Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
They would have been for big government. Trump is the opposite of National Socialism.
Trump is for corporate welfare.....plain and simple.
Cutting taxes in a liberals mind is corporate welfare. I call it the government confiscating less income. The liberal never holds government accountable for its spending so creates the myth that somehow we must "pay" for tax cuts. Strange thing happens when you cut taxes though. The economy grows and government revenues increase due to growth. Plain and simple.
Yep! From 2000-2008 GW Bush did the same thing Trump is doing now. How much did Red State Amerika benefit from Bush's tax cuts who earned between minimum wage to 60K!
$2000.00 per each dependant child.
"Emails sent to EPA staff and reviewed by The Associated Press also detailed specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency's social media accounts."

"Similar orders barring external communications have been issued in recent days by the Trump administration at other federal agencies, including the departments of Transportation, Agriculture and Interior.

"Staffers in EPA's public affairs office are instructed to forward all inquiries from reporters to the Office of Administration and Resources Management.

"Incoming media requests will be carefully screened," one directive said. "Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press."

"A review of EPA websites and social media accounts, which typically include numerous new posts each day, showed no new activity since Friday."

Trump Admin Orders EPA Contract Freeze and Media Blackout

I hope it's the BLM and USFS and the USFWS tomorrow. Shut them down. Permanently. Fire them. Now.

Department of Energy. Department of Education.

I feel like dancing.

I just had to sit through that movie the other day with my grandson. Still not sure I've recovered my IQ
Day 5 is almost over and still no concentration camps have opened. I am pissed off. I believed snowflakes when they said Trump is Hitler. Well, he is a shit Hitler if he doesn't have death camps for anyone he doesn't like.

When are the camps going to open?
.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You are suffering from non stop liars syndrome.

.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You're apparently suffering from microcephaly.

Trump’s incoherent answers and his seeming inability to remember even basic facts, sparked a slew of stories about his mental capacity and whether he was “unwell,” as as online culture Web site Salon stated it.
Salon? It's the most biased liberal rag laced with anti-White Jews and filthy homosexuals. They are unethical and untrustworthy.
Sounds like you are referring to the Trump Admin.
Yep. news blackouts, gag orders, alternate facts, .........ahhhh, democracy is being redefined by an orangy charlatan......
Trump is kicking ass and taking names. I hope he eviscerates the EPA.

Wooooh! Woooh!

It wasn't just the EPA. Earlier today, we reported that the Trump administration instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants. Emails sent to EPA staff since President Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday and reviewed by The Associated Press, detailed the specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency's social media accounts. On Monday, the Huffington Post reported that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter. The memo ordering the social media blackout is shown below.



Yeah, just like Nazi Germany. No wonder NaziCons are happy.
.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You are suffering from non stop liars syndrome.

.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You're apparently suffering from microcephaly.

Trump’s incoherent answers and his seeming inability to remember even basic facts, sparked a slew of stories about his mental capacity and whether he was “unwell,” as as online culture Web site Salon stated it.
Salon? It's the most biased liberal rag laced with anti-White Jews and filthy homosexuals. They are unethical and untrustworthy.
Sounds like you are referring to the Trump Admin.
Read! I was referring to Salon.
Yep. news blackouts, gag orders, alternate facts, .........ahhhh, democracy is being redefined by an orangy charlatan......
Privately owned news outlets aren't being censored, moron. There's nothing about democracy that says the boss (Trump) can't tell his employees to shut the fuck up.
Trump is kicking ass and taking names. I hope he eviscerates the EPA.

Wooooh! Woooh!

It wasn't just the EPA. Earlier today, we reported that the Trump administration instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants. Emails sent to EPA staff since President Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday and reviewed by The Associated Press, detailed the specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency's social media accounts. On Monday, the Huffington Post reported that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter. The memo ordering the social media blackout is shown below.



about time
.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You are suffering from non stop liars syndrome.

.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You're apparently suffering from microcephaly.

Trump’s incoherent answers and his seeming inability to remember even basic facts, sparked a slew of stories about his mental capacity and whether he was “unwell,” as as online culture Web site Salon stated it.
Salon? It's the most biased liberal rag laced with anti-White Jews and filthy homosexuals. They are unethical and untrustworthy.
You say this now. However, if Trump isn't fit for office (Mental Decline)......you don't want him to have his finger on the nuclear weapons. Here's further observations.
When Trump goes on a rant, he often seems to become confused and loses his train of thought, the site noted.

He also has a terrible time with facts that he ought to know off the top of his carrot-haired head.

During a primary campaign stop in Buffalo, NY, Trump couldn’t remember the date of the Sept. 11 terror attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.

“I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen, down on 7-Eleven, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down,” he said.

Trump also has a habit of making up events–like seeing Muslims cheering in New Jersey on Sept. 11–and swearing they are true. He also claims he was in New York City during the attack, when friends recall he was at his Florida estate.

His constant contradictions, like claiming he opposed the Iraq War when he clearly supported it, may be less an attempt at obfuscation, and due more simply to befuddlement. He may actually believe what he says, unable to recall what he really said previously.

While Trump’s gaffs are laughable and often dismissed as “Donald just being Donald,” they are also red flags for something far more serious. They are classic signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s.

The issue could easily be dismissed if Trump was forthcoming about his family’s medical history. But that’s the one thing (beside his tax returns) he’s diligently tried to cover up during both the primary and general election.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes, according to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.

