Federal Judge Tosses Trump's Pennsylvania Lawsuit

They were seeking an injunction. That's a legal request for a court order. That never involves a jury.
You can't get an injunction if there is no civil lawsuit >$20 involved.
Dismissing the request for injunction is not the same as dismissing the entire lawsuit.

The request for injunction IS the lawsuit. They're asking for an injunction on the certification of the vote totals the day after tomorrow.
got a link???

Here are *all* the links for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar, including Justice Brann's dismissing of the entire lawsuit as moot.

sounds like they got him now,,,

I'm still waiting for the final hand to be played,,,

Or....you've been played again.

Ask the 'Q-Army' how 'waiting for Trump to play his hand' worked out for them.
how can I be played when all I'm doing is waiting to se what happens???

youre the one trying pretty hard to hide something not me,,

You keep waiting for evidence that there's zero indication actually exists.
thats your opinion not mine,,,and another sign of your ignorance,,,

this wont be decided at the state level,,,

You've never read the case we're discussing, you didn't even know its name until I told you. You had no links to the rulings.....I had to feed those to you too. You were completely unprepared.

For someone who tosses around the word 'ignorance' as much as you do, you're surprisingly uninformed.

Sorry...but this mythical 'evidence' you're waiting for has simply never materialized. Again, don't take my word for it. Here's the judge's findings themselves:

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."
I dont care about the cases you are discussing,,

the only thing that matters is the final case,,,

and if you cared about this country and our constitution you would want everything in the open to insure this was an honest and fair election,,

You don't care....about the case we're discussing in the thread? You get that the links I fed you like a momma bird to her little helpless chick were for the case in the OP, yes?

That's why you didn't know the first thing about it, why you didn't even know its name, why you'd never ready the ruling?
I dont care about yesterdays news,,,

why is it you dont want the truth to come out???

what are the democrats hiding???

So you're refusing to discuss the topic of the thread.....and admit that you don't know anything about it.


Find me when you've informed yourself suffeciently to discuss it. As that's the case we're talking about.
They were seeking an injunction. That's a legal request for a court order. That never involves a jury.
You can't get an injunction if there is no civil lawsuit >$20 involved.
Dismissing the request for injunction is not the same as dismissing the entire lawsuit.

The request for injunction IS the lawsuit. They're asking for an injunction on the certification of the vote totals the day after tomorrow.
got a link???

Here are *all* the links for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar, including Justice Brann's dismissing of the entire lawsuit as moot.

sounds like they got him now,,,

I'm still waiting for the final hand to be played,,,

Or....you've been played again.

Ask the 'Q-Army' how 'waiting for Trump to play his hand' worked out for them.
how can I be played when all I'm doing is waiting to se what happens???

youre the one trying pretty hard to hide something not me,,

You keep waiting for evidence that there's zero indication actually exists.

And you came to this "conclusion" how?

The failure of Trump's team to ever present the evidence. And the fact that in court, Trump's lawyers have been very clear that they're not even ALLEGING fraud occurred.

As Judge Brann said:

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

The ONLY way Biden won is through FRAUD.

Says you. Its the evidence where your argument just falls to silly pieces.

Every police Department has numerous could cases wherein it has taken them years to marshall the facts necessary to indict someone.

Whomever concocted the scam knew that there was a possibility that they could get away with murder.

We wasted $30 millions and 4 years on the impeachment scam - but you stupid fucks want evidence of fraud immediately.

His 80,000,000 supporters can go to hell.


It was thrown out for lack of evidence.

That's not really a "technical ground", such as lack of standing, or lack of jurisdiction.
"...Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

That's not a 'technicality'. That's a finding on the veracity of the plaintiff's claims.

In this case, none.
They were seeking an injunction. That's a legal request for a court order. That never involves a jury.
You can't get an injunction if there is no civil lawsuit >$20 involved.
Dismissing the request for injunction is not the same as dismissing the entire lawsuit.

The request for injunction IS the lawsuit. They're asking for an injunction on the certification of the vote totals the day after tomorrow.
got a link???

