Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

Slavery was the "Law".
Segregation was the "Law".

You Libtards do love to selectively throw the "Law" around to suit your agenda.

By your reasoning the American Revolution was a violation of "Law" by a bunch of "Right
Wing" gun nut terrorists.
If someone is breaking the law, shouldn't law enforcement be armed in the enforcement of those laws? Law Enforcement is usually accompanied by weaponry are they not? Do you feel "threatened" whenever a police officer is present?

But the police have no legal obligation to come to our aid. So, we choose the same defensive weapons the police do


What?!? You're veering a bit off track now aren't you?

This Bundy has broken the law. He got caught and was told to pay for his law breaking. Should he pay or should he arm himself and call a bunch of armed kooks off the internet to come hang out with him as he breaks the law?

Yea, straw man perhaps

He has the right to arm himself against tyranny. everyone has a limit and the government keeps probing its citizen to find that flash point

That's it for this morning. Off to the salt mines I go

Dude- Quit touting the 'law' as the root cause here. Why don't you support your elected officials in building the fence and arresting those law breakers? Think about how much $$ was spent on one rancher.

Let's start arresting all law breakers.


Hmmmm, something isn't stacking up. This from just one hour ago...

Record number of deportations upsetting to some

If the Obumbler Administration is intent on failing to enforce our Immigration laws at the point of origin (i.e., by declining to secure our porous borders) then "deporting" larger numbers of illegal aliens does not mean that the Administration is actually doing its jobs. If Obumbler "deports" more aliens now than before, but an even greater number are freely coming here, the math probably leaves us with MORE illegals here, not fewer.

You are right. Something is not adding up. Statistics lie and Obumbler lies more.

And that's bullshit.

What's happening is that farms and ranchers (like old Bundy), entice folks to come work for them.

If they didn't have jobs waiting? They wouldn't come.

The BLM tried to collect on back taxes.

Can you imagine the revolt the right wing would have if farmers and ranchers were actually arrested for employing undocumented workers?
It is not a coincidence that the people who are defending the tax evader and law breaker in the case are the same people who find Putin so strong and inspiring. This guy IS NOT A PATRIOT! He is a criminal that is stealing tax money. Our tax dollars make up for the million plus dollars that this rich rancher owes.

This confrontation has absolutely nothing to do with grazing fees owed to the federal government. That is just the excuse the BLM is using to close down the Bundy ranch, and further another rip off of the taxpayers for the benefit of Dirty Harry Reid and family.

The turtles and cows have been co-existing on the land for a couple of hundred years and would for another couple of hundred years. Yet, BLM decided to limit the grazing rights of ranchers to an unsustainable level, and force those ranchers out of business, all on the pretense of defending those turtles. A business they have engaged in for well over 150 years. Is that what we pay the BLM to do?

It is not just a coincidence that Dirty Harry Reid and his son have been working with a Chinese company to steal thousands of acres of public lands for another solar panel rip-off. Nor is it just a coincidence that the grazing land in question is part of the environmental mitigation scam associated with that rip-off of public lands. Sacrifice the ranchers so that Dirty Harry can get richer.

This is laughable at best.

The site for the solar plant is 200 miles away from the Bundy ranch.

Sorting Fact From Fiction on Chinese Solar In Nevada | Commentary | ReWire | KCET

Actually that is not true. The planned solar farm 200 miles away didn't happen.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who was exposed last Friday as the mastermind behind the Bureau of Land Management’s persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, can be seen in this March 2014 photo breaking ground for a new solar farm near the Bundy Ranch, emphasizing that the senator’s plan for solar projects in Nevada wasn’t just limited to the shelved solar farm near Laughlin.

Signaling the first day of construction of the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project, which is about 35 miles from the Bundy homestead in Bunkerville, Nevada, Sen. Reid joined representatives from the Moapa Band of Paiutes, executives from First Solar, Inc. and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the groundbreaking ceremony on March 21.
» Flashback: Sen. Reid Breaks Ground for Nevada Solar Farm Near Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
He could have avoided all that by paying his taxes and adhering to the law.

Just sayin'.

And the Feds did bumble this.

He's been getting away with this crap for over 2 decades.

There was a better way to go.

Dude- Quit touting the 'law' as the root cause here. Why don't you support your elected officials in building the fence and arresting those law breakers? Think about how much $$ was spent on one rancher.

Let's start arresting all law breakers.


Hmmmm, something isn't stacking up. This from just one hour ago...

