Fears for Obama's safety as healthcare debate fuels extremism

he looks like he has alot of creditablty to me!
For one after he wrote a book on the FBI they dismissed the director.

Then tell me, based upon his background and history, why would he not have any credibility?

I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?
maybe she should read that one FIRST
he looks like he has alot of creditablty to me!
For one after he wrote a book on the FBI they dismissed the director.

Then tell me, based upon his background and history, why would he not have any credibility?

I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?
maybe she should read that one FIRST

I'm not trying to bash the guy. As it turns out I have read a couple of his books and I enjoyed them. What I'm trying to figure out is if he's suddenly credible when he says what they want to hear. Because I'd be willing to bet if they took his entire body of work and gave it a serious look they would call the guy a right wing propaganda machine.
I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?
maybe she should read that one FIRST

I'm not trying to bash the guy. As it turns out I have read a couple of his books and I enjoyed them. What I'm trying to figure out is if he's suddenly credible when he says what they want to hear. Because I'd be willing to bet if they took his entire body of work and gave it a serious look they would call the guy a right wing propaganda machine.
which is why she should read that one first
While doing a bio piece might let sympathies bleed into the writing about personalities and accomplishments/failures whatever, something like how many death threats were recorded isn't the type of information that begs for bias, is it?
he looks like he has alot of creditablty to me!
For one after he wrote a book on the FBI they dismissed the director.

Then tell me, based upon his background and history, why would he not have any credibility?

I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?

If he IS biased toward the right (and he may well be), wouldn't that make his claim more credible in your eyes?

I've got this book on order, if it's a good read I may well order another. Thanks.
I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?
maybe she should read that one FIRST

I'm not trying to bash the guy. As it turns out I have read a couple of his books and I enjoyed them. What I'm trying to figure out is if he's suddenly credible when he says what they want to hear. Because I'd be willing to bet if they took his entire body of work and gave it a serious look they would call the guy a right wing propaganda machine.
I never said I considered him not to be credible in the first place. I did say he had an impressive career and I don't see him making such a claim without a source.
he looks like he has alot of creditablty to me!
For one after he wrote a book on the FBI they dismissed the director.

Then tell me, based upon his background and history, why would he not have any credibility?

I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?
that isn't the only book he wrote and just because a person a certain political view doesn't mean he doesn't have any credibilty.
I guess I can't like anything a conservative says just because I am liberal.
and PS I read the book on Bush.
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I'm sure you'd both really enjoy: A Matter of Character: Inside the White House of George W. Bush. 2004. ISBN 1595230149

Where he heaps praise on GWB.

Or maybe you'd see him as just a little biased. Or did I miss the part where you really liked the Bush presidency?
maybe she should read that one FIRST

I'm not trying to bash the guy. As it turns out I have read a couple of his books and I enjoyed them. What I'm trying to figure out is if he's suddenly credible when he says what they want to hear. Because I'd be willing to bet if they took his entire body of work and gave it a serious look they would call the guy a right wing propaganda machine.
I really want to know when Emma or I said that he wasn't credible before this?
maybe you should try not assume so much
because I have heard him personally talk about it>:doubt: yeah right!
And your idiot if you don't think he has recieved more death threat then any other President.

Seriously? No he hasn't, he just airs them more than any other president, he's a media monger.
why would we have the largest security detail of any President?
Wake up, he is black and there are alot of people in this country who are still biggots and complete nutjobs.

hello, racist.
because I have heard him personally talk about it>:doubt: yeah right!
And your idiot if you don't think he has recieved more death threat then any other President.

