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Federal Appeals Court Deals Blow To Abortion Rights Advocates In Texas


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The 5th Circuit Court has allowed Texas' new abortion law to take effect, immediately closing all but 7 of the abortion clinics in the state. This decision will stay the decision of a lower court which blocked enforcement of the law until a full review of the constitutionality of the law can be conducted. This was a victory for the pro-life movement, a huge blow to pro-choice advocacy groups. I will make no bones about being pro-life, and I hail this decision. You can flame me all you want, it won't change the decision.

A federal appeals court Thursday allowed Texas to immediately begin enforcing tough new abortion restrictions that will effectively close all but seven abortion facilities in America's second most-populous state.

A panel of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans stayed a lower judge's ruling while it considers the overall constitutionality of key portions of Texas' sweeping 2013 abortion law, which Republican Gov. Rick Perry and other conservatives say is designed to protect women's health.

U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel ruled in August that part of the law requiring Texas clinics to spend millions of dollars on hospital-level upgrades was less about safety than making access to abortion difficult.

Yeakel's ruling in Austin suspended the upgrades requirement. But Texas is appealing, and asked the appeals court to let it enforce the law during that process -- clearing the way for the panel's ruling.

Allowing to go forward the rules on hospital-level upgrades -- including mandatory operating rooms and air filtration systems -- would shutter more than a dozen clinics across Texas. It means only abortion facilities will remain open in the Houston, Austin, San Antonio and the Dallas-Fort Worth areas.

Appeals court allows Texas to begin enforcing tough new abortion restrictions Fox News
Sonny boy, Texasss is completely against the Constitution and, judging from your naive, childish little rants, so are you.

By your own admission, you don't live in the real world. You never have and never will.

In the past, your rants have included the demand that others "have skin in the game" Until you are the one who is pregnant, you don't.

Until then, MYOB.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.
I actually disagree with this movement - I think there should be more abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods, not less. We need to find ways to make abortion for middle class women more difficult to obtain, especially the brightest and richest women. This doesn't do that though.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

Well, a baker cannot bake with moldy dough, no more than a woman can go to a Gosnell-esque type abortion clinic. In each instance, the safety of the individual would be in peril. What is at the heart of this legislation here is the safety of the woman. No, it isn't a denial of her rights, it's an assurance that the procedure will be conducted by professional obstetricians, not in some abortion clinic on the street. The only human rights that are being taken away are that of the unborn child.

Now to address the pro-choice leftists who will no doubt excoriate me for this thread:

We can acknowledge the unborn offspring of any other animal in this world as being one of its own kind, but in regards to human offspring, it is not of it's own kind while in the womb, only when the birth occurs. I often hear the argument "it is just a clump of cells" well, we are a just as much a clump of cells now as we were when the cells were dividing in the ovum, if you think about it. The difference is according to you, that one isn't human, the other is. Even Human Biologists, who don't subscribe to to the art of political science, acknowledge the fetus is human.

Who are you to dictate what is and isn't human? If it looks like a human, is it not indeed a human? What kind of logic allows you to make such a delineation?
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The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.
I actually disagree with this movement - I think there should be more abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods, not less. We need to find ways to make abortion for middle class women more difficult to obtain, especially the brightest and richest women. This doesn't do that though.

Why? There are women who in fact need abortions for their own safety, regardless of class, status or intelligence. In the sake of a neutral opinion, this would violate the 14th Amendment up and down. When you discriminate via the classes, you are playing the same class war the leftists are, and as a result are no better than they are.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.
I actually disagree with this movement - I think there should be more abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods, not less. We need to find ways to make abortion for middle class women more difficult to obtain, especially the brightest and richest women. This doesn't do that though.


Who are YOU and what have you done with Rikurzhen?

The smartest thing we could do as a country is make birth control free to all men and women.

We can acknowledge the unborn offspring of any other animal in this world as being one of its own kind, but in regards to human offspring, it is not of it's own kind while in the womb, only when the birth occurs. I often hear the argument "it is just a clump of cells" well, we are a just as much a clump of cells now as we were when the cells were dividing in the ovum, if you think about it. The difference is, one isn't human, the other is. Even Human Biologists, who don't subscribe to political science, acknowledge the fetus is human.

Wrong again.

