Feds and Militias stand off over cattle seizures.

OK--I'm confused

Does he own the land or not? Also, I didn't read anything about cattle seizures.
If there are cattle seizures on this mans property, then I would say the FEDs are unjust.

On the other hand, if cattle is grazing on federal property and the government told the rancher to cease and desist, then what is the issue here.

Besides that--I think the Feds rough handling the family is a bit excessive for an agent getting "Kicked" by a protester. I mean really, are we talking about police officers backed by the federal government or a bunch of pu###ies?

He NOT own the land. As for the kicking, I know one of the protestors kicked a police dog. That shows a level of animosity that should NOT be tolerated.

Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Bundy lost, the cows are seized, and he has been told that he cannot graze cattle on federal lands. LEO now will simply wait on him to screw up.
OK--I'm confused

Does he own the land or not? Also, I didn't read anything about cattle seizures.
If there are cattle seizures on this mans property, then I would say the FEDs are unjust.

On the other hand, if cattle is grazing on federal property and the government told the rancher to cease and desist, then what is the issue here.

Besides that--I think the Feds rough handling the family is a bit excessive for an agent getting "Kicked" by a protester. I mean really, are we talking about police officers backed by the federal government or a bunch of pu###ies?

He NOT own the land. As for the kicking, I know one of the protestors kicked a police dog. That shows a level of animosity that should NOT be tolerated.

Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.
The idea that armed resistance is valid form of protest is ridiculous.

In the last 50+ years, has armed resistance accomplished anything?

My family was involved in the Selma march and in the protests against George Wallace's stand against black students attending the Univ of Alabama.

Those protests accomplished something.

It wasn't at Lexington. They simply armed up to show force and expected the filthy British to respect it. Didn't work very well that April morning but the rest of the day was pretty exciting.

Selma march, LOL.
He NOT own the land. As for the kicking, I know one of the protestors kicked a police dog. That shows a level of animosity that should NOT be tolerated.

Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...
So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...

Son, you pay your fees in your graze your cattle on We the People land.

Bundy lost, the cows are seized, and he has been told that he cannot graze cattle on federal lands. LEO now will simply wait on him to screw up.
So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...

Son, you pay your fees in your graze your cattle on We the People land.

Bundy lost, the cows are seized, and he has been told that he cannot graze cattle on federal lands. LEO now will simply wait on him to screw up.
Same shit you said in your first post, we all read it, no one commented .... move along.
Funny how you had no intelligent response for any of my questions.
Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...
Those "humans" who are stupid enough to fight against the American government to preserve a rich man's right to get rich off of public land? The whole fucking issue is that this rich prick was using public land to feed his private livestock and wasn't paying the appropriate taxes. So now brainless rednecks pull up in trucks with shotguns to defend the rich man who is using their public land to make more money for himself?

Fuck that "militia".
Conservatives didn't have any problem with police brutality during any of the Occupy rallies, or during Vietnam, or during any marijuana raid.

Also, your "militia" can be wiped out with a cruise missile.

So you would condone civil war for what?? The turtles, simply to make a point?? Just how cheap are those human lives to you?? I mean just because they do no believe as you do you would kill them?? Hitler wold be proud of the whole lot of you...
Those "humans" who are stupid enough to fight against the American government to preserve a rich man's right to get rich off of public land? The whole fucking issue is that this rich prick was using public land to feed his private livestock and wasn't paying the appropriate taxes. So now brainless rednecks pull up in trucks with shotguns to defend the rich man who is using their public land to make more money for himself?

Fuck that "militia".

If stupidity ensured death then the black race would be doomed ...

Your compassion id duly noted and admirable ... NOT
That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

government over grazing rights has heated to the point where militia groups have joined in and taken up spots against the feds who’ve circled his land — and talk is, they’re not afraid to open fire.

A spokesman for the one of the militia groups said as much to local 8 News Now: I’m not “afraid to shoot,” he said.

Read more: Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]

The money trail leads straight to Harry Reid and the deal he made with China to open a solar panel plant on that land.

And the media should focus on that. The government is lying yet again about their motives. This is going to backfire on the administration.
If only the Feds could find some weed growing on Bundy's massive ranch then they could use that as legal justification to seize his land, his home, evict his family, and put him in prison for a couple of decades. Then those "militia" dupes would be gathering up their guns to help the cops fight the evil drug lord land baron.
That's right, the Government has sent armed thugs to seize cattle in Nevada, and the currently unfolding standoff is the only barrier to further wildly arbitrary and unreasonable seizure of the remaining cattle.

Militias head to Nevada rancher's standoff with feds: We're not 'afraid to shoot' - Washington Times

Check your ammo stores and supplies and ensure your weapon is well regulated and in working order, because this could be the start of a very long and bloody episode in American history.

53 other ranchers have been driven out or into bankruptcy , the Bundy's are the last family standing.

I read the BLM has already run 50 other cattle ranchers out of business in that area. It looks like this is about way more than grazing fees. Follow the money. I bet the money leads to a handful of corporations and the elected people they paid off. This is government theft and it will not go unanswered , this is the government the second amendment was written to address.
[MENTION=19484]The T[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION]

The money trail leads straight to Harry Reid and the deal he made with China to open a solar panel plant on that land.

