Fed agents threaten to arrest doctors, nurses if they talk about detention camp condi

come on, Obama care so much about us citizens, isn't that they've been telling us

People better start WAKING up to what your government is doing

they are allowing all types of disease to come in your country along with allowing these people to take YOUR JOBS what few their are

KG just made the statement progressives don't care about the children, and by your comment it appears you don't ...so you're a progressive.

But there gonna take our jobs!!!!

Two more kids found dead near Mexico's southern border. One 11 and the other 9 no adult supervision was with them. The media is ignoring this crises so we all need to look outside the US to get the truth. We now live in a closed society. Thanks liberals.

I heard the news on a news outlet, thank you liberals....
come on, Obama care so much about us citizens, isn't that they've been telling us

People better start WAKING up to what your government is doing

they are allowing all types of disease to come in your country along with allowing these people to take YOUR JOBS what few their are

KG just made the statement progressives don't care about the children, and by your comment it appears you don't ...so you're a progressive.

Really. What in her statement indicates she doesn't care about children?

You people are insane. Seriously. You aren't even capable of conversing with regular people. You can't seem to distinguish the voices in your head from what is actually being said.

So. Tell me...what in her statement there indicates Stephanie doesn't care about children? I don't see that they're even mentioned. I certainly see no ill wish for children indicated.

I'll wait.
How much of a threat do these contained diseases at an airforce base in Texas pose to the general American public? Very little or less than none?
come on, Obama care so much about us citizens, isn't that they've been telling us

People better start WAKING up to what your government is doing

they are allowing all types of disease to come in your country along with allowing these people to take YOUR JOBS what few their are
KG just made the statement progressives don't care about the children, and by your comment it appears you don't ...so you're a progressive.
Really. What in her statement indicates she doesn't care about children?

You people are insane. Seriously. You aren't even capable of conversing with regular people. You can't seem to distinguish the voices in your head from what is actually being said.

So. Tell me...what in her statement there indicates Stephanie doesn't care about children? I don't see that they're even mentioned. I certainly see no ill wish for children indicated.

I'll wait.
The spoiled American referred to foreign children as "all kinds of disease". That's where they were mentioned. You see, brilliant Republican, the diseases that the heartless, greedy, spoiled American Conservative is complaining about were brought into the US inside of human children. You know, human? As in, "humanity"? Jesus talked about it a couple of times.

Anyway, that's why critical thinking skills are important in public schools.
And then maybe this applies.
What does the duty of confidentiality require?
The obligation of confidentiality prohibits the health care provider from disclosing information about the patient's case to others without permission and encourages the providers and health care systems to take precautions to ensure that only authorized access occurs. Appropriate care often requires that information about patients be discussed among members of a health care team; all team members have authorized access to confidential information about the patients they care for and assume the duty of protecting that information from others who do not have access. Electronic medical records can pose challenges to confidentiality. In accordance with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1997 (HIPAA), institutions are required to have policies to protect the privacy of patients’ electronic information, including procedures for computer access and security.
And there's more,,,,,,,

People can face jail time if doctor/healthcare worker/patient/confidentiality is breached.
That only applies to a certain patient. You cannot name names or disclose anything in a patients chart.

Much different than coming out of a Hell Hole full of diseased children & being threatened to be arrested if you speak out about the horrible conditions. It is actually the legal DUTY of a medical professional to report contagious diseases and inform others as to the conditions of such place of known disease.

And most certainly Not a reason in the world for a nurse to turn over her notebook of what she saw and did while in there.

I work in the healthcare business, patient confidentiality is huge. Everyone who works for the company, whether a healthcare worker or someone in marketing, (such as myself) is required to know and abide by confidentiality rules. If it deals with healthcare in any type of environment, confidentiality rules must be followed. It's the law.

It is called the Hippa law. It means that as a medical professional none of a patients records can be shared or accessed without a reason...
Nothing about sharing information as a whole. Only a patient with a name or record number.
I can talk about cancer patients all day long but I can't talk about my patient Joe Blow ~ who or what I'm seeing Joe Blow about or for. Nothing to anyone that isn't directly related to his care. Has nothing to do with HC on a whole as in the situation of the kids being held like animals unless they are saying this kid johnny has TB and lice that would be breaching confidentiality.
HIPAA, Patients and Medical Records Privacy Myths

Now I'm interested in seeing your LINK of confidentiality rules that must be followed since it's the Law.
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How much of a threat do these contained diseases at an airforce base in Texas pose to the general American public? Very little or less than none?

