Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch

whatever blows your skirt up...but you don't mind a citizen rancher and his supporters being called, terrorist and is chiding the Government for backing off their jackboots on the peoples necks...no surprise you'd like the site

I would have to agree. Call a man a "terrorist" enough times and he will shoot you in the face to prove you wrong. The word is being thrown about with too much abandon by people that do not understand what it really means.
that is one ugly hateful site folks..Americans against the Tea Party.....they are calling you the American citizens standing up to the government, TERRORIST..

do not go to that site and give it any support...it would be good if it withered on the vine but as we see they have a lot of followers who thinks the same as they do or this wouldn't be on this board

just awful stuff

I just went to it and checked it out. I try to get news from a wide range of sources. Fox, MSNBC, WSJ, NYT, Michael Savage. This site will be a new source.
Americans Against the Tea Party | Because Fox News Lies

whatever blows your skirt up...but you don't mind a citizen rancher and his supporters being called, terrorist and is chiding the Government for backing off their jackboots on the peoples necks...no surprise you'd like the site
its funny how much you and the cows have in common
Why doesn't he just graze the cows on his own land, instead of depending on government land to graze them?

Is he like the Section-8 housing equivalent of ranchers? Stop relying on government land.

Because in Nevada, like many western states, the government did not give up ownership of most of the territory when it became a state. The Government instead chose to "rent" the use of the land to encourage settlers like the Bundy family to set up businesses in order to help grow a populace and economy in a very harsh environment.

"Grazing rights" is not something unique to Mr. Bundy. Many ranchers in the west pay for Grazing rights to land that they cannot purchase.

As far as relying on Government Land, go ahead and check your facts. The Federal Government kept the majority of the land in Nevada. You cannot rely on private land when it is mostly public land. The land was being used as intended and fees were being paid. This situation is not unique to Clark County, ranchers and farmers throughout the west are being forced into similar situations.

My point was not whether "Grazing Rights" should exist or not. My point was to clear up the issue about Mr. Bundy "stealing". Many posts here and on other sites claim anger over his "stealing from the public", without understanding the actual situation. Hopefully, a bit of that anger will fade as the truth is revealed.

Oh, ok. Fair enough.

But when a person is on a federal subsidy- like Section 8 housing or food stamps, they are told to get a job, move, do something else.

So, if Mr. Bundy and his family CHOSE to keep using the federal subsidy, instead of moving somewhere else where they could have their own land, then they, TOO, must make the hard decision to leave or change lifestyle when the government's sweetheart deal runs out.

And the government said the deal is done, time to leave. And he wants to take up arms?

What if a generation of a family lived in a Section 8 housing project, like the Grady Homes in Atlanta. And then, the government decided to close shop, and evict them. And instead of leaving, they and 1,000 locals took up arms and tried to refuse leaving?

Its the SAME scenario.
You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party
Careful what you wish for..


My guess is that the Interior Dept made a decision to defuse a potentially volatile situation which several RW so-called new media outlets were using to fan the flames of partisan discontent by making Bundy look like some kind of disenfranchised patriot when in reality he's a man who's been defying the law and several court orders to pay his grazing fees for years. In my personal opinion, it was a mistake to let it go on this long since it only served to embolden Bundy to believe that he could do whatever he pleased.

But, considering all the gun nuts who had converged on the scene along with the feds who were armed as well, the whole situation was a potential fiasco if tempers ever flared. All it would take is for one person to take a pot shot, or throw a fire cracker, or even to accidentally discharge a firearm, and people might have been wounded or killed before cooler heads prevailed.

I think it's likely that legal proceedings will begin to sue Bundy for the money owed to the gov't. If he doesn't pay or refuses to pay, then his assets can be legally seized and/or a lien can be placed on his property. Again, the ball will be in his court. At that point, he can either pay, or his assets will be forfeit. He would know all this already if he's ever bothered to see a lawyer.
When a certain amount of money is reached it is no longer considered welfare but a subsidy. Bundy is over the welfare amount so he just wants his subsidy continued, is that so wrong?
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

that is one ugly hateful site folks..Americans against the Tea Party.....they are calling you the American citizens standing up to the government, TERRORIST..

do not go to that site and give it any support...it would be good if it withered on the vine but as we see they have a lot of followers who thinks the same as they do or this wouldn't be on this board

just awful stuff

When you "stand up" to the government by threatening them with guns and violence?