And the media should focus on that. The government is lying yet again about their motives. This is going to backfire on the administration.

no its not
OK--I'm confused

Does he own the land or not? Also, I didn't read anything about cattle seizures.
If there are cattle seizures on this mans property, then I would say the FEDs are unjust.

On the other hand, if cattle is grazing on federal property and the government told the rancher to cease and desist, then what is the issue here.

Besides that--I think the Feds rough handling the family is a bit excessive for an agent getting "Kicked" by a protester. I mean really, are we talking about police officers backed by the federal government or a bunch of pu###ies?

He NOT own the land. As for the kicking, I know one of the protestors kicked a police dog. That shows a level of animosity that should NOT be tolerated.

Yes, You should not tolerate the protestor that kicked the dog.

Why treat everyone else harshly? Is it due to being perceived as weak? That it may encourage other acts against the Feds? That the agents are being perceived as losing control of the situation.

Now there are armed militia on the ranch. The situation has spiraled out of control thanks to the Feds handling of a kicked dog.

The threats of a range war and the call for armed militia went out BEFORE someone kicked the dog.
The idea that armed resistance is valid form of protest is ridiculous.

In the last 50+ years, has armed resistance accomplished anything?

My family was involved in the Selma march and in the protests against George Wallace's stand against black students attending the Univ of Alabama.

Those protests accomplished something.

It wasn't at Lexington. They simply armed up to show force and expected the filthy British to respect it. Didn't work very well that April morning but the rest of the day was pretty exciting.

Selma march, LOL.

The ability to fight against the British was a bit different from what the gov't can do now, don't you think? In the 1770s, it took weeks for reenforcements to arrive. How long do you think it would take now?

I'm glad you find the Selma march amusing. I am very proud of my parents for standing up for what was right back then. They ignored the threats, Dad closed his store and they went to march for what mattered.
The idea that armed resistance is valid form of protest is ridiculous.

In the last 50+ years, has armed resistance accomplished anything?

My family was involved in the Selma march and in the protests against George Wallace's stand against black students attending the Univ of Alabama.

Those protests accomplished something.

It wasn't at Lexington. They simply armed up to show force and expected the filthy British to respect it. Didn't work very well that April morning but the rest of the day was pretty exciting.

Selma march, LOL.

The ability to fight against the British was a bit different from what the gov't can do now, don't you think? In the 1770s, it took weeks for reenforcements to arrive. How long do you think it would take now?

I'm glad you find the Selma march amusing. I am very proud of my parents for standing up for what was right back then. They ignored the threats, Dad closed his store and they went to march for what mattered.
I find it amusing, well sad, what happened to the south, it is a cesspit these days.

I am proud of my ancestors who fought British tyranny and helped found our nation. I also support those that wish to carry on their legacy like the Bundy Family and their supporters.
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It wasn't at Lexington. They simply armed up to show force and expected the filthy British to respect it. Didn't work very well that April morning but the rest of the day was pretty exciting.

Selma march, LOL.

The ability to fight against the British was a bit different from what the gov't can do now, don't you think? In the 1770s, it took weeks for reenforcements to arrive. How long do you think it would take now?

I'm glad you find the Selma march amusing. I am very proud of my parents for standing up for what was right back then. They ignored the threats, Dad closed his store and they went to march for what mattered.
I find it amusing, well sad, what happened to the south, it is a cesspit these days.

I am proud of my ancestors who fought British tyranny and helped found our nation. I also support those that wish to carry on their legacy like the Bundy Family and their supporters out there do today.

A cesspit? Been down here recently? I am living quite a good life. In fact, it seems that more and more people are moving here from up north.
The ability to fight against the British was a bit different from what the gov't can do now, don't you think? In the 1770s, it took weeks for reenforcements to arrive. How long do you think it would take now?

I'm glad you find the Selma march amusing. I am very proud of my parents for standing up for what was right back then. They ignored the threats, Dad closed his store and they went to march for what mattered.
I find it amusing, well sad, what happened to the south, it is a cesspit these days.

I am proud of my ancestors who fought British tyranny and helped found our nation. I also support those that wish to carry on their legacy like the Bundy Family and their supporters out there do today.

A cesspit? Been down here recently? I am living quite a good life. In fact, it seems that more and more people are moving here from up north.

Some people live a good life in South Africa as well, doesn't mean I want to go there. I say that as someone whose family is originally from North Carolina, before it was part of the United States.

Look, if I want to go to a place like Alabama, I will go to Africa, at least I can go on a safari there.
What will the final straw be to spark an armed revolution against the US Federal government? It wasn't torture or lies to start endless war, it wasn't domestic warrantless spying, it wasn't "massive" voter fraud, it wasn't Wall Street fucking the world, but the big bad gub'mint dun take rich man Bundy's rat to graze his cows for free on public land. "Git yer guuuuns! Stan' yer greeownd!"

That's the final straw for these talking monkeys? A rich man doesn't want to pay his appropriate taxes?

It's all about timing. Too soon and the sheep will turn against you. The climate is so polarized that the difference between success and failure is basically left to an audience that loves violence and won't lose any sleep if a handful of people die for the reasons you just listed. Somebody will eventually have to die.

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