Federal Judge rules gun stores can use 1st Amendment to display gun signs on their store property.

Maybe I'll get a gun so I can help guard clients of clinics that provide birth control and abortion services and help guard my community's synagogues and mosques.

I live in a multi-ethnic community in northern Virginia that has a low crime rate. It does, however, have plenty of good and tasty food.

These people who claim that they must have guns because criminals abound never say where they live and what is going on in their neighborhoods. It must be horrible for them. They live in constant fear. But of what?

Ask Dr. Petit if he thought his family lived in a crime plagued area....because he didn't, and he didn't have a gun in his home when the 2 criminals raped and murdered his wife and two daughters......

We had guns in the house when I was growing up. No biggy. Shot at paper targets. My father had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement.

What I don't understand is the atmosphere of hysteria that you punks are trying to produce, as if a wave of criminals is climbing over the transom and each American household is potentially under attack. This is bullshit. Why are you doing this? Is it because you want to keep weapons of war that are capable of spreading bullets all over the place? For what reason?

No wave of hysteria...just the fact that anti gunners such as yourself, are trying to take guns away from law abiding gun owners...that is a fact, and you can't lie about it anymore, your buddies at the CNN Town Hall screamed that they want to ban all semi automatic weapons ,including rifles, pistols and shotguns....also revolvers......

Can you tell us who will be a victim of a violent criminal each day? Please, if you can, those victims of rape, robbery and murder would love to know so they can avoid the situation....but if you can't, then you are telling the actual victims of rape, robbery and murder that you would rather they endure the attack, then they have a gun to stop it...

At least admit to that......

And then explain the following....if more Americans now own and carry guns, how is it that despite what you claim, the gun crime rates have gone down, not up...showing that your entire belief system around guns is wrong...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

You hysterical types will never explain your hysteria. A pistol does nicely if, in the limited chance, there is a break-in at your house. Nobody needs an automatic, rapid-fire weapon.

Who are you so afraid of?

There is nothing worse than not having a gun when you really need one. I don't fear being in an automobile accident, but I carry car insurance. I don't fear my house burning down, but I have smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and homeowners insurance. I have a responsibility to protect those who live under my roof, and I will use the best weapon available to help me carry out that responsibility.
How does this help the American People?

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.
Then tell me why do you want more and more gun laws if more guns have no effect on gun crimes?

Easy answer. I want common sense gun laws. The kind we have here now. And it has saved lives. Of course, we went through a series of really bad times to come up with them. And we ran off the Gun Grabbers and NRA as well. After the last shilacking the NRA took here, they moved off to other states that they can instill their petty fear. And the Gun Grabbers have moved on as well. It's called common sense. Something our ancestors once had and you seem to have lost that art.

We already have common sense gun laws

what we need is draconian punishment for violent piece of shit criminals that use guns to commit crimes

Unless they are considered right wing. Then we are supposed to just ignore them when they cross the line, right? We have the laws in place. What we need to do is follow them including the jail sentencing. But that's just part of the problem. And you won't discuss the other problems.
Maybe I'll get a gun so I can help guard clients of clinics that provide birth control and abortion services and help guard my community's synagogues and mosques.

I live in a multi-ethnic community in northern Virginia that has a low crime rate. It does, however, have plenty of good and tasty food.

These people who claim that they must have guns because criminals abound never say where they live and what is going on in their neighborhoods. It must be horrible for them. They live in constant fear. But of what?

Ask Dr. Petit if he thought his family lived in a crime plagued area....because he didn't, and he didn't have a gun in his home when the 2 criminals raped and murdered his wife and two daughters......

We had guns in the house when I was growing up. No biggy. Shot at paper targets. My father had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement.

What I don't understand is the atmosphere of hysteria that you punks are trying to produce, as if a wave of criminals is climbing over the transom and each American household is potentially under attack. This is bullshit. Why are you doing this? Is it because you want to keep weapons of war that are capable of spreading bullets all over the place? For what reason?

No wave of hysteria...just the fact that anti gunners such as yourself, are trying to take guns away from law abiding gun owners...that is a fact, and you can't lie about it anymore, your buddies at the CNN Town Hall screamed that they want to ban all semi automatic weapons ,including rifles, pistols and shotguns....also revolvers......

Can you tell us who will be a victim of a violent criminal each day? Please, if you can, those victims of rape, robbery and murder would love to know so they can avoid the situation....but if you can't, then you are telling the actual victims of rape, robbery and murder that you would rather they endure the attack, then they have a gun to stop it...

At least admit to that......

And then explain the following....if more Americans now own and carry guns, how is it that despite what you claim, the gun crime rates have gone down, not up...showing that your entire belief system around guns is wrong...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

You hysterical types will never explain your hysteria. A pistol does nicely if, in the limited chance, there is a break-in at your house. Nobody needs an automatic, rapid-fire weapon.

Who are you so afraid of?

There is nothing worse than not having a gun when you really need one. I don't fear being in an automobile accident, but I carry car insurance. I don't fear my house burning down, but I have smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and homeowners insurance. I have a responsibility to protect those who live under my roof, and I will use the best weapon available to help me carry out that responsibility.