Yeah..that's terrorism.
You can bet that this won’t be the end of the matter. While we have avoided this particular massacre of idiots via politics, they’re going to see it as “victory by gun.” That we as a nation have permitted them to win, by whatever means, will certainly embolden future insurgencies. That’s how terrorists think. We may yet see a massacre in Clark county…after it’s become the central hub for thousands of armed militant terrorists.

Congratulations, Kornze and Reid…you just made Mountain Meadows victorious, and gave the United States its very own Gaza Strip.

And imagine how our terrorist friends from the Middle East are going to respond when they discover that the United States won’t even handle the insurgency in its own back yard.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party
Careful what you wish for..


My guess is that the Interior Dept made a decision to defuse a potentially volatile situation which several RW so-called new media outlets were using to fan the flames of partisan discontent by making Bundy look like some kind of disenfranchised patriot when in reality he's a man who's been defying the law and several court orders to pay his grazing fees for years. In my personal opinion, it was a mistake to let it go on this long since it only served to embolden Bundy to believe that he could do whatever he pleased.

But, considering all the gun nuts who had converged on the scene along with the feds who were armed as well, the whole situation was a potential fiasco if tempers ever flared. All it would take is for one person to take a pot shot, or throw a fire cracker, or even to accidentally discharge a firearm, and people might have been wounded or killed before cooler heads prevailed.

I think it's likely that legal proceedings will begin to sue Bundy for the money owed to the gov't. If he doesn't pay or refuses to pay, then his assets can be legally seized and/or a lien can be placed on his property. Again, the ball will be in his court. At that point, he can either pay, or his assets will be forfeit. He would know all this already if he's ever bothered to see a lawyer.

True enough.

I just don't like the precedent set.

There will be a next time.

And it probably wont go without bloodshed.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

that is one ugly hateful site folks..Americans against the Tea Party.....they are calling you the American citizens standing up to the government, TERRORIST..

do not go to that site and give it any support...it would be good if it withered on the vine but as we see they have a lot of followers who thinks the same as they do or this wouldn't be on this board

just awful stuff

Persons seeking to avoid court sanctioned punitive measures lawfully administered by Federal officials acting in good faith does not constitute ‘standing up to the government.’

The notion is ignorant nonsense.
Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

that is one ugly hateful site folks..Americans against the Tea Party.....they are calling you the American citizens standing up to the government, TERRORIST..

do not go to that site and give it any support...it would be good if it withered on the vine but as we see they have a lot of followers who thinks the same as they do or this wouldn't be on this board

just awful stuff

When you "stand up" to the government by threatening them with guns and violence?

Yeah..that's terrorism.

The young lady is demonstrating the ONLY LAWFUL manner in which Americans may "stand up" to the gestapo.


Federal Government Caves to Right Wing Terrorists At Bundy Ranch | Americans Against the Tea Party

that is one ugly hateful site folks..Americans against the Tea Party.....they are calling you the American citizens standing up to the government, TERRORIST..

do not go to that site and give it any support...it would be good if it withered on the vine but as we see they have a lot of followers who thinks the same as they do or this wouldn't be on this board

just awful stuff

Persons seeking to avoid court sanctioned punitive measures lawfully administered by Federal officials acting in good faith does not constitute ‘standing up to the government.’

The notion is ignorant nonsense.

you called them acting in good faith? when they steal his cattle and bring an army of armed men and women..
of course you would...you were getting your jackboots out of storage
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To everyone that is upset about Mr. Bundy's "free grazing" and "owing money", please do a bit of research.

Mr. Bundy's family, along with many others, settled in the area in the late 1800's. His family had grazing rights, that they paid for, granted by the Federal Government on the public land. He did pay the fees and was willing to continue paying the fees. It is not about him not wanting to pay for grazing.

In the early 90's an outside interest (Environmentalists) managed to get the area designated as a habitat for the Desert Tortoise and severe limitations were placed on the amount of cattle that were allowed to graze. The fees are charged per cow. The limit placed on Mr. Bundy was 150 cattle vs the previous number of over 300. Many of the ranchers in the area could not drop their herds that low so they went out of business and their grazing rights ended up being retired (no one could use them for any amount of cattle). Mr. Bundy did NOT give in.