Record number of deportations upsetting to some

Record numbers? New way of counting is what it is. https://www.numbersusa.com/content/...stration-inflates-deportation-statistics.html
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Slavery was the "Law".
Segregation was the "Law".

You Libtards do love to selectively throw the "Law" around to suit your agenda.

By your reasoning the American Revolution was a violation of "Law" by a bunch of "Right
Wing" gun nut terrorists

Except it wasn't.

It was a revolution by left wing lawyers disgusted with the English Monarchy.
This confrontation has absolutely nothing to do with grazing fees owed to the federal government. That is just the excuse the BLM is using to close down the Bundy ranch, and further another rip off of the taxpayers for the benefit of Dirty Harry Reid and family.

The turtles and cows have been co-existing on the land for a couple of hundred years and would for another couple of hundred years. Yet, BLM decided to limit the grazing rights of ranchers to an unsustainable level, and force those ranchers out of business, all on the pretense of defending those turtles. A business they have engaged in for well over 150 years. Is that what we pay the BLM to do?

It is not just a coincidence that Dirty Harry Reid and his son have been working with a Chinese company to steal thousands of acres of public lands for another solar panel rip-off. Nor is it just a coincidence that the grazing land in question is part of the environmental mitigation scam associated with that rip-off of public lands. Sacrifice the ranchers so that Dirty Harry can get richer.

This is laughable at best.

The site for the solar plant is 200 miles away from the Bundy ranch.

Sorting Fact From Fiction on Chinese Solar In Nevada | Commentary | ReWire | KCET

Actually that is not true. The planned solar farm 200 miles away didn't happen.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who was exposed last Friday as the mastermind behind the Bureau of Land Management’s persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, can be seen in this March 2014 photo breaking ground for a new solar farm near the Bundy Ranch, emphasizing that the senator’s plan for solar projects in Nevada wasn’t just limited to the shelved solar farm near Laughlin.

Signaling the first day of construction of the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project, which is about 35 miles from the Bundy homestead in Bunkerville, Nevada, Sen. Reid joined representatives from the Moapa Band of Paiutes, executives from First Solar, Inc. and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the groundbreaking ceremony on March 21.
» Flashback: Sen. Reid Breaks Ground for Nevada Solar Farm Near Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Jones?

Slavery was the "Law".
Segregation was the "Law".

You Libtards do love to selectively throw the "Law" around to suit your agenda.

By your reasoning the American Revolution was a violation of "Law" by a bunch of "Right
Wing" gun nut terrorists

Except it wasn't.

It was a revolution by left wing lawyers disgusted with the English Monarchy.

^ another Sallow revisionist history lesson. :lmao:

It WAS a revolutiion. But it wasn't BY lawyers. And the lawyers who were involved were not "left wing" lawyers anyway.

Indeed, the things THEY stood for are the things conservatives try to defend today; and today's version of left-wing oppose those things.
But the police have no legal obligation to come to our aid. So, we choose the same defensive weapons the police do


What?!? You're veering a bit off track now aren't you?

This Bundy has broken the law. He got caught and was told to pay for his law breaking. Should he pay or should he arm himself and call a bunch of armed kooks off the internet to come hang out with him as he breaks the law?

Yea, straw man perhaps

He has the right to arm himself against tyranny. everyone has a limit and the government keeps probing its citizen to find that flash point

That's it for this morning. Off to the salt mines I go


Perhaps if you could point out the "tyranny". Man breaks law. Man is asked to pay for his transgression. Man refuses. Your response would be what, let him continue to use government lands, free of charge, in order for him to make a profit?
You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

Careful what you wish for..


The DHS was right all along

Slavery was the "Law".
Segregation was the "Law".

You Libtards do love to selectively throw the "Law" around to suit your agenda.

By your reasoning the American Revolution was a violation of "Law" by a bunch of "Right
Wing" gun nut terrorists

Except it wasn't.

It was a revolution by left wing lawyers disgusted with the English Monarchy.

The Founding Fathers knew quite well that they were committing treason. They said as much. Are the kooks trying to compare a rancher illegally grazing to being taxed without representation?
Nice spin. They didn't fend off anything. They knew they were not going to get gunned down. Otherwise they wouldn't have put their kids and wives out front.

The wives volunteered, and no kids were in front.

If anything, this was the only thing keeping the men on the front lines alive, even though the hidden Patriots in sniping locations would have mutually massacred the feds in response (who then would have been hit with air power and guided rocketry/artillery due to bullet detection systems in an open desert, which would have then caused mass unrest and secession from the Union on State and County levels and mass defection in the military ranks and dissolution of the US Armed Forces and as a result the collapse of the US dollar and the instantaneous evaporation of the welfare state.... HOLY SHIT SON)

Fucking pipe dream.

