 on YouTube. The BNP alerted everyone to this, but the British establishment tried to put him (and Mark Collet) in prison for seven years for "inciting racial hatred". But now the British media can't ignore it any longer, the government is suddenly incredibly enthusiastic about acknowledging what they tried to imprison a man for ten years ago.

I remember. The BNP has taken the lead in a few other things, as well -- but will not get credit.
From my observation, the civil service in the UK, since around 2000, began to value political correctness above all else.

If you're not from that mindset I can guarantee that to attend a civil service meeting is a bizarre experience.

Any sort of democratic accountablity is long lost, the words 'lessons will be learnt' are tossed out and the process is complete.

This is not isolated -

Police plan mass raids on sex gangs Day of reckoning for hundreds of child abusers... with 180 mainly Asian men targeted in Manchester alone Mail Online

You may/may not be familiar with the following
*In 2007 an investigative documentary team filmed some (unsurprising) footage of the comings and goings of mosques in the UK. Initially, West Midlands Police went after the documentary team.
*This was originally brought to public attention several years ago, but was ridiculed at the time, articles like this give you a hint - Tania Branigan Blame on the edge Politics The Guardian
*Our PM thinks there are too many White Christians in Britain
*British schoolgirl arrested for racism - Schoolgirl arrested for refusing to study with non-English pupils Mail Online
*Islamic takeover of schools - BBC News - Islamic takeover plot in Birmingham schools investigated
Little hard to believe I'm seeing these words written in the NEW YORK TIMES.

Isn't it strange how "fringe groups" and the "far-right" are eventually always vindicated when the truth becomes too hard to ignore? Furthermore, did you know that two of the victims' fathers were arrested after they tried to free their daughters from captivity?
Everyone was calling the BNP racist when Nick Griffin alerted everyone attention to this outrage. He was even prosecuted and face seven years in prison. Now the government is saying that we "need to investigate further" and "not shy away from mentioning the race of suspects".

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