Mr. Bundy could not pay the fees after the limitation because the Government would not allow him to pay for more than 150 cows and he could not pay for only 150 without committing fraud. So he couldn't pay the fees while attempting to fight the limits in court. In 1998 his grazing right was completely removed, so he could not pay for the cattle that were grazing even if he tried. He offered and attempted to pay Clark County, Nevada but they could not accept the money. He wanted to pay and tried to pay. He was not "freeloading" or trying to get away without paying.

The government is attempting to claim that they were confiscating cattle to cover his "fees" that were not paid for 20 years. This is a lie. There was no "fee" to pay after 1998 because the government no longer gave him the option to pay a "fee". (The math on actual "fees" is simple. It is less than $1.50 per cow per month. Even at 1000 cattle, more than he had much of the time, it would only amount to $360,000 ( Cows * $1.5 * 12 months * 20 years))

Due to the other ranchers leaving, the total number of cattle in the area is far less than what it would have been if they had all stayed and followed the limitations. This would imply that the number of cattle left is fine for the tortoise. That means that there is no reason to not allow Mr. Bundy to continue ranching and paying the fee for grazing rights. Instead, the special interests have continued to pressure the government to get every last cow out of the area. The government was forced into taking action that it has tried not to take for 20 years. The fight was won, but it is still being fought for some reason.

Like him or dislike him, like the cheap grazing fees or dislike the cheap grazing fees, at least try to see what actually happened to trigger this situation. Mr. Bundy was not trying to get out of paying his part of the deal. An outside interest got the deal changed and Mr. Bundy did not want to trade his heritage, everything he owned, and his children's future for a tortoise.

That's all well and good, but Mr. Bundy is still under the obligation to obey the law.

As are all the citizens of this country.

Why, you asshole, Attorney General Eric Holder REFUSES to prosecute laws he and the Manchurian muslim DON'T LIKE.... THEY DON'T OBEY THE LAW!!! You fucking hypocrite!:cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_clap:

Such as.... Eric Holder had something of a meltdown on Capitol Hill today when a Republican Congressman pressed him on his preferential treatment of the New Black Panther Party. Rep. John Culberson, R-TX, read a statement from a Democrat calling the Black Panthers’ actions the worst case of voter intimidation he had ever seen. In response, Holder huffed that, while the Panthers’ nightstick-wielding threats were “inappropriate,” the assessment was demeaning to “my people.”
Perhaps more important than his admission that he does not see the American people as “his people” is a line he uttered shortly afterwards.
After Culberson cited “overwhelming evidence that your Department of Justice refuses to protect the rights of anybody other than African-Americans to vote,” Holder stated, “This Department of Justice does not enforce the law on the basis of race.”

Holder refuses to enforce existing federal obscenity laws against hardcore adult pornography, despite the fact that these laws have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and effectively enforced by previous attorneys general. Holder has initiated zero new obscenity cases aimed at commercial distributors of hardcore adult pornography, and has shut down the prosecution section in charge of such cases. As a result, pornographers have been given the green light to produce and distribute illegal, obscene pornography to children and adults.


Need more, I think I have about a dozen more! But even a guy like you with a room temperature IQ should understand these...well, maybe not!!!
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that is one ugly hateful site folks..Americans against the Tea Party.....they are calling you the American citizens standing up to the government, TERRORIST..

do not go to that site and give it any support...it would be good if it withered on the vine but as we see they have a lot of followers who thinks the same as they do or this wouldn't be on this board

just awful stuff

When you "stand up" to the government by threatening them with guns and violence?

Yeah..that's terrorism.

The young lady is demonstrating the ONLY LAWFUL manner in which Americans may "stand up" to the gestapo.



Why would the federal government "cave in" to any kind of terrorism, rightwing or otherwise? 1. the Obama administration is used to caving into terrorism. 2. The federal government was wrong and they knew it. Either way it doesn't look good for the Hussein regime.
To everyone that is upset about Mr. Bundy's "free grazing" and "owing money", please do a bit of research.

Mr. Bundy's family, along with many others, settled in the area in the late 1800's. His family had grazing rights, that they paid for, granted by the Federal Government on the public land. He did pay the fees and was willing to continue paying the fees. It is not about him not wanting to pay for grazing.

In the early 90's an outside interest (Environmentalists) managed to get the area designated as a habitat for the Desert Tortoise and severe limitations were placed on the amount of cattle that were allowed to graze. The fees are charged per cow. The limit placed on Mr. Bundy was 150 cattle vs the previous number of over 300. Many of the ranchers in the area could not drop their herds that low so they went out of business and their grazing rights ended up being retired (no one could use them for any amount of cattle). Mr. Bundy did NOT give in.

