Fear of WN


Active Member
Jan 16, 2017
Why do negros fear White Nationalism ? As the country balkanizes ; White , black and brown enclaves develop. Integrated enclaves as well ; think Chicongo. As Whites congregate to the Red State mid section , clearly , game on.!!! Could this possibly be the financial divorce from Whites.? The equal of serving non whites divorce papers. Giving non whites the gift of financial responsibility. As we balkanize , it's going to be time for non whites to create THEIR welfare state. Once again , Separate. Stop the hate. The future of civilization depends on racial self segregation.
I don't know about that, but in a coastal town and in our capital yesterday, homeowners found flyers from the KKK in their driveways. They called the police, who took them away (declaring them offensive and litter) but they can't do anything to stop it, of course. It is a First Amendment right to be an asshole.
Why do negros fear White Nationalism ? As the country balkanizes ; White , black and brown enclaves develop. Integrated enclaves as well ; think Chicongo. As Whites congregate to the Red State mid section , clearly , game on.!!! Could this possibly be the financial divorce from Whites.? The equal of serving non whites divorce papers. Giving non whites the gift of financial responsibility. As we balkanize , it's going to be time for non whites to create THEIR welfare state. Once again , Separate. Stop the hate. The future of civilization depends on racial self segregation.
Only false children of a God, say that.
The Invisible Empire continues to protect Whites from miscegination and crime. Much like the Knights of Columbus , the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are a fraternal organization interested in advancing Whites. Anti whites of all flavors consider the KKK an antathema to negrofication. AKIA.
The Invisible Empire continues to protect Whites from miscegination and crime. Much like the Knights of Columbus , the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are a fraternal organization interested in advancing Whites. Anti whites of all flavors consider the KKK an antathema to negrofication. AKIA.
I think WN need to rethink their strategy. I have seen football quarterbacks get better defense coverage than red dragons, on YouTube.
Why do negros fear White Nationalism ? As the country balkanizes ; White , black and brown enclaves develop. Integrated enclaves as well ; think Chicongo. As Whites congregate to the Red State mid section , clearly , game on.!!! Could this possibly be the financial divorce from Whites.? The equal of serving non whites divorce papers. Giving non whites the gift of financial responsibility. As we balkanize , it's going to be time for non whites to create THEIR welfare state. Once again , Separate. Stop the hate. The future of civilization depends on racial self segregation.

Why would anyone be stupid enough not to fear white trash low life's who like burning crosses and lynching people.


And that would be black people, cracker.

And the future of our country depends on people like you dying out
Hmmmm , you know , the demographic shift in this country seems to show otherwise. Heavily negrofied cities such as chicongo ,apelanta and memphrica are war zones. More die from dieversity than from muzzer warlords in the mid east. While White enclaves report bad checks and shoplifting ; chicongo reports a death rate higher than a war zone. LOL. We're not going to go away. Watching debackles like apelanta and detoilet are just proof.
Why do negros fear White Nationalism ? As the country balkanizes ; White , black and brown enclaves develop. Integrated enclaves as well ; think Chicongo. As Whites congregate to the Red State mid section , clearly , game on.!!! Could this possibly be the financial divorce from Whites.? The equal of serving non whites divorce papers. Giving non whites the gift of financial responsibility. As we balkanize , it's going to be time for non whites to create THEIR welfare state. Once again , Separate. Stop the hate. The future of civilization depends on racial self segregation.

Why would anyone be stupid enough not to fear white trash low life's who like burning crosses and lynching people.


And that would be black people, cracker.

And the future of our country depends on people like you dying out
Sorry, you don't speak for all colored people.
Why do negros fear White Nationalism ? As the country balkanizes ; White , black and brown enclaves develop. Integrated enclaves as well ; think Chicongo. As Whites congregate to the Red State mid section , clearly , game on.!!! Could this possibly be the financial divorce from Whites.? The equal of serving non whites divorce papers. Giving non whites the gift of financial responsibility. As we balkanize , it's going to be time for non whites to create THEIR welfare state. Once again , Separate. Stop the hate. The future of civilization depends on racial self segregation.

Extreme right wing white nationalists wack jobs have been responsible for more mass deaths on american soil than any Islamic "terrorist group" out there. (Remember the Oklahoma City Bomber?)

Those kind of nutcases kill W H I T E people too, Beav.....not just so called "negroes".

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Sure , we all recall McVeigh. A race mixer. Sleeping with the asian wife of Nichols , his deranged partner. Both race mixers. These multiculturists and the non white they share would not be made welcome in Whitelandia , Franklin , Harrison or Solutria.
Sure , we all recall McVeigh. A race mixer. Sleeping with the asian wife of Nichols , his deranged partner. Both race mixers. These multiculturists and the non white they share would not be made welcome in Whitelandia , Franklin , Harrison or Solutria.

Well Beav, your rambling narrative addressed so called "negroes" not Asians.

So now, a white nationalist wacko is deemed a "race mixer" for sleeping with an Asian woman?

There is a huge mail order market out there that supplies lonely white males with Asian partners.

Is your vendetta directed at ANY and EVERY "non white" person?

Or are you just another closet white nationalist nut who secretly solicits sexual favors from non white females?
Ahem , miscegination with asians is racemixing. A White Nation , is exactly that. Asia for Asians. Africa for the Black. India for Indians (w/ dot) etc. Where are the white Nations? TBH , a few come to mind. Anywhere blacks or browns want to be "migrants" , actually.

When considering a White Nation ; consider a Slavic Union. About 300 million , providing a White , Christian Ethno State. A Caucasian Homeland encompassing the caucus's. A very handy escape hatch for the persecuted Christians of western Europa.

Domestically , again , once mexifornia becomes azatlan , blacks will even become more prevalent in the deep south ; pushing more whites to the Red States of flyover America. A New America.

An organic movement , albeit , thank God , non violent. Are you ready for the Balk?
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Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, etc. do have reason to be concerned about white nationalism.

But whites do have reason to be concerned about black nationalism, Jewish nationalism, Hispanic nationalism, etc.

How many would admit that all these propositions are true?

Not many.

As we balkanize, things get more violent. People don't like to be victims of violence.

At a pre-violence level, nationalisms can put you out of work, home, government resources.

Blacks in America, for instance, benefit from white-provided goodies like tax dollars, welfare, affirmative action jobs. We take that away from them, and they are worse off (in the short run).

But it's all as inevitable as tectonic plates shifting. We can't stop it. Nature's law.
The Only time i take supremacists seriously, is when the have a superior or supreme argument.

Otherwise, they are no better than untermenchen.

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