Fears for Obama's safety as healthcare debate fuels extremism

i even question the numbers cited for Bush
3000 a year??????????

If it counts multiple "threats" from the same sources, I'd believe it. There are a lot of crazies out there. Some of them are persistent.
i even question the numbers cited for Bush
3000 a year??????????

If it counts multiple "threats" from the same sources, I'd believe it. There are a lot of crazies out there. Some of them are persistent.
yeah, true
but for it to increase by 400% would mean some of the people making death threats against Bush are also likely to be making them against Obama
and i wonder how many of these are from Americans
i even question the numbers cited for Bush
3000 a year??????????

If it counts multiple "threats" from the same sources, I'd believe it. There are a lot of crazies out there. Some of them are persistent.
yeah, true
but for it to increase by 400% would mean some of the people making death threats against Bush are also likely to be making them against Obama
and i wonder how many of these are from Americans

Good question. But since I don't trust the original source I'm not sure how much the answer means to me. The fact that it happens in any significant number to any President is revolting enough.

feel free to point out the relevant stats re: increased death threats

hint:they don't exist.

Especially since it is for 2008!
And I think on page 6 says it all, Obama got a detail in feb 07, McCain didn't get one until april 2008. I wonder why they would give a hopeful a detail earlier then anyone else. McCain didn't get one as only possible Republican candidate. Maybe could it be because Obama was recieving more death rates. Or maybe it is because he is a media whore!:doubt:

Both are true.
he maybe a media whore but he knew what it took to get elected. We are in the media age and Obama was smart enough to know how to use it in his favor.
Are you going to provide a link to the source of the "up 400%" claim or not?
I think she already did, maybe you should read the thread alittle better.

Um.... yea. I already responded to her bout that. Maybe YOU should read the thread a little better. It was post #83, so what was that... about 50 posts ago?

Since then we've moved on to discover the figure comes from a book by well known right wing pundit Ronald Kessler. And I posed the question to the left asking if this was really a guy they wanted to call credible and put their faith in. He's an editor at NewsMax and writes op-ed pieces for the WSJ. Can the right now cite these sources without the left blubbering about bias? If you want to get in on the discussion that's where we're at now. If you're just trolling my posts you're failing.
trolling your post? Give me a break!
Who is the one who went it to my light hearted thread and decided to be a buzz kill. Get over yourself!
This thread has come a long way from the original post, regarding the increase in right wing extremism.
If it counts multiple "threats" from the same sources, I'd believe it. There are a lot of crazies out there. Some of them are persistent.
yeah, true
but for it to increase by 400% would mean some of the people making death threats against Bush are also likely to be making them against Obama
and i wonder how many of these are from Americans

Good question. But since I don't trust the original source I'm not sure how much the answer means to me. The fact that it happens in any significant number to any President is revolting enough.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work
yeah, true
but for it to increase by 400% would mean some of the people making death threats against Bush are also likely to be making them against Obama
and i wonder how many of these are from Americans

Good question. But since I don't trust the original source I'm not sure how much the answer means to me. The fact that it happens in any significant number to any President is revolting enough.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work

He shouldn't be facing this crap, and his wife and especially his kids sure as hell shouldn't be. Kids are off-limits, I don't care who their parents are.
Especially since it is for 2008!
And I think on page 6 says it all, Obama got a detail in feb 07, McCain didn't get one until april 2008. I wonder why they would give a hopeful a detail earlier then anyone else. McCain didn't get one as only possible Republican candidate. Maybe could it be because Obama was recieving more death rates. Or maybe it is because he is a media whore!:doubt:

Both are true.
he maybe a media whore but he knew what it took to get elected. We are in the media age and Obama was smart enough to know how to use it in his favor.
so, Obama is praised for being a media whore, but Palin is villified for being the same
yeah, true
but for it to increase by 400% would mean some of the people making death threats against Bush are also likely to be making them against Obama
and i wonder how many of these are from Americans

Good question. But since I don't trust the original source I'm not sure how much the answer means to me. The fact that it happens in any significant number to any President is revolting enough.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work
I spread it around before repping you!
And don't worry most of us on the left know that most people on the right respect the fact he is President and this shouldn't happening.
And it is probably the same people who threatened Bush who are now threatening Obama.
They are the Timothy McVeigh's and the Chevy Kehoe's, and it is very scary to think about these people existing and the fact many live about an hour or two from where I live.
Good question. But since I don't trust the original source I'm not sure how much the answer means to me. The fact that it happens in any significant number to any President is revolting enough.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work