Mr. Bundy could not pay the fees after the limitation because the Government would not allow him to pay for more than 150 cows and he could not pay for only 150 without committing fraud. So he couldn't pay the fees while attempting to fight the limits in court. In 1998 his grazing right was completely removed, so he could not pay for the cattle that were grazing even if he tried. He offered and attempted to pay Clark County, Nevada but they could not accept the money. He wanted to pay and tried to pay. He was not "freeloading" or trying to get away without paying.

The government is attempting to claim that they were confiscating cattle to cover his "fees" that were not paid for 20 years. This is a lie. There was no "fee" to pay after 1998 because the government no longer gave him the option to pay a "fee". (The math on actual "fees" is simple. It is less than $1.50 per cow per month. Even at 1000 cattle, more than he had much of the time, it would only amount to $360,000 ( Cows * $1.5 * 12 months * 20 years))

Due to the other ranchers leaving, the total number of cattle in the area is far less than what it would have been if they had all stayed and followed the limitations. This would imply that the number of cattle left is fine for the tortoise. That means that there is no reason to not allow Mr. Bundy to continue ranching and paying the fee for grazing rights. Instead, the special interests have continued to pressure the government to get every last cow out of the area. The government was forced into taking action that it has tried not to take for 20 years. The fight was won, but it is still being fought for some reason.

Like him or dislike him, like the cheap grazing fees or dislike the cheap grazing fees, at least try to see what actually happened to trigger this situation. Mr. Bundy was not trying to get out of paying his part of the deal. An outside interest got the deal changed and Mr. Bundy did not want to trade his heritage, everything he owned, and his children's future for a tortoise.

That's all well and good, but Mr. Bundy is still under the obligation to obey the law.

As are all the citizens of this country.

Why, you asshole, Attorney General Eric Holder REFUSES to prosecute laws he and the Manchurian muslim DON'T LIKE.... THEY DON'T OBEY THE LAW!!! You fucking hypocrite!:cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_clap:

Such as.... Eric Holder had something of a meltdown on Capitol Hill today when a Republican Congressman pressed him on his preferential treatment of the New Black Panther Party. Rep. John Culberson, R-TX, read a statement from a Democrat calling the Black Panthers’ actions the worst case of voter intimidation he had ever seen. In response, Holder huffed that, while the Panthers’ nightstick-wielding threats were “inappropriate,” the assessment was demeaning to “my people.”
Perhaps more important than his admission that he does not see the American people as “his people” is a line he uttered shortly afterwards.
After Culberson cited “overwhelming evidence that your Department of Justice refuses to protect the rights of anybody other than African-Americans to vote,” Holder stated, “This Department of Justice does not enforce the law on the basis of race.”

Holder refuses to enforce existing federal obscenity laws against hardcore adult pornography, despite the fact that these laws have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and effectively enforced by previous attorneys general. Holder has initiated zero new obscenity cases aimed at commercial distributors of hardcore adult pornography, and has shut down the prosecution section in charge of such cases. As a result, pornographers have been given the green light to produce and distribute illegal, obscene pornography to children and adults.

2014 Dirty Dozen List: Attorney General Eric Holder | Porn Harms by Morality in Media

Need more, I think I have about a dozen more! But even a guy like you with a room temperature IQ should understand these...well, maybe not!!!

Why would the federal government "cave in" to any kind of terrorism, rightwing or otherwise? 1. the Obama administration is used to caving into terrorism. 2. The federal government was wrong and they knew it. Either way it doesn't look good for the Hussein regime.

So he's not a dictator?

Man hard to keep up with you guys,..

Persons seeking to avoid court sanctioned punitive measures lawfully administered by Federal officials acting in good faith does not constitute ‘standing up to the government.’

The notion is ignorant nonsense.

Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News

Doesn't seem like the officials were acting "in good faith" to me. The BLM had orders that allowed them to "seize and impound", not "destroy and kill".

However, the court order used to justify the operation appears only to give the agency the authority to "seize and impound" Bundy's cattle.

"Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks ... desert environment, shoot cattle," Houston said.

"They had total control of this land for one week, and look at the destruction they did in one week," said Corey Houston, friend of rancher Cliven Bundy and his family. "So why would you trust somebody like that? And how does that show that they're a better steward?"

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