Feb. 9: Sanders leads comfortably in all odds websites

Gotta wonder if we're looking at a modern-day version of McGovern.

Trust me Mac, and I know you don't, lol. Democrat nominee = Bernie?

He will win 5 or 6 states, AND he will lose Illinois in the process!
Well, I'm not very good at political predictions.

I am part time in the business, and trust me, Bernie is a cake walk above all others.

Trump would trounce Bernie, or Warren.

Still have nothing much on Doomberg.

Biden, it changes from month to month, but the GOP believes he isn't going to make it.

Mayor Pete is also an unknown at this time. No real solid numbers.

Klobuchar, same thing, no real numbers.

To be honest, while I have no numbers on it, besides Biden the one that might have been next was Tulsi, lol.
I don’t agree. The working class is tired of all the bull shit and injustice. Bernie won’t fix it, but that doesn’t mean he won’t beat the Don.

The Don will destroy lizzy, sniffy Joe, puppet Pete, and little Mikey in debate. He won’t be able to handle Bernie.

That is NOT the point!

Look at the poll taken each and every year, over, and over, and over again. This country is center right. It comes up that way every time!

Where the rub lies is-------------------->most people don't like either of the candidates. Usually, less than 55% of the people vote in general elections. The method of BOTH political groups, is not to push their agenda, but rather to make Americans dislike the opposing candidate more than their own. I am sure you have heard it---------->NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING!

But with Bernie, you don't have to paint him, he ADMITS he is a Socialist, flat out! A proven center right country is going to be scared to death! And he is NOT suggesting we go back to Obama policies; nope, he wants to change EVERYTHING!

People, no matter what you think, aren't going to buy that. Bernie above ALL other choices, is NOT deciding between Obama or Trump, it is deciding between Clinton, Obama and Trump, or Bernie!

I know I can't convince you, but Bernie is an easy LOSER, and so is Warren. Personally, I hope you put him up because it is such an easy win, but hey, you and you far Leftists do whatever the hell you want!

And not only mentioning that factoid------------->you want to activate Americans to STOP a Socialist? Guess what happens! The Dems will ALL be painted with the Bernie brush, and guess what happens in congress.

I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count!

Yes, the GOP wants Bernie, and good luck to you if you believe that it is a brilliant idea to do it!
I wish Bernie well, but we all know deep down he wont be the nominee. The DNC will not allow this to happen. Obama will intervene, Clinton will reemerge, even Al Gore might be called back into service. What ever the case may be, Sanders will get screwed out of the nomination.
hat is NOT the point!

Look at the poll taken each and every year, over, and over, and over again. This country is center right. It comes up that way every time!

NO, it isn't center right. In fact, the Republicans haven't honestly won a majority since 1988.
I wish Bernie well, but we all know deep down he wont be the nominee. The DNC will not allow this to happen. Obama will intervene, Clinton will reemerge, even Al Gore might be called back into service. What ever the case may be, Sanders will get screwed out of the nomination.

Bernie had better win on the 1st ballot or else the super-delegates step in and nominate someone else.
What happens then? Just like 2016, Bernie's supporters walk away, as does the energized support of Warren and Buttplug.
1. If Bloomberg gets the nomination, a major revolt by dems who refuse to vote for an oligarch.
2. If Buttplug gets the nomination, he does not get the family values voters
3. If Biden gets the nomination and picks Michelle for his VP, and promises Barak gets SecState, or another prestigious position that could work?!
Bernie had better win on the 1st ballot or else the super-delegates step in and nominate someone else.
What happens then? Just like 2016, Bernie's supporters walk away, as does the energized support of Warren and Buttplug.
1. If Bloomberg gets the nomination, a major revolt by dems who refuse to vote for an oligarch.
2. If Buttplug gets the nomination, he does not get the family values voters
3. If Biden gets the nomination and picks Michelle for his VP, and promises Barak gets SecState, or another prestigious position that could work?!

1) Most Dems would be fine with Bloomberg, who has been on the right side of most social and economic issues.
2) Buttigeig would be fine. The kind of people who would be upset about his being gay weren't voting for the Democrat, anyway.
3) Biden would probably do fine, but he'd probably take Klochebar as a running mate.

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