Federal Court Rules "Assault" Weapons Not Protected By 2nd Amendment:

I guess that is alright then. If it were fully automatic, he might have shot 1,000, instead of 100 people.

And if a teacher who had a lightweight .38 revolver on his person and was positioned close enough to the shooter to put a bullet in his brain then the shooter's score could have been one or two -- or zero.

So much for "if."
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that "assault" weapons are not sanctioned by the Second Amendment -- and I wonder what sort of convoluted reasoning was fumbled with to reach that absurd conclusion.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

The very basis of this reasoning either ignores or brazenly denies the fundamental purpose of the Second Amendment by asserting the Amendment does not apply to "weapons of war." Then what the hell does it apply to? These decrepit, incompetent sonsabitches have clearly invented spurious justification for brazenly pissing on the Constitution via such nonsensical pseudo-legal babble.

The Supreme Court must be called on by the NRA to review this brazenly biased, flagrantly ignorant, utterly disgraceful abuse of judicial power and reverse it.
Obviously you haven’t bothered to read the actual ruling, if you had you wouldn’t be exhibiting your ignorance on the subject.

From the ruling:

Heller…presents us with a dispositive and relatively easy inquiry: Are the banned assault weapons and large-capacity magazines “like” “M-16 rifles,” i.e., “weapons that are most useful in military service,” and thus outside the ambit of the Second Amendment?

The answer to that dispositive and relatively easy inquiry is plainly in the affirmative.’


The Heller Court, in reaffirming Miller, acknowledged the settled, accepted principle that weapons considered ‘dangerous and unusual’ are not entitled to Constitutional protections, where the 4th Circuit determined that indeed AR platform rifles were ‘dangerous and unusual’ when it upheld Maryland’s FSA.

Consequently, your issue isn’t with the 4th Circuit, which appropriately followed the law, but with the late Justice Scalia.

And the Supreme Court recently rejected hearing the case, seemingly satisfied with the lower courts’ rulings.
RWNJs need to explain, logically, why it is necessary for a private citizen to have semi-automatic or automatic military style assault weapons. They can't of course: seems the only time such weapons are used is to massacre dozens of innocent people and children.


So that means you support having all civil law enforcement agencies turn in their firearms for the exact same reason also?



No I don't. They are the "well regulated militia" the 2nd Amendment refers to. Unregulated gun nuts with Tarzen complexes are not. Gun nuts are the enemy of safety and security for the rest of the country. That's been proven over and over again---this country has hundreds of mass shootings every year perpetrated by gun nuts. It's the law enforcement officers that protect the public from such nut jobs. If it were up to me, I'd send them all to Siberia.

The first thing you need to understand is it is far better to have guns and not need them than to need guns and not have them -- a notion which every Jew in Europe during the 1930s and early '40s would eventually have agreed with.

Next, are you aware of what presently is taking place in Germany, England, France, and other European nations? Why do you suppose the same thing isn't happening here?

If you're not aware of the crisis in Europe, take the time to read the link in my Signature Line.

More ignorance.

“If only the Jews had guns…” is a myth.
RWNJs need to explain, logically, why it is necessary for a private citizen to have semi-automatic or automatic military style assault weapons. They can't of course: seems the only time such weapons are used is to massacre dozens of innocent people and children.
Why would you need to explain a right to keep it?
How totalitarian of you
I guess that is alright then. If it were fully automatic, he might have shot 1,000, instead of 100 people.

And if a teacher who had a lightweight .38 revolver on his person and was positioned close enough to the shooter to put a bullet in his brain then the shooter's score could have been one or two -- or zero.

So much for "if."

And, speaking of armed teachers, I predicted just a week ago on this board that it was just a matter of time before they discovered that teachers can be just as crazy as the people they are supposed to guard the kids against:

Georgia teacher arrested after firing gunshot in school classroom
LMAO I live in Europe, bozo, and I know EXACTLY what's going on.
You mean all the raping, molestation, rioting and public disorder which a substantial percentage of Europeans are showing us via YouTube isn't really happening -- because it isn't happening to you? And I'll ask you again, why do you suppose it isn't happening here -- or in Israel? And why do you suppose many Israeli's go to the movies and shop for groceries while carrying sub-machine guns.