First, how DARE you compare a human fetus with any other mammal?

Second, its still none of your business.

You own your own body. You control your right to reproduce and no one can or should be able to take that very basic right away from you. So do women. You have no clue what it takes to decide to abort the child you dreamed of having and, because you live in the insulated world of a perpetual child, you never will. You're welcome to your opinion but you are not welcome to decide what rights women can keep and what they must give up.

A victory for the nanny state, literally.

Quite ironic, when the pro-choice movement is asking the government to enforce their right to have an abortion. So, how is the government a 'nanny state' when these women are begging the government to intervene? The very fact some of them take this matter to the courts in the first place is an acknowledgement that they want the government to decide what their rights ultimately are.

Stop, just stop.
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The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.

If you truly cared about the well being of these women, you would WANT the abortion clinics to be forcibly closed if they weren't being performed in medically safe environments.

In fact you clown, I abhor abortion, but think it should remain legal for the exact reason you listed. They will be performed no matter what the law says, so may as well keep it legal and allow these women a safe, clean place to get it done.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.

If you truly cared about the well being of these women, you would WANT the abortion clinics to be forcibly closed if they weren't being performed in medically safe environments.

In fact you clown, I abhor abortion, but think it should remain legal for the exact reason you listed. They will be performed no matter what the law says, so may as well keep it legal and allow these women a safe, clean place to get it done.

You are the ignorant clown because you don't know that most abortions are done in accredited hospitals.

Like I said, shut down every single abortion clinic for whatever excuse will not stop or slow abortions.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.
I actually disagree with this movement - I think there should be more abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods, not less. We need to find ways to make abortion for middle class women more difficult to obtain, especially the brightest and richest women. This doesn't do that though.

Why? There are women who in fact need abortions for their own safety, regardless of class, status or intelligence. In the sake of a neutral opinion, this would violate the 14th Amendment up and down. When you discriminate via the classes, you are playing the same class war the leftists are, and as a result are no better than they are.

Because the Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was correct

And in 1939, Sanger went to work “cultivating the garden.” She initiated the Negro Project to weed out the unfit from the black population. In bringing birth control to the then largely poor (i.e. unfit) population of the South, with a few influential black ministers promoting the project as the solution to poverty, Sanger hoped to significantly reduce the black population.
It's completely asinine to bring kids into this world who are going to be a life-long burden on society and who will continue a multi-generational pattern of being a burden on society. Let these pregnant women do the right thing and spare society an increased burden.
A victory for the nanny state, literally.

Quite ironic, when the pro-choice movement is asking the government to enforce their right to have an abortion. So, how is the government a 'nanny state' when these women are begging the government to intervene? The very fact some of them take this matter to the courts in the first place is an acknowledgement that they want the government to decide what their right ultimately are.

Stop, just stop.
Appealing bad rulings to higher courts is how politics gets done these days. It is the government's responsibility to clearly define the limits of our rights. As long as the government acts to expand the rights we have rather than curtail them then it's usually a good thing. Social conservatives are going the wrong way.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.

If you truly cared about the well being of these women, you would WANT the abortion clinics to be forcibly closed if they weren't being performed in medically safe environments.

In fact you clown, I abhor abortion, but think it should remain legal for the exact reason you listed. They will be performed no matter what the law says, so may as well keep it legal and allow these women a safe, clean place to get it done.

You are the ignorant clown because you don't know that most abortions are done in accredited hospitals.

Like I said, shut down every single abortion clinic for whatever excuse will not stop or slow abortions.

If most abortions are performed in accredited hospitals you wouldn't be on here crying about these little hole in the wayll places being shut down fool.

I notice you didn't provide any evidence to back up your claim anyway.

This article

In New Letter Doctors Urge More Hospitals to Perform Abortions TIME.com

Would seem to indicate that you are wrong, and that most hospitals want nothing to do with abortions.

Who are YOU and what have you done with Rikurzhen?

The smartest thing we could do as a country is make birth control free to all men and women.

The smartest thing is to limit the reproduction of the poorest and prevent the smartest and richest women from obtaining birth control. I just don't have a clue how that could be accomplished for the rich and smart women.
A victory for the nanny state, literally.