He shouldn't be facing this crap, and his wife and especially his kids sure as hell shouldn't be. Kids are off-limits, I don't care who their parents are.
again, i agree, kids didnt choose their parents
and they didnt tell the parents to get into politics
Good question. But since I don't trust the original source I'm not sure how much the answer means to me. The fact that it happens in any significant number to any President is revolting enough.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work
I spread it around before repping you!
And don't worry most of us on the left know that most people on the right respect the fact he is President and this shouldn't happening.
And it is probably the same people who threatened Bush who are now threatening Obama.
They are the Timothy McVeigh's and the Chevy Kehoe's, and it is very scary to think about these people existing and the fact many live about an hour or two from where I live.

Too true. And they live everywhere, at least the ones close to you are apparently obvious. The scariest ones are the ones we don't know about.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work

He shouldn't be facing this crap, and his wife and especially his kids sure as hell shouldn't be. Kids are off-limits, I don't care who their parents are.
again, i agree, kids didnt choose their parents
and they didnt tell the parents to get into politics

I use dto fight with "my own" about that a lot when the Palin kids were brought up. Both sides are guilty of crossing that line. Classless. At least I think we're adult enough to know it's a small strident minority on both sides pulling that crap.
he's the elected POTUS and shouldnt be facing this crap
and the SS dopesnt need the extra work
I spread it around before repping you!
And don't worry most of us on the left know that most people on the right respect the fact he is President and this shouldn't happening.
And it is probably the same people who threatened Bush who are now threatening Obama.
They are the Timothy McVeigh's and the Chevy Kehoe's, and it is very scary to think about these people existing and the fact many live about an hour or two from where I live.

Too true. And they live everywhere, at least the ones close to you are apparently obvious. The scariest ones are the ones we don't know about.
tell me about it!
Just say people around here were happy when the Richard Butler compound was auctioned off and the group broke up somewhat about ten years ago.
We have had some bad ones come from here Chevy Kehoe for instance, the guy who shot the security guard and holocaust museam and another guy who killed some people in California. At least they are watching them here now but what about the ones they have no clue about. I have read a few Aryan Nation websites recently and it is alittle scary.
I spread it around before repping you!
And don't worry most of us on the left know that most people on the right respect the fact he is President and this shouldn't happening.
And it is probably the same people who threatened Bush who are now threatening Obama.
They are the Timothy McVeigh's and the Chevy Kehoe's, and it is very scary to think about these people existing and the fact many live about an hour or two from where I live.

Too true. And they live everywhere, at least the ones close to you are apparently obvious. The scariest ones are the ones we don't know about.
tell me about it!
Just say people around here were happy when the Richard Butler compound was auctioned off and the group broke up somewhat about ten years ago.
We have had some bad ones come from here Chevy Kehoe for instance, the guy who shot the security guard and holocaust museam and another guy who killed some people in California. At least they are watching them here now but what about the ones they have no clue about. I have read a few Aryan Nation websites recently and it is alittle scary.

We almost always hear about how they were so quiet, they seemed so normal, the neighbors never suspected a thing. I don't know how you can stomach visiting those kinds of sites, they're too much for me. But it's hard to tell who's blowing smoke and who's serious until it's too late. Creepy.
You got a guy or gal who truly is scary that way. Just give their name and address to the feebees, and they will keep it private.

All you have to say is this is the kind of guy might do something stupid to the Pres or other federal officials. You may get a visit, and just be up front about your feelings.
And now we are supposed to just accept one guy carrying a sign in New England as evidence that the threats have multiplied and now they are somehow unexceptable?
Any threat to any President is unacceptable. And I don't think I even mentioned 'one guy carrying a sign in New England'. I did provide links to people who are being investigated, charged, and/or convicted of making death threats toward President Obama.
The figure is from a new book by Ronald Kessler.... interesting.

So does this mean we can now cite stories from NewsMax without catching any shit? Did any of you libs catch his 2004 book "A Matter Of Character" where he praised GWB? He also does op-ed's for the WSJ that great bastion of liberal thought.

Are you guys really sure this is who you want to give credibility to? I don't think his number sounds right. I think it's more intended to show how hated Obama is and tho I haven't read the book I'll bet the main thrust of it is that he's hated for good reason. It seems an odd endorsement from the Left here.

So which is it, is this guy a credible source of info or not? :)
So you admit he doesn't have a "liberal" bias? That should make his claim more credible in your eyes, doncha think?
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