You are wrong. And having guns would not have saved the Jews against Hitler's German army
The armed uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto in the summer of 1943 is suggestive evidence that it's you who is wrong. A very small group of armed Jews managed to hold off an entire regiment of SS troops for close to a month, killing dozens of them. Every military expert, including contemporary Israeli military brass, who has commented on that event agrees that if most of the Jews in Europe had been armed the Holocaust could not have occurred. The Nazis would not have attempted it.

And for your information it was not the German Army, per se, that purged the Jews. It was the SS. Most of the ordinary German soldiers, one whom I came to know in the mid-1960s, neither had nor wanted anything to do with what Berlin and the SS was up to. Their situation was analogous to that of the average American GI who was deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan and was totally ignorant of the political and economic machinations behind that unnecessarily brutal, exploitative warfare.
Your defense of your ideas is pretty lame.

The Jews could not have held off Hitler's minions or the holocaust even if they had guns. The idea is ludicrous. The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto didn't help them.

But the reason you bring that up is that one of the foolish, really silly, reasons gunnuts give for having military weapons is that the US government is going to become a dictatorship and they (gunnuts) will need to fight the government. It is absurd to imagine such a scenario: again, you live in a sad, delusional, paranoid world because you've been brainwashed by such idiots as Limbaugh and Jones.

And Europe is just fine. I live here on my own and travel around Europe as an independent traveler. I just spent Xmas and New Years in another part of Europe, traveling back and forth across the continent by bus, train, and plane. The fear is all imagined. I don't live in some sort of vacuum. The tales you hear from people over here are, not suprisingly, other rightwing, xenophobic nutjobs like yourself. Europe is much safer than the US.
And, speaking of armed teachers, I predicted just a week ago on this board that it was just a matter of time before they discovered that teachers can be just as crazy as the people they are supposed to guard the kids against:

Georgia teacher arrested after firing gunshot in school classroom
First, this teacher did nothing to even vaguely suggest he is "just as crazy" as the emerging mass-shooter category. Obviously there is something wrong with him but if a policy to introduce armed teachers is approved it is natural to expect there will be an occasional problem. But the the question of whether the potential benefit of armed teachers would outweigh the occasional problem deserves to be considered and evaluated.

At this time we know nothing about what precipitated this incident. Nor do we know why this teacher was armed. If his being armed was approved, how thoroughly was he evaluated, etc.

If a school decides to arm teachers it should begin by accepting applications from those teachers who are intelligently motivated to accept such a unique responsibility. An exhaustive process of evaluating and testing each individual applicant to determine competence and capability must accompany an intensive evaluation by two or more specialized psychologists to determine mental and emotional stability. If an applicant is approved, he/she must be subjected to a training regimen specially designed to accommodate the nature of this highly unusual situation.

No form of inducement or compensation should be offered or extended to any individual who is approved to carry a concealed firearm while serving as an ordinary teacher or other school employee. Small, lightweight, but effective firearms should be provided along with a variety of exceptionally concealable holsters and teachers so equipped should carefully avoid students or other faculty members knowing they are armed.

Such a program would take time to organize and implement. It would be time-consuming and costly and should be funded by the federal government but it would significantly reduce if not totally eliminate the mass-murdering of school children -- who would no longer be readily available, indefensible targets for armed crazies.
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And Europe is just fine. I live here on my own and travel around Europe as an independent traveler. I just spent Xmas and New Years in another part of Europe, traveling back and forth across the continent by bus, train, and plane. The fear is all imagined. I don't live in some sort of vacuum. The tales you hear from people over here are, not suprisingly, other rightwing, xenophobic nutjobs like yourself. Europe is much safer than the US.

Can you show us some YouTube videos which contradict what we are seeing here.