You must be joking. It's a HUGE threat to the general American public. All those that work at the airforce base. All the families of anyone that works at the AF base. All the people that come into contact with a family member of anyone that works at the AF base & On & On & On it goes.

Just like the flu. These diseases are not from here so we don't have the needed ant-bodies to fight the different strains that these kids bring making the disease much more dangerous to Americans exposed to contagious diseases. Only a few came in sick now all of them are sick. Their diseases are spreading like wildfire & that's what is being covered up.

HC workers are scared & being told NOT to speak abut the situation or be arrested. If healthy shit were going on then invite the media, congress anyone in to see what the condition is but that's NOT happening.
That only applies to a certain patient. You cannot name names or disclose anything in a patients chart.

Much different than coming out of a Hell Hole full of diseased children & being threatened to be arrested if you speak out about the horrible conditions. It is actually the legal DUTY of a medical professional to report contagious diseases and inform others as to the conditions of such place of known disease.

And most certainly Not a reason in the world for a nurse to turn over her notebook of what she saw and did while in there.

I work in the healthcare business, patient confidentiality is huge. Everyone who works for the company, whether a healthcare worker or someone in marketing, (such as myself) is required to know and abide by confidentiality rules. If it deals with healthcare in any type of environment, confidentiality rules must be followed. It's the law.

It is called the Hippa law. It means that as a medical professional none of a patients records can be shared or accessed without a reason...
Nothing about sharing information as a whole. Only a patient with a name or record number.
I can talk about cancer patients all day long but I can't talk about my patient Joe Blow ~ who or what I'm seeing Joe Blow about or for. Nothing to anyone that isn't directly related to his care. Has nothing to do with HC on a whole as in the situation of the kids being held like animals unless they are saying this kid johnny has TB and lice that would be breaching confidentiality.
HIPAA, Patients and Medical Records Privacy Myths

Now I'm interested in seeing your LINK of confidentiality rules that must be followed since it's the Law.

Actually you can talk about your cancer patients all day long outside the work place but not by name. That is confidential and you would be violating their confidentiality.
I have no link at my fingers tips. I was given a internal memo that covered HIPPA and how it applied to to our company's staff and environment. I also have that document in my files on my PCs. But that document is confidential.
BUT, I'm 100% sure I can find you the complete law and will get you a link. Look for a PM tomorrow with that info.
I work in the healthcare business, patient confidentiality is huge. Everyone who works for the company, whether a healthcare worker or someone in marketing, (such as myself) is required to know and abide by confidentiality rules. If it deals with healthcare in any type of environment, confidentiality rules must be followed. It's the law.

It is called the Hippa law. It means that as a medical professional none of a patients records can be shared or accessed without a reason...
Nothing about sharing information as a whole. Only a patient with a name or record number.
I can talk about cancer patients all day long but I can't talk about my patient Joe Blow ~ who or what I'm seeing Joe Blow about or for. Nothing to anyone that isn't directly related to his care. Has nothing to do with HC on a whole as in the situation of the kids being held like animals unless they are saying this kid johnny has TB and lice that would be breaching confidentiality.
HIPAA, Patients and Medical Records Privacy Myths

Now I'm interested in seeing your LINK of confidentiality rules that must be followed since it's the Law.

Actually you can talk about your cancer patients all day long outside the work place but not by name. That is confidential and you would be violating their confidentiality.
I have no link at my fingers tips. I was given a internal memo that covered HIPPA and how it applied to to our company's staff and environment. I also have that document in my files on my PCs. But that document is confidential.
BUT, I'm 100% sure I can find you the complete law and will get you a link. Look for a PM tomorrow with that info.

Yes, Actually! That's exactly as I said. I CAN talk about my cancer patients all day long I just can't talk about a particular patient or share any information about a particular patient.
I can use any and all of a patients information for research and teaching purposes but I must not ever use the patients name or ID number or other personal information as to the identity of the patient. The records, test results, scans & any other information may & must be used for medical purposes. Patients must sign in a consent form stating all this before any type of treatment or therapy begins almost anywhere.
But Whatever....I really don't need your link:D:D
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Jebus, sometimes it's plain impossible to know what conservatives are complaining about or what they want.

IF there are communicable diseases in these children, don't you WANT them quarantined and treated?

Return to sender...

Can't send 'em back sick, can we?

Or do you want the American taxpayer to accept legal liability and financial responsibility if they get sicker and die simply because we refused them treatment while they were in our custody?

They were sick when they got here. How is that the responsibility of our government?
Send em back and let their country of origin deal with em.

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