Quite ironic, when the pro-choice movement is asking the government to enforce their right to have an abortion. So, how is the government a 'nanny state' when these women are begging the government to intervene? The very fact some of them take this matter to the courts in the first place is an acknowledgement that they want the government to decide what their right ultimately are.

Stop, just stop.
Appealing bad rulings to higher courts is how politics gets done these days. It is the government's responsibility to clearly define the limits of our rights. As long as the government acts to expand the rights we have rather than curtail them then it's usually a good thing. Social conservatives are going the wrong way.

The government doesn't give us our rights.
The requirements at the heart of this legislation are similar to the reasons that liberal anti-human rights advocates use to force people to associate with those not of their choosing. If you use a public street then you lose your right to choose your own associations.

Well, if you want to offer an abortion then you have to jump through all of these hoops. Women still have a right to an abortion, just like a baker has a right to freely associate with whomever he chooses, it's just that if he wants to be a baker he has to forgo his rights and if a woman wants an abortion then she has to go to a mini-hospital.

This from another one who has never been pregnant, votes against children and women, and you're wrong.

You can close every abortion clinic in the country and abortions will still be done just as they always have.
I actually disagree with this movement - I think there should be more abortion clinics in poor neighborhoods, not less. We need to find ways to make abortion for middle class women more difficult to obtain, especially the brightest and richest women. This doesn't do that though.


Who are YOU and what have you done with Rikurzhen?

The smartest thing we could do as a country is make birth control free to all men and women.

We can acknowledge the unborn offspring of any other animal in this world as being one of its own kind, but in regards to human offspring, it is not of it's own kind while in the womb, only when the birth occurs. I often hear the argument "it is just a clump of cells" well, we are a just as much a clump of cells now as we were when the cells were dividing in the ovum, if you think about it. The difference is, one isn't human, the other is. Even Human Biologists, who don't subscribe to political science, acknowledge the fetus is human.

Wrong again.

First, how DARE you compare a human fetus with any other mammal?

Second, its still none of your business.

You own your own body. You control your right to reproduce and no one can or should be able to take that very basic right away from you. So do women. You have no clue what it takes to decide to abort the child you dreamed of having and, because you live in the insulated world of a perpetual child, you never will. You're welcome to your opinion but you are not welcome to decide what rights women can keep and what they must give up.


How dare I what? Perhaps you should study basic zoology. We are mammals. Warm blooded omnivorous vertebrates. A distinct genus within the mammalian species. You are quite uneducated. Anyhow, you acknowledge that the human fetus is indeed a human.

Grow up. Yes, she owns her own body, but she doesn't own the human being in the womb. Her body is different from the child's, other than DNA. Neither can a master can own a slave, nor can woman own the child in her womb. When that child becomes an adult and moves out on his or her own, that signals that there can be no ownership. No human owns another. Yes, there is authority when it is just, but no man or woman can own another. This is not the Jim Crow era.

As far as what rights can be dictated, these pro-choice advocates are asking the very government they demand give them their 'rights' is the one they are appealing to to dictate their rights. The irony is purely dumbfounding.

And when unsuspecting people must pay for a woman to have an abortion, it makes it my business. You speak of rights, yet you rob me and my fellows of the right to spend our money how we see fit, not how the government sees fit. Perhaps I could tell you to do the same, mind your own business and keep my money out of it.

Who are YOU and what have you done with Rikurzhen?

The smartest thing we could do as a country is make birth control free to all men and women.

The smartest thing is to limit the reproduction of the poorest and prevent the smartest and richest women from obtaining birth control. I just don't have a clue how that could be accomplished for the rich and smart women.

As much as I oppose abortion, this is wrong. The very art of eugenics is wrong. Rikurzhen, sometimes you scare me.
Why? There are women who in fact need abortions for their own safety, regardless of class, status or intelligence. In the sake of a neutral opinion, this would violate the 14th Amendment up and down. When you discriminate via the classes, you are playing the same class war the leftists are, and as a result are no better than they are.

True, but the Constitution isn't a suicide pact. We're experiencing a dysgenic trend right now. The least fit in society are having the most children while the best fit are having the fewest. These brilliant career women who have no children or maybe one child are actually harming society. The work they did in a business vanishes into irrelevance 10 years after she passes, but if she raises 3 brilliant children, because she herself is brilliant, then society benefits for centuries thereafter.

Crack whores having 7 kids doesn't do us any good.

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