I can show you dozens more just like these two. Even worse. What can you show us to support your position?
And Europe is just fine. I live here on my own and travel around Europe as an independent traveler. I just spent Xmas and New Years in another part of Europe, traveling back and forth across the continent by bus, train, and plane. The fear is all imagined. I don't live in some sort of vacuum. The tales you hear from people over here are, not suprisingly, other rightwing, xenophobic nutjobs like yourself. Europe is much safer than the US.

Can you show us some YouTube videos which contradict what we are seeing here.

I can show you dozens more just like these two. Even worse. What can you show us to support your position?

People who are RWNJs post these videos. Normal people don't because they are not crazy. The are just living their lives in peace and harmony. There is no issue. Europe is quieter and safer than the US.

When there is a lot of immigration over a relatively short period of time in any country, there are problems. If you knew your history, you'd know that. Study the history of the US during the first half of the 20th century in regards to immigration. There were a lot of problems.

How on earth can someone who has never even been to Europe question someone who actually lives here and has traveled around the continent spending months at a time in various countries? How can you question someone who knows the situation first hand? You're being ridiculous.
People who are RWNJs post these videos. Normal people don't because they are not crazy. The are just living their lives in peace and harmony. There is no issue. Europe is quieter and safer than the US.

When there is a lot of immigration over a relatively short period of time in any country, there are problems. If you knew your history, you'd know that. Study the history of the US during the first half of the 20th century in regards to immigration. There were a lot of problems.

How on earth can someone who has never even been to Europe question someone who actually lives here and has traveled around the continent spending months at a time in various countries? How can you question someone who knows the situation first hand? You're being ridiculous.


The United States hasn't had a full full fledged war for one hundred and twenty five years within it's borders. While Europe had two devastating wars in the last century. Then there's the ongoing problems in what was once Yugoslavia. I don't think I'd be bragging how great Europe is and attempting to compare it to the United States if I were you.


People who are RWNJs post these videos. Normal people don't because they are not crazy. The are just living their lives in peace and harmony. There is no issue. Europe is quieter and safer than the US.

When there is a lot of immigration over a relatively short period of time in any country, there are problems. If you knew your history, you'd know that. Study the history of the US during the first half of the 20th century in regards to immigration. There were a lot of problems.

How on earth can someone who has never even been to Europe question someone who actually lives here and has traveled around the continent spending months at a time in various countries? How can you question someone who knows the situation first hand? You're being ridiculous.


The United States hasn't had a full full fledged war for one hundred and twenty five years within it's borders. While Europe had two devastating wars in the last century. Then there's the ongoing problems in what was once Yugoslavia. I don't think I'd be bragging how great Europe is and attempting to compare it to the United States if I were you.



Bringing up war in this discussion is fallacious. In any case, we have been in full fledged wars, far more than European countries, just not within our own borders. But war is a completely different matter.

You RWNJs don't know how to think logically. I come across it over and over again. You've been so brainwashed and are so desperate to defend the ownership of automatic assault weapons that you have lost the ability to use common sense and logical thinking.

War is a completely different issue and not relevant in this discussion; it's a red herring.
Bringing up war in this discussion is fallacious. In any case, we have been in full fledged wars, far more than European countries, just not within our own borders. But war is a completely different matter.

The United States being involved in wars in other countries is not issue here nor the comparison I'm making.

I think it has everything to do with this discussion especially since you've stated that you live in Europe in post #47...

LMAO I live in Europe, bozo, and I know EXACTLY what's going on. You are wrong. And having guns would not have saved the Jews against Hitler's German army: get grip on reality. You people are so brainwashed by fear mongering and propaganda you live in a sad, delusional world of fear, paranoia and despair.

Don't you think it best if you make up your mind as to whether you represent the European Union or the United States?

You RWNJs don't know how to think logically. I come across it over and over again. You've been so brainwashed and are so desperate to defend the ownership of automatic assault weapons that you have lost the ability to use common sense and logical thinking.

Perhaps we know when we smell a rat.

War is a completely different issue and not relevant in this discussion; it's a red herring.

You've already stated something similar to this in this post. Can't you hold a thought?

We'll see if the United States has to pull the European ass out of the fire again during the next one hundred or more years of probation you have before you can truly say that Europe is a peaceful place to live.