And you do realize you are defending a rich dude involved in a criminal act.


Rich dude in a criminal act is Harry Reid

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Slavery was the "Law".
Segregation was the "Law".

You Libtards do love to selectively throw the "Law" around to suit your agenda.

By your reasoning the American Revolution was a violation of "Law" by a bunch of "Right
Wing" gun nut terrorists

Except it wasn't.

It was a revolution by left wing lawyers disgusted with the English Monarchy.

The Founding Fathers knew quite well that they were committing treason. They said as much. Are the kooks trying to compare a rancher illegally grazing to being taxed without representation?

I have issues with corrupt officials that only enforce the laws they like.
It's not over. Rumor is, Big Brother will be stepping up the harassment of this man and his family. 'Dirty Harry' Reid and his Chinese buddies are livid. They want blood. This man and his family need our prayers. This is far from over.
Hmmmm, something isn't stacking up. This from just one hour ago...

Record number of deportations upsetting to some

If the Obumbler Administration is intent on failing to enforce our Immigration laws at the point of origin (i.e., by declining to secure our porous borders) then "deporting" larger numbers of illegal aliens does not mean that the Administration is actually doing its jobs. If Obumbler "deports" more aliens now than before, but an even greater number are freely coming here, the math probably leaves us with MORE illegals here, not fewer.

You are right. Something is not adding up. Statistics lie and Obumbler lies more.

And that's bullshit.

What's happening is that farms and ranchers (like old Bundy), entice folks to come work for them.

If they didn't have jobs waiting? They wouldn't come.

The BLM tried to collect on back taxes.

Can you imagine the revolt the right wing would have if farmers and ranchers were actually arrested for employing undocumented workers?

No. It's not bullshit. YOUR spin, however, IS bullshit.

Ranchers seeking ranch hands is not "enticing" anybody to do anything improper. Your claim is irrational and kind of incoherent. GM "entices" people to work for them, too. So what?

And the QUESTION is whether or not the federal government has a VALID claim against the rancher that he "owes" taxes. It might be that he does. But it might also be that their claim is premised on something that is itself lacking a proper foundation.

The NON-payment of a million dollars' worth of "back taxes" (or grazing fees) could be criminal. If not criminal, then perhaps it is a civil debt that would still make legitimate the government's efforts to collect. But the proper place to take the dispute is to court.

IF the court proceedings are all done and there are no appeals remaining, then Bundy is destined to lose. Pay up or get shut down. But if the legal proceedings are not yet played out in full, then the dispute should be going on in COURT, not with BLM agents coming in like an invading army and seizing the man's property (i.e., the cattle).

I see that the legal wrangling has gone on for over twenty years, now.

And from my very limited review of the case history (the reporting of it, not a review of the full court records), it kinda does look like the Bundy "legal" position is pretty weak.

To be fair to Bundy however, the restriction imposed on his grazing rights over some fucking "tortoise" is very much the kind of Federal meddling and micromanaging that makes the Federal government seem completely brain dead.
Look for em to label him an 'Evil Cult Leader', 'Child Molester', 'Racist', or 'Terrorist' next. I said right at the start that Big Brother is vindictive and evil. They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.
You have the "right" to bear arms in the service of the country and under control of the government.

Gun nuts have corrupted original intent.

More critical thinking on display. One could corrupt the 2nd anymore than this.

Yes, the enshrinement of the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE in the SECOND Amendment to their Constitution clearly "means" that such "right" is CONDITIONED upon it being in "service" of the country AND that such "right" be "under control of the government."

Because, evidently, no right is a right unless the government can control it.


Damn, chickenshit, you are pathetically clueless. Sallow might be able to form some kind of argument along such lines. Doubtful, but at least he has the capacity for logic. YOU, by contrast, mindlessly intone shit he says when you couldn't piece together two coherent sentences if your life depended on it.

Tell me, chickenshit, you have a right to free speech, too. Or ,so says the First Amendment (the one JUST before the Second Amendment if you get lost). Should that "right" also be limited by government control?

If not, then what is the basis for CONDITIONING some rights but not others?

WTF??? Wanna decode that nonsense? Work on comprehension,I know I didn't post a book,just a few words,but damn,they weren't in code.

To clarify for you,the gun control crowd have corrupted,for their means,the text of the 2nd,is that clear enough for you??
Meh. Bundy's "legal" contentions include the denial of the existence of a United States government, evidently.

