Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Judicial Watch:
Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath

Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath - Judicial Watch
(Washington, DC) –Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.
In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.
After a lengthy hearing yesterday Judge Sullivan ruled that Clinton must address two questions that she refused to answer under-oath.

  • Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
  • During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.
Judge Sullivan read his opinion from the bench, deciding that the question about the creation of the email system was within the scope of discovery. Judge Sullivan rejected Clinton’s assertion of attorney-client privilege on the question about the emails “in the State’s system.”

Hillary could care less what the judge ordered. She has been allowed to put herself above the law and knows that she is unaccountable to anyone. We have a two tiered legal system in this country: one for the Democrat Elites and another for the rest of us. Whatever happened to the McCabe's, Ohr's, Strzok's, Page's, Baker's within the Hillary cabal? Why aren't they all wearing orange jumpsuits in the gray bar hotels?

  • Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
- To conceal bribes from international players for political favors paid for through the Clinton Foundation.
  • During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.
I suck at math.
Below is the list of things Clinton could not recall in the FBI interview, as compiled by Lifezette:
§ When she received security clearance

§ Being briefed on how to handle classified material

§ How many times she used her authority to designate items classified

§ Any briefing on how to handle very top-secret “Special Access Program” material

§ How to select a target for a drone strike

§ How the data from her mobile devices was destroyed when she switched devices

§ The number of times her staff was given a secure phone

§ Why she didn’t get a secure Blackberry

§ Receiving any emails she thought should not be on the private system

§ Did not remember giving staff direction to create private email account

§ Getting guidance from state on email policy

§ Who had access to her Blackberry account

§ The process for deleting her emails

§ Ever getting a message that her storage was almost full

§ Anyone besides Huma Abedin being offered an account on the private server

§ Being sent information on state government private emails being hacked

§ Receiving cable on State Dept personnel securing personal email accounts

§ Receiving cable on Bryan Pagliano upgrading her server

§ Using an iPad mini

§ An Oct. 13, 2012, email on Egypt with Clinton pal Sidney Blumenthal

§ Jacob Sullivan using personal email

§ State Department protocol for confirming classified information in media reports

§ Every briefing she received after suffering concussions

§ Being notified of a FOIA request on Dec. 11, 2012

§ Being read out of her clearance

§ Any further access to her private email account from her State Department tenure after switching to her HRC office.com account.

FBI Releases Secretary Clinton Email Investigation Files – Clinton: “I Can’t Remember”, “I Don’t Recall”…

I bet she'll try to play the same "don't remember" game under the oath.
mdk thinks the Clintons should be given a special pass to break the law.
mdk thinks the Clintons should be given a special pass to break the law.

At this point what else is there to do but mock you fucks that still hold some silly hope that Hillary is ever going to jail. I’ve been hearing this shit since I was kid and yet nothing ever comes to pass. Wank off to this political fantasy all you wish, but don’t be shocked or whine when I deride you for it.
mdk thinks the Clintons should be given a special pass to break the law.

At this point what else is there to do but mock you fucks that still hold some silly hope that Hillary is ever going to jail. I’ve been hearing this shit since I was kid and yet nothing ever comes to pass. Wank off to this political fantasy all you wish, but don’t be shocked or whine when I deride you for it.
The only reason the Clintons aren't in jail is because people like you protect them.
mdk thinks the Clintons should be given a special pass to break the law.

At this point what else is there to do but mock you fucks that still hold some silly hope that Hillary is ever going to jail. I’ve been hearing this shit since I was kid and yet nothing ever comes to pass. Wank off to this political fantasy all you wish, but don’t be shocked or whine when I deride you for it.
The only reason the Clintons aren't in jail is because people like you protect them.

Yeah, that’s the reason. :lol:
Another reason the Clintons aren't in jail is because witnesses keep conveniently dying.
mdk, I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower, but you managed to lower my opinion of you, now that I know you are a Clinton enabler.
Judicial Watch:
Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath

Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath - Judicial Watch
(Washington, DC) –Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.
In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.
After a lengthy hearing yesterday Judge Sullivan ruled that Clinton must address two questions that she refused to answer under-oath.

  • Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
  • During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.
Judge Sullivan read his opinion from the bench, deciding that the question about the creation of the email system was within the scope of discovery. Judge Sullivan rejected Clinton’s assertion of attorney-client privilege on the question about the emails “in the State’s system.”

Hillary could care less what the judge ordered. She has been allowed to put herself above the law and knows that she is unaccountable to anyone. We have a two tiered legal system in this country: one for the Democrat Elites and another for the rest of us. Whatever happened to the McCabe's, Ohr's, Strzok's, Page's, Baker's within the Hillary cabal? Why aren't they all wearing orange jumpsuits in the gray bar hotels?

Lol Judicial Watch. Watchdogs when it serves their agenda, and never else. Hillary should plead the 5th and sip a pina colada when the questions are asked.
mdk, I thought my opinion of you couldn't get any lower, but you managed to lower my opinion of you, now that I know you are a Clinton enabler.

Oh, gosh! An internet random that I don’t give a shit about doesn’t hold me in high esteem. How will I ever recover!?
Judicial Watch:
Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath

Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Additional Email Questions Under Oath - Judicial Watch
(Washington, DC) –Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.
In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.
After a lengthy hearing yesterday Judge Sullivan ruled that Clinton must address two questions that she refused to answer under-oath.

  • Describe the creation of the clintonemail.com system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
  • During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.
Judge Sullivan read his opinion from the bench, deciding that the question about the creation of the email system was within the scope of discovery. Judge Sullivan rejected Clinton’s assertion of attorney-client privilege on the question about the emails “in the State’s system.”

Hillary could care less what the judge ordered. She has been allowed to put herself above the law and knows that she is unaccountable to anyone. We have a two tiered legal system in this country: one for the Democrat Elites and another for the rest of us. Whatever happened to the McCabe's, Ohr's, Strzok's, Page's, Baker's within the Hillary cabal? Why aren't they all wearing orange jumpsuits in the gray bar hotels?

Lol Judicial Watch. Watchdogs when it serves their agenda, and never else. Hillary should plead the 5th and sip a pina colada when the questions are asked.

And we'll all watch the bitch die together.
The reason why the Clinton’s are not in jail is b/c inept lawyers like Blackrook can’t make their case in court.
And after two and a half years.....Trump has not been compelled to testify under oath

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