Federal judge rules Massachusetts assault weapons ban is consistent with recent landmark Supreme Court decision

So for example, the perpetrator(is) are running away, so no force required, shooting at them is not reasonable. The perpetrator comes at you with a knife, so you pick up a knife to defend yourself, that's reasonable. If they attack you home with a gun, you get yours out of the cabinet and you warn them, but he/she/they continue to attack and shoot, and you shoot back, than that's reasonable.

And your statement proves that you're an unsuitable gun owner, and are just as idiotic as the "bad guy"/ criminal.

I am a certified firearms instructor and range officer. Firearm shooting, training and safety have been my serious hobby for 50 years. I know a whole hell of a lot more about firearms than you will ever know.

The best way for you to find out what I mean by "fuck around and find out" is for you to fuck around and then you will find out.
I am a certified firearms instructor and range officer. Firearm shooting, training and safety have been my serious hobby for 50 years. I know a whole hell of a lot more about firearms than you will ever know.

The best way for you to find out what I mean by "fuck around and find out" is for you to fuck around and then you will find out.
If you're a safe instructor, you would be instructing people not to shoot people. You are dangerous and should be kept away from guns.
If you're a safe instructor, you would be instructing people not to shoot people. You are dangerous and should be kept away from guns.

I have taught classes in concealed carry and most of my firearm instruction is on the safe and prudent use of firearms.

I would shoot somebody if the need be. However, caution in determining the need to do it is always prudent. Like a life being in eminent danger.

When teaching things like this I always mention that once you pull the trigger you had better be prepared for your life to change, usually for the worse, even it it is 100% justified. Don't shoot anybody unless you absolutely have to.

Personally I would be very hesitant to shoot anybody unless it was a significant life threatening situation. However, the best way for anybody to find what my threshold is for shooting someone is to fuck around and find out.

Federal judge rules Massachusetts assault weapons ban is consistent with recent landmark Supreme Court decision​

It's also consistent with N.Korea and Chinese goals.
If you're a safe instructor, you would be instructing people not to shoot people. You are dangerous and should be kept away from guns.
What about the people that need to be shot?
I have taught classes in concealed carry and most of my firearm instruction is on the safe and prudent use of firearms.

I would shoot somebody if the need be. However, caution in determining the need to do it is always prudent. Like a life being in eminent danger.

When teaching things like this I always mention that once you pull the trigger you had better be prepared for your life to change, usually for the worse, even it it is 100% justified. Don't shoot anybody unless you absolutely have to.

Personally I would be very hesitant to shoot anybody unless it was a significant life threatening situation. However, the best way for anybody to find what my threshold is for shooting someone is to fuck around and find out.
And there you go. Like Americans say, guns don't kill people. And they're right, it's the idiots willing to shoot others, like yourself. The American culture is, "It's more than acceptable to shoot others, in fact, I macho up and tell others to try fuck with me". And you wonder why people want gun laws and regs? You bring in it on yourselves. Get guns in your secure cabinets, get them off the streets, stop any Tom Dick Harry getting guns and give yourselves a bloody good shake.

You are dateless, completely and utterly dateless about guns. No wonder the US has dreadful stats because the gun idiots believe they're the good guys. The gun nut mentality in the US is suitable for the bush in Africa.
And there you go. Like Americans say, guns don't kill people. And they're right, it's the idiots willing to shoot others, like yourself. The American culture is, "It's more than acceptable to shoot others, in fact, I macho up and tell others to try fuck with me". And you wonder why people want gun laws and regs? You bring in it on yourselves. Get guns in your secure cabinets, get them off the streets, stop any Tom Dick Harry getting guns and give yourselves a bloody good shake.

You are dateless, completely and utterly dateless about guns. No wonder the US has dreadful stats because the gun idiots believe they're the good guys. The gun nut mentality in the US is suitable for the bush in Africa.
Sure thing, skippy. Hundreds more examples available. We can defend ourselves from scum like this.

You can't.

Don't go to Londonistan.

And there you go. Like Americans say, guns don't kill people. And they're right, it's the idiots willing to shoot others, like yourself. The American culture is, "It's more than acceptable to shoot others, in fact, I macho up and tell others to try fuck with me". And you wonder why people want gun laws and regs? You bring in it on yourselves. Get guns in your secure cabinets, get them off the streets, stop any Tom Dick Harry getting guns and give yourselves a bloody good shake.

You are dateless, completely and utterly dateless about guns. No wonder the US has dreadful stats because the gun idiots believe they're the good guys. The gun nut mentality in the US is suitable for the bush in Africa.
Are you saying that if you were armed and somebody threatened your life you do nothing?

Because that is what it sounds like you are saying. That makes you a sorry ass excuse for a human being if you don't have the courage to protect yourself or your family.