And I begrudge you for having a loaded handgun in your home for that reason. I do have a problem with those that open display their weapons and strut like peacocks.
How does this help the American People?

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.

Let's say you are right and they have zero affect on gun crimes. Gun crimes may continue, but not against me while I carry to protect myself. They simply will go against folks like you who want to be victims. By the way your whole argument about "More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes" argues against gun restriction legislation since by you own words the number of guns has nothing to do with gun crime. Of course your argument is foolish.

If an armed criminal decides that you are his next victim, he gets your shiny new gun and your wallet. If you are stupid enough to go into those areas that have the highest crime rates and it gets out you have a gun, I wouldn't bet a buck on your survival. Your gun gives you a false sense of support. I don't usually carry a gun because I avoid the areas most likely to have crimes committed on others. I can walk the street at 2 am without fear of any harm coming to me or mine. You see, we don't allow those crimes around here. When they try and move in, they move out pretty danged fast. And it's all done without pulling out an Iron. Criminals don't like law abiding neighborhoods. What makes it work? Our Cops parole at totally different times. The Bad Guy may or may not get noticed. But if the Cop doesn't think you are part of the community then they will stop and at least say hello. Just saying hello from a cop unnerves a bad guy. And the Bad Guy also notices that WE are watching and We are not afraid to say hello. Makes a nice friendly neighborhood and a safe one. Most here don't have a gun but will step out of their front door to say hello to a stranger. Of course, more than one neighbor will also step out as well. It's been at least a decade since anyone was knifed or even hit. The point here is, if you are living in fear of your life and you feel you need to go around armed then maybe you should move to a better place. That is unless you are part of the problem and in that case, we don't want you either.

My Dick doesn't need to have any help by carrying iron everywhere. It's not too big and not too small. It's just right.

If an armed criminal decides that you are his next victim, he gets your shiny new gun and your wallet.

And, again, you don't know what you are talking about.......good people with guns are not easily disarmed by a criminal and according to the CDC these good people use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies and murder....it would help if you would do just a little research.

There you go again quoting Lott about a fantasy report that no one can find. Stop making shit up.
Activist judges
and ya never get used to them...but if ya think that is activism you aint seen nothing yet.

Supreme Court Justices are NOT there to make laws. They are there to make sure that the laws are followed. You keep expecting the Judges to do the job that Congress is supposed to do. Instead, how about kicking out most of Congress on both sides.
If an armed criminal decides that you are his next victim, he gets your shiny new gun and your wallet.

It's been tried and he didn't. The rest of your long and obtuse diatribe is just as foolish and uninformative. Better put down the doobie and try to sober up.

So now you are a Gun Totin' Hero. Put the Executioner Book down and rejoin reality.
How does this help the American People?

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.

In that case, there's no reason for any anti-gun law to be enforced.

If you have to ask that question or make that statement maybe you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun.
Supreme Court Justices are NOT there to make laws. They are there to make sure that the laws are followed. You keep expecting the Judges to do the job that Congress is supposed to do. Instead, how about kicking out most of Congress on both sides.
Oh how refreshing it is to finally have someone remind me of that instead of the other way around.
How does this help the American People?

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.
Who is the government to say what businesses can do on their own property. so shut the fuck up asshole

And you claim I am the control freak? So you want to control me. And how is that working out for you?
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do
How does this help the American People?

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.
Then tell me why do you want more and more gun laws if more guns have no effect on gun crimes?

Easy answer. I want common sense gun laws. The kind we have here now. And it has saved lives. Of course, we went through a series of really bad times to come up with them. And we ran off the Gun Grabbers and NRA as well. After the last shilacking the NRA took here, they moved off to other states that they can instill their petty fear. And the Gun Grabbers have moved on as well. It's called common sense. Something our ancestors once had and you seem to have lost that art.

What common sense gun laws...you don't get to hide behind that convenient phrase and then act morally superior......name the laws, and then explain how it will stop criminals, and mass shooters while not inhibiting the Right to bear arms....

The laws here don't inhibit the law abiding citizen from owning a gun. It does slow down the crackpots of all kinds. And if all we do is slow them down that's better than assisting them like many places do. For instance, the crackpots in Georgia and it's "Militias" exported their brand of nonsense to a western state along with an arsenal. They were training to take on the Cops and Military through the same doctrine I see in here. The State of New Mexico just arrested the lot of them on conspiracy charges and seized the arsenal. You find this as an Unconstitutional thing but conspiring and training to kill police officers and military people is against the law EVERYWHERE but it's tolerated in some of the Backwater States. Keep you nonsense south of the mason dixon line and east of the Mississippi. The West doesn't need it and won't tolerate it.
Maybe I'll get a gun so I can help guard clients of clinics that provide birth control and abortion services and help guard my community's synagogues and mosques.

I live in a multi-ethnic community in northern Virginia that has a low crime rate. It does, however, have plenty of good and tasty food.

These people who claim that they must have guns because criminals abound never say where they live and what is going on in their neighborhoods. It must be horrible for them. They live in constant fear. But of what?

Ask Dr. Petit if he thought his family lived in a crime plagued area....because he didn't, and he didn't have a gun in his home when the 2 criminals raped and murdered his wife and two daughters......

