Fears for Obama's safety as healthcare debate fuels extremism

The figure is from a new book by Ronald Kessler.... interesting.

So does this mean we can now cite stories from NewsMax without catching any shit? Did any of you libs catch his 2004 book "A Matter Of Character" where he praised GWB? He also does op-ed's for the WSJ that great bastion of liberal thought.

Are you guys really sure this is who you want to give credibility to? I don't think his number sounds right. I think it's more intended to show how hated Obama is and tho I haven't read the book I'll bet the main thrust of it is that he's hated for good reason. It seems an odd endorsement from the Left here.

So which is it, is this guy a credible source of info or not? :)
So you admit he doesn't have a "liberal" bias? That would seem to make his claim more credible, doncha think?

Like I said, I haven't read the book. Having the most death threats isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. It could mean he's really making a difference and shaking things up, or it could mean he's failing so epicly that he's driving people to consider homicide.

I still don't think the number sounds right and I'm surprised the left would want to give credibility to someone like him.

So then, are you going to answer my question? Can we post NewsMax articles without being laughed at for the source? Or do you only believe him if you think what he's saying supports you?
The figure is from a new book by Ronald Kessler.... interesting.

So does this mean we can now cite stories from NewsMax without catching any shit? Did any of you libs catch his 2004 book "A Matter Of Character" where he praised GWB? He also does op-ed's for the WSJ that great bastion of liberal thought.

Are you guys really sure this is who you want to give credibility to? I don't think his number sounds right. I think it's more intended to show how hated Obama is and tho I haven't read the book I'll bet the main thrust of it is that he's hated for good reason. It seems an odd endorsement from the Left here.

So which is it, is this guy a credible source of info or not? :)
So you admit he doesn't have a "liberal" bias? That would seem to make his claim more credible, doncha think?

Like I said, I haven't read the book. Having the most death threats isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. It could mean he's really making a difference and shaking things up, or it could mean he's failing so epicly that he's driving people to consider homicide.

I still don't think the number sounds right and I'm surprised the left would want to give credibility to someone like him.

So then, are you going to answer my question? Can we post NewsMax articles without being laughed at for the source? Or do you only believe him if you think what he's saying supports you?
I have always hated the fact that people shoot down sources because they feel they don't lean the way they do.
Too true. And they live everywhere, at least the ones close to you are apparently obvious. The scariest ones are the ones we don't know about.
tell me about it!
Just say people around here were happy when the Richard Butler compound was auctioned off and the group broke up somewhat about ten years ago.
We have had some bad ones come from here Chevy Kehoe for instance, the guy who shot the security guard and holocaust museam and another guy who killed some people in California. At least they are watching them here now but what about the ones they have no clue about. I have read a few Aryan Nation websites recently and it is alittle scary.

We almost always hear about how they were so quiet, they seemed so normal, the neighbors never suspected a thing. I don't know how you can stomach visiting those kinds of sites, they're too much for me. But it's hard to tell who's blowing smoke and who's serious until it's too late. Creepy.
You should read what I posted on the second page of this thread. I found it on one of their sites.
I watched a special on the Kehoe brothers and like you said a teacher from here in Spokane when he went to a local high school here said Chevy was quiet and a good kid.
tell me about it!
Just say people around here were happy when the Richard Butler compound was auctioned off and the group broke up somewhat about ten years ago.
We have had some bad ones come from here Chevy Kehoe for instance, the guy who shot the security guard and holocaust museam and another guy who killed some people in California. At least they are watching them here now but what about the ones they have no clue about. I have read a few Aryan Nation websites recently and it is alittle scary.

We almost always hear about how they were so quiet, they seemed so normal, the neighbors never suspected a thing. I don't know how you can stomach visiting those kinds of sites, they're too much for me. But it's hard to tell who's blowing smoke and who's serious until it's too late. Creepy.
You should read what I posted on the second page of this thread. I found it on one of their sites.
I watched a special on the Kehoe brothers and like you said a teacher from here in Spokane when he went to a local high school here said Chevy was quiet and a good kid.

I'll have to go back and look. I read the whole thread but the memory is getting faulty on me. ;)
The figure is from a new book by Ronald Kessler.... interesting.

So does this mean we can now cite stories from NewsMax without catching any shit? Did any of you libs catch his 2004 book "A Matter Of Character" where he praised GWB? He also does op-ed's for the WSJ that great bastion of liberal thought.