In early and mid-stage Alzheimer’s, people often forget words or misplace objects, forget something they just read, repeat things over and over, have trouble making plans or organizing and fail to remember names and dates important to their work or lives, according to the group.

Trump’s behavior is certainly one early sign, but the more telling one is the fact that his father suffered from Alzheimer’s.

While medical science has yet to determine the exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease, scientists do know that genes are involved. according to medical site WebMd.

In other words, it’s hereditary. If Trump’s father suffered from it, there is a good chance he could develop it as well.

Early-onset Alzheimer’s typically strikes people younger than age 65, according to the Mayo Clinic. But at Trump’s advanced age, the disease is much more common.
TRUMP is 70 fucking years old for Christ sake!

Ronald Reagan, the nation’s oldest president to date, exhibited the same subtle changes as Trump in speaking patterns linked to the onset of dementia while he was in office and well before doctors diagnosed his Alzheimer’s disease in 1994, according to The New York Times.

Like Trump, who would be even older when he takes office, Reagan was fine as long as he stuck to a prepared speech or teleprompter. But when he ad-libbed, as Trump typically does, the warning signs flashed red.

Of course, there are tests like brain scans that can spot lesions associated with the disease. Clinton’s detractors are insisting she undergo a brain scan because of her 2012 concussion.

But Trump is really the candidate who needs to have his head examined, in more ways than one.
Donald Trump Family History of Alzheimer’s Returns as Campaign Issue
Trump is kicking ass and taking names. I hope he eviscerates the EPA.

Wooooh! Woooh!

It wasn't just the EPA. Earlier today, we reported that the Trump administration instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants. Emails sent to EPA staff since President Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday and reviewed by The Associated Press, detailed the specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency's social media accounts. On Monday, the Huffington Post reported that EPA grants had been frozen, with agency employees barred from speaking of the matter. The memo ordering the social media blackout is shown below.



Yeah, just like Nazi Germany. No wonder NaziCons are happy.

How is that like Nazi Germany? When Trump was in office is when the EPA was like Nazi Germany. Trump simply put a stop to it.
Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You are suffering from non stop liars syndrome.

Trump is suffering from Dementia-Alzheimer.......just like his father. Dementia is passed on to heirs!!!!!
You're apparently suffering from microcephaly.

Trump’s incoherent answers and his seeming inability to remember even basic facts, sparked a slew of stories about his mental capacity and whether he was “unwell,” as as online culture Web site Salon stated it.
Salon? It's the most biased liberal rag laced with anti-White Jews and filthy homosexuals. They are unethical and untrustworthy.
Sounds like you are referring to the Trump Admin.
Read! I was referring to Salon.
Yes I know.......that still doesn't say Trump isn't on his way to Retard Heaven with Dementia-Alzheimer decisase.

Red State voters may have just elected a man that will start slobbering and thinking he's Jimmy Hendricks or General Patton
Last edited:
.....and then you morons HATE comparisons between Trump and Hitler or Mussolini???? LOL
They would have been for big government. Trump is the opposite of National Socialism.
Trump is for corporate welfare.....plain and simple.
Cutting taxes in a liberals mind is corporate welfare. I call it the government confiscating less income. The liberal never holds government accountable for its spending so creates the myth that somehow we must "pay" for tax cuts. Strange thing happens when you cut taxes though. The economy grows and government revenues increase due to growth. Plain and simple.
Yep! From 2000-2008 GW Bush did the same thing Trump is doing now. How much did Red State Amerika benefit from Bush's tax cuts who earned between minimum wage to 60K!
$2000.00 per each dependant child.
Sounds like socialist welfare. Why do tax payers have to pay for someone elses kids!!!!
Privately owned news outlets aren't being censored, moron. There's nothing about democracy that says the boss (Trump) can't tell his employees to shut the fuck up.

Yeah, fuck that 1st amendment. A despot is now in charge....

Trump is the new Fuhrer
Staff have been told to stop talking to Congress and the press.

WASHINGTON ― Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press, sources have told The Huffington Post.

The freeze has startled aides on the Hill and people at those agencies, who worry that it could abruptly upend current operations and stifle work and discussions that routinely take place between branches of government.

Officials at sub-agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, for example, have been told not to send “any correspondence to public officials” according to a memo shared with HuffPost. Instead, they have been asked to refer questions to agency leadership until the leadership has had time to meet with incoming White House staff about the new administration’s policies and objectives, according to a congressional official who was also informed of the communications freeze.

An official with the National Institutes of Health told HuffPost after the initial publication of this piece that an email had been sent to the directors of NIH institutes and centers providing guidance from HHS on how to handle new or pending regulation, policy or guidance.

More: Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

EPA Freezes Grants, Tells Employees Not To Talk About It, Sources Say | The Huffington Post

No wonder federal employees are startled. Private citizens should also be startled.

Wow, just wow...what the hell...

EPA Freezes Grants, Tells Employees Not To Talk About It, Sources Say | The Huffington Post
  • No press releases will be going out to external audiences.
  • No social media will be going out. A Digital Strategist will be coming on board to oversee social media. Existing, individually controlled, social media accounts may become more centrally controlled.
  • No blog messages.
  • The Beach Team will review the list of upcoming webinars and decide which ones will go forward.
  • Please send me a list of any external speaking engagements that are currently scheduled among any of your staff from today through February.
  • Incoming media requests will be carefully screened.
  • No new content can be placed on any website. Only do clean up where essential.
  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press.

Forum List