We had guns in the house when I was growing up. No biggy. Shot at paper targets. My father had something known as a "bullet trap" in the basement.

What I don't understand is the atmosphere of hysteria that you punks are trying to produce, as if a wave of criminals is climbing over the transom and each American household is potentially under attack. This is bullshit. Why are you doing this? Is it because you want to keep weapons of war that are capable of spreading bullets all over the place? For what reason?

No wave of hysteria...just the fact that anti gunners such as yourself, are trying to take guns away from law abiding gun owners...that is a fact, and you can't lie about it anymore, your buddies at the CNN Town Hall screamed that they want to ban all semi automatic weapons ,including rifles, pistols and shotguns....also revolvers......

Can you tell us who will be a victim of a violent criminal each day? Please, if you can, those victims of rape, robbery and murder would love to know so they can avoid the situation....but if you can't, then you are telling the actual victims of rape, robbery and murder that you would rather they endure the attack, then they have a gun to stop it...

At least admit to that......

And then explain the following....if more Americans now own and carry guns, how is it that despite what you claim, the gun crime rates have gone down, not up...showing that your entire belief system around guns is wrong...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

You hysterical types will never explain your hysteria. A pistol does nicely if, in the limited chance, there is a break-in at your house. Nobody needs an automatic, rapid-fire weapon.

Who are you so afraid of?

There is nothing worse than not having a gun when you really need one. I don't fear being in an automobile accident, but I carry car insurance. I don't fear my house burning down, but I have smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and homeowners insurance. I have a responsibility to protect those who live under my roof, and I will use the best weapon available to help me carry out that responsibility.

Ah, justifying the paranoid Peacock syndrome I see.
How does this help the American People?

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.
Who is the government to say what businesses can do on their own property. so shut the fuck up asshole

And you claim I am the control freak? So you want to control me. And how is that working out for you?
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do

I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Supreme Court Justices are NOT there to make laws. They are there to make sure that the laws are followed. You keep expecting the Judges to do the job that Congress is supposed to do. Instead, how about kicking out most of Congress on both sides.
Oh how refreshing it is to finally have someone remind me of that instead of the other way around.

I rarely ignore the senate ramblings but this one Senator from Nebraska has my support all the way.

Access to the best tool for self defense makes people safer. Americans use legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminals...according to the Centers for Disease Control. And as proof, as more Americans own and carry guns we have become a safer country....so making it easier for law abiding citizens to get legal guns makes us all safer.

You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.
Who is the government to say what businesses can do on their own property. so shut the fuck up asshole

And you claim I am the control freak? So you want to control me. And how is that working out for you?
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do

I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Firearm ownership does not make a person dangerous dumbass
You already had your ass handed to you over this. More guns or less guns have zero affect on gun crimes. Period. You are giving gun rights a bad name by constantly just making shit up.
Who is the government to say what businesses can do on their own property. so shut the fuck up asshole

And you claim I am the control freak? So you want to control me. And how is that working out for you?
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do

I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Firearm ownership does not make a person dangerous dumbass

No but being an armed dumbass does, dumbass.
Who is the government to say what businesses can do on their own property. so shut the fuck up asshole

And you claim I am the control freak? So you want to control me. And how is that working out for you?
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do

I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Firearm ownership does not make a person dangerous dumbass

No but being an armed dumbass does, dumbass.
Like I said people kill people firearms cannot
And you claim I am the control freak? So you want to control me. And how is that working out for you?
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do

I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Firearm ownership does not make a person dangerous dumbass

No but being an armed dumbass does, dumbass.
Like I said people kill people firearms cannot

And a fruitcake with a firearm kills people as well. Or are you one of the fruitcakes that just hasn't come out of the closet yet that we have to worry about.
I don’t what you do or think, Where are you overstep is you trying to tell other people what to think and do

I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Firearm ownership does not make a person dangerous dumbass

No but being an armed dumbass does, dumbass.
Like I said people kill people firearms cannot

And a fruitcake with a firearm kills people as well. Or are you one of the fruitcakes that just hasn't come out of the closet yet that we have to worry about.
Most mass shooters are progressives you stupid ass motherfucker
I am trying to keep my home safe. Yours may be the old Wild West in your eyes but mine is a very safe place. And so is almost everyone elses save less than .01 percent. You would not be tolerated here. We would run your conspiracy ass right out of town.
Firearm ownership does not make a person dangerous dumbass

No but being an armed dumbass does, dumbass.
Like I said people kill people firearms cannot

And a fruitcake with a firearm kills people as well. Or are you one of the fruitcakes that just hasn't come out of the closet yet that we have to worry about.
Most mass shooters are progressives you stupid ass motherfucker

MOST are just sick puppies going for revenge for whatever sick reason they have. Until you fruitcakes and cupcakes stop with the "It's the Democrats Fault" routine then things won't get better. Actually, it will and does every day since those of that understand that mass shooting has nothing to do with party affiliation. But you go ahead, spread your hate. I like to spread the Love which is much more powerful and fulfilling.

I need to move on and converse with adults now. Here is a quarter, go see a movie.

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