Are you guys really sure this is who you want to give credibility to? I don't think his number sounds right. I think it's more intended to show how hated Obama is and tho I haven't read the book I'll bet the main thrust of it is that he's hated for good reason. It seems an odd endorsement from the Left here.

So which is it, is this guy a credible source of info or not? :)
So you admit he doesn't have a "liberal" bias? That should make his claim more credible in your eyes, doncha think?
why should it
you would have to assume that the guy had any credibility before now
The figure is from a new book by Ronald Kessler.... interesting.

So does this mean we can now cite stories from NewsMax without catching any shit? Did any of you libs catch his 2004 book "A Matter Of Character" where he praised GWB? He also does op-ed's for the WSJ that great bastion of liberal thought.

Are you guys really sure this is who you want to give credibility to? I don't think his number sounds right. I think it's more intended to show how hated Obama is and tho I haven't read the book I'll bet the main thrust of it is that he's hated for good reason. It seems an odd endorsement from the Left here.

So which is it, is this guy a credible source of info or not? :)
So you admit he doesn't have a "liberal" bias? That would seem to make his claim more credible, doncha think?

Like I said, I haven't read the book. Having the most death threats isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. It could mean he's really making a difference and shaking things up, or it could mean he's failing so epicly that he's driving people to consider homicide.

I still don't think the number sounds right and I'm surprised the left would want to give credibility to someone like him.

So then, are you going to answer my question? Can we post NewsMax articles without being laughed at for the source? Or do you only believe him if you think what he's saying supports you?

Newsmax? That's certainly better than WND lol.

What he's saying doesn't 'support' me. I am referencing what he claimed. Now he does have an impressive career as an investigative journalist so I would think that he wouldn't make such a claim without sources to back it up, although it's been known to happen. To do so would destroy his career and any chance of being taken seriously again. The book is about the Secret Service, not President Obama in particular, so that should lend it more credibility for either side. But we'll see. I've ordered the book. It sounds interesting, and I'll let y'all know what sources he uses to make such a claim.
Having the most death threats isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. It could mean he's really making a difference and shaking things up, or it could mean he's failing so epicly that he's driving people to consider homicide.

BTW, that statement alone is just crazy. Death threats aren't a bad thing? Are you serious? Dear Lord...
The figure is from a new book by Ronald Kessler.... interesting.

So does this mean we can now cite stories from NewsMax without catching any shit? Did any of you libs catch his 2004 book "A Matter Of Character" where he praised GWB? He also does op-ed's for the WSJ that great bastion of liberal thought.

Are you guys really sure this is who you want to give credibility to? I don't think his number sounds right. I think it's more intended to show how hated Obama is and tho I haven't read the book I'll bet the main thrust of it is that he's hated for good reason. It seems an odd endorsement from the Left here.

So which is it, is this guy a credible source of info or not? :)
So you admit he doesn't have a "liberal" bias? That should make his claim more credible in your eyes, doncha think?
why should it
you would have to assume that the guy had any credibility before now
What in his career leads you to believe he has no credibility?

Ronald Kessler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
he looks like he has alot of creditablty to me!
For one after he wrote a book on the FBI they dismissed the director.
Having the most death threats isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. It could mean he's really making a difference and shaking things up, or it could mean he's failing so epicly that he's driving people to consider homicide.

BTW, that statement alone is just crazy. Death threats aren't a bad thing? Are you serious? Dear Lord...

Anything can be seen as crazy out of context. And here you nearly had me fooled that you aren't just like the rest on the left. Oh well.

FWIW, and as I'm sure you already know, I wasn't referring to whether or not death threats are good or bad, but whether a high quantity could translate into political capital.
Having the most death threats isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. It could mean he's really making a difference and shaking things up, or it could mean he's failing so epicly that he's driving people to consider homicide.

BTW, that statement alone is just crazy. Death threats aren't a bad thing? Are you serious? Dear Lord...

Anything can be seen as crazy out of context. And here you nearly had me fooled that you aren't just like the rest on the left. Oh well.

FWIW, and as I'm sure you already know, I wasn't referring to whether or not death threats are good or bad, but whether a high quantity could translate into political capital.

Well, just so you know, I'm not saying death threats equate to political capital. That was KK.

And as far as what you said above, I don't care how bad Obama (or Bush or any other President) has been, that doesn't justify death threats. If I misunderstood what you were trying to say, I apologize.
he looks like he has alot of creditablty to me!
For one after he wrote a book on the FBI they dismissed the director.

Then tell me, based upon his background and history, why would he not have any credibility?

I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?

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