Seriously? No he hasn't, he just airs them more than any other president, he's a media monger.
why would we have the largest security detail of any President?
Wake up, he is black and there are alot of people in this country who are still biggots and complete nutjobs.

while I agree, there ARE still racists in the US, considering Bush was one of the most hated Presidents in history, and Obama is FAIRLY popular, why does Obama need a bigger security detail than Bush.
Seriously? No he hasn't, he just airs them more than any other president, he's a media monger.
why would we have the largest security detail of any President?
Wake up, he is black and there are alot of people in this country who are still biggots and complete nutjobs.

while I agree, there ARE still racists in the US, considering Bush was one of the most hated Presidents in history, and Obama is FAIRLY popular, why does Obama need a bigger security detail than Bush.
I don't know maybe because the extreme racist are the ones who don't like black people and have a bad track record.
why would we have the largest security detail of any President?
Wake up, he is black and there are alot of people in this country who are still biggots and complete nutjobs.

while I agree, there ARE still racists in the US, considering Bush was one of the most hated Presidents in history, and Obama is FAIRLY popular, why does Obama need a bigger security detail than Bush.
I don't know maybe because the extreme racist are the ones who don't like black people and have a bad track record.

Right, we established that. but with polls reflecting far more hatred for Bush than Obama, I don't see why Obama's sec detail is bigger.
while I agree, there ARE still racists in the US, considering Bush was one of the most hated Presidents in history, and Obama is FAIRLY popular, why does Obama need a bigger security detail than Bush.
I don't know maybe because the extreme racist are the ones who don't like black people and have a bad track record.

Right, we established that. but with polls reflecting far more hatred for Bush than Obama, I don't see why Obama's sec detail is bigger.
because he has had more death threats, we have already established that! Like I said before he had to have a detail earlier then any other candidate ever.
Yeah Bush was hated but he wasn't black and people didn't say he was a muslim.
You don't have to be genius to see why he has to be better protected.
I don't know maybe because the extreme racist are the ones who don't like black people and have a bad track record.

Right, we established that. but with polls reflecting far more hatred for Bush than Obama, I don't see why Obama's sec detail is bigger.
because he has had more death threats, we have already established that! Like I said before he had to have a detail earlier then any other candidate ever.
Yeah Bush was hated but he wasn't black and people didn't say he was a muslim.
You don't have to be genius to see why he has to be better protected.

No, they said Bush blew up the World Trade Center and killed Americans for oil. Doesn't take a rocket science to see why you'd need more protection against people who believe that.
Right, we established that. but with polls reflecting far more hatred for Bush than Obama, I don't see why Obama's sec detail is bigger.
because he has had more death threats, we have already established that! Like I said before he had to have a detail earlier then any other candidate ever.
Yeah Bush was hated but he wasn't black and people didn't say he was a muslim.
You don't have to be genius to see why he has to be better protected.

No, they said Bush blew up the World Trade Center and killed Americans for oil. Doesn't take a rocket science to see why you'd need more protection against people who believe that.
the truther's think Bush did it, the Aryan's think the Jews did it. And the only bad thing I could find on one of Ayran's site that they said about Bush, is that he helped the economy fail but mostly blamed Clinton. They talked a lot more about Obama and what he is doing and that they perdict his assasination.
I also think it is real wierd we haven't heard from the aryan in this area since 2000 and all of sudden they are starting to make a come back.
because he has had more death threats, we have already established that! Like I said before he had to have a detail earlier then any other candidate ever.
Yeah Bush was hated but he wasn't black and people didn't say he was a muslim.
You don't have to be genius to see why he has to be better protected.

No, they said Bush blew up the World Trade Center and killed Americans for oil. Doesn't take a rocket science to see why you'd need more protection against people who believe that.
the truther's think Bush did it, the Aryan's think the Jews did it. And the only bad thing I could find on one of Ayran's site that they said about Bush, is that he helped the economy fail but mostly blamed Clinton. They talked a lot more about Obama and what he is doing and that they perdict his assasination.

I would guess there are a lot more truthers than Aryans.
I also think it is real wierd we haven't heard from the aryan in this area since 2000 and all of sudden they are starting to make a come back.

oh I grant you they are making a comeback with a black president and all.

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