  • upload_2018-3-1_0-39-20.jpeg
    8.5 KB · Views: 30
And, speaking of armed teachers, I predicted just a week ago on this board that it was just a matter of time before they discovered that teachers can be just as crazy as the people they are supposed to guard the kids against:

Georgia teacher arrested after firing gunshot in school classroom
First, this teacher did nothing to even vaguely suggest he is "just as crazy" as the emerging mass-shooter category. Obviously there is something wrong with him but if a policy to introduce armed teachers is approved it is natural to expect there will be an occasional problem. But the the question of whether the potential benefit of armed teachers would outweigh the occasional problem deserves to be considered and evaluated.

At this time we know nothing about what precipitated this incident. Nor do we know why this teacher was armed. If his being armed was approved, how thoroughly was he evaluated, etc.

If a school decides to arm teachers it should begin by accepting applications from those teachers who are intelligently motivated to accept such a unique responsibility. An exhaustive process of evaluating and testing each individual applicant to determine competence and capability must accompany an intensive evaluation by two or more specialized psychologists to determine mental and emotional stability. If an applicant is approved, he/she must be subjected to a training regimen specially designed to accommodate the nature of this highly unusual situation.

No form of inducement or compensation should be offered or extended to any individual who is approved to carry a concealed firearm while serving as an ordinary teacher or other school employee. Small, lightweight, but effective firearms should be provided along with a variety of exceptionally concealable holsters and teachers so equipped should carefully avoid students or other faculty members knowing they are armed.

Such a program would take time to organize and implement. It would be time-consuming and costly and should be funded by the federal government but it would significantly reduce if not totally eliminate the mass-murdering of school children -- who would no longer be readily available, indefensible targets for armed crazies.

That is kind of a long rebuttal, so I will boil it down for you.

Teacher shoots gun in schoolroom. So what?
Bringing up war in this discussion is fallacious. In any case, we have been in full fledged wars, far more than European countries, just not within our own borders. But war is a completely different matter.

The United States being involved in wars in other countries is not issue here nor the comparison I'm making.

I think it has everything to do with this discussion especially since you've stated that you live in Europe in post #47...

LMAO I live in Europe, bozo, and I know EXACTLY what's going on. You are wrong. And having guns would not have saved the Jews against Hitler's German army: get grip on reality. You people are so brainwashed by fear mongering and propaganda you live in a sad, delusional world of fear, paranoia and despair.

Don't you think it best if you make up your mind as to whether you represent the European Union or the United States?

You RWNJs don't know how to think logically. I come across it over and over again. You've been so brainwashed and are so desperate to defend the ownership of automatic assault weapons that you have lost the ability to use common sense and logical thinking.

Perhaps we know when we smell a rat.

War is a completely different issue and not relevant in this discussion; it's a red herring.

You've already stated something similar to this in this post. Can't you hold a thought?
View attachment 179641

We'll see if the United States has to pull the European ass out of the fire again during the next one hundred or more years of probation you have before you can truly say that Europe is a peaceful place to live.


Again, war has nothing, absolutely zero, to do with this argument. I don't represent the US or the EU. Another red herring. Clearly you are incapable of thinking logically, so I'm done here. I am not interested in engaging in a ridiculous discussion.
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You know, I have always been kind of strange in that I would prefer my children and grandchildren not to be taught by strangers with guns in their pants. That's just me.
Again, war has nothing, absolutely zero, to do with this argument. I don't represent the US or the EU. Another red herring. Clearly you are incapable of thinking logically, so I'm done here. I am not interested in engaging in a ridiculous discussion.

You're the one who brought up how wonderful Europe is in this discussion thread. Obviously you can't even keep track of what you've posted so that tells me how logical your inputs are in this thread. But don't back down now. Tell us how wonderful Paris is after the mass attack there. How about Marseilles with that truck. Has Hillary dodged any bullets in Bosnia lately? Did Charlie come back to life and make some more cartoons? Is Britain and France a safe gun free zone where no shootings ever happen?


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