Here are *all* the links for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar, including Justice Brann's dismissing of the entire lawsuit as moot.

sounds like they got him now,,,

I'm still waiting for the final hand to be played,,,

Or....you've been played again.

Ask the 'Q-Army' how 'waiting for Trump to play his hand' worked out for them.
how can I be played when all I'm doing is waiting to se what happens???

youre the one trying pretty hard to hide something not me,,

You keep waiting for evidence that there's zero indication actually exists.

And you came to this "conclusion" how?

The failure of Trump's team to ever present the evidence. And the fact that in court, Trump's lawyers have been very clear that they're not even ALLEGING fraud occurred.

As Judge Brann said:

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."

The ONLY way Biden won is through FRAUD.

Says you. Its the evidence where your argument just falls to silly pieces.

Every police Department has numerous could cases wherein it has taken them years to marshall the facts necessary to indict someone.

Whomever concocted the scam knew that there was a possibility that they could get away with murder.

What scam?
They were seeking an injunction. That's a legal request for a court order. That never involves a jury.
You can't get an injunction if there is no civil lawsuit >$20 involved.
Dismissing the request for injunction is not the same as dismissing the entire lawsuit.

The request for injunction IS the lawsuit. They're asking for an injunction on the certification of the vote totals the day after tomorrow.
got a link???

Here are *all* the links for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar, including Justice Brann's dismissing of the entire lawsuit as moot.

sounds like they got him now,,,

I'm still waiting for the final hand to be played,,,

Or....you've been played again.

Ask the 'Q-Army' how 'waiting for Trump to play his hand' worked out for them.
how can I be played when all I'm doing is waiting to se what happens???

youre the one trying pretty hard to hide something not me,,

You keep waiting for evidence that there's zero indication actually exists.
thats your opinion not mine,,,and another sign of your ignorance,,,

this wont be decided at the state level,,,

You've never read the case we're discussing, you didn't even know its name until I told you. You had no links to the rulings.....I had to feed those to you too. You were completely unprepared.

For someone who tosses around the word 'ignorance' as much as you do, you're surprisingly uninformed.

Sorry...but this mythical 'evidence' you're waiting for has simply never materialized. Again, don't take my word for it. Here's the judge's findings themselves:

"In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more," the judge wrote." At bottom, Plaintiffs have failed to meet their burden to state a claim upon which relief may be granted."
I dont care about the cases you are discussing,,

the only thing that matters is the final case,,,

and if you cared about this country and our constitution you would want everything in the open to insure this was an honest and fair election,,

You don't care....about the case we're discussing in the thread? You get that the links I fed you like a momma bird to her little helpless chick were for the case in the OP, yes?

That's why you didn't know the first thing about it, why you didn't even know its name, why you'd never ready the ruling?
I dont care about yesterdays news,,,

why is it you dont want the truth to come out???

what are the democrats hiding???

So you're refusing to discuss the topic of the thread.....and admit that you don't know anything about it.


Find me when you've informed yourself suffeciently to discuss it. As that's the case we're talking about.
why would I want to argue over a old news???

like i said many times,,

you go ahead and stay focused on this,, just dont get made when it ends up not being a factor,,
Every police Department has numerous could cases wherein it has taken them years to marshall the facts necessary to indict someone.
Small town law is never in a great hurry to indict any of the local good old boys.
Whomever concocted the scam knew that there was a possibility that they could get away with murder.
That's the objective whenever murder investigations are "defunded" and the cops are told to "get the guns off the streets" and shut up about it for the sake of the ladies.
We wasted $30 millions and 4 years on the impeachment scam - but you stupid fucks want evidence of fraud immediately.
We. Hmm. "We" were on the wrong side of the law here. Spoken like a true criminal.
His 80,000,000 supporters can go to hell.
You mean the Democratic Party Twitter-bots? Most of them from Europe or Asia?
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.

You really believe the USSC is going to side with Trump?

When they don’t just remember to call them Commie Pinko’s and declare war!
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.

You really believe the USSC is going to side with Trump?

When they don’t just remember to call them Commie Pinko’s and declare war!

They're already making the predictable shift from 'You Wait and See!' to 'The Courts Fucked Us'.

