Federal Judge issues Subpoena for Birth Certificate

It is not signed by a judge like you claimed is was.


It does not have to be signed by a judge. He said it was signed by the county clerk and it is.
The county clerk is usually the one that signs these documents.
It is not signed by a judge like you claimed is was.

Retard, nowhere did I say the subpoena was signed by a judge, so YOU are the one who is lying.

Taitz filed a Freedom of Information Act case in Hawaii District Court. The judge in the case did not dismiss it and allowed the case to move forward so that the plaintiff could engage in the process of discovery i.e. the judge is allowing the plaintiff to subpoena the DOH for documents. The subpoena submitted to the Hawaii DOH is valid and must either be challenged by the DOH or complied with.

They don't have any choice in the matter, much as it pains you, neither Obama nor the state of Hawaii is above the law.
Is it issued by a judge?

That doesn't matter at all. Why are you trying to make it a matter?

It's so funny how afraid you seem right now at the thought of your imposter president being found out.

Answer the two questions I posed earlier in this thread. Show ANY proof at all that Obama is not lying.
its the title of the tread.

its what this guy claimed.

It had not been issued by a federal judge.

Its from a site I dont trust.

The woman has faked document before.
Is it issued by a judge?

If you're talking to me, no. The judge does not issue anything...he listens to the evidence and makes his decision...THEN he signs his name. I'm sure they're going to make the expert swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...if he says it's fake, then we have to believe it is. If he says it's real, then we have to believe it is. If he lied either way at all he's in contempt, and it will be found out. If he's an honest person and wants to keep his reputation, he won't lie about it.
its the title of the tread.

its what this guy claimed.

It had not been issued by a federal judge.

Its from a site I dont trust.

The woman has faked document before.

You do not seem to understand that any document issued in the course of a federal proceeding falls under the auspices of the federal court where the case is being heard, and that to defy a subpoena is to defy the authority of the judge who is presiding over the matter.

Ignoring a subpoena is a serious offense, and it states right on the subpoena that failure to comply subjects the offender to the penalties specified under rules 45(d) and 45(e) of the federal rules of civil procedure.
its the title of the tread.

its what this guy claimed.

It had not been issued by a federal judge.

Its from a site I dont trust.

The woman has faked document before.

You do not seem to understand that any document issued in the course of a federal proceeding falls under the auspices of the federal court where the case is being heard, and that to defy a subpoena is to defy the authority of the judge who is presiding over the matter.

Ignoring a subpoena is a serious offense, and it states right on the subpoena that failure to comply subjects the offender to the penalties specified under rules 45(d) and 45(e) of the federal rules of civil procedure.

He doesn't care. If he doesn't care about the Constitution how can he care about the way our judicial system works. LOL!
Prove Taits really did file it and that there is indeed such a document.

The woman has lied before
your insane

As crazy as the Federal Judge who issued the subpoena?

Good point.:lol::lol::clap2:Truth Doesnt Matter automatically thinks people are insane because he worships the democrats which is hysterical since the democrats and republicans -i mean republicrats and demopublicans are the same party and have the same agenda.:lol::lol: you make a thread Bashing the Bush administration,he'll be there waving his flag in support of you.You bash Obama or Clinton though,and he has the logic that your automatically insane.:lol::lol::lol:


by Sharon Rondeau

Judge Royce Lamberth is the Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC

(Jun. 3, 2011) — The Post & Email was contacted earlier today by Attorney Orly Taitz, who stated the following regarding her lawsuit, Taitz v. Astrue:

The ONLY source in any of this is Taints.

She lies and produces false documents all the time.
You do realize that subpoena is signed by Orly Taitz not a judge?

No, bottom of subpoena page 1, it's signed by a clerk from the Federal District Court.

Meaning it has been filed

You are a joke

While that reply is a bit rough, the point you were otherwise making has some validity, RW.

The clerk or deputy clerk's signature means only that the subpoenaed person or entity has to respond. Responding can include filing appropriate OBJECTIONS.

I mean, just READ the small paragraph directly over the signature.

I would anticipate that the STATE of Hawaii WILL file objections in order to defend it's own law.

Not only that, but I am gonna go WAY out on a limb here and for the first time in my memory, I am going to agree in small part with truthdontmattertoher to THIS limited extent:

Orly Taitz has roughly zero credibility.

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