I have several carry pistols and here in Florida we don't even need a permit to carry.

However, I very seldom carry. I live in a safe area and there is no need to go out armed.

I do carry when I go to places where there might be a threat, although pretty remote. Like the inner cities of Democrat run Tampa or Orlando, where the Negroes have a culture of violence.

When I travel I usually carry, because, you never know.

The only people that should ever be concerned with me carrying a firearm are those that want to fuck around and then they will find out.
So for example, the perpetrator(is) are running away, so no force required, shooting at them is not reasonable. The perpetrator comes at you with a knife, so you pick up a knife to defend yourself, that's reasonable. If they attack you home with a gun, you get yours out of the cabinet and you warn them, but he/she/they continue to attack and shoot, and you shoot back, than that's reasonable.

And your statement proves that you're an unsuitable gun owner, and are just as idiotic as the "bad guy"/ criminal.

You're a silly fucker. Come at a police officer with a knife and see if he or she doesn't immediately produce a gun. Knife fights are ugly, and usually both sides end up being cut or stabbed. Knife wounds are also ugly. Chances are you'll either bleed out of set serious infections.

Law enforcement has what they call the "21 foot rule." An attacker armed with a knife can cover 21 feet (7 yards) is 1.5 seconds, which is also the amount of time it takes to unholser a sidearm and fire. And once that attacker is on you, you're fucked. Many people have also been shot multiple times with little or no effect.
You're a silly fucker. Come at a police officer with a knife and see if he or she doesn't immediately produce a gun. Knife fights are ugly, and usually both sides end up being cut or stabbed. Knife wounds are also ugly. Chances are you'll either bleed out of set serious infections.

Law enforcement has what they call the "21 foot rule." An attacker armed with a knife can cover 21 feet (7 yards) is 1.5 seconds, which is also the amount of time it takes to unholser a sidearm and fire. And once that attacker is on you, you're fucked. Many people have also been shot multiple times with little or no effect.
I didn't mention police, the conversation was about yourself and reasonable force.
And there you go. Like Americans say, guns don't kill people. And they're right, it's the idiots willing to shoot others, like yourself. The American culture is, "It's more than acceptable to shoot others, in fact, I macho up and tell others to try fuck with me". And you wonder why people want gun laws and regs? You bring in it on yourselves. Get guns in your secure cabinets, get them off the streets, stop any Tom Dick Harry getting guns and give yourselves a bloody good shake.

You are dateless, completely and utterly dateless about guns. No wonder the US has dreadful stats because the gun idiots believe they're the good guys. The gun nut mentality in the US is suitable for the bush in Africa.

Are you insane? Have you consulted with a psychiatric professional because if you haven’t, you really should.

You keep posting nonsense about people using guns for self defense and act like it is outside normal behavior……..what is clinically wrong with you?
So for example, the perpetrator(is) are running away, so no force required, shooting at them is not reasonable. The perpetrator comes at you with a knife, so you pick up a knife to defend yourself, that's reasonable. If they attack you home with a gun, you get yours out of the cabinet and you warn them, but he/she/they continue to attack and shoot, and you shoot back, than that's reasonable.

And your statement proves that you're an unsuitable gun owner, and are just as idiotic as the "bad guy"/ criminal.

As a helpless British subject it isn’t strange that you dont know the first thing about self defense……

Fighting against a knife with a knife is insane….and only makes sense as the absolute last resort…….

Having trained in Filipino martial arts my entire life I tell you you are nuts….
Reasonable force in the situation. Anyone is welcome to join a combat club if they wish. Most areas have, judo, karate etc.. clubs

And anyone who thinks fighting empty handed is preferable to using a gun has no clue about actual self defense……..

If you are facing a violent monster you do not do it half assed with your empty hands unless there is no other option.
So, a 280 pound body builder decides to rape a 90 pound woman. What is reasonable force for her?

Enquiring minds want to know.

He has already answered that questiin by refusing to answer my questions…..,

I have asked over and over…..

Which does he prefer…..a woman is about to be violently raped, tortured and murdered…..or she can use a gun to stop it….

He has yet to answer that simple question.
SCOTUS is going to be busy in 2024 smacking down little Hitlers like you.

Which is why the 2024 election is so important……if the democrats win the White House, they will likely be the one to replace Justices Thomas and Alito, both in their 70s…….if they are replaced with 2 Marxist, anti-American, anti-gun Justices…….all the advances in gun Rights are gone……that is why the lower courts are ignoring Buren…they think the Supreme Court will turn before their cases are ruled on….
He has already answered that questiin by refusing to answer my questions…..,

I have asked over and over…..

Which does he prefer…..a woman is about to be violently raped, tortured and murdered…..or she can use a gun to stop it….

He has yet to answer that simple question.
Yeah, he seems to be living up to his name.

A caveman.

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