And like good flat earthers, truthers, and birthers before them.....they'll make up a new conspiracy to explain the failure of the old conspiracy.

Its like the circle of life in the Lion King. Except in place of life, its an endless stream of bullshit.
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.

You really believe the USSC is going to side with Trump?

When they don’t just remember to call them Commie Pinko’s and declare war!
Uhm, now that Darth Bader is dead, yeah. They believe in the Constitution, not thuggery you progs bring..


The ignorant federal judge does not understand that this is not business as usual.

That what the socialists seek is to completely abandon our Constitutional Form of Government and create a socialist republic.

In a socialist republic his job will be unnecessary and will be eliminated.

And you are so stupid that in your quest to get rid of Trump you are willing to devastate our country,

It may take a while but the evidence is fraud is forthcoming.


If you haven’t seen the evidence, how do you know it is forthcoming?
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

No just dismiss the case, but dismiss "with perjudice"

Meaning not only is it thrown out, but it barred from ever being filed again, anywhere.
Wow, seems that you dont want the democratic way to resolve this issue, are you a Communist?

No, the way to resolve the issue is to bring your evidence of fraud into court and put it in front of a judge for consideration.
Not try and whip the base up with baseless accusations of fraud in front of a TV camera.
Slave, the Trump team has been collecting and is bringing, but the Obama prog just wont listen, it then goes circuit, from there to Supreme.

They haven't "brought" anything except embarrassment and failure. Every lawsuit concerning fraud has been dismissed. Guliani and Powell are coming off as ambulance chasers. They know the moment they step into court, the game is over. Whatcha gonna appeal? The overt attempt to disenfranchise an entire bloc of voters? LOL. I can tell you how many judges will sign off on that. :auiqs.jpg:
I guess you didnt see the post #4 , where it shows, Obama appointee.. For every action there is a reaction, 6 to 3....Remember.

You really believe the USSC is going to side with Trump?

When they don’t just remember to call them Commie Pinko’s and declare war!

They're already making the predictable shift from 'You Wait and See!' to 'The Courts Fucked Us'.

And like good flat earthers, truthers, and birthers before them.....they'll make up a new conspiracy to explain the failure of the old conspiracy.

Its like the circle of life in the Lion King. Except in place of life, its an endless stream of bullshit.
excuse me you brainless slave, but for 4 fucking years, adam shitface and penguin nadler, gave US a bullshit conspiracy with so many lies, that congress has an approval rating lower than Death Valley. So now all of a sudden you progs come out and say we have to accept the election, when we saw the fraud at 4am.. You are such a slave.....


The ignorant federal judge does not understand that this is not business as usual.

That what the socialists seek is to completely abandon our Constitutional Form of Government and create a socialist republic.

In a socialist republic his job will be unnecessary and will be eliminated.

And you are so stupid that in your quest to get rid of Trump you are willing to devastate our country,

It may take a while but the evidence is fraud is forthcoming.


If you haven’t seen the evidence, how do you know it is forthcoming?

Attorney Sidney Powell will be disclosing MASSIVE EVIDENCE about Dominion Voting System within 10 days !!!!!!

Dominion Voting Systems had a hearing before the Pennsylvania Legislature, instead it lawyer up , and never showed up,
Pennsylvania is Biden country

Crooked Donnie never had a prayer
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

What's the old legal joke? I won't even bother to look it up. I'll just wing it, which is not my usual mode of operation.

When the facts are not on your side, you argue the law.

When the law is not on your side, you argue the facts.

And when the law and the facts are not on your side, you just argue!

The simple truth is the Trump legal team is little more than than a PR effort to talk loud and long without offering anything of merit (like evidence or facts) n a court of law that could have any hope of swaying a jurist who's devoted his life to the law and the rules of evidence. It's pathetic, pure and simple!
The futility continues as a Republican Federal Judge dismisses another Trump lawsuit.
Is it time for Republicans to end the nonsense and admit you lost?

Because these are fake leftist crack pot judges
The judge is a Republican.

Many judges are hacks !!
Only the real slime balls become judges
Now if you’re super corrupt and political you can make it to the house or senate

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