Those tracts of land ceded from Mexico to the Untied States? Hey. Those "belong" to the sovereign State of Nevada, according to team Bundy.

And while he is busy denying the legitimacy of the U.S. government, he is using their court system. Why? He'd accept rulings in his favor, but will deny the authority of the U.S. Courts if they continue to rule against him, as they have for basically 20 years? That's not cynical and hypocritical?

There may be a better way out of all of this than armed confrontation, and the Federal government should have learned some lessons from Waco and Ruby Ridge. But even those analogies are kind of lame in the case of the Bundy dispute. Like them or hate them, it's kind of silly to imagine that the Federal government does not have the authority and the power to enforce Federal Court rulings in its favor in this or in any other land dispute.

Bundy doesn't need to be painted as a terrorist or even as some cult leader. He only has to have his own words explored to see that he is lacking in credibility and, hate to say it, he seems to also be lacking in justification for his own position.

The next federal move against him might very well be an arrest. He is threatening force against the Federal Government in refusing several COURT rulings. A criminal charge as simple as "contempt of court" might suffice as a fair basis to arrest him.
This is laughable at best.

The site for the solar plant is 200 miles away from the Bundy ranch.

Sorting Fact From Fiction on Chinese Solar In Nevada | Commentary | ReWire | KCET

Actually that is not true. The planned solar farm 200 miles away didn't happen.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who was exposed last Friday as the mastermind behind the Bureau of Land Management’s persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, can be seen in this March 2014 photo breaking ground for a new solar farm near the Bundy Ranch, emphasizing that the senator’s plan for solar projects in Nevada wasn’t just limited to the shelved solar farm near Laughlin.

Signaling the first day of construction of the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project, which is about 35 miles from the Bundy homestead in Bunkerville, Nevada, Sen. Reid joined representatives from the Moapa Band of Paiutes, executives from First Solar, Inc. and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the groundbreaking ceremony on March 21.
» Flashback: Sen. Reid Breaks Ground for Nevada Solar Farm Near Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alex Jones?



March 21, 2014

US Sen. Harry Reid Joins in Ceremony Kicking Off Landmark Power Plant on Tribal Land

Today, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) joined representatives from the Moapa Band of Paiutes, executives from First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), as well as other community, government and energy industry leaders to celebrate the start of construction of the 250 Megawatt (MW)AC Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project. The project is located on the Moapa River Indian Reservation just north of Las Vegas, and has a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the LADWP to deliver clean, solar energy for 25 years to the City of Los Angeles.

Moapa Paiute Tribe, LADWP and First Solar Break Ground on 250MW Solar Project (NASDAQ:FSLR)
You have the "right" to bear arms in the service of the country and under control of the government.

Gun nuts have corrupted original intent.

More critical thinking on display. One could corrupt the 2nd anymore than this.

Yes, the enshrinement of the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE in the SECOND Amendment to their Constitution clearly "means" that such "right" is CONDITIONED upon it being in "service" of the country AND that such "right" be "under control of the government."

Because, evidently, no right is a right unless the government can control it.


Damn, chickenshit, you are pathetically clueless. Sallow might be able to form some kind of argument along such lines. Doubtful, but at least he has the capacity for logic. YOU, by contrast, mindlessly intone shit he says when you couldn't piece together two coherent sentences if your life depended on it.

Tell me, chickenshit, you have a right to free speech, too. Or ,so says the First Amendment (the one JUST before the Second Amendment if you get lost). Should that "right" also be limited by government control?

If not, then what is the basis for CONDITIONING some rights but not others?

WTF??? Wanna decode that nonsense? Work on comprehension,I know I didn't post a book,just a few words,but damn,they weren't in code.

To clarify for you,the gun control crowd have corrupted,for their means,the text of the 2nd,is that clear enough for you??

The words I used were not in code. You are just ignorant and quite fully stupid, chickenshit.

Being the abject moron that you are, chickenshit, all you posted was a repeat of words uttered by Sallow. But unlike Sallow, you are lacking in any ability to even understand what those words mean or what they imply.

It would be difficult to dumb down things sufficiently for a pathetic pinhead such as you to grasp them.

Suffice it to say: a RIGHT, like the Second Amendment's guarantee of the right to bear arms, is not subject to "government control" and it certainly isn't limited to just being "granted" to you when you are "in the service of the government."

You are flatly, historically and laughably wrong. And you remain too stupid to even see how fucking moronic you have been.

You're welcome.
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