Fed reduces monthly Stock prop by $20 Billion, Market drops

Market was definitely due for a correction after the ridiculous gains of 2013. What sucks is there aren't many places to hide, intl equities are also taking it in the ass. Hopefully the carnage won't be too bad and we can finish the year at least flat and maybe with a slight gain. Who knows.

I've been saying for months not to trust the Stock Market
I'm not sure anyone should "trust" the stock market, it goes up and it goes down I would think most investors understand that.

Are you thinking DIJA will drop down past 13,600 where it was when QE3 started?

I have been saying it for years right here. There was no other way it could go.

I doubt it will go lower than 12000. If you look at the previous bottom, adjust by inflation it ends up around 13000, IIRC.

Figuring in over-sell that leaves a 1000 point retrace to follow on its heels.
I've been saying for months not to trust the Stock Market, that it was being artificially propped by the Fed who was dumping $85 Billion a month into it.

The Obama knee-padders have been claiming that that money had nothing to do with it, that it was Obama's policies keeping the Stock Market up.

Last week the Fed announced a reduction by $20 Billion and the market has last in excess of 600 points.

What is going to happen when that $65 billion is further reduced?

See Pre-Market Trading Data as of Feb 3
Monday’s Close:


15,372.80 -2.08%


3,996.96 -2.61%


1,741.89 -2.28%

A 2% correction?:cool:

Should be some retrace today, but who knows?
WoooooooooHooooooo! Bad news!!! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Starting QE was the bad news, dude.

The market returning to reality is Good news, should it happen.

Whats with you libs thinking that there should not be market corrections and that that is always bad news?
Market was definitely due for a correction after the ridiculous gains of 2013. What sucks is there aren't many places to hide, intl equities are also taking it in the ass. Hopefully the carnage won't be too bad and we can finish the year at least flat and maybe with a slight gain. Who knows.

I'm not sure anyone should "trust" the stock market, it goes up and it goes down I would think most investors understand that.

Are you thinking DIJA will drop down past 13,600 where it was when QE3 started?

I have been saying it for years right here. There was no other way it could go.

I doubt it will go lower than 12000. If you look at the previous bottom, adjust by inflation it ends up around 13000, IIRC.

Figuring in over-sell that leaves a 1000 point retrace to follow on its heels.

Well looky here I agree. The next elections will be over before it has a chance to get that low.
I've been saying for months not to trust the Stock Market, that it was being artificially propped by the Fed who was dumping $85 Billion a month into it.

The Obama knee-padders have been claiming that that money had nothing to do with it, that it was Obama's policies keeping the Stock Market up.

Last week the Fed announced a reduction by $20 Billion and the market has last in excess of 600 points.

What is going to happen when that $65 billion is further reduced?

thank your lucky stars

that congress is divided

had it been all leftist

we would all be complaining about

the new mandate to purchase government bonds

or pay a fine

Its coming... Then it wouldn't surprise me if they mandated ~30% of your IRA MUST be invested in buying government debt. They get your $$$ through taxation and now they want your 401K

Communist they are and their threat will be taken seriously

Go after the 401K's and you ain't seen nothing yet.. The revolt will make the gun debate look like childs play

Obama just needs to stick with nominating scum like the (DOJ/Civil Rights) NAACP lawyer who tried to get a cop killers off.

WoooooooooHooooooo! Bad news!!! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Typical moonbat butthurt reaction when someone feeds you a dose of the truth, well done........ :thup:

Here's a dose of truth.

Market was up yesterday.

Wed, Feb 5, 2014, 5:30 AM EST - U.S. Markets open in 4 hrs.

U.S. U.S. Europe Asia

S&P 500 1,755.20 +13.31 (0.76%)
Chart for ^GSPC

Dow 15,445.24 +72.44 (0.47%)
Chart for ^DJI

Nasdaq 4,031.52 +34.56 (0.86%)
Chart for ^IXIC
WoooooooooHooooooo! Bad news!!! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Typical moonbat butthurt reaction when someone feeds you a dose of the truth, well done........ :thup:

Here's a dose of truth.

Market was up yesterday.

Wed, Feb 5, 2014, 5:30 AM EST - U.S. Markets open in 4 hrs.

U.S. U.S. Europe Asia

S&P 500 1,755.20 +13.31 (0.76%)
Chart for ^GSPC

Dow 15,445.24 +72.44 (0.47%)
Chart for ^DJI

Nasdaq 4,031.52 +34.56 (0.86%)
Chart for ^IXIC

Dead cat bounce... The 1740 is a solid resistance point. If we blow through that... well.. Smoke em if you got em

BTW- What's telling is how the 10 year is staying surprisingly low. Perhaps they know something we don't? If the job numbers this Friday come in like December, it may become Black Friday.

I've been saying for months not to trust the Stock Market, that it was being artificially propped by the Fed who was dumping $85 Billion a month into it.

The Obama knee-padders have been claiming that that money had nothing to do with it, that it was Obama's policies keeping the Stock Market up.

Last week the Fed announced a reduction by $20 Billion and the market has last in excess of 600 points.

What is going to happen when that $65 billion is further reduced?

thank your lucky stars

that congress is divided

had it been all leftist

we would all be complaining about

the new mandate to purchase government bonds

or pay a fine

Its coming... Then it wouldn't surprise me if they mandated ~30% of your IRA MUST be invested in buying government debt. They get your $$$ through taxation and now they want your 401K

Communist they are and their threat will be taken seriously

Go after the 401K's and you ain't seen nothing yet.. The revolt will make the gun debate look like childs play

Obama just needs to stick with nominating scum like the (DOJ/Civil Rights) NAACP lawyer who tried to get a cop killers off.


Its coming... Then it wouldn't surprise me if they mandated ~30% of your IRA MUST be invested in buying government debt.

25 percent of wages up to 15000 dollars

that is the plan the prezbo pushed at the SOTU

he urged employers to automatically enroll employees

and the employee would need opt out

if they did not want to take part

like i said if the leftists had been running all of congress

the head nodders would have mandated the people to do so by now
You mean the Myra accounts Obammy called for. Don't worry. If you like your retirement plan you can keep it...period.
Never fear - the elite will get their money one way or another.
In 2009, when the middle class was losing jobs, pay freezing, hours cut...etc. etc. etc. The central banks and Wall Street had a record year. And when I say record, I mean the single largest gains in American history.
In 2010 when average Americans were under distress, high-high unemployment...lost wages, lower earnings - Wall Street and the central banks? Another record year. In fact in 2010, Goldman Sachs paid out the highest annual bonuses in history - look it up.
And in 2011, 2012 and finally 2013 - the upper 7% wage earners enjoyed an amazing 28% earnings increase - while the remaining 93% of Americans sucked on a 5% earnings decrease.

Hope and Change.
It is good to be king.
Indeed - under Obama, massive mergers and acquisitions have occurred and still going on.
Corporations are getting larger and larger, with profits soaring - BUT with smaller and smaller workforces.
In my industry, A company called Xpedx and Unisource was allowed to merge. So today there is now ONE national distributor of paper. ONE. Can you say monopoly? The parent companies of these two former companies also own the paper mills. Can you say monopoly again?
This is just one industry. In modern America it is becoming NORMAL for singe companies to control 70 plus percentage of the total marketshare. This is FANTASTIC for investors - horrible for Americans, as with every merger of companies means less and less employees.
WE are those employees.
There has never been a better friend to Wall Street and super corporations than Barrack Obama. No other President even comes close to success of the super wealthy WHILE a declining workforce occurring at the same time.
And the left cheers him on.
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